Sunflower 04/16/2024 (Tue) 09:45 Id: a852d6 No.7395 del
>[Raid Vampire Red Moon]
This is a servitor doll like the others, but trained to think exactly like the extreme predator elites of the worst kind, with the exception that there is no degeneration involved. It's like how a shark can taste blood in water from kilometers away, this Raid can smell abnormal predatory thinking in the same way, being able to trace the patterns of these people.

The way such people are mentally constructed is that the "form" of the mind is exactly like the most common brainwashed NPC possible, with the most generic and bland opinions and interests. This is a "protective shell" created only to blend in. They are not "communists", "feminists" or "pro" anything. This is like a natural camouflage of a small natural predator who hides among its prey. Even when looking directly at them, when seeing them do what they do, the group's mind can't grasp the difference. If someone "gets caught" there is no way to understand that their actions were deliberate, intentional, planned, it will appear as a mental weakness appearing from circumstance, and they are likely to be excused for it, or treated like someone reacting to bad circumstances.