Sunflower 11/17/2023 (Fri) 21:26 Id: ba52f4 No.5009 del
>For a guy it could be horrible
There is a way around this. I can't tell which is harder though, as women may get stuck on the mechanical stimulation when that's possible? It's like trying to wave your ears at first, but you can do the exact same thing without any touch or movement (as a male). What is called "female orgasm" is just energy build-up. Connect the frontal lobes of the brain and you can do it, it's when meditation starts feeling comfy instead of painful and straining.

This is another of those things that'll just sound weird, but I learned how to do this after connecting a brain/nerve pathway which appeared to me as two ends of cables, but they were both of the same kind and shouldn't normally connect by that logic (both positive aligned). I forced them together and that was the connection. When I went outside next day I realized this opened a new experience, like adding a Augmented Reality directly in my perception.

Too add to the "weirdness", I soon realized this is the "lesbian" connection, it's being strengthened by watching or reading wholesome yuri (which is why I post it). It's the same state as reached if you meditate in the buddhist fashion. Naturally it helps to be celibate since your focus can easier move into this part of the brain and activate this perception. It's all very mechanical and practical in nature once you realize how the body works. But it will sound crude and "fucking weird" to say that maybe the reason Japan makes so good lesbian stories is because it somehow corresponds with the buddhist thinking.