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Campaign #1 Continued - Somewhere on the Sword Coast Joy the DM 07/25/2024 (Thu) 17:39 [Preview] No. 5118
Welcome to the Sword Coast! See:

Where we last left our champions, they're in Phandalin, looking to sell and rest before they go looking for Gundren Rockseeker and his guard Sildar Hallwinter. In the South, there's an ominous rise in attacks by Bandits and wild creatures alike, there's been a giant dragon spotted and conjectures range from green to white to humanoid shapeshifter and there's been strange sightings of all sorts mixed in, muddying the waters of truth.

The current time is 20:30 and the current date is Spring 10th, Brightened Receiving 1296, it's currently clear, with a beautiful quarter moon that is waxing. In Neverwinter the current temperature is 7C which is oddly cold for spring, while here in Phandalin, the current temperature is 1C, striking home the notion that something terribly wrong has occurred or is occurring.

Our heroes are about to delve into "the mouth of the beast", a goblin den responsible for ambushing traders and travelers alike.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=EApZmmYg_oQ [Embed]

Phandalin Joy the DM 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:14 [Preview] No.5120 del

[10:30 Clear 1C]

>Don't you think we should tell that gnome and others who know Gundren that he was dragged off by goblins? We might get reinforcements. But hmm, might look suspicious again to have people disappear around us.

>Ashley shakes her head, "gimme a chance to get there, let's get this stuff sorted out first then I'll ask."

>Ashley you handle telling them about Sir Gundrens fate the way you see fit. But try to keep 'alternative facts' to a minimum we are already more than suspicious. Arriving with Sir Gundrens cart but without Sir Gundren will raise questions we need to answer.

Ashley leans into Yulya, "Listen, I told him it was Gundren's cart and Gundren's stuff other than the stuff we're selling separately, what other questions would it raise? Besides that, why is it so flipping cold?"

[See sales receipt. Possible Interaction #1]

Hobby steps into the attached dwelling to deposit some items and you hear Hobby getting yelled at inside as you count your coin.
Cat hears, "...40% are you mad?! Who can afford that round here? Lest not till the mine is sorted."

The door opens soon after and a younger Gnome woman comes storming out to see the happenings.
"A little late for travel in'it? Elmina Barthen, owner of this here establishment, now who's the master negotiator who's tricked my old man into 40 over market?"

Ashley steps forward, "Deal's already done."
She takes a offensive stance, "Yeah, and we'll be apologizing for our prices for weeks to come thanks to you. Taking advantage of us is outright highway robbery. First the Redbrands, now you." She continues to lecture. "I thought he was a tough negotiator, looks like he was taken down by a pretty face, that old coot. Well congratulations, spend that coin well, and I'll have Gundren's ear as well, when's he expected?"

Ashley doesn't back down, "You're done? Good. I have to ask you about that. You see, our pal ole Gundran and his guard were taken by Goblins and we're about to go out there to save him. Any leads on anyone here that can help us do that?"

Her tone and stance shift from aggressive to concerned, "Gundren's in trouble? Well why didn't you say so in the first place, of course we'll help any way we can, oh drat it all, that guy's always up to one scheme after another, probably wanted to trade with those beasts, well, shoot. His brothers are camping down by the mine. Don't know why, it's been frost every morning for a week now, don't know when this cold snap will ever end but those boys are likely freezing their toes off about now. You could also ask Daran at Edermath Orchard, he's retired now but capable. Bah, you girls better take care of yourselves, and don't get into it too deep, I want to see your four happy cherub faces back here safe and sound with Gundren and Sildar soon, don't hesitate to ask for more help if you need it. I'd say those Redbrands could handle a goblin or two but they're not worth the trouble, more ruffians than protectors in my opinion. So stay away from the Sleeping Giant's Tap House of you don't want additional trouble. Stonehill Inn's got everything you need." She began pacing and fretting, Hobby came out and sheepishly and she filled him in, completely forgetting about his transgression.

[Possible Interaction #2]

She steps at you and shoos you away, "Go on, go get some food in your belly and some rest, and then go get our Gundren! Tell 'em Hobby and Elmina say it's on them. We'll take care of Gundren's cart and horses in the meantime, don't worry a lick."

You walk on down the street to the Inn.

[Possible Interaction #3 Please signal at least that you're ready for the next scene at the inn.]

Yulya 07/25/2024 (Thu) 22:30 [Preview] No.5122 del
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Sweat drops form on Yulyas face despite the cold as she observes Elminas tantrum while slowwly backing off ready to run. She thanks SheShe for having Ashley to deal with such nightmares.

Yulya bows when taking the money from Hobby then distributes it giving Ashley her share. The 8 platinum and 92 gold coins go to Alice to fill up the Lolibank. Cat receives 2 gp and 10 sp in case she needs to buy something.

Yulya rolls her eyes as Elmiras stance softens hearing about Gundrens fate. Much trouble could have been avoided telling Hobby from the start.
Thank you for the Advice and king invitation Miss Elmira!
We are sorry for the trouble but we will try our best to bring Sir Gundren back. We also owe him a lot!

>You walk on down the street to the Inn.
Seeing Alices condition deteriorate in the cold Yulya lends her the blanket again
We made a lot of money thanks to your bartering skills Ashley! Well done!
Now what do you think?
We must at least inform Sir Gundrens brothers but it cannot hurt to pay this Daran a visit as well. Any help is welcome.
Now lets eat and rest if we take too long there will be nobody to rescue!

Alice 07/25/2024 (Thu) 23:09 [Preview] No.5124 del
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Alice more or less discretely gobbles down the coins handed to her. The Lolibank is full with 8pp and 92gp.

The hell is this weather? Neverwinter was bad but that's no temperature for me! Let's go to the inn, I gotta eat and warm up or I'll pass out!
Alice gladly takes the blanket from Yulya and tries to hide under it

Cat 07/26/2024 (Fri) 09:17 [Preview] No.5125 del
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Cat takes the coins from Yulya with a nod before walking to the Inn with the others in good mood
That wasn't bad Nya we get a free meal Nya and the horses are taken care of too Nya!''

Stonehill Inn Joy the DM 07/26/2024 (Fri) 16:17 [Preview] No.5127 del
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>Now what do you think?
>We must at least inform Sir Gundrens brothers but it cannot hurt to pay this Daran a visit as well. Any help is welcome.

"It wouldn't hurt to ask in the morning."

>I gotta eat and warm up or I'll pass out!

"I might need to get a parka if this keeps up, we're not really set up for this."


[21:00] You're finally done unloading and even before you're shooed away, some townfolk have come and have already started bartering for some of the items. 40% more or not, there was a high demand in this town. They're sold by the crate and men have taken them ahead of you. There's a scent of burnt wood, the hearths are working overtime tonight.

You make it to the inn, practically shivering, it's not hard to find and townfolk have congregated. As you enter, you're greeted by chilled denizens of this small hopeful mining town, drinking ale and a strong elixir that smells of cherries and is thick as maple syrup. "Now that the Rockseeker brothers have opened the mine, there's a chance at the good life, finally, and with it good times and good drink." A man says to his companions as you pass. The mood is good if not downright jovial.

[Possible interaction #1]

"Toblen Stonehill's the name, what can I do ya for?" Says the man behind the bar. His smile is wide and his breath smells strongly of that cherry liquor. He holds up a bottle, "Drawven Mountain Cherry Brandy, no one makes it better than the Dwarves. Thank the gods that those Rockseekers finally came though!"

The dining room/bar is a converted living quarter of what might have been a large home. The Bar looks quickly tacked on, the selection is sparse, Neverwinter this is not. The walls are decorated with sea shells and old fish nets. A large marlin is the centerpiece of the ambiance. The lamps are old, the wood is roughly hewn, this town has been built by those who are not craftsmen, but it is functional.

[Possible interaction #2]

You recognize the label is the same as one on a crate from your cart.

"Ladies, what a sight for sore eyes!"

Ashley steps up, "hey, Ashley, Alice, Cat and Yulya, we were sent here from Barthen's Provisions and we need a room and food, It's free according to Hobby and what's her name... Elma... Elmina, so 4 servings of the works and something warm to drink."

"This'll warm you up," he says and pours her a snifter of this strong smelling liquid.
"Uh, I'll pass, if you don't have anything non-alcoholic, then tea or warm water will do," Ashley says and pushes the glass away.

Locals are crowding the group, some looking a little too interested in the bevvy of beauties who just waltzed in.

[Possible interaction #3]

Even Ashley is itching to get to a private, less crowded room. "Uh, just send it up, we'll take the first empty room we find."

He waves Ashley on and bows, "as you wish, m'lady, don't mind us, we might be a bit noisy tonight."

[Possible interaction #4]

Ashley pulls a near catatonic Yulya amid the roar of a growing crowd of humans, elves, halflings and gnomes who just don't understand personal space. Up the stairs you go and find a room with an open door. It's large room with two double beds. A dormer juts out giving a nearly panoramic view of the town, from East through South to West out over the lights of the town. Ashley wastes no time lighting the hearth and getting the room warmed up.

"You three can have that bed and go nuts with the cleaning or whatever you do all night, I'll take this bed." Ashley kicks off her boots and jumps under the fur lined covers, she's bundled and staring at the growing fire, looking forward to whatever food might be sent up, but also resigned to just going to sleep if her mind should drift."

The food does eventually come with a knock at the door. By then Ashley is asleep.

[Settle whatever you like the next scene will be morning.]

Alice 07/26/2024 (Fri) 19:04 [Preview] No.5128 del
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Alice dons her Kitsune mask as she enters the Inn. It's crude but the atmosphere seems honest. No degenerate nobles, no idiots looking for a fight. An authentic unspoilt tavern for the alien tourist
Warm at last! I like this place already, it has soul!

>"Now that the Rockseeker brothers have opened the mine, there's a chance at the good life"
Alice notes that Gundren's family appears to be well liked here.
Hey Ashley, Gundren and his brothers must be some big shots here! I'm sure they won't let the goblins get away with taking him! This is our chance to get some serious aid so don't piss them off! If we manage to rescue him we'll be the heroes here!

>"Uh, I'll pass, if you don't have anything non-alcoholic, then tea or warm water will do," Ashley says and pushes the glass away.
Alice swiftly takes the glass and pours it down in one go under her Kitsune mask. Due to her poison resistance, the alcohol is quickly metabolized and converted to energy without much effect.
Not bad at all! It's warm! And I like cherries! What a nice place!
Edited last time by ALICE on 07/26/2024 (Fri) 19:37.

Cat 07/27/2024 (Sat) 06:29 [Preview] No.5137 del
Cat swings open the door to the inn
Nyaa good evening Nya!

>The walls are decorated with sea shells and old fish nets. A large marlin is the centerpiece of the ambiance.
Nya so much seafood but we aren't even close to the sea! How come?

>"This'll warm you up," he says and pours her a snifter of this strong smelling liquid.
Cat gladly acceps the liquor
This is some good stuff Nya! Can't remember ever having something like this Nya!

Cat procedes to the room and takes the bed with Yulya, shoving Alice under the bed as usual.
The food was a bit plain Nya but not bad Nya! And plenty Nya!
Cat puts the plates into the dishwasher under the bed and goes to sleep''
Good night Nya!

Yulya 07/27/2024 (Sat) 12:48 [Preview] No.5140 del
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Yulya also politely refuses the drink and passes it on to Alice. Exhausted she falls into the bed and after eating quickly falls asleep.

Frosty Phandalin Morning Joy the DM 07/28/2024 (Sun) 02:49 [Preview] No.5147 del

[Spring 11th, 09:00, clear, 2C]

The local roosters are crowing, they've been doing it for a good 4 hours so it's about time to wake up. They seem to be saying, "Welcome to Phandalin!"

In the very chilly morning light of the frosty dawn you take in your first glimpse of Phandalin through the window in your upper loft room at the inn. The corners of the glass have ice crystals and overnight clouds rolled in and left a light dusting on snow on the rooftops. Most has already melted off in the clear morning sun, but the East facing surfaces still have this icy white coat. Even in Winter, Yulya doesn't remember seeing temperatures below 10C and never a night with frost let alone snow. To your horror and amazement, out in the East you see the local mountains and Yulya is most shocked of all to see all of them are snow capped. Cat is confused too, there was never snow on those mountains, she'd seen those same mountains her whole life. Even frost was something that was talked about but never seen. The tips of the new leaves and spring buds have turned umber, yellow and brown, even the trees know something is off.

[Possible interaction #1]

Now that it's daylight, you can see The town consists of forty or fifty simple log buildings, some built on old fieldstone foundations. More old ruins—crumbling stone walls covered in ivy and briars—surround the newer houses and shops, showing how this must have been a much larger town in centuries past. Most of the newer buildings are set on the sides of the cart track, which widens into a muddy main street as it climbs toward a ruined manor house on a hillside at the east side of town.

You open the window, braving the frosty morning air and you see bundled children playing on the town green, crunching the frosted grass and laughing as they make crude artwork from the trails their feet make in the field of well kept grass. Townsfolk are tending to chores or running errands at the newly stocked shops in town. Many people look up and smile at you in your window, but all return to their business as they go by.

Cat catches the following comments coming from outside:

"Looks like the traders are up."

"Been too cold for spring."
"The crops are ruined, gotta replant when this cold snap ends."

"...have you felt such a chill this late in the season this far south?"

"Who do these Redbrands think they are... Glasstaff's gone too far..."
"...had to pay yesterday, what else can we do?"

"Strange people about... looking like a porceline doll..."

"traders, finally, I was out of soap and there wasn't a lick in the shop till this morning."
"Prices up again, what does Hobby expect of us? At least he finally restocked."

[Possible Interaction #2]

You head down and see Toblen is talking to a local at the bar, "I came out of Triboar to the east. Came to Phandalin to prospect, but soon realized that I knew a lot more about running an inn than I did about mining. This new town offered a good opportunity to become established. Frankly I don't like the Redbrands, though I don't want any trouble so if they're at least keeping the monsters ay bay that's going to have to be worth the price, I got a wife and children to look after in any case." He spots you and nods with a kindly smile.

You find a table and try to get the energy and warmth to get going.

Frosty Phandalin Morning 2 Joy the DM 07/28/2024 (Sun) 02:54 [Preview] No.5148 del
(97.42 KB 512x640 Elmina Barthen.jpg)
(141.24 KB 736x1115 Ashley113.jpg)

Elmina is sitting at a table near the bar with two younger men, she notices you raises a snifter of red liquid and smiles before drinking it. No one could care less that it's 09:00, this is a rare treat and they're all happier for having it. She catches Ashley's eye and waves her over. Ashley reluctantly gets up and moseys over, "Yeah?"

She smiles kindly and says, "I've made contact with The Rockseeker brothers, they came in at 06:00 to see the new supplies everyone's talking about and of course asked about their brother. So I told them of course, they were off immediately. I would think they'll be back with their brother arm in arm by noon."

Ashley couldn't believe what she was hearing and it sounded awful, "Are you serious? Are they high level adventurers or something? Do they have good gear to fight hobgoblins and bust up a goblin den?"

Elmina shrugged, I told them I'd send you all along, oh, and don't forget to go talk to Daran at Edermath Orchard, he might be persuaded to come along."

Ashley huffed in a nervous breath, "Yeah you mentioned that, you could have told the Rockseekers to come get us."

She shrugs Ashley off, "Maybe they're waiting for you then."

"Jerk!" Ashley says under her breath as she rushes over to the rest of her team, the locals here look hearty but in no shape to fight goblins, "Gotta hustle, eat up, let's get back there," Ashley describes the situation. "If it'll take 7 hours to get out there walking, we have to catch up with the Rockseeker brothers and hopefully not rescue them too. So it looks like we're running, but first we need to go to the retired guy's house, wait, we also need to go to Linene Greywind at Lionshield Coster, Hobby said she might have some gear. Why did we wake up so late!?"

[Interaction #3]

You can hustle 4mph and get there in roughly 5 hours, since it's less than 24 miles you won't have any issues with exhaustion, but then you will need to rest before walking back.

Cat 07/28/2024 (Sun) 07:23 [Preview] No.5149 del
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Good morning Nya what's with this weather Nya? Is that ice Nya? Never seeh that Nya! It's pretty but soo cold Nya!

>Cat catches the following comments coming from outside
Looks like we are already a topic in this town Nya I hope they don't blame us for prices Nya or involve us in their problems Nya. And I sense some tension between families Nya!
Cat pauses for a moment
I like small towns much better than cities Nya but the feuds between families can be the same Nya. Foolish humans Nya! If they cooperated they'd be much stronger Nya!
Sometimes I'm glad they don't realize though Nya...
Cat says more to herself, shaking her head

Cat hears the news from Elmina and finds her prejudice against humans justified once again. She rolls her eyes.
I honor their bravery Nya but Gundrens family is a bit too eager to die a warriors death Nya. Aren't they traders and miners Nya? Alright let's hurry Nya! Do you know the way Nya?

Yulya 07/28/2024 (Sun) 15:34 [Preview] No.5150 del
(39.06 KB 512x512 3541962362.jpg)
Oh dear!
Snow? Something isnt right here!

Yulya pokes under the bed to pull out a blob engulfing the cleaned dishes. It immediately tries to hide again and it takes Cats help to get Alice out
Poor Alice!
We need to get you some clothes for this weather!

Yulya greets Toblen and thanks him for the hospitality and food and sits at the table to eat breakfast when she spots Elmina.

Yulyas mood drops learning that Gundrens brothers rushed ahead. The prospect of running for hours isnt exactly alluring for an armored priest.
What a blunder I hope this doesnt cause us additional trouble. We cannot look after more people in trouble!
Let us visit Daran first, then head to Miss Greywind to pick up some gear and clothes for Alice!

Alice 07/29/2024 (Mon) 00:29 [Preview] No.5151 del
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After cleaning the dinner dishes, Alice settles under the bed, catching a few bedbugs and resting peacefully during the night.

Alice is violently woken by Yulya who pulls her out of her hideout. After unwillingly morphing into the shape of a naked girl, Alice stares out of the window with disbelief
Are you kidding me??
Is this a joke? Ice? Seriously?

Alice walks in circles in the room with no intention to dress in more than Yulyas blanket while gesticulating to the others
This is no ordinary weather! I know enough about meteorology even in this state to tell you this isn't natural. This must be some sort of magic or something! It's that fucking orb I tell you! It's mocking me, they're all laughing at us while we freeze to death here! Now what do we do? I literally can't in this weather. I won't! I hate cold! This is utterly unacceptable! If only I was back to normal! My ship could probably terraform the climate into something more bearabl...
Alice pauses mid-word
Wait, that's not good. This is way worse than I thought! If this weather continues or even gets worse, we might not be able to reach my ship in the mountains anymore. Do you have any idea what will happen if I don't manage to get there in time?? Of course you don't.

Alice puts the stash of perfectly clean dishes on Toblen's bar and sits down to eat

Shopping on a Brisk Spring Morning Joy the DM 07/29/2024 (Mon) 02:52 [Preview] No.5152 del
>Do you have any idea what will happen if I don't manage to get there in time?? Of course you don't.

Ashley dreams of quiet nights in a tall building with lights in the distance as far as the horizon. Then she's so rudely awakened by the periphrastic mad ramblings of a lunatic.

"Ah! Alice, put some cloths on!"

She pulls on her boots, wipes her face with a damp cloth, washes her hands and arms and drags herself down with the rest of them.

>Alright let's hurry Nya!

>Let us visit Daran first, then head to Miss Greywind to pick up some gear and clothes for Alice!

You eat quickly 9sp to Toblin (3sp from Ashley) and head off into the biting cold morning air to Lionshield Coster first.

This shop has weapons and armor, they do have shields and other adventure gear though supply is limited. Ashley will buy a shield and thieves' tools if she can. They also have clothes, but nothing all that warm, though you could layer. For every layer you gain 5C protection. Having nothing on you start to take damage after an hour every 5 minutes you fail a constitution check DC 5 at 0C, for undergarments, gloves, socks most skin covered, you'll be okay down to -5C, add armor and it's -10C up to 4 layers will help down to -20C then you'll need more aggressive protection. Constitution check increases 1 for every degree under -5C so -10C without enough layers is DC10 vs CON, etc.

Cat, Yulya and Ashley have 2-3 layers, the yukata is only 1. Alice will take 2 damage instead of 1 because of her vulnerability to cold.

Make your purchase wish list.

Cat 07/30/2024 (Tue) 07:51 [Preview] No.5166 del
Lionshield Coster is just over there Nya!
Let's buy a cloak for Alice and a shield for Ashley Nya!

Yulya 07/30/2024 (Tue) 16:51 [Preview] No.5167 del
>Let us visit Daran first, then head to Miss Greywind to pick up some gear and clothes for Alice!

>You eat quickly 9sp to Toblin (3sp from Ashley) and head off into the biting cold morning air to Lionshield Coster first.
Being ignored once again, Yulya trods behind the others while staring into the distance
Party leader - what a joke!

Ashley 07/30/2024 (Tue) 18:54 [Preview] No.5168 del
>Lionshield Coster is just over there Nya!
>Let's buy a cloak for Alice and a shield for Ashley Nya!

Cat's enthusiasm is infectious, "Nyaa!"

>Party leader - what a joke!

Ashley puts a hand on Yulya's shoulder, "Cheer up chief, I listen to you sometimes but did anyone ever explain to you about hearding cats?"

Ashley chases after Cat toward the store with the odd name while whistling a wintery tune from an unknown time and place.

Alice 07/30/2024 (Tue) 21:17 [Preview] No.5169 del
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Alice races towards the weapon shop wrapped in Yulya's blanket and swearing loudly

Supplying for the Rescue 1/2 Joy the DM 07/31/2024 (Wed) 02:04 [Preview] No.5170 del
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>Lionshield Coster is just over there Nya!
>Let's buy a cloak for Alice and a shield for Ashley Nya!

Ashley sees how much coin everyone has and scratches her head, "I still feel jipped somehow, but ok. One shield please?"

A woman is in back stocking some things you remember giving to Hobby. She turns to Ashley with a glance and stands. She's a tall, elegant woman, fair skin, dark hair, and a stern expression, "I have to apologize that my prices are so high, aren't you the traders who came into town last night?"

"Yeah, that's us, not that I can afford what I need anyway. We didn't make much on this trip that wasn't Gundren's, he just hired us goons to escort the shipment and we couldn't even do that right. Now we have to go save him from whatever fate he and Sildar's gotten themselves into, not to mention the other Rockseekers' are up to, running off to rescue their brother. One big mess after another and what's up with the frost? Isn't this supposed to be 'never winter' down here?"

She was taken aback by Ashley's ramblings, "I don't have all the information, I heard something about Gundren being stuck, his brothers Tharden and Nundro came through here this morning right after I opened looking for supplies for cave mapping. I did find it odd they looked so worried. Gundren brings in a lot of what I need to run this shop, what are you missing that you need?"

Ashley looked toward her with the most desperate puppy-dog expression she could muster, "Thieves' tools and a shield. First I gotta stay alive long enough to get to him, then, if he's chained up, bashing his wrists with a great sword probably won't be a good idea. He'll be free but no hands." Ashley pulled her hands into her sleeves and gave a sad face as if her hands were chopped off by a Tabaxi Barbarian to free her from Goblin chains. [PERFORMANCE 1d20+4=11 vs DC10] [HIDDEN ROLL(S)]

She looked pained, not necessarily in an empathetic way, but it did affect her, "Okay, tell you what, you can have the shield and thieves' tool kit and I'll have Gundren owe it to me by coming back here alive and well. What do you say?"

Ashley was a little surprised that she got that for free, "Uhhhh, throw in a child-sized cloak and you got yourself a deal!" Ashley then smiled innocently and held it long enough for it to turn creepy. [PERSUASION 1d20+4=17]

"Just rescue those loveable dwarven fools that keep this town afloat and we're even, otherwise you'll owe me 150 for the shield, 375 for the tool kit and 15 for the wool cloak, now who's the cloak for?"

