Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 20:18 Id: 71a2bb No.5967 del
>imposing animal desires onto the world using representational spells.
That always backfired and made the user unable to use it long term but yeah that did not mean they were not able to do damage with it. Wonder how this ban will manifest on the grand scale

>The human does not practice higher magic in this case
I see. By "Human" you mean this "current flesh" that is barely above the animal.
>it is still merely a human channelling a higher spirit, even if that spirit is the owner of the body which it is channelled through.
I too can only use that way via my energy body and not via my flesh so yes it is a technicality for sure. The way the flesh and the spirit is intertwined and how the "Higher animal aspects" are not the same as the lower desires inhabiting us while they still share many similarities.