Sunflower 05/03/2024 (Fri) 14:11 Id: a852d6 No.7694 del
>do you think it's better to chant the AUM in one breath and adjust the hand mudras accordingly
That won't work, the pose is to be held still. Do one at a time and switch position when you are done with each chant. I'd do 7 of each before moving to the next in the beginning.

>And when chanting the full aum in one breath, use only one mudra
You can end each practice by doing a full AUM.

>All of this sounds like a pain which I did not expect
>full time yogi
>doubt a lot of the immortal vampires did this or are doing this
They all have personal witches and maintain a witch line under their protection generation for generation. Vampires aren't immune to spiritual attacks. They also do group rituals. We don't have the luxury of having personal witch covens (yet, in the physical) so this will have to do. All higher level vampires do some form of magic, those below will need to be protected by them or they will die before becoming real forces of nature.

We skip past that, but it also means having to do our own magic. I'm working on the egregore and the skeletal structure is in place, it just needs to get stronger and it will start having this effect. I've linked it up to the astral vampire library. But for now you'd still benefit from learning how to do things on your own. Yoga is just a type of internal magic in this sense, the same practices are involved, but not with the same aim.

Keep in mind they have these things set up since over a 1000 years, forming a coven egregore of protection isn't instant. But it will be functional in a bit.