Ashley looked around and pointed to Alice, "Slimeball in a blanket thing there, she's also a girl... thing sometimes, about 4 and a half tall?" Ashley ran over to the ball o' blanket and pulled Alice up out of it like a nearly drown puppy, the girlish doll-shape slowly congealed into a shivering humanoid figure.


"Hey, this is my friend... ish and she has feelings... probably, so don't judge her for being a slime ball, monster, porcelain rubber doll... thing." Ashley shook the form of her friend-ish companion and the legs popped down and filled in like a dog's rubber chew squeaky toy.

"Okay, um, I'll have to do some quick tailoring, which I'd charge you for but again, only if Gundren isn't rescued."

In a few minutes she came back with the cloak and delicately placed it around Alice, "Good?"

[Optional Response #1]

Ashley gave her two thumbs up, "Now we just need a muzzle... just kidding!"

"About the cold, rumor is there's an anomaly to the Southeast in the mountains. Several weeks ago something fell from the sky in that region and not too long after there was snow seen in the local mountains, but who knows what's going on. I suppose if it grows big enough to effect Neverwinter then maybe someone will do something about it. Maybe we'll be 3 feet under snow by then."

[Optional Response #2]

Supplying for the Rescue 2/2 Joy the DM 07/31/2024 (Wed) 02:07 [Preview] No.5171 del
(25.55 KB 274x341 Edermath Orchard.webp)
(305.81 KB 1024x1024 daran-edermath.webp)
You all leave the shop Ashely with her shield tied securely to her pack, and her thieves' tools in her pack. Alice bundled in two layers and likely feeling much warmer. You make it next to Edermath Orchard. Where apparently there is an Owl hooting contest based on the noises coming from the lush trees. You find a Half-Drow elf man you suppose is Master Edermath himself sitting on a rocking chair on the front porch of this stately manor. The trees of antiquity here were apples, so the long rows of neatly trimmed trees were just showing signs of spring growth and didn't mind the frost at all.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ovBRjzof-4k [Embed]

In front of the manor you see sheep grazing on the frost burnt grass. He sees you coming with a kind smile at first then upon seeing Ashley, for some reason his smile fades.

[Required Approach and Greeting: Daran is an adventurer of old, no less than 100, probably closer to 140 and long since retired. You can expect he will appreciate formalities, so the leader of the group will need to address him and introduce the troop and the issues at hand. You can see he got a bad feeling about the way Ashley looks for some reason. You don't know what kind of adventurer he was but expect him to be at least Gold plate, though when he adventured they didn't have plates or discrete levels. He would be a supplier of apples and cider to places all around the sword coast as a profession now. His property is obviously set up for business so you're not imposing.]

Cat 07/31/2024 (Wed) 10:36 [Preview] No.5172 del
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Cat cant help but laugh at Alice's performance and pokes her with a claw
Nyhaha you look terrible Nya! I hope this cloak helps a bit Nya!

>"About the cold, rumor is there's an anomaly to the Southeast in the mountains. Several weeks ago something fell from the sky in that region and not too long after there was snow seen in the local mountains, but who knows what's going on. I suppose if it grows big enough to effect Neverwinter then maybe someone will do something about it. Maybe we'll be 3 feet under snow by then."
Cat raises an ear
Nya, Alice isn't that where your...''
Cat is shushed by a bat of Alice's hand

While walking to Edermath Orchard, Cat pesters Alice again
Nya, Alice, do you think your ship is somehow involved at this Nya? How can a ship even do this Nya? What is it like Nya? A ship to fly to the stars Nya? I can't imagine something like that Nya!

Cat is amazed by the orchard
Nya what's with all the owls Nya? And look at the sheep Nya! What a nice place Nya!

But spotting Daran, Cat has slight doubts whether this old man would be capable of running for hours and then be ready for a fight. In fact she already doubts if her companions are capable of this as well.
Edited last time by ALICE on 07/31/2024 (Wed) 11:16.

Alice 07/31/2024 (Wed) 16:49 [Preview] No.5173 del
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>In a few minutes she came back with the cloak and delicately placed it around Alice, "Good?"
T-thank you, ma'am!
T-that's a lot better!
S-sorry for this despicable shape of m-mine but I'm reeeealy not g-good with cold!

Alice still retracts her limbs to minimize her surface and hops along the road toward the orchard like a proper ooze

>Nya, Alice, do you think your ship is somehow involved at this Nya? How can a ship even do this Nya? What is it like Nya? A ship to fly to the stars Nya? I can't imagine something like that Nya!
Alice isn't really in shape to form coherent sentences yet and still shaking but tries to explain
L-look, t-the ship is a l-lot like me, a c-construct of l-living metal. B-but more like an animal. You w-wouldn't understand even if I t-tried to explain, even I d-don't. It is not m-made by humanoids. W-we k-kinda s-stole it!
T-the s-ship is sentient but not s-sapient at least in its wrecked state. It is s-slowly healing and growing and must have drastically a-altered the landscape around the c-crash site by now but it s-should have done so to the opposite making it more h-hot and h-humid not cold. Unless, t-this is some last resort defense m-mechanism to keep p-people from going there. I c-can't rule that out but it seems unlikely. It's not s-supposed to do that. But I haven't been able to communicate with it since the c-crash. T-that's not good. Not good at all! I do not k-know in what shape it is and how good its judgment is. Gotta admit this is extremely dangerous. It is - s-still very powerful and I gotta go t-there to audit each other's integrity. Otherwise, uh, yeah it could destroy this entire world. But not by freezing it but growing uncontrollably and digesting everything. But don't worry, the chance of that happening is slim. I guess?

Alice 07/31/2024 (Wed) 18:15 [Preview] No.5176 del
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Wrapped in blanket and cloak, Alice has somewhat warmed up while hopping to the orchard. She marvels the apple trees in perfect shape and is reminded of her friend Mr. Tree behind the Neverwinter gate.
This man knows how to look after trees!

Alice looks at the strange white fluffy animals grazing on the meadow''
What are these? They look funny!

>He sees you coming with a kind smile at first then upon seeing Ashley, for some reason his smile fades.
Alice already likes Daran while only seeing him from a distance. She morphs into her best possible shape and even removes her cloak and blanket, handing them to Cat to look her best in her spotlessly clean Yukata.
Finally a man of culture in this backwater world!

Alice steps forward with Yulya in tow to address Daran

Yulya 08/01/2024 (Thu) 13:26 [Preview] No.5180 del
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Yulya is both impressed and concerned by Ashleys persuasion skills but glad she now has both shield and even thieves tools.

Yulya flinches when Linene mentions the crash of Alices spaceship but feigns innocence while thinking
Oh no please not more people asking questions!

>Alice looks at the strange white fluffy animals grazing on the meadow
>What are these? They look funny!
These are sheep Alice have you never seen one? Wool comes from their fur.

''Alices report about her spaceship also sound concerning but first things first, rescuing Gundren has priority!

Yulya feels strangely calm and almost at home entering Edermath Orchard even more so as she spots Daran peacefully sitting on his rocking chair. What a peaceful scenery!''

Ashley you did great getting us free gear just now but let me handle this! This man is - different!

Yulya steps forward with Alice and bows before addressing Daran using Persuasion
Master Edermath I presume?
I am Yulya a mere Peace Cleric of Eldath and adventurer from Neverwinter! These are my party members Alice Ashley and Cat!
Pardon our intrusion but we come before you today with unfortunate news and a sincere request!

We were hired to escort Sir Gundren Rockseeker and Sir Sildar Hallwinter on their trip to bring supplies from Neverwinter to Phandalin.
And it pains me to say that while we managed to arrive here with Sir Gundrens cart we have yet failed! We were separated while rescuing a dozen children chained to a cart and on their way into slavery at the junction of the High Road and Triboar Trail and in the mean time it appears Sir Gundren and Sir Sildar were taken by goblins!

We ourselves fought off a goblin ambush including a hobgoblin and retrieved Sir Gundrens and Sir Sildars horses in terrible shape. But aside from their footprints among those of goblins and a few goblin corpses there was no trace of them to be found. I assume they fought bravely but where overwhelmed by those heinous creatures.

We ourselves were exhausted after the fight and decided to move on to Phandalin to deliver the supplies entrusted to us and ask for reinforcements to rescue those two unfortunate men to which we owe a lot!

Yet even worse it appears Sir Gundrens brothers Tharden and Nundro rushed ahead this morning without coordinating with us! I doubt they have the means to get their brother back rather they will probably fall victim to the goblins themselves!

So without wasting more of your precious time we humbly ask you Master Edermath to lend us inexperienced adventurers your hand! We are mere iron plate beginners and to be honest this is our first quest! We are determined to rescue Sir Gundren and assure the safety of his brothers but we would greatly benefit from your vast experience and skills! We are not wealthy and cannot offer much as payment for your services but I believe it would not merely benefit Sir Gundrens family but this town as a whole to retrieve these men! I am aware that the chances to find Sir Gundren alive may be slim but the powers granted to me by the gods include the ability to revive a person as long as no more than 4 days have passed since death. If we hurry we should make it in time!

The Master's Abode Joy the DM 08/02/2024 (Fri) 01:10 [Preview] No.5192 del
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>But don't worry, the chance of that happening is slim. I guess?

Ashley glances her way then shrugs.

>Cat has slight doubts whether this old man would be capable of running for hours and then be ready for a fight.

>Alice steps forward with Yulya in tow to address Daran

>Ashley you did great getting us free gear just now but let me handle this! This man is - different!

Ashley tastefully refrains from laughing out loud.

>Master Edermath I presume?
>Yet even worse it appears...
>...If we hurry we should make it in time!

[PERSUASION 1d20+4=14]
Master Edermath looked both relieved and concerned, he spoke with a silky smooth, elegant tone, reminiscent of the drow. "As you so gracefully put it, this is your quest. What kind of adventurer would I be to take away such a joy of accomplishment. Though I do appreciate the important work of traders," he glanced at Ashley momentarily with a slight distaste to his expression, "working with them isn't my passion, no, my passion is these trees now, they're like my children and they need me." His voice became drawn out as if in the presence of something grotesque, "Gundran and his brothers, the dwarves in general, well you know dwarves can be, they're a lot like," he swallowed as if trying to get down medicine, with a quick glance at Ashley "others we're familiar with." He scoffed in a derisive way, with a feigned smile.'' "The l'adru, the ki'l'adru, they can be so well behaved at times yet you know their nature will always be prominent in dealings with them. You're familiar with the yaulë obviously, not the least bit disagreeable, nor cultured, like the pia naug, they simply don't have it in them, how can we fault their nature? Not even their royalty is the least bit couth. I digress. He's done wonders for this town, of course, and I was here long before there was a town left to be called such, and then the mine opened, not that I don't appreciate the extra business, I applaud him, not bad for a naug. But do please send him my regards and well wishes."

He smiled again, with deep lines forming around his dark eyes, "would you perhaps be interested in some fresh pressed cider? Excuse me if I don't break out the formal cups. Do sit and relax, I may have something you can use on your little adventure." ''There were only two other chairs. He looked back toward an open window as if signaling someone inside. He seemed in no rush."

[Respond to any point in his dialogue you see fit to talk to him.]

Cat 08/02/2024 (Fri) 08:15 [Preview] No.5193 del
Cat has little interest in following the formal conversation and stares into nothingness. But her ears pick up fresh pressed cider as well as getting a gift. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Yulya 08/02/2024 (Fri) 16:32 [Preview] No.5194 del
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Yulya silently shrinks with every word from Daran realizing her utter failure. Yet another one! In front of everyone! How embarrassing...

Only now Yulya remembers that dwarves and elves arent exactly on best terms and that her request was outright absurd. Why do all these people have to be so complicated? So - humanoid?

Yulya slowly creeps onto the chair as if it was a mountain and clings to it while putting on a painful smile. How to get out of this shameful situation after being rejected? There is nowhere to run. Yulya glances over to Alice who seems to be in a ridiculously good mood and hopes that Ashley doesn't escalate the situation any further.

Alice 08/02/2024 (Fri) 17:54 [Preview] No.5197 del
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Alice happily listens to Daran's words with great interest, nodding frequently. Not that she understands which people he is talking about but the general meaning is clear
Subhumans everywhere. This man understands me!

>"my passion is these trees now, they're like my children and they need me."
Alice's smile brightens even more to the point of being beyond creepy
Your trees truly are splendid, Sir Edermath! I have rarely seen trees in such perfect shape. And they seem unaffected by this horrible weather. Is this magic?
By the way what is your opinion on this cold? I am not from this area but I was told it should not be freezing here. This does not seem to be natural weather! Very suspicious!

Alice notices Yulya's state with slight bewilderment and pats her on the back while hopping on the second chair to get closer to Daran
We would love to have a quick taste of your cider! It must be excellent considering those trees!
Not that Alice knows what a 'cider' is but even for an alien it isn't hard to guess that it must be made from the fruit of this orchard's trees

Haa, how nice it would be to relax here for a while but we're in a but of a hurry. Dead dwarves are bad for our business, you understand!

The Master's Abode II 1/2 Daran 08/02/2024 (Fri) 23:50 [Preview] No.5201 del
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>Sounds good, doesn't it?

"Well aren't you well behaved for a yaulë, and that's a very nice set of armor there, I wonder who you had to kill to get that? Well no matter, please sit if you're allowed by your master." He offered a chair across the porch table.

>Alice steps forward with Yulya in tow to address Daran

>Haa! Your trees truly are splendid, Sir Edermath! I have rarely seen trees in such perfect shape. And they seem unaffected by this horrible weather. Is this magic? By the way what is your opinion on this cold? I am not from this area but I was told it should not be freezing here. This does not seem to be natural weather! Very suspicious! We would love to have a quick taste of your cider! It must be excellent considering those trees! Haa, how nice it would be to relax here for a while but we're in a but of a hurry. Dead dwarves are bad for our business, you understand!

"Well well Yulya, what do you have here?" He said with a smirk and an eyebrow raised. "I naturally presumed, a Cleric needs an undead attendant, but such soulless creations have no ability to converse naturally, and what a chattering little thing it is. How amusing. Could it be some sort of automation? The very idea of it is curious. Well wonders never cease, and it even asks questions, I wonder if it truly understands or if it's somehow programmed to converse in such a manor." He inspects Alice more closely, taking her hand and pinching it hard, then attempting to peal away a fingernail, "It commented on the trees as if it knew, it concerns itself with idle chit chat, is this your doing, some trick perhaps? Such a sturdy thing too, though the hands aren't very realistic, the skin feels like the skin of a snake or lizard. No, this isn't as I first thought, certainly not the flesh of a once alive thing nor the metallic skin of a the denizens of the outer nirvana. Certainly not the crude mindless savages of the Dwemer artificers. Curious indeed. Wherever did you find such a thing?" He attempts to lift the kimono but Alice slaps his hand away instinctively. He pulled his hand away and then smells it,'' "Ugg, it's been tainted by the stench of the goblins, please have it stand back."

His expression fell, "Yulya the Aasimar, why would you allow the smells of goblin and carriage grease, do you not wash your things? Is there no notion of soap in the wilds these days? Now, do sit. Don't you have anything to say for yourself? Another thing." He moved on with a lecturing or mentoring tone, "You know, elves are the predominant peoples of this land, a gift from the same gods you worship, cleric of Eldath, her light shines so dimly through you I could hardly tell, perhaps she's disappointed you've forsaken the children of IlĂşvatar. This I believe must be punishment for not having one of their own grace your party, you would do well to recruit one as soon as possible. Not to have an elf in your party nearly guarantees your deeds will go unsung. The lifespans of the lesser races are so pathetically short, what can even be expected?" he tsked, "It's such a waste."

He shoos Ashley away with a flick of his wrist and a turned up nose as if she's peddling gong. "Go along and play in the mud with the sheep little dathrasi, the adults will call you when they're ready to leave."

Ashley rolled her eyes and did exactly that, "Chase me Alice!" in moments she was chasing sheep in the tall grass.

The Master's Abode II 2/2 Joy the DM 08/02/2024 (Fri) 23:56 [Preview] No.5202 del
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A high elf with a mature look, exited the manor with a pitcher and three goblets. "Making friends again I see dear Daran." she smiled kindly at Yulya and Cat, "we appreciate all business, Dwarven, Tabaxi, even Human."

Daran gave a scowl.

She elegantly set down the three goblets and the pitcher and then knelt in front of Alice, "Definately not a Dwemer creation." She pressed down in Alice's chin, opening her mouth. "Marvelous, is it gelatinous in construction?"

"Oh of course, it's some sort of plasmid, but it's dead is it not?" Daran responded.

"Dead, or never alive in the first place, not of this plane? At any rate quite a creation. Do you understand me little one? Do you wish to know about weather and trees? Watch the eyes, there's something there beyond gears and wheels or simple animation." She turned to Yulya, "Would you be willing to sell it?"

"The feel of it reminds me of that anomoly," Daran pondered.

"Hm," she agreed. Then turned her attention to Yulya and Cat, "I'm Daylinn, call me a Daran fan from years back. You know he was quite a hero during the last flight of dragons. Signs point to another in the making, would you be the next heroes? How exciting for you."

Respond to any point in this conversation. They are both of advanced age and have several layers of magical protection and enhancements cast upon them due either to equipment or raw spells. Clearly they're seeing things that the average person wouldn't.

Alice 08/03/2024 (Sat) 20:45 [Preview] No.5203 del
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Alice feels like being investigated by a curious tribe that has never seen an European and lets Daran's otherwisely unforgivable antics slide with a mild smile. It would be impolite to interfere with the naive musings of stone-age people.
Finally someone notices my uniqueness!
Most people so far just took me for granted, it was quite disappointing...

>He inspects Alice more closely, taking her hand and pinching it hard, then attempting to peal away a fingernail
Haha that tickles Sir Edermath!

>He attempts to lift the kimono but Alice slaps his hand away instinctively.
Now now, you are quite bold Sir Edermath! I appreciate your taste but we just met! And how rude, I surely don't smell, all I touch should be digested and cleaned perfectly. Could it be that my skills are still insufficient for your excellent senses in this pathetic form?
Alice looks at Daran with the same keen interest. What a curious being. Very powerful yet hopelessly arrogant. Like all of them, no matter how often this has brought them doom.

>the metallic skin of the denizens of the outer nirvana
''Alice's eyes narrow for a moment. This man must be thoroughly questioned once she has become stronger. Could the influence of the Golden Man and his servants have spread to this world? That would be dangerous!

>The lifespans of the lesser races are so pathetically short, what can even be expected?" he tsked, "It's such a waste."
Alice nods again and raises her finger but hesitates and remains silent. Ignorance is bliss and what she could say would not sit well with this old man.''

Alice is surprised to see another elf coming to investigate her. Is there a nest somewhere? This is becoming a little intrusive.
>"Do you understand me little one? Do you wish to know about weather and trees? Watch the eyes, there's something there beyond gears and wheels or simple animation."
I am afraid I don't. I cannot perceive magic, mana or souls, whatever you call it. This is the price of my existence.
Yet I do know a great deal about weather and trees, enough to deduct that neither this weather nor these trees are in a natural state. Thus some sort of outside influence, probably magic must be involved. While I love what you made of your trees, this weather is inacceptable! We must find the source of this cold and eradicate it - or I'm outta here!
Alice looks at the goblets on the table and bows
I hope to one day be worthy of having a taste of your cider! May you and your trees live well, until we meet again!

We will, we must...
Alice mumbles while joining Ashley with the sheep. She tries to touch the funny animals but they flee in terror.
Hmm, looks like I'm not very well-liked today! Well no wonder in this shape. I can't wait to get my original form back. Me and smell - me of all peopl...
Alice suddenly remembers having 4 dried goblin ears skewered on her spear
Ohhhyeah, that was it!
She takes one ear off and looks at it.
Yep, tastes and smells awful. Finding a way to turn these fuckers into something tasty won't be easy.

Alice turns to Ashley
Hey, don't take it personally, these guys are always like this. Acting like the masters of the universe despite being a dwindling and doomed race. Outside of a few weird backwater worlds like this one they're basically gone and the fate that ultimately awaits them isn't pretty. I still like them despite their insolence. A treasure trove of knowledge, skill and culture. These trees, I will never be able to reproduce something like that!

But yeah dealing with them always is a pain. I wonder if we can achieve anything here aside of wasting time.

Alice looks over to the table
Hey do you think they'll be alright? Yulya is on the verge of crying and I have no idea how long Cat will play the obedient slave.

Conversation Daran and Daylinn 08/03/2024 (Sat) 21:25 [Preview] No.5204 del
>Thus some sort of outside influence, probably magic must be involved. While I love what you made of your trees, this weather is inacceptable! We must find the source of this cold and eradicate it - or I'm outta here!

She looks at Daran, "Surprisingly verbose."

"Nevermind it's chattering, give this Cleric Yulya a chance to answer."

"No, it speaks as if intelligent, so I'll humor it." she turns back to Alice, "the cold you say? Why yes isn't it cold lately, well of course this can be easily understood by simple deduction. There was an ice dragon spotted nearby and suddenly we see ice and snow in the local mountains, that's no coincidence. Now what is interesting is the treasure it found, some sort of metallic object of unknown origin, looking as though it fell right out of the sky."

Daran interrupts, "Don't concern yourselves, this dragon was likely just their to waylay a potential owner of the thing. It'll lose interest eventually and continue on her migratory path to the north once the summer hits. For now, just enjoy the extended winter."

Daylinn agrees, "True, we shouldn't worry too much. Now about the trees, well they're apple trees, and Daran has bred verieties that don't need much in terms of chill, but won't they be full this year Daran?"

He smiles, "a bumper crop for certain, we should somehow convince the dragon to stay, and welcome it back next spring."

She smirks, "if they were only so accommodating. Well..."

>I hope to one day be worthy of having a taste of your cider! May you and your trees live well, until we meet again!

"Daran, I'd like to see it drink."

He sighs, "such a waste, go on then."

She pours the three goblets and hands one to Alice and studies her like something unexpected might happen. "Before you're off, please do have a taste little shemlan."

[Alice to respond before running off.]

>Hey, don't take it personally, these guys are always like this.

>do you think they'll be alright?

"M-hm-n, RUN!" Ashley uses one of her summoned cats to heard the frightened sheep straight for them and laughs as she sprints away.

[This is all still the same scene, interject anywhere you see fit.]

Yulya 08/04/2024 (Sun) 13:38 [Preview] No.5205 del
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Yulya is taken aback by Darans behavior but stares at the table like a scolded schoolchild while responding with a monotonous voice to the insults and accusations hurled at her.
Please be kind to Alice Master Edermath she is not a tool but my comrade and friend. And definitely not for sale. She came from the sky and ultimately another star rather than another plane as far as I understand.

The same goes for all my party members they are my dear comrades and friends not servants or tools. Yes even Ashley the human as troublesome as she sometimes may be.
Yulya leans over the table whispering to Daran
She is no ordinary one I am sure you noticed. Blessed or cursed by the gods? It is hard to tell. She herself has no memories of where she comes from but some very strange powers.

I rescued them all from the verge of death following a sign of God. The winged Goddess SheShe to be precise who sent me on a journey with these girls. Though I do not know the purpose it appears to be of great importance to the gods. I have received disturbing visions of the future and I am afraid something terrible is about to unfold. Far beyond goblins and perhaps even dragons.

That said I came here in hope for elven support for our simple task of rescuing Sir Gundren. Our numbers are few and our experience is little. But ultimately it is to be determined by the gods who will join our party not by me.

