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Arrangements Sunflower 12/25/2023 (Mon) 03:47 Id: 33aedb [Preview] No. 5392
What do physical characteristics indicate about the underlying arrangement? Arrangement, referring to the flow of energy that comes together to comprise our being. The physical body being an expression of that.
Ik some disagree with the pretense I’ve laid out, but I’m not here to debate that. I just want to know if anybody could provide me information to help resolve the question.

Sunflower 12/25/2023 (Mon) 15:22 Id: 45c2db [Preview] No.5394 del
Your soul's race and form will effect your incarnated body within its race characteristics. Original Jews are birds in soul so they have beak-like noses. Some people's soul may be opposite in gender to their physical body, which may cause an appearance tending towards the opposite sex. The more your astral form diverts from your race's most common form, the more it's visible.

Sunflower 12/27/2023 (Wed) 16:39 Id: 2862e2 [Preview] No.5413 del
Hold up. I was told my soul is a bird (bluejay specifically) and turns out I have Jewish ancestry... Big if true.
It's not that dissimilar with how energy patters resolve into events on the physical plane ("manifestation"). You just have to think about it as a manifestation set in motion from outside or from behind the current life. It is reflected in everything, from physical characteristics to the astrological birth chart.
If your goal is to determine the "underlying arrangement" by looking at someone, you're much better off learning to read energy and looking directly.

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 03:13 Id: 33aedb [Preview] No.5458 del
What does it mean to have a bird soul, what would I work on if I wanted my soul be less bird like. Vague terms like that don’t tell me anything.

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 03:14 Id: ec6ecf [Preview] No.5459 del
Stop eating grains and worms.

cumhydrant Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 03:18 Id: 33aedb [Preview] No.5460 del
More like I’m trying to incite physical changes by altering the underlying arrangement. I haven’t been able to figure out how exactly the two correlate. Like what abt having a “bird soul” results in Jews having “beak like noses”?

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 03:18 Id: 33aedb [Preview] No.5461 del
Got it got it🙏🏼

Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 11:08 Id: 45c2db [Preview] No.5462 del
>what abt having a “bird soul” results in Jews having “beak like noses”?
Those are just the humanoids of the past planet Earth, they look like Big Bird and this reflects directly in their appearance. Not all Jews have bird souls, some are greys, some are reptilians and some are just whatever.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 07:38 Id: 33aedb [Preview] No.5497 del
This still doesn’t answer my question. What do any of these terms denote? What does it mean for ur soul to be like a bird, or like a grey, what differences in arrangement are these divisions based on?

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 11:16 Id: 45c2db [Preview] No.5498 del
What terminology would you accept? A wide assumption is that Rosicrucian birds come from a certain nebula, while greys emerge from another, and this creates different DNA types. Mind waves form your soul on the astral, and it reflects in your body no matter which race it is. An intent will have the shape if its most correct expression. These things have been discussed for years on here, can't give a TL:DR if you have no idea.
My intent often appear as black cats, but they can also look like crows, or fairies. A strong focused intent will become a knife. A directionless expression will form a flower. Birds and flowers are excellent storage media for different types of mindsets = intent forms. It's the same kind of shapes as posted in the djinn thread on here.
If you meditate and create something it's likely to be a flower, but it may also be a plant, like anon who turned his main mind wave into a banana by doing some select hatha yoga.

Sunflower 01/01/2024 (Mon) 20:24 Id: 4ce16d [Preview] No.5500 del
>what differences in arrangement are these divisions based on

Sadly it's impossible to explain this more simply than the chinese medicine and daoism already does. It's an extremely complicated matter and it makes no sense until you unlock your "inner sight" ability. Especially if you look at diagrams and not get it intuitively then you will end up in a dead-end in the long run.

Like even the beauty marks on skin denote the flow of energy arrangements. And bad postures and other things usually stem from faulty energy flows. I realized fixing my energy flow is more important than anything else because that is the key to supply my third eye properly so my "sight" can develop fully and can guide me to the deeper truth of existence. And at the depth I am atm I cannot even say what is the "good way" of learning this whole thing. Chinse medicine daoism and yoga is an arduous profession to learn and it requires the tutelage of a master otherwise it will not be "professional skill" by most standards.

The worst part is that these sciences are deemed as pseudoscience by western science so it's impossible to talk about this in concise ways.

Also the form of your soul can change as the form of your body if you can correct the faulty "arrangements".

I am thinking about what to say on this topic since you posted the OP but I would need a decade more experience to figure out where to even start talking about this.

I could start by posting something like this about beauty marks.

or daoist diagrams and texts. The problem ofc is that daoism developed in Asia and depending on your race your body/mind might use symbolic manifestations differently because we are all different in the end. This is why a master that knows this stuff and "SEES" your deal is mandatory. This is why reproducing this thing is hard (((Scientifically))) because at that level you don't give 2 shit what a labcoat says a continent away.

It was kinda surprising when I started to take spirituality a little serious 2 beauty marks appeared on my forehead. I still don't know if 2 means I am double wise or 2 cancels itself out in a way that gives an another meaning but I am not too worried about this. They are not that large. I am still far from looking like a wuxia character. I mean I have seen an alien race in a vision that had eyes the same way as the marks on my forehead and when I started to awaken they screamed in pain. I did not really get "wiser" about my underlying arrangement with that. It's still a mystery I will have to look into in the future

>can't give a TL:DR if you have no idea
Best summary of what I wanted to say.

Sunflower 01/02/2024 (Tue) 09:00 Id: 33aedb [Preview] No.5521 del
This is a sufficient explanation. I’ll be sure to look into the sources u mentioned. Thank you.

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