Alice 08/30/2024 (Fri) 22:29 No.5524 del
(50.82 KB 640x512 2567289.jpg)
>Alice's speer full of ears adds a -2 to all stealth rolls for detection by others down wind.
C'mon now that's harsh!
I ran around with that ears in Phandalin and nobody complained. Even Daran only noticed after sniffing me, the pervert!

I intend to smell a bit like a goblin, not like a pile of rotting corpses!

I admit deodorizing will take a while but the ears are currently engulfed by my body anyway.

Whatever, do what you must for general entertainment. But I ain't gonna let go of my precious ears.

>glass jar
I wish we had one, gotta wait until Ashley finds another brand new one dangling from a tree. Any minute now!