>"I'm Daylinn, call me a Daran fan from years back. You know he was quite a hero during the last flight of dragons. Signs point to another in the making, would you be the next heroes? How exciting for you."
Yulya laughs bitterly
Heroes? I'd prefer not to. I was living peacefully as a hermit worshiping Eldath in the serenity of nature before things got turned upside down in the entire area. So now I serve two goddesses whose relationship doesnt appear to be the best. It is not an easy task but I attempt my best to fulfill it though it is not to my liking. I would rather tend to trees in an orchard like this one or return to my cabin in the woods if I had the choice.

By the way you know we met a dragon at the rest stop along the high road? It devoured an ox and took off. What a terrifying creature we could not even move. Yet there was no sign of cold so I do not know whether this was the same creature you suspect to be responsible for this weather. Could there be two dragons? The guards at Neverwinter spoke of a dragon able to shapeshift into a human. All the same or yet another one? It is all so absurd.
You seem confident this dragon you speak of means no harm to this town? What advice could you give should we enounter it?

Yulya is glad none of her comrades has caused a catastrophic scene so far and turns around seeing Ashley create a sheep stampede with her summons. But she feels too tired to react

Alice 08/04/2024 (Sun) 19:27 [Preview] No.5209 del
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>There was an ice dragon spotted nearby and suddenly we see ice and snow in the local mountains, that's no coincidence. Now what is interesting is the treasure it found, some sort of metallic object of unknown origin, looking as though it fell right out of the sky."

Alice's eyes narrow again
Very strange! How did you happen to learn of this?
Did you see it or did the dragon tell you?

>She pours the three goblets and hands one to Alice and studies her like something unexpected might happen. "Before you're off, please do have a taste little shemlan."
Oh, why thank you!

Alice takes the goblet and takes a sip
Excellent! Such rich flavor, a lot of volatile compounds adding to the scent too! Very different from the apples I know. Truly wonderful. I bet it would taste even better if I could perceive magic!

Alice looks at the goblet and then pours it down in one go
Thank you for letting me have this, now I shall no longer taint you with my goblin scent and proceed to the sheep alongside the lowly human!

Alice bows, hands back the goblet and runs off to Ashley
>"M-hm-n, RUN!" Ashley uses one of her summoned cats to heard the frightened sheep straight for them and laughs as she sprints away.
Hey wait a minute...
Alice uses her acrobatic skills to evade the sheep, jumps on top of one and tries to hold on

Conversation 1/2 Continued Daran and Daylinn 08/05/2024 (Mon) 01:51 [Preview] No.5210 del
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>[Daran] "The feel of it reminds me of that anomaly," Daran pondered.

>[Daylinn] Now what is interesting is the treasure it found, some sort of metallic object of unknown origin, looking as though it fell right out of the sky.

>Alice's eyes narrow again
>Very strange! How did you happen to learn of this?
>Did you see it or did the dragon tell you?

"See Daran, see it does understand me." She looks to her friend.

"Remarkable," he says thoughtfully.

She attempts to peer around the mask, and sees more of Alice's face. "Oh! Do you know what I think this is? It's an animated doll, but the construction is plasma and not cloth."

"If it was that would be a revelation." Daran takes up a goblet and takes a drink. "Mmhm, this is why I do this," He remarks to himself proudly.

"Okay, little shemlan, how would we know? Wouldn't you think we could investigate a loud boom in the local mountains?" She turns to Daran, it's not very bright, but still very remarkable for what it is.

>Alice takes the goblet and takes a sip
>Excellent! Such rich flavor, a lot of volatile compounds adding to the scent too! Very different from the apples I know. Truly wonderful. I bet it would taste even better if I could perceive magic!
>Thank you for letting me have this, now I shall no longer taint you with my goblin scent and proceed to the sheep alongside the lowly human!

"HA! What a hilarious little shem it is." Daran says with glee, or it could be the cider, it's quite strong.

"Look at it go."

[This may be out of order, but treat it accordingly.]

>Heroes? I'd prefer not to. I was living peacefully as a hermit worshiping Eldath

"As you should, who is to say you can't?" Daylinn remarks.

>Please be kind to Alice Master Edermath she is not a tool but my comrade and friend. And definitely not for sale.

"Shame," Daran says, "well keep it clean at the very least."

>She came from the sky and ultimately another star rather than another plane as far as I understand.

"Oh? A starseed shem doll? Interesting, we've not even begun to map the many inhabited spheres of the material plane, just as the children of IlĂşvatar were undoubtedly starseeds originally. How could we even relate to the crude and frail creatures of this sphere?"

>The same goes for all my party members... but some very strange powers.

"Well at any rate, what an unfortunate waste of uniqueness on such a creature," he says with a scowl

"If there was only an easy way to increase their lifespans." Daylinn added.

He waved his hand dismissively and seemed uninterested in the prospect, "You said it yourself Yulya, troublesome, short-lived is their best attribute, imagine if they lived a thousand years, oh gods please save us from such torture."

Daylinn laughed, "we'd rather ascend back to our home sphere wouldn't we Daran?"

"In a heartbeat! At any cost!"

>I rescued them all... I am afraid something terrible is about to unfold...
"Follow that instinct, dear Yulya," Daylinn said and took Alice's goblet.

"Take that to the pigs, let their stench mask the goblin's."

She smiled and excused herself to re-enter the home.

"Daylinn! That girl will never listen!"

Conversation 2/2 Continued Daran and Daylinn 08/05/2024 (Mon) 01:52 [Preview] No.5211 del
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>That said I came here in hope for elven support for our simple task of rescuing Sir Gundren. Our numbers are few and our experience is little. But ultimately it is to be determined by the gods who will join our party not by me.

"Hm, well, I wish you well on your journey, let me see..." ''He rifles through his pockets then looks like he remembered something, He excuses himself and returns shortly with Daylinn holding a small elegant looking ring, "Please take this as a token of good will toward those who could stand against the odds. Any elf worth his salt would join your party for this." [Though he may wish you add an Elf to your party, this view is his alone and is not shared necessarily by your DM]

[Yulya has gained an item: Ring of Quick Casting - Three times a day, at any time, use of this ring can hasten the casting of any spell that requires 1 action; it becomes a free action and is cast instantly. Weight .1lbs value: unknown.]

[Required Response #1: Yulya]

>By the way you know we met a dragon... Could there be two dragons? The guards at Neverwinter spoke of a dragon able to shapeshift into a human. What advice could you give should we encounter it?

Daran laughs, "In to a human? Absurd indeed."

"I don't recommend you encounter a dragon; you know they say you encounter a dragon only once in a lifetime." She titters.

"A human?" Daran repeats and laughs heartily.

Daylinn shares in his laughter but in a much more muted manor. More of a giggle.

>Hey wait a minute...
>Alice uses her acrobatic skills to evade the sheep, jumps on top of one and tries to hold on

Ashley laughs hysterically as the sheep are run ragged by her summons, "Get'em Mr. Bigglesworth!"

Cat 08/05/2024 (Mon) 04:32 [Preview] No.5212 del
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Cat intensely not-listens to the conversation observing the birds in the sky. She respects elders and power and Yulya and won't act out her emotions on those elves. Better than humans. No elf has ever attacked or enslaved the Tabaxi. But that's about it. They are as arrogantly looking down on others as human nobles.

Cat still patiently waits for her cider and perhaps some useful gift. Her ears pick up anything dragon-related though she doesn't understand much of the formal conversation. But enough to grasp an ice-dragon is causing the cold.

From Cat's seat across the table she can see Ashley and Alice mess with the sheep and wishes she was there. Cat's eyes dart between her still empty goblet and the girls having fun with the sheep. Her tail sways back and forth more and more with each minute...

Yulya 08/05/2024 (Mon) 17:19 [Preview] No.5221 del
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>[Yulya has gained an item: Ring of Quick Casting - Three times a day, at any time, use of this ring can hasten the casting of any spell that requires 1 action; it becomes a free action and is cast instantly. Weight .1lbs value: unknown.]

Yulya receives the ring and bows
Thank you Master Edermath!
I feel this ring will aid us greatly I will treasure it! We are in your debt!

Still Conversing? Joy the DM 08/06/2024 (Tue) 00:16 [Preview] No.5227 del
>Thank you Master Edermath!
>I feel this ring will aid us greatly I will treasure it! We are in your debt!

Daran batted away the words like flies, "Debt? No. Just remember how generous and selfless elves are, and hopefully it helps you rescue that naug and his kin if that is your task, now have some cider, even the yaulë should try it, I'm very proud of the performance of the cold press on chilly nights, it brings a certain sweetness that you wouldn't get otherwise."

Daylinn had brought another goblet, and poured two more, pushing one toward Yulya and Cat.

[Don't you have dwarves and a human to rescue?]

Cat 08/06/2024 (Tue) 09:46 [Preview] No.5228 del
(20.71 KB 285x285 3268222.jpg)
Finally! Cat's ears perk as she happily takes the goblet and is quickly lapping up the cider with her tounge
Nyaah! This is great Nya! Thanks Nya! And for the Ring Nya! But we should get going Nya! I think your sheep are also exhausted Nya! Thank you for your hospitality Nya!

Cat raises from the table and bows

Yulya 08/06/2024 (Tue) 20:14 [Preview] No.5231 del
(46.72 KB 512x512 68380.jpg)
>[Don't you have dwarves and a human to rescue?]

Yulya gladly drinks the cider. The fruity taste briefly washes away her sorrows. It's not candy but alcohol also works.
Again thank you for your hospitality Master Edermath and Lady Daylinn!
As much as I would love to stay in your lovely orchard and continue this chat we must look for Sir Sildar Sir Gundren and his brothers. I am sure we will meet again!

Yulya also bows and then looks for Alice and Ashley with Cat. The prospect of running for hours to invade a goblis nest is a surreal contrast to the scenery of the orchard. Yulya closes her eyes and tries not to think too much about it.
Let us hurry girls! We have a rescue mission to fulfill!

INTERMISSION Joy the DM 08/07/2024 (Wed) 06:33 [Preview] No.5234 del
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=vdTD0BIKsMQ [Embed]

34k fun run! Joy the DM 08/19/2024 (Mon) 02:14 [Preview] No.5333 del
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>But we should get going Nya!

>Let us hurry girls! We have a rescue mission to fulfill!

"Come on Alice, let's go kill some Goblins and collect some stinky ears! (then drop them in that drow's press.) What? Nothing!" Ashley runs off toward Yulya and Cat with Alice in tow.

With nothing left but a long run ahead the girls run off north toward the road.

Once everyone's checked in, I'll move on to the travel montage. I am working on a travel revamp, but this really doesn't apply. I've decided that running for 5 hours will have to at least leave everyone with 1 level of exhaustion, ravenously hungry, and thirsty, so consider whether you want to do that. Otherwise why not just auto-click run command?

[11:00, 7C, Sunny] It would take 7 hours to walk, 5 hours to run the roughly 21 miles. The Rockseeker brothers are likely to be there before you arrive an any case since they left five hours ago.

Alice 08/22/2024 (Thu) 20:57 [Preview] No.5374 del
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Alice drops off the running sheep like a tick that has sucked its share of blood
Goblin ears soaked in alcohol? That's not a bad idea. I need to try this!

Pressing on. Joy the DM 08/23/2024 (Fri) 15:53 [Preview] No.5388 del
[Okay let's do this.]

You walk, skip, run, everything you reasonably can to get back to the trail where you were ambushed earlier yet careful not to run into an ambush (no disadvantage).

[14:00] [1d20=19,15,20] [1d20+5=15]

Cat smells something as you pass by a group of trees, she looks around and then Ashley notices her and joins the hunt. They spot the source in one of the high branches of a tree, something leather is hanging over a branch. Cat climbs up and finds a belt pouch, a cloak, and an interesting looking dagger.

[The following items are discovered.]

-Jagged Elvish Dagger with a royal seal embossed on the blade. There is a magic signature but you can't identify it.
-Sweet smelling Lembas bread 4 rations worth weighing half as much as a regular ration.
-A dark red cloak with a royal patch, covered in blood spatters.
-The belt pouch that can hold 10 lbs and weighs a pound.
-A waterskin with a broken strap 2 lbs of water still in it.
-A coin purse with 2 gold, 5 silver, and 30 copper.
-A royal identification plate that's been mangled to the point it's unreadable.

[Possible interaction #1]

After collecting the items, you continue.

[1d20=4,19,1] [1d20+6=9]

Almost exactly where you were ambushed last time you smell the unmistakable stink of goblins.

[1d20=2,4,6,4,3] You hide about 50ft away, you spot one up a tree, then two more and a fourth, then realize there's also a hobgoblin again.

You can try to sneak around them and head North to their base to avoid becoming weakened for the base assault or fight them now to prevent reinforcements


Alice 08/23/2024 (Fri) 21:04 [Preview] No.5391 del
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Alice inspects the items with mild curiosity
Looks like they got an elf noble or even royalty, huh? We should show this to Daran.

Now who's gonna carry that? I can't store more coin but if you give me the pouch I'll carry that. Though I'd prefer if Ashley takes it. Carrying stuff obstructs my movements.

Yulya 08/24/2024 (Sat) 02:42 [Preview] No.5398 del
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Oh dear!
Another goblin victim? Forgive us for utilizing your belongings. Maybe we can at least avenge you.
Yulya speaks a prayer for the unknown elf. She lets Ashley take her share of the money then gives Alice the pouch containing the items

[We will address the scene with the goblins next round after we agree on what to do]

Cat 08/24/2024 (Sat) 10:36 [Preview] No.5401 del
Nyaa, another strange thing hanging in the trees! Where do they come from Nya? Do they drop from above Nya? Anyway, that bread looks delicious Nya!

Cat sniffs the contents of the bag to determine if goblins were involved or if it has another famliar smell of an enemy

Earlier... then now Joy the DM 08/24/2024 (Sat) 14:22 [Preview] No.5402 del

>Cat sniffs the contents of the bag to determine if goblins were involved or if it has another familiar smell of an enemy

Cat's sensitive nose senses no trace of goblin, but instead the unmistakable scent of a wild beast, specifically a puma. She instinctively investigates the scene.


Though she can't say much, she finds an elvish styled arrow embedded near the branch. Her guess is a puma hunted someone, possibly as part of a party and was chased off. Though there was a few drops of blood amongst the leaf litter. Why the clothes and pack were left remained a mystery.


[17:00 Spring 11th, 11C, mostly cloudy]

The group tensely watched the goblins who were still oblivious to their presence. The wind carried the Goblins' scent East and they were all watching West.


Of the goblins three of them have 3/4 cover in the trees, one has half cover, and the hobgoblin is exposed as he's hiding at ground level behind a trunk as he looks up the road.

REQUIRED ACTION Attack or sneak around or other.

Ashley hides and waits for the decision.

Yulya 08/24/2024 (Sat) 19:44 [Preview] No.5409 del
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Yulya quietly dons her shield

Everyone get ready!
Yulya whispers

Alice 08/24/2024 (Sat) 22:21 [Preview] No.5412 del
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Alice looks at her shortbow with slight distrust never having used such a stone-age weapon before. She draws an arrow and readies her bow, prepared to shoot any goblin that should notice them

Ashley 08/25/2024 (Sun) 00:41 [Preview] No.5413 del
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I summon two Mechathereal Dragon Wasps one after the other stealthily on my shoulders.

Two wasps pop into existence.

[Stealth 1d20+3=14, 13] The goblins are oblivious.

Cat 08/25/2024 (Sun) 09:14 [Preview] No.5416 del
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Cat carefully draws an arrow from her quiver and aims at the hobgoblin, ready to shoot

Joy the DM 08/25/2024 (Sun) 12:41 [Preview] No.5418 del
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I get behind cover in the trees. Insert well used stock photo


Everyone readies for the reverse ambush.

Make your final moves, any number of turns, you're hidden, battle starts when you're.
[1d20+3=4, 1d20+2=12] You will get the first round unopposed but the second round they have initiative. So effectively you go first with advantage on all attacks, and they will go second in the start of round 2.

Yulya 08/25/2024 (Sun) 19:10 [Preview] No.5426 del
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Yulya quietly casts BLESS on Ashley Alice and Cat then uses stealth to hide in the trees 5ft north of Ashley
Edited last time by ALICE on 08/25/2024 (Sun) 21:57.

Cat 08/26/2024 (Mon) 13:41 [Preview] No.5434 del
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''After recieving Yulya's blessing, Cat shoots an arrow at the hobgoblin. She uses Stealth to move South 30ft while staying in cover.

Alice 08/26/2024 (Mon) 16:06 [Preview] No.5436 del
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Alice also shoots the hob and then stealthily uses south past Cat
[I have 40ft movement. If that still is not enough position me further North]

Round 1-2 Counter-Ambush Joy the DM 08/27/2024 (Tue) 01:40 [Preview] No.5440 del
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[Round 1]

Yulya moves North of Ashley after successfully casting Bless on everyone using her holy symbol instead of holy water. Bless will last 10 turns as long as Yulya concentration is not broken.

Yulya now has 2MP and a fully charged focus of 6MP but using it for a spell that is less than level 5 will have unknown results. It cannot be used like a battery unless you have that skill or attribute. She doesn't.

Chapter 10, p. 203 of the PHB: A character can use a… spellcasting focus… in place of the components specific for a spell. But if the cost is indicated for a component, a character must have that specific component before he or she can cast the spell. Bless is pretty good actually.

Cat tries to stay under cover, shoots the [veteran] hobgoblin, and moves South.
Cat uses her longbow +1 [1d20+4+1d4=8,13 vs AC18]
The arrow wizzes over his head, he looks around. [1d20=7,3] He remarks to himself, "must have been a bird."

Alice fires her bow within range and also moves south.
[1d20+5+1d4=17,20 vs AC18] Alice's arrow strikes the Hobgoblin in the shoulder for... [1d6+3=8 piercing damage] He's nearly staggered but is still standing tall.

Ashley casts Summon Mechathereal Lynx 10ft ahead and Helena pops out of the aether from the negative plane. [Ashley has 2MP left]

Helena moves toward the Hobgoblin and attempts to pounce. Unfortunately her summons were just out of reach to flank, but Bless carries to her summons and since this is an ambush they'll get advantage because of surprise.
[HIT 1d20+4+1d4=(25,18)] [CON 1d20+1=3] Helena hits the Hobgoblin with Claw. [1d4+3=6 Magic Slashing Damage] [STR 1d20+1=20] The Hobgoblin is noticeably hurt but resists being grappled.

Betsie and Barbie both attempt to grapple. [STR 1d20+1=17,4 vs DC10] The Hobgoblin bats Betsie away but Barbie successfully grapples him. Since he is grappled by a creature two sizes smaller, she will only have advantage on attacks, The Hobgoblin is not hindered by her.

Betsie and Barbie attempt to sting.
[1d20+4+1d4=(24,20),(12,17) vs AC18] Betsie manages to sting for... [1d4=1 poison damage] The hobgoblin looks wary and is almost down.

[Round 2]

All the goblins train their bows on Helena. [1d20+4=22,5,11,20] Two manage to hit for... [1d6+2=4,3] Two arrows stick out of her back but she's not down yet.

The Hobgoblin swings his long sword at Helena. [1d20+3=16] and hits for... [1d10+1=11] Helena took a lot of damage and simply pops back to the negative plane.

Ashley controls herself and doesn't dry out in anguish.

The goblins look around, wondering where these monsters came from. [1d20-1=5]

Surprisingly the Hobgoblin and Goblins consider themselves lucky, discovering no other dangers, and run toward Betsie and Barbie, losing their cover.

Two more small goblins emerge from the vegetation near Betsie and Barbie, they have run down from further North and reach them, ready to attack next turn.

Ashley looks to Yulya, and shakes her head, then whispers with a sigh, "We'll be stinking like Goblins before the end today."

Because the enemies didn't notice you, you will have surprise (advantage) next round as well. Betsie and Barbie will not.

Cat 08/27/2024 (Tue) 15:01 [Preview] No.5445 del
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Cat wastes no time and rushes on. She moves 30ft west with stealth and then shoots goblin #2

Alice 08/27/2024 (Tue) 19:25 [Preview] No.5456 del
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Hitting the hobgoblin, Alice looks at her primitive shortbow with satisfaction.
Not bad for my first shot ever!
Alice turns to Cat who just missed with her fancy longbow and puts on a smug grin.

But there is little time for joking around! Alice also moves west 40ft and shoots goblin number 3.
Edited last time by ALICE on 08/27/2024 (Tue) 19:26.

Yulya 08/27/2024 (Tue) 23:01 [Preview] No.5464 del
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>"We'll be stinking like Goblins before the end today."
I'd like to avoid that if possible but we always have Alices cleaning service! Yulya smirks.
Yulya stealthily moves 10ft W and 5ft SW Then she quietly chants and casts BANE on goblin 1,5,6 if she can see them. If not on 2 or the hobgoblin in this order. Then she retreats the same way back using stealth.

Round 2-3 Joy the DM 08/28/2024 (Wed) 03:32 [Preview] No.5465 del
[Round 2]

>Cat wastes no time and rushes on. She moves 30ft west with stealth and then shoots goblin #2
[1d20+4+1d4=12,15 vs AC15][1d8+2=8] The arrow flies true and strikes the goblin through the skull, it falls without even a peep. The others look back to see what was wrong with him and realize he's unconscious.

>Alice also moves west 40ft and shoots goblin #3
[1d20+5+1d4=14,25 vs AC15][1d6+3=8] Alice's arrow follows suit and strikes the much larger Goblin #3, he's close to death.

>Yulya stealthily moves 10ft W and 5ft SW Then she quietly chants and casts BANE on goblin 1,5 and the hobgoblin. Then she retreats the same way back using stealth.

I have decided to allow multiple concentration spells at once, but if Yulya loses concentration all her concentration spells end.

[1d20-1=13,7,10 vs DC15] They are all under the influence of Bane.
Yulya has 1MP left

Ashley edges forward so ensure her babies can flank and casts summon mechathereal cats 10ft toward the goblins and whispers to them, "Go fourth my babies!" Then she moves back. Ashley has 1MP left.

Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth move toward the goblins trying to gain flanking them with Betsie and Barbie. Mrs. B attacks the hobgoblin with advantage...
[1d20+4+1d4=11,19][CON 1d20+1-1d4=4] and hits for, [1d4+2=6 magic slashing damage] The hobgoblin goes down.
Mr. Bigglesworth similarly attacks Goblin #1,
[1d20+4+1d4=17,19][CON 1d20+1-1d4=2] and hits for, [1d4+2=3 magic slashing damage] Goblin #1 shakes off the hit, "It's just a scratch kitty kitty." he says creepily.

Barbie and Betsie attempt to grapple Goblin 1,
[STR 1d20+1-1d4=-1,1 vs DC10] They're both able to grapple and attempt to sting with advantage and bless.
[1d20+4+1d4=(13,24 CRIT),(26,21) vs AC15] both sink their stingers in, [1d4x2+1d4=12 damage!] Goblin #1 is down, the poison races through his veins causing him to expire instantly.

[Round 3]
The goblins obviously realize the jig is up. [1d20-1=19] They trace back the shots and sounds to their sources, everyone loses stealth and surprise is also lost.

Goblin #6 runs off Northwest screaming like the world is ending.
Goblin #3 and #4 flank Mrs. Bigglesworth and attack.
[1d20+4=(19,6),(18)] Goblin #4 attacks Mrs. B [1d6+2=5] She pops out of existence. While Goblin #3 attacks Mr. B [1d6+2=3] Mr. B is injured but not out! [He has 2/5 HP]

Goblin #5 swings at Betsie [1d20+4-1d4=4] but misses. Then disengages moves Northeast among the trees and hides. [1d20+6=10] He is in full cover but fails to hide completely from anyone.

Goblin #4 and #3 disengage and do the same. &[1d20+6=10,26] All are in full cover and Goblin #3 is hidden.

