Bear 07/12/2023 (Wed) 18:32 No.1395 del
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Here's my schedule for the week (approximate).

Mon-Wed: Day job 400-1430, Business 1500-1630, Swimming and break 1630-1900, Business 1900-2030. Total commute: 45 min, meals 45 min included in work time and brakes, sleep time: 2100-0330 (6.5 hours), nap varies (1.5 hours).

Thurs: Day job 400-1430, Business 1500-1545, Jujitsu 1600-1700, Business 1715-2030. Total commute: 60 min, meals 45 min included in work time and brakes, sleep time: 2100-0330 (6.5 hours), nap varies (1.5 hours).

Friday: Business or projects 0500-2030, sleep 2100-0430 (7.5 hours)

Saturday: Business 0500-0830, Jujitsu 0900-1100, Business 1130-2030, sleep 2100-0430, commute 30 min

Sunday: Business 0500-0800, Swimming and break 0900-1200, Business 1230-2030, sleep 2100-0430. Commute 30 min

- sleep applies to the night before
- I do not use an alarm
- I do not use caffeine
- My commute to work or other is typically 15 min one way

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