Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 11:16 Id: 45c2db No.5498 del
What terminology would you accept? A wide assumption is that Rosicrucian birds come from a certain nebula, while greys emerge from another, and this creates different DNA types. Mind waves form your soul on the astral, and it reflects in your body no matter which race it is. An intent will have the shape if its most correct expression. These things have been discussed for years on here, can't give a TL:DR if you have no idea.
My intent often appear as black cats, but they can also look like crows, or fairies. A strong focused intent will become a knife. A directionless expression will form a flower. Birds and flowers are excellent storage media for different types of mindsets = intent forms. It's the same kind of shapes as posted in the djinn thread on here.
If you meditate and create something it's likely to be a flower, but it may also be a plant, like anon who turned his main mind wave into a banana by doing some select hatha yoga.