Cat 08/28/2024 (Wed) 10:32 [Preview] No.5466 del
Cat laughs seeing the goblin struck down with her arrow.
Let's finish the rest, Alice Nya!

She enters RAGE and uses FELINE AGILITY to charge north, right between goblin 3 and 4.

Cat swings her longsword at goblin 4 and uses CLEAVE to hit goblin 3
[This time both should be within 5ft]

Alice 08/28/2024 (Wed) 15:41 [Preview] No.5470 del
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After Cat's attack, Alice moves 40ft N and uses Flurry of Blows for 1 DP. She attacks goblin #3 with her spear 2-handed and then continues with her 2 unarmed bonus attacks, either striking goblin #3 if he's still alive or goblin #4 should he have survived Cat's attack.
[If Cat takes out both goblins with 1 strike, Alice doesn't use Flurry of Blows but still moves the 40ft N and shoots goblin #6 with her bow.]

Yulya 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:28 [Preview] No.5473 del
(38.02 KB 512x512 106331575.jpg)
Yulya waits for the outcome of Alice and Cats attack. If goblin 5 is still standing, Yulya casts SACRED FLAME on the vile creature. If not Yulya moves to Ashley and casts GUIDANCE on her to help her summons find the last goblin.
Ashley we need to finish this and get out of here! After that screaming more will come for sure!

Round 4 Joy the DM 08/29/2024 (Thu) 01:39 [Preview] No.5480 del
>Cat enters RAGE and uses FELINE AGILITY to attack goblin 4 and 3 with her great sword

[1d20+7=27 CRIT!, 17][(2d6+5+2)x2+2d6+3+2=36 damage!] Both goblins are cut in two by the slice of this blow, they both perish instantly.

I should mention your claws have a lot of benefits for attacking multiple creatures Nick, Graze, Critical bonuses as well, keep that in mind.

>Alice moves the 40ft N and shoots goblin #6 with her bow

Alice moves 40ft North looking for a clean shot but the best she can do is fire at Goblin #5 with 75% cover, giving the Goblin effectively AC20
[1d20+5=9] The arrow sticks into the tree.

Goblin 6 fled the field North, there is no clear shot and you can't find them.

Yulya casts SACRED FLAME on the vile creature Since Goblin 5 is not hidden well, you can see them.

Remember you have the ring of quick casting, which gives you the opportunity to cast as many as 3 extra spells as a free action (3 per day).

[DEX 1d20+2-1d4(BANE)=13] The goblin is engulfed in bright light and is burned [1d8=1] The light is obscured by dirt and the goblin is barely bothered. (it was just a bad roll, this is flare)

[Ashley's Turn]

I move back 30ft to stay out of the range of the goblin and hides behind cover. I then call rally growth! "Attack! Avenge Mrs. Bigglesworth!"

Betsie, Barbie and Mr. B surround and flank the remaining Goblin and attack. Barbie and Betsie attempt to grapple Goblin 5
[STR 1d20+1-1d4=10,3 vs DC10] Barbie is able to grapple the Goblin.
[1d20+4+1d4=(14,24),(10,12),(23,26)] [CON 1d20-1d4=8] Betsie and Mr. B hit, The goblin takes [1d4+2+1d4=8 Poison and magic slashing] The goblin perishes on the spot in am eruption of blood and poison.

CONGRATULATIONS! The party receives 700XP total (175XP each) Next level is 3000XP. I am redefining the level XPs but for level 3 it won't change. I have adjusted the amount of XP gained by 2x due to the large number of enemies against a party of 4. The rolls went your way once again, don't get too cocky.

Mr. Bigglesworth finishes off the hobgoblin with a series of slashes to his face.
Ashley calls for Rally heal and Mr. Bigglesworth is healed from negative plane energy.
Betsie and Barbie stink Goblin #2 mercilessly until he takes his last breath.
[1d20=5] For now at least no more enemies are coming, so you collect your arrows, and among the trash armor and weapons they possess, you find:
-Extra large panties, probably worn by a half-orc, soiled but otherwise in good condition.
-Simple gold ring worth 30 gold.
-26 copper coins

Ashley takes 3 silver and 14 copper from the earlier purse found, and 3 of these copper coins.
"It ain't much, but it's honest work."

https://youtube.com/watch?v=_yICA0JNmig [Embed]

Cat 08/29/2024 (Thu) 12:02 [Preview] No.5485 del
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Cat can barely contain herself after wiping out the goblins
Nyahaha, did you see that Nya? Not much left of 'em Nya! I like this sword Nya!

Cat collects her arrows and maintains her gear leaving the 'loot' to others

Alice 08/29/2024 (Thu) 17:32 [Preview] No.5487 del
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Alice is glad to have waited for Cat to attack first before rushing to the goblins
I'll be staying outside of your striking range from now on, that was insane!

Alice inspects the loot with visible disdain
You expect me to clean - that? Can we even sell half orc underwear?

After a deafening silence from everyone, Alice gets to work and engulfs the gold ring, copper coins, and hesitantly, the soiled panties.
Honest work huh?

Alice spits out 1gp to make room for the gold ring and hands it to Yulya with the cleaned copper coins. Alice now stores 98gp and 2 rings in the lolibank.

She stuffs the panties in the bag pouch and tries not to think about the former wearer any further.

Oh yeah, that dagger!
Alice takes the elven dagger from the pouch and hands it to Yulya
Cat said this has some magic, what do you think? Could be useful!

Yulya 08/29/2024 (Thu) 20:34 [Preview] No.5490 del
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Yulya sighs in relief
See? No goblin came close to us! But we spent a lot of mana.
In any case good teamwork! Well done everyone!

Yulya pockets 1gp from Alice and 23cp from the loot. Then she casts GUIDANCE on herself before investigating the magic of the elven dagger Alice shows her.

I am worried about the one goblin that escaped! We cannot stay we must get out of here quickly! But where should we go? Ashley can your summons detect any clue where that dwarves may have gone?

Yulya uses SEARCH on the area to look for clues while still under GUIDANCE.

Let's go! Ashley and Joy 08/30/2024 (Fri) 02:33 [Preview] No.5500 del
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>I am worried about the one goblin that escaped! We cannot stay we must get out of here quickly! But where should we go? Ashley can your summons detect any clue where that dwarves may have gone?

"I'm not promising anything, but let's see." I direct Mr. Bigglesworth to sniff put any trails. "A cat is not a bloodhound, but maybe he can find something."

Mr. Bigglesworth touches the ground where Ashley is pointing with his nose gingerly, then sits back and licks the blood off his paws.

Unfortunately Mr. Bigglesworth isn't trained to search and rescue, even with Ashley's connection all he can do is share his senses.

"As it turns out, his perception isn't much better than mine. He's got nothing. I think we need to follow the one who got away North. Let's use stealth the best we can. We're here to rescue dwarves, what other choice do we have? Let's get going."

There is a path headed north, there's enough cover for a stealthy approach.

[The dagger]
Even with guidance, Yulya does not see anything of use with Investigation. This would require testing through use or an identify spell.

The dagger has a royal crest on it and a greenish gem in the base. It looks expensive and far from ceremonial. It faintly feels magic and would probably cause magic damage. It's condition is good, this has been used. the focus is large enough to support several uses, it probably does something but it may need a word phrase or gesture to set it off.

Cat 08/30/2024 (Fri) 08:27 [Preview] No.5501 del
Cat returns after collecting her arrows
Nya the goblin went north Nya! Lets move northeast for a while Nya. Then we could flank their reinforements Nya. Don't wanna run into them directly Nya!
Cat looks proud about her strategy

Alice 08/30/2024 (Fri) 13:30 [Preview] No.5503 del
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Alice collects a few more goblin and hobgoblin ears to decorate her spear
Alright, I will move a bit off that trail to scout ahead!
Alice dons her cloak and stealthily disappears in the bushes

Joy the DM 08/30/2024 (Fri) 14:25 [Preview] No.5511 del
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>collects a few more goblin and hobgoblin ears to decorate her spear

Alice's speer full of ears adds a -2 to all stealth rolls for detection by others down wind. You can't buy better monster bait. They're quite situationally useful as bait. Sealing them in a jar will prevent this.

Yulya 08/30/2024 (Fri) 20:04 [Preview] No.5518 del
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Yulya decides to keep the dagger to examine it later and hands Alice the ordinary dagger she 'borrowed' from the slavers instead.
Please keep this Alice. My backpack is completely full!

Now let us head north immediately!
Alice will scout ahead off the track I will follow behind and search the area using GUIDANCE. Then comes Ashley and Cat will be our rear guard.

Ashley can Barbie and Betsy fly above the treetops to scout too? They should be able to see much more from above than we do in this dense forest.

Alice 08/30/2024 (Fri) 22:20 [Preview] No.5523 del
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Alice engulfs the spear with the goblin ears and uses phagocytosis for cleaning and deodorizing them until only a relatively faint goblin smell remains. The perfect camourflage to make goblins think it's one of their kind.

HIDEOUT ROUND 0 Ashley and Joy 08/31/2024 (Sat) 02:17 [Preview] No.5526 del
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>Ashley can Barbie and Betsy fly above the treetops to scout too? They should be able to see much more from above than we do in this dense forest.

"I thought of that but these girls are so noisy, they'll know we're coming. I'll send them up if we get lost." Ashley docks her babies on her shoulders. Their little tufted claw-feet dig into her skin through her layers but aren't too uncomfortable.

Mr. Bigglesworth slinks through the grass like a cat on the prowl as he follows Alice closely.


The group works their way north, as stealthily as they can even with a party member blatantly smelling like rotten goblins.

Some rolls are hidden for this scene, but guidance is noted.

You pass a goblin campsite strewn with bits and pieces of junk and articles that may have once been Gundren's. There is nothing of value. The campsite seems like it was used as late as this morning. Goblin tracks head off north and down toward the ambush site and back along with countless passes along a well used path. The goblins seem to be keeping an eye on the road.

Alice, your AC is 10+WIS+DEX=13 but you may be eligible for a Centered Bonus +3 if you are Sacred Fist Class

[1d20+2=16] About 10 minutes north, Alice notices a snare trap. She can choose to release it or leave it and let everyone know it exists. In either case it's defeated.

Decision #1 Required from Alice

[PER 1d20+2=8, DEX 1d20+3=12] Another hour north, Alice walks over a pit but her light weight doesn't trigger it before she notices the predicament and jumps free of it. The trap is technically sprung and is obvious to others who see it now.

Alice can reset the trap or leave it. Decision #2 Required from Alice

Traveling with stealth is very slow, 1mph, so it takes until well after dark to reach what looks like a cave in the side of a large hill, leading up to the Neverwinter forest. &Neverwinter forest is on a plateau roughly 100-150 ft. up with a gentle enough slope to avoid any hinderance to movement."

[0:45 Wednesday Spring 13th a cold wind is blowing from the South]

Unfortunately the direction of wind means you're upwind from the cave entrance and several goblins exit the roughly 10' x 10' wide entrance, noses high. This is not due to Alice, they expect a goblin smell, the goblins can simply smell the foul odor of other humanoids.

[1d20-1=4] You are near the entrance to cave but the Goblins don't see you and only have a vague feeling you're nearby. They're increasing their forces by the minute, so you can somewhat choose when to attack based on how many you want to attack outside. You will have surprise so advantage and round 1 attack unopposed. Currently 4 have fanned out near the entrance. You all have full cover and stealth and surprise. Keep in mind they may call for reinforcements during this engagement.

There are a finite number of goblins, but expect many. The map is 10ft to a square.

Yulya recognizes this as only about 7 miles West of her old cabin.

If you retreat at any time, they may notice and will get a chance to fire at you.

Requirted action...

Alice 08/31/2024 (Sat) 21:08 [Preview] No.5535 del
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After growing discontent in her party, Alice discards most of her goblin ears with a heavy heart (if she had one), decoratively hanging them on branches along the path. She keeps 2 well-cleaned goblin and hobgoblin ears each.

Alice leaves the traps she encountered disarmed to prevent collateral damage.

Alice 08/31/2024 (Sat) 22:42 [Preview] No.5539 del
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Arriving at the goblin hideout, Alice grudgily notices the goblins are aware of their arrival
If all of you carried a few goblin ears that wouldn't have happened! They can smell you!''

Alice turns to Cat
Psst, gimme those goblin flasks! I will try to determine if the content is flammable enough to set them on fire!

Cat 09/01/2024 (Sun) 10:47 [Preview] No.5541 del
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Cat quietly rummages through her backpack and hands Alice 4 crude flasks containing homebrew goblin alcohol.
Smells terrible Nya! You really think this will burn Nya? I say we just shoot the ones outside Nya!

Yulya 09/01/2024 (Sun) 12:42 [Preview] No.5542 del
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Yulya dons her shield
As soon as you are ready I will cast BLESS on you again! I hope it will last long enough!

Round 0 Still Joy the DM 09/01/2024 (Sun) 13:23 [Preview] No.5543 del
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>Psst, gimme those goblin flasks! I will try to determine if the content is flammable enough to set them on fire!

>You really think this will burn Nya? I say we just shoot the ones outside Nya!

Alice sips the brew...
[1d20=20] Her eyes widen, surprisingly this is close to being pure alcohol, so strong it most likely will ignite and sustain and fire. Who would have thought these goblins could be distilling alcohol? Perhaps they aren't as dumb as they look.

Ashley overhears the conversation and whispers harshly, "Alice are you dumb? We want to rescue Gundren and Sildar, not kill them in the process."

>Yulya dons her shield
>As soon as you are ready I will cast BLESS on you again! I hope it will last long enough!

The goblins are mulling about, chattering to themselves.
Cat hears Goblin1 say, "There's a foul scent on the wind, where's Swaug and Beliel, they should have returned for their report by now. I'm giving them another minute before I go looking for them myself and if I find them fooling around I'll kill them myself!"

Cat hears Goblin4 say, "I still smell dwarf, there's got to be more running around out there."

Goblin1 responds, "Why do you think I sent Swaug and Beliel!? Now stop yammering and start listening, the scent is strong. Hey you two, fan out, we gotta find these sneaks!"

Goblin2 and Goblin3 ready their bows and will begin to move roughly in the direction of the smell momentarily.

Pyromaniac Alice 09/01/2024 (Sun) 14:54 [Preview] No.5544 del
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>pure alcohol
Alice's surprised look morphs into a diabolical grin
Cat, the oil and tinderbox! We will burn those fuckers. Total goblin death!

Alice distributes oil from Cat's oil flask between the 4 goblin flasks creating a sticky oil-alcohol mixture that will burn at high temperature, then cuts up the half orc panties with her dagger and stuffs wicks into the 4 bottles
I'll call it Alice cocktail MKI, it's not perfect but it will have to do for now!

>Ashley overhears the conversation and whispers harshly, "Alice are you dumb? We want to rescue Gundren and Sildar, not kill them in the process."
Alice turns around and replies with an expressionless face
Ashley, humanity didn't conquer the galaxy by facing enemies one-on-one in close combat but with scientifically optimized weapons of mass destruction. The human resourcefulness makes them the most powerful species. Truly terrifying! Even though the individual human is so laughably weak...

Now listen!
Can your wasps carry such a burning flask and drop it on the goblins heads? We will drone them with one Alice cocktail to cause confusion, then finish off the rest. Then throw one or two more into the entrance for my personal entertainment. I'm not waltzing in there without significantly weakening the enemy first, even if it causes collateral damage. We can't rescue anyone if we get taken out as well. Don't underestimate those creatures!

Yulya 09/01/2024 (Sun) 17:57 [Preview] No.5547 del
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[Is this rd1 now? If not this should go to rd1 after they are finished andd ready to attack]

Yulya nervously watches Cat and Alice fiddle around
Hurry up girls they are coming!

Yulya casts BLESS on Alice Ashley and Cat and is now out of MP but that doesnt mean she is out of spells! She looks at the ring of quick casting Daran gave her
Time to try this out!

Yulya extends her hands and simultaneously casts EMBOLDENING BOND between Alice and Cat
Go you two!

[Both BLESS and EMBOLDENING BOND have a duration of 10min and stack. Remember BLESS works on all rolls while the BOND only works on one roll per creature per turn. No idea how to work that out]

Cat 09/02/2024 (Mon) 11:33 [Preview] No.5553 del
Cat's patience has run out. She takes 2 flasks and the tinder box back, leaving the other 2 for Alice. Then she draws her longbow and shoots goblin 1
Thanks for the support Yulya Nya! Let's go get them Nya!

Cat 09/02/2024 (Mon) 11:35 [Preview] No.5554 del
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Alice 09/02/2024 (Mon) 16:41 [Preview] No.5556 del
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Alice rolls her eyes in disappointment
Haa, no ears, no fire huh? This unpreparedness is going to get you all killed I tell you...
We may as well have just charged them.

For now Alice has no choice but to go with Cat and also takes out her bow and shoots goblin 1 if he survives Cat's arrow. If not she targets goblin 4. But she hasn't given up on firebombing the goblin den.

Round 1 Ashley and Joy the DM 09/03/2024 (Tue) 03:23 [Preview] No.5557 del
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The goblins' trail ends at a cave in a hillside five miles from the scene of the ambush. A shallow stream flows from the cave mouth, which is screened by dense briar thickets. A narrow, dry path leads into the cave on the right side of the stream. The stream is 2 feet deep. It's cold and slow, and not difficult to wade across. The thicket in area H2 is impenetrable from the west side of the stream. The 4 goblins that have assembled are caught by surprise and will not act this turn.

Initiative with Bless on some, Embolding Bond will not be additionally applied for initiative roll.
[1d20+1d4+1=20+5] Cat was chosen to roll based on Bless and rolled double crit.

All players will get two turns before a goblin acts. This will not affect reinforcements.

>Now listen!
>Can your wasps carry such a burning flask and drop it on the goblins heads?

"Not a chance."

It is 1 minute, not 10, EB is 10 min.
>Bless and Embolding bond OP combo
>Go you two!


Cat shoots Goblin 1 with her long bow
[1d20+4+2d4=13,24 vs AC15] The arrow hits Goblin1 and all the Goblins are alerted. You have surprise. [1d8+2=6] The Goblin is dropped where he stood and is unconscious.

Alice shoots Goblin 4
[1d20+1d4+5=12,21] Advantage saves the da once again and she hits Goblin4 for... [1d6+3=5 damage]
Goblin4 stares at the arrow in his chest with disbelief as he also falls back unconscious.

The attack was noticed, Goblin Reinforcements will arrive next turn.

Ashley calls Rally Growth, "Get 'em!"
Mr. Bigglesworth, Barbie and Betsie move toward the remaining goblins, surrounding Goblin3, and attack.
&Barbie and Betsie attempt to grapple Goblin3 [STR 1d20+1=16,13 vs DC10] The Goblin is too slippery to grapple. [1d20+4+1d4=(19,16),(23,20),(19,18)] [CON 1d20=13 vs DC14] Barbie, Betsie and Mr. B hit, The goblin takes [(1d4+2+2d4)*1.5=8 Poison and magic slashing] The goblin falls to the relentless attack! Barbie's target was downed and moves her attack to Goblin2 for 1 damage.

"Woohoo! You're next Goblin2!"

Cat 09/03/2024 (Tue) 11:34 [Preview] No.5563 del
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Cat waits for goblin 2 to be taken down, then falls into rage and moves 25ft N into the crevice around the corner from the narrow path. She waits crouching for an ususpecting goblin to come down the path. She readies an attack with her claws using Nick.

Yulya 09/03/2024 (Tue) 16:20 [Preview] No.5567 del
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Yulya stays hidden and observes the battle. She readies SACRED FLAME. She will cast it on any reinforcement goblin that survives the attack of the others. Especially if already wounded to finish him off.

Alice 09/03/2024 (Tue) 18:49 [Preview] No.5570 del
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Alice waits for the outcome of the battle between Ashley's summons and goblin 2. If he survives by a miracle, Alice will attack him with her spear 2 handed, then retreat slightly west between Mr. Bigglesworth and goblin 2.
If the goblin is taken down, Alice will move to the exact same position and ready an attack with her bow.

Round 2-3 start Ashley and Joy the DM 09/03/2024 (Tue) 22:52 [Preview] No.5576 del
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Ashley calls Rally Growth, "Again, again, again!!!"

Mr. Bigglesworth, Barbie and Betsie move toward and flank the remaining goblin, surrounding Goblin2, and attack.
Barbie and Betsie attempt to grapple Goblin2 [STR 1d20+1=16,10 vs DC10]
The Goblin evades them once again!
[1d20+4+1d4=(7,15),(11,9),(18,22)] [CON 1d20=15 vs DC14] Barbie and Mr. B hit, The goblin takes
[(1d4+1+1d4)*1.5=9 Poison and slashing]

The goblin falls in a heap of summons, he laments not even getting a shot off.

As the last goblin falls, Cat enters RAGE (last one) and moves 25ft N into the crevice around the corner from the narrow path. She waits crouching for an unsuspecting goblin to come down the path. She readies an attack with her claws using Nick.

Alice moves up flanking the entrance with Cat.

You will get your moves for Round 2 before the other goblins attack.

Several goblins race out of the cave along the dry path and engage Cat. Cat gets off the first hit.

[RAGE NICK][1d20+6+1d4B=(30,20)+1d4EB(10,20)] Cat critically hits the Goblin5 for...
[(1d6+4+2)x2=12] downing him easily, and nicks Goblin6 for... [1d6+4+2=8] This goblin similarly falls to her merciless attacks.

Alice lets an arrow fly at Goblin7 [1d20+5+1d4=(13,20]] and hits for... [1d6+3=4] piercing damage.

Yulya casts Sacred Flame on the remaining goblin. [DEX 1d20+2=22] The goblin dodges the light and finally gets a turn! He swipes at Cat with his scimitar. [1d20+4=12] but it deflects off her armor. So he disengages and runs back into the cave.

Cat hears a big commotion coming.

[Round 3]

For this next round, you will have initiative, so make your moves and decisions based on the previous rounds and take any actions you want as part of that initiative. If you have moves left when they arrive, you will get to take them before them but you no longer have surprise or advantage because of that.

Cat 09/04/2024 (Wed) 10:59 [Preview] No.5583 del
Even the bravest warrior must know when to retreat! Cat grudgily falls back into the dense vegetation moving 40ft S with Feline Agility (as far so she can still shoot through the vegetation while being in full cover). Cat readies her bow to shoot approaching goblins

[If you grant Cat an object interaction she will pass her tinderbox to Alice once she arrives before readying her bow.]

Alice Nya! You handle the burning stuff Nya!

Alice 09/04/2024 (Wed) 16:55 [Preview] No.5589 del
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''Alice sighs and also retreats into the forest next to Cat. She takes the empty oil flask out of Cat's backpack, quickly takes the wicks out of her 2 improvised 'Alice Cocktails', pours their oil-alcohol mixture inside the empty oil jar and seals it with the wicks.
She also takes the tinderbox handed to her by Cat.''

[2 'Alice Cocktails' have been converted to 1 oil flask bomb armed with a wick. That's a lot of action but remember Alice is fast and has high DEX. 2 'Alice Cocktails' with wicks remain with Cat that can be used to start a fire but won't be effective when thrown on something]

Yulya 09/04/2024 (Wed) 22:06 [Preview] No.5597 del
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Yulya nervously gesticulates for her friends to come back into the forest. She falls back south next to Ashleys position and readies SACRED FLAME to burn the the most threatening goblin left after Ashleys and Cats attack.

Round 3 Joy the DM 09/05/2024 (Thu) 01:27 [Preview] No.5599 del
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Currently there are 6 unconscious goblins on the field. Goblin3 has stabilized after rolling 3 death saving throws in the positive. Goblin 1 and 4 are near death.

Cat moves 30ft South and gains full cover. Cat, I canceled your feline agility, there's no place 40ft south that would give you a clean shot at the entrance. So I moved you 30ft instead.

