Sunflower 04/11/2024 (Thu) 18:29 Id: dbb5ab No.7274 del
This is abook about vampires I haven't read yet. Appreciate it a lot. Also thanks for the reading, I'm glad that you still care enough to do it after almost 7 years. Seems like there has been some development, I was a bit afraid that I only degenerated and maybe lost whatever I gained so far. I'll look into the things you suggested now and try it if I can. I think I need the black remote to use modules like cat suit which I still don't have.
>Use these and visit Cain up there and he'll give you the original blood
Sorry for retard question but what exactly is the original blood for? You said I can break through with my own effort, so the blood can't be for that. Is it in order to be able to stay on earth as a vampire or to get some further vampire power?