Sunflower 11/27/2023 (Mon) 14:20 Id: ba52f4 No.5161 del
There are technicalities which make the semantics difficult here. Vampires don't actually have physical bodies. They are "persistent poltergeists".

They have a way to manifest, they are "forced" to manifest because the method means to remove all negative energy (sin/karma) within one incarnation. They are both on the ethereal plane and the infernal plane at once, and the human world is in the middle. Once the karmic chains are broken, they will be spiritual, so maybe the body should be seen as a manifestation of karma, or all their attachments? Because those are so strong, the vampire cannot be destroyed. Humans are powerless versus their own desires, their attachments, so they also cannot resist the vampire who embodies them, or destroy him.

It means, you have a personality and form which is good enough to finish your entire path, so the universe will turn you into a force of nature, and through that you will slowly rise up.