Alice follows next to Cat and prepares a crude firebomb. Alice in 30ft she made it there fine as well.

Mr. B, Betsie and Barbie ready themselves for the onslaught. Preparing to hold the line. They feel the rally and have gained AC and damage.

Yulya moves closer to Ashley. I moved you as far south as I could where you still had line of sight.
Yulya readies SACRED FLAME to burn the the most threatening goblin left after Ashleys and Cats attack.

The next wave of Goblins arrives, with five goblins, you see Goblin7 is still injured.

Cat shoots the first one she sees.
[1d20+4+1d4=10] Her shot misses. Embolding bong wouldn't have helped.

Mr. Bigglesworth, Barbie and Betsie move toward Goblin9 to flank and attack. Barbie and Betsie attempt to grapple Goblin9 [STR 1d20+1=2,17 vs DC10] Betsie manages to grapple Goblin9.
[1d20+4+1d4=(19,24),(20,9),(17,20)] [CON 1d20=13 vs DC14] They all hit, Goblin9 takes,
[(1d4+2+1d4)*1.5=9 Poison and magic slashing damage]/& Goblin9 is down.
Barbie's target was downed so she moves to flank Goblin11.
[1d20+4+1d4=25] She hits for, [1d4=1] Since she rolled 1, she even 1.5x is 1 since it rounds down.

Yulya casts Sacred Flame on Goblin11.
[DEX 1d20+2=15 vs DC15] The goblin dodges the light again.

Goblin7 runs to the source of the arrow.
Goblin8 and 10 flank Mr. Bigglesworth and attack with their scimitars.
[1d20+4=(20,12),(16,21)] Mr. B is hit by goblin8, [1d6+2=3 slashing damage] Mr. B pops out of the material plane in a puff of purple smoke to the confusion of the goblins.
Goblin 10 and 11 turn their scimitars on Betsie and Barbie. They manage to flank Betsie. [1d20+4=(19,8)]
Betsie pops out of existence like a wisp of smoke.
Goblin 11 turns on Barbie. [1d20+4=24] He critically hits Betsie and she's gone.
The goblins use their remaining turn to fanout while Goblin8 calls for more reinforcements and gains half cover just inside the cave.

[1d20-1=4] Goblin7 is looking but doesn't find anything. They know there's at least 2 enemies out here.

Firebomb: As an action, a character can light this bomb and throw it at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage. 1lb, 150gp

Alice's Makeshift Firebomb: As an action, a character can light this bomb and throw it at a point up to 20 feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 fire damage. The lingering fire lasts 2 rounds and affects a circular area 5ft in radius. Additionally the creatures hit must succeed another DEX vs DC12 or be on fire for one round and will take an additional 1d6 fire damage next round. Cost:??? Weight 1lb.

Kashtan's Firebomb: As an action, a character can light this bomb and throw it at a point up to 60 feet away. Each creature within 7.5 feet of that point must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage and is on fire taking 1d6 damage per turn unless extinguished, passing a DC15 DEX, the condition will last 1d4 turns. Additionally, any mechanical means of extinguishing the flame will cause 1d4 slashing damage per attempt and any interaction with others attempting to extinguish it will cause them to become on fire for that turn and take 1d6 damage. Cost:??? weight 1lb.

Oil is an ingredient to a firebomb, not a firebomb. It is 1sp and only coats enemies in oil. Also coats surfaces and still water.

Cat 09/05/2024 (Thu) 12:00 [Preview] No.5605 del
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Cat tries to control her urges to maim the unsuspecting goblin 7 near her and lets Alice attack him first. If he survives, Cat will finish the job with her Claws using NICK. If Alice incapacitates the goblin and goblins are left after Ashley attacks 10 and 11, Cat will shoot those with her longbow. If they are down as well, Cat will shoot goblin 8.

Alice 09/05/2024 (Thu) 14:58 [Preview] No.5606 del
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Alice pockets the firebomb and jumps out of the bushes, attacking goblin 7 with her spear 2-handed. If that doesn't finish him off she continues with her bonus unarmed strike. Then she retreats into the dense vegetation again.

Yulya 09/05/2024 (Thu) 18:25 [Preview] No.5610 del
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Yulya waits for everyone else to finish their attacks then again casts sacred flame on a surviving goblin. higher priority on the nearer 10 or 11 than on 8.
Be careful if you go out there as Panther Ashley!

Round 4 Joy the DM 09/05/2024 (Thu) 21:09 [Preview] No.5614 del
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[Spring 12th, 01:00, 1C]

Goblin 1 and 4 have died.
Goblin 2 and 3 are stable

Alice attacks Goblin7 with her spear, 2-handed using DEX

You and Cat should have set up flank, keep that in mind next time. You could flank, attack, then jump back into the bushes if he was downed. However the way the goblin is positioned, flank is natural so I will automatically put Alice in flank position with Cat, surrounding the Goblin.

[1d20+4=(5,5)] Wow, it was a double critical miss, that never happens. Sorry Alice, even I felt that one. Embolding bond can't fix it.
Alice misses horribly, unless her target was the ground, which it wasn't. The goblin sees that and laughs openly. Cat, being a smart girl, also sets up flank and attacks the Goblin, jumping out of the bushes...

Cat attack with her Claws using NICK
[1d20+6+1d4=(21,16)] [1d6+4+2=12 damage] nick wasn't needed, the goblin is down.

Alice jumps back into the bushes.

(Hidden rolls) Reinforcements have arrived
A 12th goblin steps out of the cave, "Get them you cowards!" he yells, though he's the smallest of the bunch.

"Come on Helga, Time to play!" Ashley says to herself and casts Summon Mechathereal Lynx.
[1d4=3] Ashley bows and her cloths shed in a puff of fabric and leather, with a loud roar and a pop, Helga and Ashley Panther race toward the goblins.

Helga positions herself behind Goblin11.
Ashley Panther Pounces with Advantage due to the flank!
[1d20+4+1d4=(14,16)] She claws the goblin for, [CON 1d20=9 vs DC14] [2d4+2+2=9 magic slashing damage] The goblin is barely holding on, so she attempts a grapple as part of pounce, [STR 1d20-1=3 vs DC12] The goblin is grappled, [1d20+4+1d4=(19,11)] She then bites for, [CON 1d20=14 vs DC14] [2d4+2=6 piercing damage] The goblin is spent and is unconscious.

Ashley Panther then positions herself behind Goblin 10 and flanks with Helga, Helga attacks,
[1d20+4+1d4=(11,23)] [CON 1d20=15 vs DC14] [1d4+2=4 slashing damage]

Ashley Panther uses action surge, disengages, moves back and pounces on Goblin10 with advantage,
[1d20+4+1d4=(20,19)] She claws the goblin for, [CON 1d20=18 vs DC14] [2d4+2=7 slashing damage] The goblin is down.

Yulya casts Sacred Flame on Goblin12.
[DEX 1d20+2=14 vs DC15] Yulya finally is able to land a hit with sacred flame on a goblin. She does, [1d10=7] Radiant Damage on the Goblin, cooking him where he stands, and he falls over in steaming pile of rot.

Goblin8 desperately calls for more backup, let's off a wild shot toward Helga and escapes back into the cave.
[1d20+4=19] He hits Helga for, [1d6+2=5] Helga's still ticking though she's not looking well with that arrow sticking out of her head.

The round ends with a horrific battlefield full of dead and dying goblins, you can see Ashley Panther's head turn toward the cave entrance and the snarl on her face means she hears something big coming. Again, position yourselves for the next round.

SheShe 09/05/2024 (Thu) 21:22 [Preview] No.5617 del
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Yulya is suddenly stricken with a vision, and her angel has spoken through it. "You're doing so well! It's almost over, you can do this! They are both still alive, save them before it's too late!"

Alice 09/05/2024 (Thu) 23:51 [Preview] No.5620 del
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>[1d20+4=(5,5)] Wow, it was a double critical miss, that never happens.
Alice shamefully creeps back into the bushes and is met by Cat's stare of disdain for her double miss
Caaat, I'm cold! And tired! And hungry! I hope whatever comes now is flammable and edible! I wanna eat it!

Alice looks over the bushes at the downed goblin that laughed at her with a creepy expressionless stare
I am not done with you my dear! Rest assured, I won't forget about you once this fight is over...

Cat 09/06/2024 (Fri) 09:39 [Preview] No.5626 del
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[Interlude between turns while we think about where to go]
Cat shakes her head
Get yourself together Alice Nya! The fun starts now Nya! You better not miss next time Nya!

Yulya 09/06/2024 (Fri) 13:53 [Preview] No.5628 del
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Yulya feels a wave of warm calmness from the vision she has not felt in a while. But she is soon thrown back into the harsh reality.

Yulya calls Cat over
Cat I am going to share a vision of my goddess with you and bless you with HEROISM! I believe it will benefit you more than Alice or Ashley Panther who can disengage more easily! Still be careful! I have no idea what is coming at us. I still have a few aces up my sleeve but even I am running low on them.

Round 5, "This is how you died" >:3 Joy the DM 09/07/2024 (Sat) 02:50 [Preview] No.5629 del
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=ydZhfSH3qQo [Embed]

Ashley Panther hisses as the heavy stomps and rattling chains foretell the coming doom.

Yulya bestows Heroism on Cat.
Cat immediately feels stronger. Cat's HP is now 25+15TEMP, each turn the 15HP temporary hit points will be renewed.

An especially large Goblin strolls out of the cave confidently, dwarfing Goblin8 who tails him timidly. He's holding a long heavy chain, and it trails off into the cave. They splash down into the stream and fan out, with a Hobgoblin and Hobgoblin Shaman close behind. The Goblin Boss cackles like a maniac as he sees the dead and dying goblins all around him, "They paid a heavy price for being so incompetent!" He calls out into the night, "Come out, come out little mosquitos, you've shed enough blood tonight. For if you do I'll spare your life and if you don't I'll show a fright!"

Ashley Panther uses intimidation, snarling like a proud and angry panther. [1d20+6=14 vs DC10]

"Ahh! Ha ha ha, you gave me a fright I see, well in that case, let me indulge you!" He tugs on the chain and a well fed Green Dragon Wyrmling crawls out. Hobbled by chains that constrain her, she cannot fly and is limited to 20ft movement. "Meet my pet, Cragmaaaw!!!"

See Cragmaw Leadership.jpg from Left to right: Hobgoblin Elite, Hobgoblin Shaman, Goblin8, Goblin Boss, Chained Green Dragon Wyrmling

The dragon notes Ashley and smiles, then a deep growl bellows from her gaping mouth.

He tugs her chain and a spiked section digs into her neck where festering wounds expel puss as the dragon winces. "Go on then, you know what to do."

Cragmaw glares at him with hateful eyes then gazes out into the night, her blindsight sees past obstacles, and easily makes out Alice, Cat and Ulla among the trees. Her bloodshot eyes glare at them and she begins to speak in Draconic. The words are indecipherable but the inflections indicate distaste for the Boss, her words are somewhat elegant in a brash sort of way. Then her eyes flash and anyone not immune to Frightened or Fear is hit with a bone chilling fright.
Yulya and Alice [1d20+5=8 1d20=18 vs DC11] Alice shrugs off the fear but Yulya becomes frightened and has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the dragon is within her line of sight and can’t willingly move closer to the source of its fear.

Yulya, since you are effectively hiding behind a tree, you can occlude the dragon with the tree trunk and not suffer the effects while you do other things without the conditions. I'm adding this as a mechanic and you could do the same thing with a shield. You just can't have line of sight with the dragon without suffering the effects.

Ashley Panther and Cat are immune to frightened. Helga was outside the dragon's gaze cone.

You still have initiative.

Ashley Panther and Helga move to the Goblin Shaman, Helga sets up a flank.
Ashley Panther pounces with advantage with claw, [1d20+4+1d4=(19,18)][CON 1d20+2=10] and hits for [2d4+4=7 magic slashing damage.] She attempts to grapple [1d20+2=10] and succeeds! Then bites, [1d20+4+1d4=(11,25)][CON 1d20+2=4][2d4+4=9 magic slashing damage]

Helga attacks the Hobgoblin Shaman, [1d20+4+1d4=(26,21)][CON 1d20+2=8][1d4+3=4]
The Hobgoblin Shaman is grappled, as Ashley Panther holds him by the neck, and cannot cast. He must use an action to try to escape, he had no weapon equipped when he was grappled so he cannot equip a weapon until freed. He is effectively stuck.

Time to be a hero is now or Ashley Panther will likely get mobbed and wiped out this turn.

Joy the DM 09/07/2024 (Sat) 03:01 [Preview] No.5632 del
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Dangit... forgot the map.

Cat 09/07/2024 (Sat) 16:24 [Preview] No.5641 del
Cat lets out a growl seeing the chained dragon. Then she storms out straight at Cragmaw until she touches the dragon
Dragon Nya!
Your woulds are terrible Nya! I don't like beings in chains Nya! If we set you free what will you do Nya? Attack us who freed you Nya or those who chained you Nya? Decide for yourself Nya! I gotta protect my friends Nya but they will not harm you if you do not attack them Nya! Now hold still Nya don't wanna hurt you Nya!

Cat strikes the chain holding the correction chain of the dragon using her Greatsword with a Reckless Attack.

Yulya 09/07/2024 (Sat) 20:00 [Preview] No.5645 del
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Ohnonono not again! Not another dragon!
Already traumatized from her first encounter with the ice dragon Yulya collapses under the spell of the green wyrmling and hides behind a tree.
Its almost over? Is that a joke? Oh yeah we are all going to die here!

The dragons words resonate deep within Yulya. She cannot understand them but she feels something like - pity? More for herself of course but Yulya tries to convince herself that the dragon could be turned into an ally. The enemy of my enemy is my friend right? Right?

Trying to block the view of the dragon with her shield Yulya sees how Cat runs straight at the monster. Yulya wonders if this indeed the effect of HEROISM or Cats stupidity and if she just sent her friend into certain death.

No time to worry about others. Yulya sees the hobgoblin elite move toward her and totally loses it
Alice! Throw that thing you made for heavens sake! Stop them! Burn them! But dont hit the dragon! Or whatever! Just do something!

Yulya panics and casts SACRED FLAME at the hobgoblin and uses her Ring of quick casting to churn out another blaze of SACRED FLAME at him. Then she retreats 20ft south and prays for the horror the end.

Alice 09/08/2024 (Sun) 00:19 [Preview] No.5646 del
Seeing the chained dragon approach, Alice's eyes light up as she readies her firebomb
Chicken dinner! With goblin seasoning!

The dragon's spell is powerless against a hungry alien monster that has set its eyes on a juicy prey. Alice is far too busy imagining what a spitroasted plump dragon tastes like to succumb to fear. But her dream about a plentiful warm meal bursts like a soap bubble as Cat storms forward to sympathize with said meal.''
Look at the knight in shining armor! How cliche!

Even Alice has to acknowledge that one less powerful enemy and one more equally powerful ally isn't so bad. But Cat and Ashley's attack seems suicidal and someone has to burn! Attacking the noisy goblin boss directly would be quite satisfying but the risk of hitting and pissing off the dragon seems too great. But they are standing in water. Burning oil and water make an interesting combination. Alice sighs and rolls her eyes.
If Cat can do an insane reckless attack than so can I!

Alice moves NW to the west bank of the river. She lights her precious invention and hurls it at goblin 8 in hope that the water will carry a film of boiling oil downstream to the hobgoblin elite and the goblin leader, ignitin the clothes at their feet. Maybe not enough to hurt them but enough to keep them busy avoiding the fire for a short while.
Make me proud!

Alice moves on north passing by Ashley and positions herself north of the grappled shaman ready to finish him off in case Ashley and Helga don't manage to.

Round 5 concludes. Joy the DM 09/08/2024 (Sun) 12:48 [Preview] No.5649 del
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When we last left our heroes, dire situations had presented themselves and they were in quite a pickle.
Goblins 5,6, and 10 have stabilized


"Hee hee ha ha ha! Oh! So you attack my shaman first? Get those cats! And you! Get up!" The goblin boss cackles and coughs out his orders with a confidence.

Meanwhile, Cat runs boldly runs up to the dragon, trying to gain rapport, touching her. A thin film of slime covering her scales causes a slight burn to Cat's paw [1d6=1 poison damage.] She attempts to break the chain that the Goblin leader is using to control the dragon using a reckless attack.

"You fool! Another cat! Get her too!" The goblin boss yells.

[1d20+7+1d4BLESS=(16,14) vs AC19] Bad luck! Cat's attempt fails to break the lead!
Cragmaw hisses and mutters deep draconic words that seem to indicate surprise, confusion and disappointment.

"What are you doing mosquito kitty? Ha ha ha ha haaaa!" The goblin leader taunts.

Yulya forsakes Cat, panics, and wildly attacks the hobgoblin elite with two rounds of Sacred Flame.
[DEX 1d20+1=3,13 vs DC15] The Hobgoblin elite burns, then burns again under the sacred light squealing out in pain. [2d8=9] Leaving him close to being downed.

The stream is moving, the density of Alice's mixture is lighter than water, but the water will start to dissolve it; however, it will stay lit on the water per the nature of the bomb.

Stream movement per round: 1d4ft/r = 3

Alice moves up to the west bank by Ashley Panther and tosses her bomb at Goblin8.
The bluish hued flame hits the goblin with a 5' radius, narrowly missing Ashley, Helga, Cragmaw and the Shaman but splashes onto the Golbin Boss and the water carries it Southwest to the hobgoblin Causing 5 fire damage to everyone it comes in contact with who don't manage to escape it.

[DEX G,GL 1d20+2=11,21 H 1d20+1=6] The Goblin and Hobgoblin both receive 5 fire damage, downing the hobgoblin! Another nice plan from Alice did something!

"AHH!!! You little imp! No no no! Get that little imp! Where did that awful light come from!?" The goblin leader yells desperately and yanks Cragmaw's chain, "There my pet, yes show them your true power!!!" He points to Alice and Cragmaw winces, then yells out a cry in draconic and unleashes her breath attack!!!

The dragon exhales poisonous gas in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage.

Goblin 2, 5, 12, and 9 are unconscious and do not have the liberty to make any saving throws of this nature while unconscious and all die from the breath.
[HS 1d20+2=21 HALF, G8 1d20=14 HALF, A 1d20+2=18 QUARTER (RES AND SAVE), H 1d20=12 HALF, AP 1d20=16 HALF]
[6d6=22] Poison damage: The Hobgoblin Shaman takes 11, Goblin8 takes 11 and falls unconscious, Alice takes 5, Helga takes 11 and pops out of the material plane, Ashley Panther takes 11.

The Goblin Leader laughs hysterically at the devastation Cragmaw wrought, disengages from Cat and drags her Northwest toward Alice.

[Optional Opportunity Attack: Cat may choose to attack Cragmaw as she is dragged out of her engagement. Default is no at this time.]

The hobgoblin shaman attempts to get up. [1d20+2=13 vs DC12] and Succeeds, readying his longsword.
The goblin leader with fierce rage in his eyes, attacks Alice mercilessly with advantage of Flanking with the Goblin Shaman. [He can make two attacks 1st will have advantage.]
[1d20+4=(9,8),22] He wiffs his first attack but lands his second for, [1d6+2=3]

-.- It's Alice's turn to laugh.

Round 6 Joy the DM 09/08/2024 (Sun) 12:50 [Preview] No.5650 del
(3.13 MB 4058x2904 HIDEOUT ROUND 06.jpg)

Ashley Panther disengages, she moves away 20ft Southwest then pounces on the Hobgoblin shaman, she can't set up advantage gaining flank with Alice because of the flames.

[1d20+4=(19)][CON 1d20+2=21] She Claws the Hobgoblin Shaman for, [1d4+2=8] downing the Hobgoblin shaman.

"Noooo!!!" The Goblin Boss curses in Goblish.

Alice, Cat, and Yulya can now take their turns in turn 6. You did amazingly well, Alice's bomb was genius, Yulya's attack made a difference, Ashley Panther pulled it out, Cat's attempt was just bad luck but in an ironic way Cragmaw's breath was an assist!

Yulya 09/08/2024 (Sun) 21:56 [Preview] No.5653 del
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Yulya can't observe directly what is going on but realizes only the goblin leader and the wyrmling remain and that Cat miraculously was spared.
Thank you SheShe sama!

Yulya somewhat regains composure crawls backwards avoiding looking directly at the dragon until the goblin leader is in range. Finding her new combo surprisingly efective Yulya takes a deep breath and uses the Ring of quick casting one last time again to fry the goblin leader with 2 strikes of Sacred Flame.
Begone evil creature without compassion even for your own men!

Cat 09/09/2024 (Mon) 06:58 [Preview] No.5658 del
Cat flinches back after taking poison damage from touching the dragon but that doesn't change her resolve.
I don't care what you are Nya but we will set you free if you help us Nya! Get that guy who tortured you Nya! Just promise not to attack us and leave Nya!

Cat lets out a growl of frustration as the chain resists her mighty strikes but immediately tries again

Cat moves north behind the dragon holding her breath and again strikes the correction chain with her greatsword in a reckless attack
Stupid chain you're done for Nyaaa!

Alice 09/09/2024 (Mon) 21:02 [Preview] No.5663 del
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Alice is surprised by the dragon's poison breath and looks at her damaged hands and body in disbelief
The fuck is this? It stings! Are you serious? We're trying to free you here and you poison us? This body sucks so much, taking damage from poison! How low have I fallen...

Alice's musings are interrupted by the goblin leader marching right up at her just to call her an imp
Excuse me? Did I hear right?
Who's an imp?
Are you an idiot just strolling away from Cat with your dragon in tow instead of tackling her? No wonder your goblins were all wiped out with such an incompetent leader!
Alice presents her spear decorated with goblin and hobgoblin ears
See this?
I just thought those ears look nice but yours are actually even prettier! Your ears are mine!

Alice squeezes between the goblin leader and the dragon while avoiding touching it to set up a flank with Ashley. She spends 1DP on Flurry of Blows and attacks the goblin leader with a grapple-shove-unarmed strike combo to push his head underwater

[not sure if you let me but the 2024 rules say unarmed strike is not limited to attack anymore but can be replaced by grapple, shove or dash. Does this mean I can try to grapple him 3 times? If it succeeds at first try I continue with shove and unarmed strike. If not grapple-grapple-shove. In worst case grapple-grapple-grapple.
Actually I'd like for Ashley to try first. If she can grapple-bite him, I can attack with spear 2-handed and 2 unarmed strikes. Can I shove him prone after Ashley grapples him and I spear him? Spear-shove-unarmed strike or if shove fails spear-shove-shove. In any case my goal is to knock him prone with one of my 3 attacks after Ashley attacks.]

Round 6 Concludes Joy the DM 09/10/2024 (Tue) 00:54 [Preview] No.5669 del
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>Cat moves north behind the dragon holding her breath and again strikes the correction chain with her greatsword in a reckless attack
>Stupid chain you're done for Nyaaa!
Cat's temporary hit points are restored.
[1d20+7+1d4BLESS=(9,18) vs AC19] Sorry Cat, you rolled double critical miss, then not quite enough.

Cragmaw's had enough of being chopped near by a reckless barbarian with a sword and pushes Cat back 40ft with her tail as a reaction causing [1d6=5 poison] damage.

Yulya gains enough bravery to approach the goblin boss within 60ft and LOS and casts two rounds of Sacred Flame with her last charge of the ring of quick casting.
[DEX 1d20+2=17,20 vs DC15] both castings are ineffective, he hops like a mad bullfrog out of the way of the burning light.

"Oh you're next little cleric chaat'oor!" The goblin leader spits angrily.

Getting line of sight to the goblin boss was tricky so I had to move you in a place where you could see him. Since Ashley and Alice aren't tall, I let you see over them.

>squeezes between the goblin leader and the dragon while avoiding touching it
[There isn't that much room without brushing up against both, thereby getting poison damage, but I'll allow it in an effort to not be too picky.]
>set up a flank with Ashley.
[Ashley already took her turn and has no movement left because she moved back 20ft and forward 20ft and she's about 10ft from the goblin boss. So no flank.]
>She spends 1DP on Flurry of Blows and attacks the goblin leader with a grapple-shove-unarmed strike combo to push his head underwater
>grapple-grapple-shove or grapple-grapple-grapple
>Actually I'd like for Ashley to try first.
[Ashley has already taken her turn and cannot try this until after the goblin boss' turn.]
[The rules have Strength (Athletics) used vs the target's athletics or acrobatics, but I'm going to assume some monk shenanigans where they can do anything dexterity they would normally use strength for so I'll allow Alice to grapple using acrobatics +5 vs athletics +1]
[First Grapple attempt: 1d20+5 vs 1d20+2 A=24 vs GB=16, Alice would have succeeded either way.]
[First shove attempt with advantage as the goblin boss is grappled: 1d20+5 vs 1d20+2 A=15 GB=6 succeeded again.]
>unarmed strike to push his head under water
[so... you're on the goblin, he's prone now, that's face down, and you attempt to hit the back of his head to force it underwater. Alright, this isn't a bad idea, he will have to escape the grapple then get up or get up then attack with disadvantage, effectively making him useless this turn and if you can push his head under water, he can't even direct the dragon in the way he would want. That's the best I can do but the dragon will do her own thing.]

[So, the grapple was a bonus action, then Alice has her action and two more actions with 1DP and flurry of blows which is a total of 4 actions, so you can hit him twice now and that's my offer unless you can claim you get more and that will have to apply after this turn, for this turn you got 4 turns and used 1 of 2 DP]
[1d20+5=(8,10)(14,9) vs AC17] Wow, this was a good example of how bad the dice can be when they're not in your favor. His head is not underwater as you hoped as you missed two strikes. I was very generous here in my opinion so there's no room to complain, but we can negotiate if something was done incorrectly.

The goblin boss is prone and grappled but can still bark orders. "AHh!! You fool of an imp! Get off me! Cragmaw do something!!!" He attempts to get up [GB 1d20+2=15 vs A 1d20+5=15 ties go to the one who is attempting the action He succeeds on getting up and pulls the chain as he attempts to attack Alice with his battle axe twice with disadvantage. [1d20+4=(19,14)(7,18)] But can't seem to land a hit.

Cragmaw attempts to charge her breath. [1d6=1] and fails. So she attempts to bite Alice, [1d20+4=12 vs DC15] and misses.

Round 7 begins Joy the DM 09/10/2024 (Tue) 01:16 [Preview] No.5670 del
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[Round 7]
The fire has moved 3ft south and causes 5hp fire damage to the elite hobgoblin and will burn out just before Alice's turn this round. It burned round 5 to 7
The Goblin Boss and Green Dragon Wyrmling are still unscathed. They both have an AC of 17. Cat may attempt to break the chain again, it's statistically unlikely she'll miss again, but you know.
The goblin boss is up but has disadvantage to attacks made to him [ruling] and can be pounced.

Ashley panther moves away 10ft south then moves 20ft North toward the goblin boss and pounces with advantage.
[1d20+4+1d4=(24,24)][CON 1d20=7] She Claws the Goblin boss for, [2d4+4=8 magic slashing damage] Then attempts to grapple [1d20=7 vs DC12] And is knocked prone again by Ashley Panther and grappled with Alice. And she bites as a bonus action.'' [1d20+4=(14,23)][CON 1d20=14][2d4+2=7 piercing damage]

The Goblin Boss looks worried, he's going to be very easy to hit, and has less than half his HP.

Cat 09/10/2024 (Tue) 09:30 [Preview] No.5673 del
Cat curses the unbreakable chain
What's with this damn thing Nya? Is this magic Nya?

Being distracted and too good-natured to expect an attack by the dragon she attempts to save, Cat is hit by its tail and pushed back, letting out a hiss

Ow Nya! Sorry sorry Nya that was reckless of me Nya! Told you to stay still Nya! Let's try later with my crowbar Nya! I'll get that nasty goblin first Nyaa!

Cat charges the prone goblin leader in another reckless attack and strikes him with a mighty swing of her greatsword using HEAVY.

Alice 09/10/2024 (Tue) 20:22 [Preview] No.5679 del
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Alice nimbly evades both the dragon's bite and the goblin leader's attacks while still grappling him
Nuh nuh, can't touch me!
Alice time!

Alice stabs the goblin leader with her spear 1-handed while grappling him with the other hand, then kicks him with an unarmed strike as bonus action.

Seeing Cat charge with her sword raised above her head, Alice's eyes widen
Waitwaitwait, are you nuts, do you wanna kill me too?

Yulya 09/10/2024 (Tue) 23:46 [Preview] No.5688 del
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Yulya is frustrated the goblin boss managed to evade her sacred flame. But grappled and prone he won't next time!

Yulya focuses and once again casts sacred flame on the goblin boss

Round 7 Concludes Joy the DM 09/11/2024 (Wed) 08:23 [Preview] No.5692 del
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>I'll get that nasty goblin first Nyaa!
>Cat charges the prone goblin leader in another reckless attack and strikes him with a mighty swing of her greatsword using HEAVY.
Cat's temporary hit points refresh.

Cat uses Feline Agility to make the distance and attacks the Goblin Boss.
[1d20+7-5HEAVY+1d4=(16,19) vs DC17] Cat swings and hits with her sword dealing, [2d6+5+10+2=22 damage] With one last scream, the goblin boss finally shuts up.

Ashley Panther, Alice, and Yulya warily realize their target has been knocked unconscious and look to the remaining issue...

Still tied to her now unconscious master, Cragmaw charges her breath. [1d6=3] but fails. She attempts to break her leg chains. [1d20+2=16] And fails, and bites at her neck chain. [1d20+4=15] But her teeth fail to tear the metal links.

[PER 1d20+3,+4=19,20]
Ashley Panther hisses a warning to the dragon and looks toward the inside of the cave. She seems to notice or hear something and slowly moves to investigate. She disengages with Cragmaw and moves Northeast.

The Cragmaw cave slopes steeply upward. The entrance is at the foot of a good-sized hill, and the caves and passages are inside the hill itself. Most of the caves and passages have steeply sloping ceilings that create stalactite-covered chambers rising 20 to 30 feet above the floor. The cave inside is mostly dark but there is a glow coming from the Northeast. Periodic stalagmites are large enough to provide cover (they appear as boulders on the map.) Areas of crumbling rock and gravel are difficult terrain.

The main passage from the cave mouth climbs steeply upward, the stream plunging and splashing down its west side. In the shadows, a side passage leads west across the other side of the stream. Even with darkvision it becomes too dark to see and Ashley Panther's truesight is obscured by stalactites on the ceiling before it opens upward.

Ashley continues moving quickly Northeast to investigate with stealth.

Just inside the cave mouth to the Northeast, a few uneven stone steps ascend to a small, dank chamber on the east side of the passage. The cave narrows to a steep fissure at the far end and is filled with the stench of animals. Three chained wolves snarl and rattle their chains as you approach the area. Each wolf's chain leads to an iron rod driven into the base of a stalagmite.

[STEALTH 1d20+6=18,18] The wolves haven't seen, heard or smelled her approach, they're on alert due to the sounds coming from the battle at the entrance. She sniffs at the air and pushes further. In the dim light of a candle up ahead, a hobgoblin is arguing with someone through a steep shaft in the eastern most part of the chamber. "Klarg's been beaten! ... I don't know how many! ..."

Ashley finds and takes a pack that can easily be identified as Sildar's and makes her way back to the front of the cave.

Alice and Yulya can still make their moves as their target was downed.

Alice 09/11/2024 (Wed) 22:27 [Preview] No.5694 del
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Alice narrowly evades Cat's mighty strike, seeing her alien life flash before her eyes
Heeey, be a bit more careful, Cat!! If that hit me I'd be toast. But you got him good! And the ears are still fine! Nice, hehe!

Alice rips the chain from the unconscious goblin's hand and tosses it to cragmaw.
There, we got him! He won't be able to hurt you anymore. Can you now stop with the poison breathing nonsense? It's annoying!

Alice boops the dragon on the nose with one of the goblin ears on her spear while talking to her
Bad dragon!

And cancel that intimidation spell or whatever you used on our cleric! She's already a nervous wreck! She can help Cat with Guidance to break your chains you know! That would be a lot easier if you let her approach.

I mean seriously, we're trying to free you here! It wouldn't kill you to be a bit more cooperative. We'll just leave you behind if you behave like an idiot! You understand? You nice - we help - free, fly!
Alice jumps around in front of the dragon while waving her arms

Can you talk some sense into that thing? I honestly don't know if it's retarded or just doesn't understand us. Also where's Ashley? Did she leave us with that dragon and go ahead on her own? Yulya, what do we do now?

Alice moves 10ft NE to take a look at the cave but also so that she and Cat can't both be in the dragon's breath cone, should she really have a death wish or be extraordinary stupid. Alice still hopes the dragon has enough commonsense to just let them free her and gtfo.

Yulya 09/12/2024 (Thu) 00:36 [Preview] No.5698 del
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Unable and unwilling to approach the dangerous dragon Yulya once more casts sacred flame at the unconscious goblin leader. Just to make sure he doesnt stabilize and wake up. Then Yulya retreats 10ft S.

>Yulya, what do we do now?
First make sure the dragon doesnt harm us. Then we rest. Then we enter the dungeon. It would be great to have a dragon ally in the dungeon but it looks like we have a tiny communication problem with this one! My apologies but I'm not going near her! No way!

Battle is over but Alice shenanigans continue Joy the DM 09/12/2024 (Thu) 21:50 [Preview] No.5711 del
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The fire has burned itself out.
Goblin 3, 6, ,8, 10, 11, Hobgoblin 2 have stabilized and will eventually wake up.
Goblin 7, Hobgoblin Shaman have both died from their injuries.

>Alice rips the chain from the unconscious goblin's hand and tosses it to cragmaw.

Cragmaw winces as the chain is tossed at her.

>Alice boops the dragon on the nose with one of the goblin ears on her spear while talking to her
>Bad dragon!

Cragmaw bites at Alice as a reaction.
[1d20+4=7] But misses horribly.

>And cancel that intimidation spell or whatever you used on our cleric! She's already a nervous wreck! She can help Cat with Guidance to break your chains you know! That would be a lot easier if you let her approach.

The Frightened condition will remain unless a spell or ability like heroism, calm emotions is used. Dispel magic can end the frightened condition if the condition is being caused by a spell effect (during the spells duration), protection from evil and good will grant immunity from the condition prior to it being inflicted and advantage on any saving throws to end the condition where applicable if cast on an already frightened target, but from the source of a dragon, only removing yourself from the dragon's area of effect, the dragon leaves, if the dragon is killed, or if the dragon becomes friendly, can it be removed unless it has a specified duration, at the DM's discretion. In this case the frightful presence of the dragon is the source and is continuously renewed once the save is failed once until the dragon is no longer hostile. Booping her on the nose and lecturing her has the opposite effect of de-escalation.

Cragmaw speaks in a deep angry tone, the spits and inflections sound derogatory or insulting toward Alice.

>Alice[attempts to] moves 10ft NE to take a look at the cave.

Failing to note her proximity to an angry Dragon, Alice flippantly moves away without disengaging. Whether her low intelligence is to blame is conjecture. In any case, Cragmaw chooses to react and attempts to charge her breath. 1d6=2 but fails. She attempts to bite Alice as a reaction. [1d20+4=21] and hits for [1d10+2+1d6/2=12 damage] Alice is downed at -3HP but is automatically stable because of her Mary Sue status. She will likely regain consciousness in 1 hour.

I'm not sure if Alice can be healed with magic or not at this point, she will need to clarify.

Cragmaw is no longer hostile and moves away from Cat and will move 20ft south and continue to try to remove her leg constraints. She is unable to remove her neck or wing chains completely, someone could grab the control chain though the effect would be questionable.

Yulya's Sacred Flame automatically hits the Goblin Boss without roll needed and kills him.
The encounter has finished in 8 rounds!
The following Experience was gained: 4100XP!!! Including bonuses and will be split as follows: 1062XP to Yulya, Cat and Ashley, 914XP to Alice for surviving to the last round minus the dragon in the last round.

Cat may use an opportunity attack as a reaction but it will restart the encounter and Cragmaw will be permanently hostile.
Yulya's Frightened effect has faded and is likely replaced by disappointment in Alice's misbehavior.

Ashley Panther returns with the pack and sees Alice down. She begins to lick Alice's wounds, visibly disgusted by the chemically taste.

Alice will have to say if consuming her body cavity fluids will be poisonous or not to a panther.

There are hostiles nearby, this is not a safe place to rest, but it should be safe enough to collect any loot and fallen demon lolis.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=3nsyBktjdYs [Embed]

Additional Information Joy the DM 09/12/2024 (Thu) 22:00 [Preview] No.5712 del
Rustling can be heard coming from the south. Humanoid footsteps are heard coming north from the south.

Cat 09/13/2024 (Fri) 10:38 [Preview] No.5720 del
Cat sees Alice being bitten to pieces and erupt into a fountain of goo
Alice Nyaaa!

Cat ignores Cragmaw wandering off and storms to Alice trying to collect the goo with her paws
Noo Alice Nyaaa!
What were you thinking Nya you idiot Nya! Ashley Nya, Yulya Nya what do we do now Nya? Is she dead Nyaaa?

Yulya 09/13/2024 (Fri) 17:15 [Preview] No.5723 del
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Yulya watches Alice get maimed by the dragon in disbelief
What are you doing, are you crazy?

But at least the threat is over. Yulya finds the courage to carefully move past Cragmaw and toward Ashley and Cat to inspect what's left of Alice. She shakes her head
Sheesh, was that necessary? Don't worry Cat, Alice is extremely tough. She wont die from this. She fell from the sky in a burning ship. But still she is weak now. I will heal her and Ashley Panther as well. But someone is coming!

Cat can you check if it might be Sir Gundrens brothers? I hope we do not need to fight now. Bring them here and see if they have injuries as well! Then collect the loot!

Ashley Panther 09/13/2024 (Fri) 22:44 [Preview] No.5725 del
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Ashley Panther leaves Alice as she melts into a puddle of goo and chases after Cragmaw then attempts to break her lead chain.

Cragmaw stops and watches her carefully.

[1d20+2=9] Ashley fails miserably but keeps trying.

Cragmaw is tolerating the intrusion as she attempts to break her leg chains.

[1d20+2=7] Cragmaw isn't having much luck either.

Cat 09/14/2024 (Sat) 09:37 [Preview] No.5733 del
Cat looks at Yulya and the puddle that was once Alice with a mixture of relief and disbelief.
Nyaaa? Thank goodness Nya I didn't know that Nya I know so little about Alice Nya and also Ashley Nya!

Cat turns around and sees Ashley struggling with cragmaw's chain. She looks conflicted as her tail sways back and forth then she turns to Yulya
Yulya Nya! Please cast your Guidance on me Nya! I still want to free that dragon Nya! We can't leave her like this Nya and it would be better when she's gone when Alice wakes up Nya! Or the whole thing will start again Nya! Whoever's coming shouldn't run into that dragon too Nya! That will only be trouble Nya! It'll be quick Nya then I'll look for our visitors Nya!

Oh and Ashley brought a backpack from the cave Nya! Take a look at it Nya! I'm off Nya!

Yulya 09/14/2024 (Sat) 14:43 [Preview] No.5735 del
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Yulya looks over at the dragon
Are you sure its a good idea to set that monster free? It might attack us if we do. At least be careful we can not afford you going down too and I cannot regenerate you to full health!

Yulya sighs and puts her hand on Cats shoulder blessing her with GUIDANCE. Then she inspects the backpack that is supposed to be from Sildar. She stays at Alices side and keeps an eye open for anything to approach.

Cragmaw's Release and New Friends Joy the DM 09/15/2024 (Sun) 01:45 [Preview] No.5744 del
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''Yulya casts Guidance on Cat.

Cat, I hope you don't mind I anticipated your actions.

Cat grabs the crowbar... For SheShe's sake this better work this time. and approaches the dragon in a non threatening way. With Ashley working on her lead and since Cragmaw will eventually be able to break her leg chains, she naturally attempts to break her wing chains.

Good luck! RNG gods be damned!
[1d20+4+1d4Guidance=(19,23) vs DC20] Cat manages to break the chain, freeing Cragmaw's wings.

Cragmaw lets out what could only be considered a laugh and seems to smile widely as her wings strech out. She winces as they reach full span, sore as they are for being bound. She then bites at her leg chain.

[1d20+4=21 vs AC19] Her teeth bite in, spreading the rings [1d10+2=11] and she manages to break them. As they fall to the ground she hops and bows her head while Ashley pulls on her lead causing it to slip off. With a loud roar she beats her wings and after a few painful attempts she manages to take off. Soon she's soaring off above the clouds. Dragons don't forget those who help them, nor those who wronged them, perhaps some day you may meet again.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=x1j9sOGWMg0 [Embed]

Cat then crouches and hops into the trees followed closely by Ashley Panther to see who's coming.

Yulya opens the pack, a standard backpack in good condition capable of holding 30lbs, and finds: All items are in good condition unless otherwise noted.

- mess kit 2sp, 1lb,
- tinderbox 5sp, 1lb, 1 action to light.
- 10 torches (burn for 1 hour) 10cp total, 1 lb total.
- Belt Pouch 5sp 1lb holds 6 lbs of gear.
- Hooded Lantern (6 hours per flask of oil) 5gp, 2lbs
- 3 flasks of oil 1sp, 1lb
- Whetstone 1cp, 1lb (used to temporarily sharpen a blade to increase damage by 1 for one use, takes 1 action.)

Items found on the bodies:
- Goblin Boss has a coin purse, likely Sildar or Gundren's with 10gp, 101sp, and 8cp
- The hobgoblin shaman has a Ring of dark shadows, +2 Stealth when worn, worth 300 silver, and a lesser goblin staff of enchantment.
An gnarled wooden staff seems to still be sticky with sap and oozes as if freshly cut. Red and green mushrooms grow from the sides and shoots of new growth and roots emanate from it. It can channel magic like a cleric's holy symbol but with +3 to damage and attack for offensive spells. It has 6 charges and 1d6+1 of them will restore every day it first comes in contact with the sun. It's value is dubious as it smells like mold and goblin stink, an alchemist may find it interesting enough to purchase it, it's usefulness is evident.
- There are some weapons and shreds of armor in terrible condition, not worth more than scrap.
- Two more waterskins repurposed to carry goblin alcohol are also among the belongings.

Cat and Ashley Panther move South with stealth and come to find Two dwarfs with slight resemblance to Gundren carefully approaching the entrance to the cave.

[Stealth 1d20+3=21]
Cat and Ashley are stealthed in the dark, the dwarves did not see them. Yulya is near Alice's pool of goo. Alice will need a container to be moved though she can be swept into her outfit and carried like a sack, she weighs 88 lbs not to mention the equipment she had on her.

Cat 09/15/2024 (Sun) 09:36 [Preview] No.5745 del
>With a loud roar she beats her wings and after a few painful attempts she manages to take off
Cat watches with relief as the dragon flies away
Whew Nya that was something Nya! If only I had been able to break that chain sooner Nya you wouldn't have gotten injured Ashley Nya! And Alice wouldn't be a puddle Nya! I gotta get stronger Nya!

>Cat and Ashley Panther move South with stealth and come to find Two dwarfs with slight resemblance to Gundren carefully approaching the entrance to the cave.
Cat wastes no time and pops out of the bushes startling the much smaller dwarves. She is showering them with an introduction of muffled Nyas while gesticulating wildly. Resistance is futile.

Hey there Nyaa!
Sorry for surprising you Nya you are Gundren's relatives, right Nya?! I'm Cat Nya! We're on a mission to rescue Gundren Nya guess you heard about as in Phandalin Nya we reported he got taken by goblins Nya we thought you were ahead of us Nya so we ran Nya we already killed all the goblins in the area Nya there were a lot Nya even a shaman and a leader Nya! There's a cave right here Nya haven't entered Nya! But Gundren must be inside Nya! Are you hungry Nya? We have plenty of food Nya! I'll prepare a meal Nya! If you are injured Nya our cleric is preparing some mass heal right now Nya! Perfect timing Nya! Come with me Nya! I will introduce you to our party Nya! Oh this is Ashley Nya! Come out Ashley Nya! These are not goblins Nya! Don't worry Nya she belongs to us Nya isn't normally like this she's a human Nya but now she's a panther as you can see Nya is that cool or what Nya?!

Barely finished, Cat turns around to move back to Yulya to report her findings gesturing to the dwarves to follow her

Yulya 09/15/2024 (Sun) 21:29 [Preview] No.5750 del
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Yulya watches the dragon fly off and feels a huge relief. One problem less.
She drags whats left of Alice and her belongings out of the creek with her Yukata and piles everything up next to Sildars backpack. She inspects the loot and finds it surprisingly useful but terribly dirty.
That staff looks interesting but I dont want to touch that. I wonder if Alice can do something about that stickyness and smell!''

Yulya puts on the Ring of Dark Shadow out of curiosity and arranges everything else around the Alice dishwasher thats currently out of service. She waits for Cat and Ashley to return so she can heal everyone. Yulya hides at the eastern rock wall near Alice to see if the others can actually find her

New Friends 2 Joy the DM 09/16/2024 (Mon) 00:41 [Preview] No.5751 del
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>Hey there Nyaa!
>Many many Nyas
''...is that cool or what Nya?!"

Ashley hops out of the bushes and rolls on her back, seemingly trying her best to be non-threatening though it comes off as awkward.

"Ha!" Tharden says as he folds his arms, "a tabaxi and a shapeshifter, I like this party already!"

Nundro adds warily, "Nice kitty... Sorry we're late, we had a bit o' trouble findin' the trail, then the wind shifted and the goblins were easy to track."

"Whoe'er hung rotten goblin ears on the trail deserves a promotion. Now, there's no time to lose but we'd better get prepared, let's meet yer crew." Tharden responded.

They followed until they reached the cave entrance,

"Well well we missed all the fun." Tharden says with genuine disappointment, "Where's Sildar, I have a few questions for the lad."

Nundro inspects the bodies, "Some are still kickin' about."

"Good, tie them up, we'll need leverage and information. Goblins understand one thing of interest to us, and that's trade. Two or three of these stinky bastards should be enough to get Gundren back."

"How many do we have..." Nundro counts, "I count 5 goblins still breathing, and this hobgoblin, oi he'll be in a bit of pain when he wakes." he checks the boss and kicks the water in frustration, "This one'd be worth something alive."

"Not that we need anything from this lot, Gundren is enough."

"I don't see Sildar, but isn't that his pack?" Nundro says with concern.

"Where'd he run off to..." Tharden wonders then looks at Yulya, "another lass, well nice to meet ya, I'm Tharden, and this is my brother Nundro."

Nundro wipes his hand on his pants and waves, "Aye, sorry to get down to business but these things are important."

"A trio of ladies? Sildar was being picky this time." Tharden notes. "Hell of a rescue party, fancy as all get out."

"Even for him." Nundro agrees.

"They'll be itching to negotiate I'd bet, if not well there's always the hard way, but we should attempt parlay or they'll start getting stabby with the hostages." Tharden says with authority.

"There goes our profits for the month if that Gundren's gotten himself killed or maimed."

Ashley Panther finds her pack and drags it up a tree, then begins to settle for a nap.

Ashley Panther will heal first, then rejuvenate her MP.

Cat 09/16/2024 (Mon) 12:31 [Preview] No.5754 del
Cat raises an ear and moves up to Tharden with a serious face
Negotiate Nya? With goblins Nya?
Look Nya this only happened because they were ambushed on Tribor trail Nya. If we let any go Nya the same will happen again Nya. I dont mind if you try Nya but none of them will leave this cave alive Nya. We did the fighting Nya three times Nya a lot of us got inured Nya, Alice is down Nya!
Cat points at the puddle on the floor
We're not leaving until the job is done Nya! But I promise we will get your brother back Nya don't worry Nya! Whatever happens we have Yulya here Nya! Don't underestimate her Nya!

Where's Ashley Nya?
Sorry Yulya Nya I lost her on the way Nya! Gonna look for her Nya so you can heal her an Alice Nya! Then we eat and rest Nya!

'Cat storms off leaving the dwarves with Yulya''

Recap and Dwarven rudeness explained Joy the DM 09/16/2024 (Mon) 14:38 [Preview] No.5757 del
>Sorry for surprising you Nya you are Gundren's relatives, right Nya?! I'm Cat, Nya!

Here the boys are surprised by a tall, large breasted Tabaxi, fixated on her bountiful beauty, they were left speechless and didn't even catch her name. Their eyes follow the bouncing globes until they come to rest.

>Nya! We're on a mission to rescue Gundren Nya guess you heard about as in Phandalin Nya we reported he got taken by goblins Nya we thought you were ahead of us Nya so we ran Nya we already killed all the goblins in the area Nya there were a lot Nya even a shaman and a leader Nya!

Tharden Nods understanding that Sildar must have hired you. Which is wrong.

>There's a cave right here Nya haven't entered Nya! But Gundren must be inside Nya! Are you hungry Nya? We have plenty of food Nya! I'll prepare a meal Nya! If you are injured Nya our cleric is preparing some mass heal right now Nya!

The boys begin followimg you, still wary of a fast talkimg, big beautiful and bouncy Tabaxi. In Dwarven culture, takimg good and healing from women without first talking to the men of yhe group is akin to dating a friend's sister without asking. So knowing not what to say, they remain quiet.

>Perfect timing Nya! Come with me Nya! I will introduce you to our party Nya! Oh this is Ashley Nya! Come out Ashley Nya! These are not goblins Nya! Don't worry Nya she belongs to us Nya isn't normally like this she's a human Nya but now she's a panther as you can see Nya is that cool or what Nya?!

The boys note Ashley Panther, surprised again and left without words to convey their thoughts. Remember too thwt though they're very used to talking to each other and other men like Sildar, they spend most of their time in mines and don't speak with women often. Their desperate need to talk to Sildar isn't sexist, they're simply unaccustomed to speaking with women beyond, hello.

"Ha!" Tharden says as he folds his arms, "a tabaxi and a shapeshifter, I like this party already!"

Nundro adds warily, "Nice kitty... Sorry we're late, we had a bit o' trouble findin' the trail, then the wind shifted and the goblins were easy to track."

This is wvat you got in response, surface level chatter, seemingly ignoring everything else but they've got their own healing and food and are men of few words to anyone they're not familiar with. Again, why they wanted to get the sit rep from Sildar. Not trying to be rude, but respectful and not creepy or socially unacceptable.

Yulya 09/16/2024 (Mon) 17:16 [Preview] No.5759 del
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Yulya herself is surprised by the arrival of the others. She looks at the ring in disappointment.
Maybe this works better on Alice or Cat...

> "another lass, well nice to meet ya, I'm Tharden, and this is my brother Nundro."
Greetings I am Yulya the leader of this party. We heard about you in Phandalin you are Sir Gundrens Brothers! I am glad you arrived here safely but I am afraid we do not know where Sir Sildar is we lost track of him and your brother 3 days ago at the start or Triboar Trail as they went to scout ahead. I already thought it was a bad idea to split up. Most likely they are both held captive inside this cave. Ashley the Panther you met just found this backpack inside near the entrance while scouting. But we do not know what is going on in there.

Yet I am afraid you misunderstand we were hired directly by your brother in Neverwinter to escort him with his carriage to Phandalin. We barely know anything about Sir Sildar an have no business with him. You assumed he hired us?

Yulya looks at the roped up goblins fearing what will happen when Alice wakes up
Do you really think you can negotiate anything with the goblins? We just killed their leader and shaman and hopefully most of their men. And as Cat said we cannot let this den continue to be a threat for travelers on the Triboar trail. You as traders should understand. If no supplies come through due to monster attacks prices in Phandalin will continue to rise. So we need to take care of this matter.

By the way how did you travel here?
We rushed here from Phandalin this morning after hearing of your departure! We were worried you would fall victim to the goblins as well! How come we did not meet you on the way?

In any case now I suggest we rest our party is injured and exhausted. I will cast a mass heal soon you are welcome to participate if you have injuries. We do not want to waste a blessing by the gods, right?
Yulya smiles kindly

By the way this is our party member Alice! She took a critical hit in our fight that would kill an ordinary being. But worry not she will be back to normal soon.
Yulya gestures at the puddle on the floor with a yukata and a stash of items stacked around her.
You might find her a bit - odd - when she wakes up but please do not be alarmed. I am afraid we do not really have normal people in this party...
''Yulya laughs

[Yulya still awaits Ashleys return and is eager to heal as many people as possible. She will likely be disappointed if nobody but Alice shows up.]

Joy the DM 09/17/2024 (Tue) 03:35 [Preview] No.5765 del
>Cat raises an ear and moves up to Tharden with a serious face
>Negotiate Nya? With goblins Nya?

"Shhhh, eh, um, okay, well, follow me here," he begins to whisper, "we trade then we kill them all." He straightens, and shrugs, "it's the safest way to get Gundren out safely. So erm, where's Sildar?" He looks around.

>Greetings I am Yulya the leader of this party. We heard about you in Phandalin you are Sir Gundrens Brothers! I am glad you arrived here safely but I am afraid we do not know where Sir Sildar is we lost track of him and your brother 3 days ago at the start or Triboar Trail as they went to scout ahead. I already thought it was a bad idea to split up. Most likely they are both held captive inside this cave. Ashley the Panther you met just found this backpack inside near the entrance while scouting. But we do not know what is going on in there.

He looks to his brother, "Moraden save us..."

>Look Nya this only happened because they were ambushed on Tribor trail Nya. If we let any go Nya the same will happen again Nya. I dont mind if you try Nya but none of them will leave this cave alive Nya. We did the fighting Nya three times Nya a lot of us got inured Nya, Alice is down Nya!

He looks at a pile of goo, more confused than ever.

>We're not leaving until the job is done Nya! But I promise we will get your brother back Nya don't worry Nya! Whatever happens we have Yulya here Nya! Don't underestimate her Nya!

"Aye, thank you for the explanation this is tougher than I thought."

"We need to get Sildar too huh? They must have really caught them off guard." Nundro adds.

"I think you mentioned food and healing? We're in no need at the moment, we haven't met anything but dead bodies and goblin ears until now." Tharden continues.

>You assumed Sildar hired us?

"Aye." He shrugs, unsure what to say.

>Do you really think you can negotiate anything with the goblins? We just killed their leader and shaman and hopefully most of their men. And as Cat said we cannot let this den continue to be a threat for travelers on the Triboar trail. You as traders should understand. If no supplies come through due to monster attacks prices in Phandalin will continue to rise. So we need to take care of this matter.

Tharden looks to his brother.

"It's standard procedure in dealings with Goblins," Nundro responds.

>By the way how did you travel here? We rushed here from Phandalin this morning after hearing of your departure! We were worried you would fall victim to the goblins as well! How come we did not meet you on the way?

"We walked, just a bit too far." Tharden responds, feeling less confident by the second.

>In any case now I suggest we rest our party is injured and exhausted. I will cast a mass heal soon you are welcome to participate if you have injuries. We do not want to waste a blessing by the gods, right?
>Yulya smiles kindly
>By the way this is our party member Alice...

They stare at the goo and scratch their heads.

Ashley is missing along with her pack, Cat tries to look for her.
[1d20+5=17 vs DC16+4] Finding a sleeping black panther in a tree at night is close to impossible.

"Well let's organize the rescue then, get healed and rested and we'll head in and parlay," Tharden says.

Cat 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:25 [Preview] No.5766 del
Cat returns with drooping ears and shakes her head
Nya I'm sorry Yulya Nya can't find Ashley Nya she's probably sleeping somewhere Nya''.

But - my paaaw hurts a bit Nya, so pleeease Nya...
'Cat is a terrible actor but still tries her best to cover for Yulya. She moves next to the Alice puddle and holds out her paw, looking at Yulya with expectation''

Yulya 09/17/2024 (Tue) 16:59 [Preview] No.5769 del
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Yulya lets out another sigh
I will never understand her! But thanks for trying Cat! Now look I will show you something - interesting! Remember this if Alice is down and I am unable to heal her! Give me your pot!

Make a small fire we just want to warm up the food not burn her! So check the temperature first! She lost a lot of substance so we better add 2 rations!

Yulya crumbles 2 full rations into the pot. She adds more river water and stirs it until a warm mush is formed. She taste is to check the right temperature then she carefully pours it into the gooey Alice puddle on the ground
Now keep her warm but not too hot for a few hours thats the best you can do if Alice is severely injured! Pile her with food and keep warm.
She whispers to Cat
Corpses will do too but I dont want to show this to our guests its weird enough!

We do not have several hours so behold! Cat please stand a few feet from to the puddle over here! With BALM OF PEACE I can heal as many people as necessary as long as they line up in a straight path within 35ft!
Yulya closes her eyes extends her hands. She begins to almost float in the air and is surrounded by a warm glow while quickly moving in a straight path toward the Alice puddle and Cat. She gracefully extends her hands to the puddle while passing by and then to Cat as she reaches her. The performance is a bit lacking with only 2 people but Yulya hopes it is at least enough to wake Alice up. It would be extremely embarrassing otherwise

[Thats 2D6+5WIS should be enough to bring Alice back to consciousness]

Negotiations Joy the DM 09/17/2024 (Tue) 19:55 [Preview] No.5771 del
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With no objections, Tharden and Nundro enter the cave.

Yulya casts Balm of Healing, everyone within 5 feet of her is washed over by a soothing calm and healed for, [2d6+5=12 HP] It sure would have helped if a certain stubborn Panther wasn't so selfless.

The goo formally known as Alice should now be consious.

The brothers soon reemerge from the cave with a hobgoblin in tow. He grabs Hobgoblin 2 and drags him back in.

Tharden addresses Cat and Yulya confidently, "seems Hobgoblins don't put much value on their goblin bretheren, he said he'd bring out Sildar."

Nundro adds, "kidnapping for ransom is typical for these guys."

"He claimed Gundren wasn't here, hopefully Sildar knows. Otherwise we'll have to interrogate some of these giblins." Tharden concludes.

Goblin 3, 6, 8, 10, 11 are all tied together in a pile and will begin to wake up in the next hours. The dwarves intend to keep them alive until the whereabouts of Gundren is settled.

Alice 09/17/2024 (Tue) 22:45 [Preview] No.5773 del
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(762.17 KB 406x720 I've tried.webm)
As soon as the gray goo mixed with Cat's rations receives Yulya's healing, it begins to jiggle and boil, quickly consuming the warm food. Whitish antler-like structures sprout from the puddle, gradually growing into a humanoid shape. Twisting and morphing it speaks with an eerie voice

The figure suddenly collapses into a puddle again and the process starts over until a naked but reasonably well-shaped Alice is sitting on the ground, looking around in confusion
W-what happened? Where am I? Where's the dragon?

When Yulya rushes over to slowly tell Alice the basics of what occurred while she was out, Alice jumps into her arms and clings at her
I'm sorry I honestly tried to help that idiotic lizard! Whyyy didn't it like meee! I got careless, that was dumb! Thanks for saving me again! Is everyone alright? I didn't mean to cause you troub-

Alice notices Tharden and Nundo who just exited the cave stumbling into a bizarre alien resurrection scene and are now confronted with a fully naked little girl.
Oh, hello there, gentlemen! Gundren's brothers, I presume? Alice is my name! Nice evening, isn't it?

Cat 09/18/2024 (Wed) 10:45 [Preview] No.5779 del
(1.16 MB 1024x738 138437367884.png)
Cat watches the scene with a mixture of awe and disgust. But she's glad Alice is back to her old self. Thinking fast, Cat jumps at the naked girl talking to the dwaves and forces the Yukata on her
Alice Nyaa!
I was worried Nya! Good to see you're fine Nya! Now let's get dressed, shall we Nya! Come to the fire to warm up Nya! Everyone eat up before we rest Nya!

Cat prepares 2 additional rations for Yulya and herself while listening to Tharden and Nundro's negotiation attempts. Such tactics seem underhanded to a proud warrior but Cat acknowledges it's about their brother and lets them do their thing.

Yulya 09/18/2024 (Wed) 20:06 [Preview] No.5781 del
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Yulya is relieved her performance went well and Alice is back. She look over at the dwarves and waits for praise
There there Alice! All turned out well!
But next time think before turning your back at a dragon! How can you be this careless? I was terrified by it! Please reflect on it while you do your chores!
Yulya points at the loot
There are some interesting things especially this goblin staff. Do you think you can clean it without damaging it?

After the commotion is over Alice Cat and Yulya sit around the camp fire and eat.
>Tharden addresses Cat and Yulya confidently, "seems Hobgoblins don't put much value on their goblin bretheren, he said he'd bring out Sildar."
>Nundro adds, "kidnapping for ransom is typical for these guys."
>"He claimed Gundren wasn't here, hopefully Sildar knows. Otherwise we'll have to interrogate some of these giblins." Tharden concludes.
That was quick you sure are good negotiators! But how strange! Why should Sir Sildar be here but not Sir Gundren? It might be a trick! If that makes you feel better a short while a go I received a vision from my Goddess telling me both men were still alive and we should hurry to save them. So I doubt your brother would be anywhere else. But if you can you should prolong negotiations A little. We need to rest now to regain our strength. We already threw everything at them.So if you excuse me we will catch some sleep now! Be sure to call us if there is any danger! Better too early than too late!

Recover and Regroup 1/2 Joy the Prude 09/18/2024 (Wed) 22:22 [Preview] No.5785 del
(78.48 KB 719x480 Ashley Panther.jpg)
>Oh, hello there, gentlemen! Gundren's brothers, I presume? Alice is my name! Nice evening, isn't it?

The dwarves inspect the rock formations in the stream very carefully.

>Alice Nyaa!
>I was worried Nya! Good to see you're fine Nya! Now let's get dressed, shall we Nya! Come to the fire to warm up Nya!

"Oh, another shapeshifter I see," Tharden remarks, then speaks candidly with his brother in Dwarvish.

>Everyone eat up before we rest Nya!

Tharden and Nundro sit by the fire and take out Dwarven hearthbread and salted Boar meat. "We couldn't impose on yer meal, there's an old Dwarven saying in our family, a varied diet begets unwanted cravings."

"Sounds better in Dwarvish." Nundro comments.

>There are some interesting things especially this goblin staff. Do you think you can clean it without damaging it?

Describe how it's cleaned in detail, it may become unusable if done wrong, it's a magic imbued living artifact. Remember also that magic can be transferred from one object to a compatible object at a capable and knowledgeable smith.

>That was quick you sure are good negotiators!

"Nay, this is how they handle outsiders, either you fight or you negotiate trade. We just said we're your negotiators." Tharden says simply.

>But how strange! Why should Sir Sildar be here but not Sir Gundren? It might be a trick! If that makes you feel better a short while a go I received a vision from my Goddess telling me both men were still alive and we should hurry to save them.

"I can't say, but that is good news if true, but don't worry too much about hurrying, though it's likely torture eating rotten meat and drinking fetid water, Gundren is a tough Dwarf, he'll be fine. I'm more worried about Sildar, hopefully he's still in one piece physically and mentally." Tharden remarks.

>But if you can you should prolong negotiations A little. We need to rest now to regain our strength. We already threw everything at them. So if you excuse me we will catch some sleep now! Be sure to call us if there is any danger! Better too early than too late!

"No worries here, sleep away, it's been a long day. We'll get the information one way or another. If you hear any of these louts squawking, mind no matter, they're as timid as kittens when they've been beaten."

"Sweet as pie." Nundro chuckles.

[03:44 3C Partly Cloudy with a cold wind.]
A boar timidly sniffs around the campsite but runs off as soon as it's spotted.

The following is overheard as you try to sleep
Goblin 3 and 8 wake up to a coughing fit.
"Arrgshhht, leave us alone Dwarvessss!"
"Taking their sweet time with Sildar, looks like we have some time to interrogate these buggers," Tharden says.

The goblins give up the following information with a little coaxing:
- Their leader is a bugbear named Klarg. Klarg reports to King Grol, leader of the Cragmaw band, who dwells in Cragmaw Castle.
-Gundren and everything he was carrying went to King Grol including a valuable historic map of Wave Echo Cave that is vital to the Rockseekers' interests.

"Damned it all Gundren, he had the map." Tharden laments.
"It'll get sticky from here on out." Nundro adds.

Recover and Regroup 2/2 Joy the DM 09/18/2024 (Wed) 22:23 [Preview] No.5786 del
Sildar is brought out by another goblin boss.

"I am Yeemik! Release my fellows at once, here's your human." He pushes Sildar who is still tied up into the stream. Though injured and near passing out, he seems intact physically.

"Oi! You'll stay put if you know what's good for ya, give us a minute to get the story straight." The Brothers quickly untie him and he nods an affirmative that he's okay.

The goblin boss impatiently paces at the entrance.

Sildar tells the brothers that he intends to continue to Phandalin to settle Gundren's important business. He hopes they'll put a stop to the goblin raids by clearing out the caves. He doesn't have any weapons or armor, Sildar's gear, other than his pack, was taken to Cragmaw Castle.

Sildar believes Klarg sent the map and the dwarf to the leader of the Cragmaws at a place called Cragmaw Castle. Sildar doesn't know where that might be but suggests the goblins know.

Sildar picks through the mostly ruined equipment of the goblins and finds a nearly broken longsword, "that'll do in a pinch," and a crude shortbow with arrows. He then sits and tries to rest as he eats what the brothers give him and drinks fresh water, glad to be free from his restraints after so long.

He is 2 levels exhausted but will recover 1 level in a few more hours rest.

You managed 3 hours of rest so far, it'll be good enough to keep you from becoming exhausted as long as you rest 5 more hours before the end of the day at some point. Currently, the drawven brothers are arguing with the goblin boss and having more trouble with this negotiation. You may try to help or continue to let them go at it.

Goblin 6, 10 and 11 are waking up now.

Yulya has recovered her MP, Alice is now at full HP, Ashley panther is still sleeping somewhere but she is fully recovered, you can look for her again once per hour, the ring of Quick Casting will replenish fully at dawn (05:50), Cat's rage has replenished, Cat is no longer heroic, Embolding bond and bless have expired, Alice is fully healed and has regained all her DP.

Alice 09/19/2024 (Thu) 00:04 [Preview] No.5787 del
>Please reflect on it while you do your chores!
>Yulya points at the loot
Hai, Hai I'll be more careful Yulya sama!
Alice engulfs the loot with a blob forming from her feet to clean it while she sits at the fire.

>Describe how it's cleaned in detail, it may become unusable if done wrong, it's a magic imbued living artifact. Remember also that magic can be transferred from one object to a compatible object at a capable and knowledgeable smith.
Alice looks at the strange tree-fungus mixture of the goblin staff.
Haaa, that reminds me of my artificial trees! I wonder how long it will take until I can make one again. Would solve most of our problems...
But I'm really not good with magic items. Let alone living ones. I could probably get rid of the goblin smell but it will always be sticky and smell of fungus. Duh, it's alive! Strange thing!
Alice dishwasher uses the sensitive program on the staff only briefly engulfing it to remove the worst goblin stench

Alice learns about the negotiations and stares at Gundren's brothers with disbelief
I thought you roped up those goblins so we can burn them alive! And now you wanna let them go? Catch and release eh? Well we all got our hobbies, just do your thing to get our brother back! I'm going to sleep!
Caaat, let's set up our tent! It's cold and wet out here! And dirty!

Soon the tent is set up and Alice cleans Cat and Yulya before they fall asleep to the distant screams of interrogated goblins

Cat 09/19/2024 (Thu) 09:40 [Preview] No.5791 del
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Cat briefly wakes up, refreshed and clean, scratching her head.
Nyaah, wheres Ashley Nya? Can she even get down from a tree Nya when she wakes up as a human Nya? She might be stuck Nya!

Cat borrows the Ring of Dark Shadow from Yulya and looks for Ashley using stealth.

She stumbles upon Sildar resting at the camp fire
Oh good to see you Sildar Nya are you alright Nya? Sorry for coming so late to rescue you Nya we killed aaaal the goblins on the way Nya!
But where is Gundren Nya?

Then she looks after the dwarves. Maybe an intimidating barbarian can help with negotiations. By talking to Sildar and the dwarves Cat now learned what's going on before going back to rest

Yulya 09/19/2024 (Thu) 19:14 [Preview] No.5794 del
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Yulya sleeps as soundly as one can next to a goblin cave

Negotiations Joy the DM 09/19/2024 (Thu) 23:20 [Preview] No.5795 del
>Alice dishwasher uses the sensitive program on the staff only briefly engulfing it to remove the worst goblin stench

The staff is less smelly, it only smells like dirt and mushrooms now.

>I thought you roped up those goblins...I'm going to sleep!

The brothers glance back at her and continue arguing.

>Cat borrows the Ring of Dark Shadow from Yulya and looks for Ashley using stealth.

[1d20+5=24] miraculously, Cat finds Ashley and wakes her up. She morphs to human before her eyes.

"What? I was sleeping here."

Cat interaction #1

>She stumbles upon Sildar resting at the camp fire
>Oh good to see you Sildar Nya are you alright Nya? Sorry for coming so late to rescue you Nya we killed aaaal the goblins on the way Nya!
But where is Gundren Nya?

Sildar answers, "yes, thank you for that, they ambushed us, at least 6 if not more, then I was knocked prone and they surrounded me. The next thing I knew I was bound in a dark room. Listen, the Rockseekers are trying to get the location of the castle, Gundren is there, I'm sure of it." He leans in, "I have to get back to Phandalin for help this morning, but I have to impose on you one last time, clear that cave, leave no creature alive, they can't be allowed to pass any more information to the castle. If they don't know we're coming, we have a chance to extract Gundren. We need the location, after that do not let anything leave that cave. If you can do this, I'll give you 50 gold, assuming I survive it. After that you can leave getting Gundren safely back to us. Though, if you want to come with us, then meet me in Phandalin tomorrow evening. We'll be leaving for this castle the following dawn. The Rockseekers are escorting me back this morning. Please do this for us, I can already see you're capable warriors but there isn't much time and we will need an extraction team with experience. I know who to ask. Whatever you find, keep it, even my pack, you can have it if you think it'll help."

Sildar is asking Cat if she'll convince your team to clear out the rest of the cave and he will have 50 gold for the team given that mission is successful, you'd do that and return to Phandalin by the evening after next at 18:00, he'll likely be at the inn. If you want to help them raid the castle, that's your choice but your obligation to Gundren is complete though your original payment will be basec on his survival, if you recall it wasn't much.

Required interaction #2

You turn to see the drawven brothers untying the goblins, they got the map to the castle's location.

Cat 09/20/2024 (Fri) 10:18 [Preview] No.5798 del
>miraculously, Cat finds Ashley and wakes her up. She morphs to human before her eyes.
>"What? I was sleeping here."
Nyaa, Ashley Nya!
Glad I found you Nya lemme help you down from there Nya!
You ran off injured Nya Yulya was healing everyone Nya well just Alice Nya the dragon got her Nya but you werent there Nya she really wanted to heal you too Nya we killed everyone outside the cave Nya and released the dragon Nya you fougt well Nya!
Gundren's brothers came Nya they negotiated with the goblins Nya can you beiev tht Nya they got Sildar back Nya hes fine Nya but Gundren's not here Nya in some castle Nya they'e till negotiating Nya! Well come with me Nya to our tent and fire Nya you wanna eat Nya?
Cat barely waits for Ashley to get dressed and drags her an her belongings back to the campsite

Cat listens to Sildar, nods and laughs then whispers to him
Nyahaha no need to ask Nya I already told the dwarves nobody's getting out of that cave alive while we're here Nya! You can count on us Nya! We owe a lot to Gundren Nya, we said we will get him back and we will Nya so see you in Phandalin Nya!
Thanky for offering your backpack Nya but will you be alright Nya?
Actually I have a request Nya could you take some stuff we don't need back for us Nya we're already packed full Nya! That'll be awesome Nya! We'll sort through our loot Nya!

Alice 09/20/2024 (Fri) 15:02 [Preview] No.5801 del
(50.61 KB 639x512 15739.jpg)
A squeakily clean Alice exits the tent as Cat arrives with Ashley''
Well look what the Cat's brought in! You good Ashley? You missed quite a show here! Cat, what's going on?

Cat tells Alice what she heard from Sildar and the dwarves. She listens without much enthusiasm until the goblin king is mentioned
Ohh, I bet he has interesting ears! Let's do this! So let's start by cleaning up that place. Btw what the fuck is a bugbear? It's the true boss of this place, right? Does it have ears? Ah excuse me for a moment, I remembered something important!

Alice disappears whistling an alien tune and walks up to the goblin leader's corpse. She takes out her spear and inspects the goblin and hobgoblin ears on it, then tears them off and tosses them away
Begone, common ears, there's no space for you on my spear!
Alice takes out her dagger, cuts off the goblin leader's and shaman's ears and puts them on her spear instead
That will do but eventually you will have to make room for that goblin king's ears too!

Cleaning the spear and ears, Alice returns to the others and speaks to Sildar
Man glad you are fine, well relatively. I already doubted we would see you alive again!

Alice takes the waterskin with broken strap found earlier from her pockets, cleans it and fills it with fresh river water, then gives it to Sildar
Here, at least you will have some water on the way home! It's just useless baggage to us so please take it!

Alice takes out the coin purse found with the leader
The boss goblin...
Alice presents his ears on her spear, pointing at them
..had those. Take what's yours, I don't want to hear we are stealing money from the people we are supposed to escort. Or we will return the rest to Gundren when we find him. We don't need money here but you may upon your return.
We will borrow your backpack if you don't mind, especially these oil flasks!

Alice turns to Cat again
Caaat, can we cook something funny? No, no goblin stew, I wanna make a better Alice cocktail MKII. It'll be a blast!
Alice prepares the ingredients for Kashtan's firebomb
Hmm, we need some broken glass or other nasty sharp stuff! Is there anything in the goblin trash?

Alice searches around for glass shards

Yulya 09/20/2024 (Fri) 21:01 [Preview] No.5809 del
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Yulya awakens and decides to check out the elven dagger now that she has time. She leaves the rest to her party, the troublesome world can stay outside that tent

Dawn is coming. Joy the DM 09/21/2024 (Sat) 02:26 [Preview] No.5811 del
(620.39 KB 1360x2048 Ashley23.jpg)
[05:00 2C]

>Nyaa, Ashley Nya!
>Glad I found you Nya lemme help you down from there Nya!

"I can climb, Cat." Ashley quickly dresses, "Brrr, it's fricken freezing."

>You ran off injured Nya Yulya was healing everyone Nya well just Alice Nya the dragon got her Nya but you werent there Nya she really wanted to heal you too Nya we killed everyone outside the cave Nya and released the dragon Nya you fougt well Nya!

"I feel okay now, I wonder why I didn't eat though, I'm starving!"

>Nya you wanna eat Nya?

"Yeah, but no human food or goblin meat ffs."


"Hey Sildar, wth man, I thought you were tough. Where's Gundren?"

Ashley is told everything about the situation. "Alright, if we have an hour, I'm summoning some Lynxes. I'll guard the cave with them, no one's getting through."

>You good Ashley? You missed quite a show here!

"I'm fine. Naked creepy valley, I'll pass."

Ashley sees Alice collecting ears and gives a disgusted face.

>Man glad you are fine, well relatively. I already doubted we would see you alive again!

Sildar wipes his brow, "Yeah well, I'm very disappointed in the situation."

>Here, at least you will have some water on the way home! It's just useless baggage to us so please take it!

Sildar takes it graciously.

>We will borrow your backpack if you don't mind, especially these oil flasks!

"Take it, use it, we'll be resupplying and heading out, I'll get a new one."

Alice looks for clear glass shards in the water.

1 injured by shattered glass.
2 finds nothing.
3 finds enough for 1 bomb
4 finds enough for 2 bombs
[1d4=4 lucky! You have enough materials for both bombs, but they will separate and have to be remade in 24 hours without the emulsifier.]

Yulya inspects the elven dagger again.

>Jagged Elvish Dagger with a royal seal embossed on the blade. There is a magic signature but you can't identify it.

She stabbs at a bug to determine it's effect.

[INVESTIGATE 1d20-1=17]

The dagger seems to have +1, it does more damage than a typical dagger, and it's very quick.

Yulya has discovered its effects and has named it: Elven Royal Dagger of Quickness +2: This dagger may make two attacks, stacks with other effects and options if any. 1lb worth at least 1500gp in good condition. Under the hilt it is inscribed: This is the property of the royal house of the Pearl Altus, Hillsfar. It cannot be sold at trade guild authorized shops. Lawful smiths will refuse to work on it. If it was registered as stolen, you may be accused of stealing it if found in your possession and you claim it as yours. It may be turned in at any guild or to an official of any major city.

You have rested a total of 4 hours so far. The brothers and Sildar want to leave in an hour.

Ashley summons 2 lynxes, Helga and Olga pop into existence. She intends to rest another hour to replenish her MP. "Hey, when are we going to do this? I'll be ready soon and my girls want blood."

The lynxes hiss at the cave entrance, sensing danger within.
"Go lovelies guard that cave!" Ashley rallies them with Growth. It will expire after one turn of battle once battle has initiated.

Cat 09/21/2024 (Sat) 07:47 [Preview] No.5813 del
Cat prepares another full ration for Ashley. 5 rations were spent. 2 for Alice, one for the others

Cat sceptically looks at Alice
I hope you know what you're doing Nya! And you're gonna clean that pot afterwards Nya! And no adding glass shards in there Nya, put them directly into the oil flasks Nya! I don't want them in our food Nya!
Cat and Alice carefully prepare to cook the firebomb ingredients

>"Hey, when are we going to do this? I'll be ready soon and my girls want blood."
Yulya's still resting Nya! When we are finished here we're gonna pack up Nya, then it's party time Nya!

Yulya 09/21/2024 (Sat) 20:55 [Preview] No.5815 del
(31.69 KB 512x512 4760732.jpg)
>She stabbs at a bug to determine it's effect.
Yulya approaches a bug in the tent with the tip of the dagger when it suddenly moves on its own and impales the unfortunate bug twice killing it instantly
Oh no oh god what have I done? I killed one of Eldaths creations! Shell be mad again! This thing is dangerous!

Barely recovered from her hideous murder Yulya notices an inscription on the dagger
>This is the property of the royal house of the Pearl Altus, Hillsfar.
Oh please no not another noble! We have her dagger cloak and identification plate! Nobodys gonna believe a dragon ate her too theyll think we killed her as well! Maybe we can ask Daran or something. This will cause us trouble again!
Yulya still decides to keep the dagger for this mission and does not even bother asking Ashley to wield it. No no this will also cause trouble and trouble is bad.

Yulya exits the tent just before the dwarves are leaving
Good morning everyone hello Ashley! Have you recovered? Tell me what happened!

Sir Sildar!
I am relieved to see you! My apologies for greeting you so late but I needed to regenerate my mana and rest. It appears another battle lies ahead!

Yulya notices Alice and Cats bomb making attempts and decides to keep a safe distance. She looks through the loot to distribute it.

It's Party Time Joy the DM 09/22/2024 (Sun) 01:44 [Preview] No.5818 del
You now have 2 Kashtan's Firebombs that will expire in 24 hours. They can be lit and thrown 20ft as an action.

Cat and Alice finish the bombs, they're hot but otherwise finished.

Sildar and the Brothers were willing to take 35lbs of items. Please list them.

"Well, we'll be off to Phandalin soon, there's a lot of planning to do." Tharden says.

>Cat prepares another full ration for Ashley.
"Thanks, but if this is some crazy Alice recipe, then I'm going to be upset. I trust you on this Cat."

>Yulya approaches a bug in the tent with the tip of the dagger when it suddenly moves on its own and impales the unfortunate bug twice killing it instantly
A stray wizard passing through was obviously trolling the peace Cleric. Or, was it just a bug shaped rock, in any case it would work. You can attack poor innocent rocks can't you?

Yulya frets over the ramifications of killing vermin.

Ashley passes by, "I ain't touching that murder stick, don't even think about giving me that Yulya. Helga, get over here and take care of these bugs! Please."

>hello Ashley! Have you recovered? Tell me what happened!
Ashley shrugs, "Just tired I guess, I'm fine now though, just..." Ashley eats some of her ration, "eating right now."

>Sir Sildar!
I am relieved to see you! My apologies for greeting you so late but I needed to regenerate my mana and rest. It appears another battle lies ahead!

He looks to Yulya, "Yes, well, thank you for what you've done and speak to your friend Cat about a favor I asked of her. Here I was supposed to protect Gundren and now he's been taken, I won't let it happen again as long as I draw breath." Visibly shaken.

Nundro pats his back, "lad, it happens, that's why we fight, and we'll get him back."

"If you got anything bound for Phandalin, we're off," Tharden asks.

"We'll see you again in Phandalin before tomorrow evening, it won't be hard to find us." Sildar says and turns to Cat. "It would do a lot for us if you could handle what we spoke about."

Cat 09/22/2024 (Sun) 12:25 [Preview] No.5819 del
>"Thanks, but if this is some crazy Alice recipe, then I'm going to be upset. I trust you on this Cat."
Nyaa it's one of the rations I made in the Neverwinter guild Nya! Is it not good Nya?

After the firebombs are finished, Cat makes sure Alice cleans out her pot properly. Meanwhile she sharpens her longsword with the whetstone gaining +1 on the first attack

Cat turns to Sildar and hands him:
BELT POUCH [5lbs] (X2)

Alice, gimme that weird clay jar we found I wanna know what's inside now!
Cat carefully opens the sealed clay car with her claws

Could you take this pouch with you Nya? Be careful on the way back Nya so we don't have to rescue you again Nya! Leave this place to us Nya, see you in Phandalin Nya!
Cat waves them goodbye

Alice 09/22/2024 (Sun) 14:29 [Preview] No.5821 del
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Alice hesitantly crawls into the pot to absorb the leftover mixture of alcohol, wax and soap
Unwaah this tastes awful! I'd rather eat a goblin!

Alice eats a few of Ashley's candy coated herbs to get rid of the soap taste
That's better!
Hmm, I really don't like this cave, nope, don't like it! Look, it's got several entrances! If we go right, we might get ambushed from someone coming from the North! We gotta explore what's up there!

I could jump into that creek naked and swim up there as an amoeboid blob. Nobody's gonna see me, especially if you give me that ring! But it's icy, can't Ashley send a wasp to scout?

Yulya 09/22/2024 (Sun) 20:48 [Preview] No.5829 del
(39.84 KB 512x512 7533968.jpg)
Yulya learns the situation and sighs once again. So much for the angelic revelation. It would have been too easy if Gundren was just in that cave.

Yulya nods and sees Sildar and the dwarves off''
What else is there to do? Of course we will aid you to get Sir Gundren back! Have a safe trip back and see you soon!

Yulya dons her shield
Lets assess the situation ahead of us! We need to move carefully to avoid ambushes and traps and use all the cover we can find!

Ashley do you think your wasps or lynxes are better suited for reconnaissance or should we send Alice? She will be slower swimming in the creek and cant do it for long before freezing.

After Party Joy the DM and Ashley 09/23/2024 (Mon) 01:44 [Preview] No.5835 del
(790.50 KB 1238x530 MECHATHEREAL LYNX.png)
(620.80 KB 1109x427 MECHATHEREAL CAT.png)
>Is it not good Nya?

Ashley shrugs, "I mean it's not pastry but yeah. Thanks. I feel like I haven't eaten in days."
Ashley shoves the food in her mouth quickly.

I am doing my best to keep track of the inventory as a whole as well, but it's a but beyond me to match what you did since Bear's not going to let me hog hours to manage your inventory. Also, I did some research and the coin purse wasn't Sildar's or Gundren's but the money in it is probably at least partially Sildar's but he didn't care to ask for it and he doesn't know you have it anyway. Officially an empty coin purse doesn't exist, can't be bought or sold or stored or used as material unless we're going to start keeping track of coin weight and I never liked that idea. When they started doing that for Space Engineers, it was unwelcome.

Cat takes the crude clay flask and cracks it open, it cannot be reclosed except with wax or glue. An overwhelming stink assaults her nose and she almost drops it. It's as good as a stink bomb and may in fact be a stink bomb. At this point, it's going to broadcast your location to anything with a nose. You can throw it in the stream to dilute it, burry it, or pour the contents into some other container, but it's going to prevent you from sleeping, eating, or thinking about much else. What it originally was could be liquified rats, fish, or a crude attempt at making alcohol without ever distilling it, in other words the left over mash that has continued to ferment. Alice may know if it's become a crude form of vinegar by testing it as an alchemist might. What you would do with crude acetic acid is another story.

Sildar smells Cat's concoction, "By the gods that smells like vomit, be careful with that."

>Could you take this pouch with you Nya? Be careful on the way back Nya so we don't have to rescue you again Nya! Leave this place to us Nya, see you in Phandalin Nya

The three say their goodbyes and wave as they make their way South.

>I could jump into that creek naked and swim up there as an amoeboid blob. Nobody's gonna see me, especially if you give me that ring! But it's icy, can't Ashley send a wasp to scout?

"Nah, they're about the least stealthy things you can have. I could but they'd hear 'em coming a mile away and they'd get attacked before they got very far." Ashley says. "I could send a Helga up the hill and look for exits but that wouldn't find hidden tunnel exits."

>What else is there to do? Of course we will aid you to get Sir Gundren back! Have a safe trip back and see you soon!

"Uh, there's a lot of things we could do rather than siege a castle, but whatevs," Ashley says offhandedly.

>Ashley do you think your wasps or lynxes are better suited for reconnaissance or should we send Alice? She will be slower swimming in the creek and cant do it for long before freezing.

"The lynxes do have +5 stealth so they could at least scout 100ft under my control. We could also do everything the lynxes, Alice and the wasps to distract them? Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth also have +4 stealth. I could still summon them."

Dawn has improved the lighting, though it is cloudy. Also the temperature of the water is about 12C, it must be sourced from the North where the temperature is warmer. In fact, you feel that the air in the cave area is warmer than outside.

"Olga, go search around the top for vents or hatches."

Olga runs off to perform her task and will be back shortly.

Alice 09/23/2024 (Mon) 18:57 [Preview] No.5837 del
(45.98 KB 640x512 1576322.jpg)
>Cat takes the crude clay flask and cracks it open, it cannot be reclosed except with wax or glue. An overwhelming stink assaults her nose and she almost drops it.
Damneeed, Cat! What do you think this was? Some treasure? Go throw that thing into the cave right now! It will cause a major confusion!

Cat 09/24/2024 (Tue) 11:04 [Preview] No.5841 del
Nyaa what the hell is this Nya! I thought something valuable was inside Nya!
Cat tosses the stinking clay flask into the creek downstream and washes her paws in the water

Yulya 09/24/2024 (Tue) 16:51 [Preview] No.5844 del
(39.72 KB 512x512 59358.jpg)
>"The lynxes do have +5 stealth so they could at least scout 100ft under my control. We could also do everything the lynxes, Alice and the wasps to distract them? Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth also have +4 stealth. I could still summon them."
Yulya casts GUIDANCE on Ashley to aid her summons
Good luck Olga!

Yulya almost has to throw up as Cat opens the clay flask
Ugh throw that away Cat! Far away!

Scouting Joy the DM 09/25/2024 (Wed) 08:07 [Preview] No.5852 del
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>Yulya casts GUIDANCE on Ashley to aid her summons
>Good luck Olga!

Olga races silently up the hill, searching on a grid pattern while Ashley keeps within 100ft of her, stealthily searching as well.

[1d20+3+1d4,2=13,(21,6)] [06:30]
Because guidance only lasts 1 minute, it would be virtually useless on a long search effort unless you go with them and keep casting it every minute. This time it didn't matter, but in the future, you need to be with them and keep in mind for stealthy operations Guidance would give away your location both to the magic sensitive and anyone with hearing in the same room.

They return after an exhaustive search and found no external shafts or escape hatches. "Olga's nose caught nothing unusual and if there was some air exchange up there she'd know from the smell, there was nothing, I'm sure of it."

With Olga back, Ashley was left wondering what was next, "Yulya, what's the plan? Should I send the Lynxes in? Or the Bigglesworths or the wasps, is Alice going in?"

Cat 09/25/2024 (Wed) 11:24 [Preview] No.5854 del
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Cat moves to Ashley
Alright Nya, let's assemble here for storming this cave Nya! We need all attack power combined Nya!

Cat takes Alice's belongings if she goes into the creek

Yulya 09/25/2024 (Wed) 19:03 [Preview] No.5855 del
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Good work Ashley! At least we wont be ambushed from above! Here is your share of the loot!
Yulya hands Ashley 25sp + 2cp

Alice please check out what is going on north! Take the Ring of Dark Shadows and the Elven Royal Dagger of Quickness and leave everything else here!
Yulya hands Alice the ring and dagger

>With Olga back, Ashley was left wondering what was next, "Yulya, what's the plan? Should I send the Lynxes in? Or the Bigglesworths or the wasps, is Alice going in?"
Cat had a point we need to know what is going on up there! Please summon the Bigglesworths so we have additional fighting power! As soon as Alice is back and we have learned more about what is going on in the cave we will attack! I think using a fog barrier is a good idea! I would like to weaken them with ranged attacks before we enter close combat.

Alice 09/26/2024 (Thu) 12:47 [Preview] No.5859 del
(1.38 MB 256x256 Dianoga.gif)
Alright, here we go! You better warm me up when I return!

Alice takes the Ring of Dark Shadows and the elven dagger from Yulya, takes off her clothes and gear and morphs into a shapeless darkish blob that seeps into the creek. She moves north, stealthily swimming underwater and crawling along the gravel on the ground of the creek. Sensory organs protrude from the surface like a periscope. Alice takes a peek at the cave entrance and then moves further north to inspect the rubble filled entrance on the left as far as it is possible from the creek. Then she checks out where the water is coming from before returning.
If the coast is clear, Alice will crawl on land and check if the entrance on the left has any passable crevices or if it is blocked.

Exploration Joy the DM 09/27/2024 (Fri) 02:38 [Preview] No.5864 del
(202.20 KB 1080x1080 Ashley 236.jpg)
>Alright Nya, let's assemble here for storming this cave Nya! We need all attack power combined Nya

>Alice please check out what is going on north!
>Please summon the Bigglesworths
>I would like to weaken them with ranged attacks before we enter close combat.

>Alright, here we go!
Alice swims upstream...

She is able to see many of the enemies in the dim light, further up the stream.

Just past the opening she sees some familiar faces, the wolves of course, they're being fed by Yeemik while Hobgoblin2 is healing Goblin 6 and 8 with some kind of crude salve.

The main passage from the cave mouth climbs steeply upward, the stream plunging and splashing down its west side. In the shadows, a side passage leads west across the other side of the stream. Alice is not able top swim up, the water is low volume but a slick slime has formed on the rocks. She's not been spotted yet and this area is almost too dark to see even with darkvision. She can barely make out light coming from the North and a hint of light coming from the West. She can just make out talking, higher pitched voices and the raspy voice of a larger humanoid in that direction. In the shadows of the ceiling to the North, you can just make out the dim shape of a rope bridge crossing over the passage ahead of you. Another passage 20 feet above the floor appears to intersect this one.

On the bridge Alice can just make out another Hobgoblin, perhaps the same one from earlier, and Goblin11 stands on the stone path besides the stream, that way is blocked for stealth movement.

Ashley summons Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth and gives them a pep-talk "Hold tight guys, we're almost ready."

Alice 09/27/2024 (Fri) 16:14 [Preview] No.5867 del
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Alice stealthily returns and morphs back into her humanoid form while crawling out of the cold water. She reports her findings while dressing and getting warmed up by Cat
Fuwaah, it's even colder out here than in this river! Bad news! There's some goblins on the path north. At least 2, spaced apart so I could not attack them. And also another cave entrance west with voices inside! This place is a maze! Let's deal with the fools in the cave on the right first! Ready when you are!

Alice returns ring and dagger to Yulya and equips her gear

Yulya 09/27/2024 (Fri) 19:53 [Preview] No.5870 del
(36.40 KB 512x512 1147385584.jpg)
Good work Alice! It cannot be helped we need to clear that cave first!

Yulya gathers her party
Come here everyone I will cast BLESS on all of you!

Yulya casts BLESS on Alice Ashley and Cat
Lets go!

Yulya 09/28/2024 (Sat) 11:00 [Preview] No.5876 del
Yulya also casts EMBOLDENING BOND between Alice and Cat.

[We can start round 0 now! When the round starts Cat will move before the entrance and create a fog cloud]

Round 0 Joy the DM 09/29/2024 (Sun) 02:22 [Preview] No.5882 del
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Ashley prepares herself... again. "What are we waiting for again?"

Yulya blesses everyone and casts Embolding bond on Alice and Cat.

The goblins twiddle their thumbs and reminisce about the awesome battle they just won against a bunch of incompetent fools. [They remember it differently. Good coping skills.]

[07:00] The wind is calm.

Cat 09/29/2024 (Sun) 09:43 [Preview] No.5883 del
Cat stealthily moves before the cave entrance and casts a fog cloud with her Ring of Obscuring. Then she retreats a little SW so the cats and Lynxes can be the front row inside the fog cloud

Yulya 09/29/2024 (Sun) 12:24 [Preview] No.5886 del
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Yulya carefully moves through the thick fog until she can see the enemy and uses her sticky smelly goblin staff to cast SACRED FLAME on the goblin leader. Then she retreats to the southern border of the fog behind the others.

Alice 09/29/2024 (Sun) 19:03 [Preview] No.5889 del
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Alice also storms through the fog, lights her firebomb and throws it at the goblin leader''
Surprise, surprise!!

Alice spots goblin #8 in the cave and smiles, happy to see he is still alive, before retreating into the fog next to Cat.

Cave Exploration R01 Joy the DM 09/30/2024 (Mon) 02:45 [Preview] No.5895 del
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[Surprise attack gains initiative and advantage this round.]

Cat uses her ring of fog, it will last 1 minute. She then escapes back and hides in it behind the Lynxes.

The lynxes and cats move toward the leading edge of the cloud waiting to ambush victims with their reactions.

Ashley Boosts her minions with Growth Rally

Yulya pokes out of the cloud and casts sacred flame on the goblin boss then retreats back in.
[If you boost it to 1MP, I'll allow 2d8 for future reference. Also, it is a Goblin Boss, not a Goblin Leader for reference.]
[DEX 1d20+2=11] Yulya's flames hit the boss and he burns for [1d8=1] damage. Yeemik's left wondering what just happened if anything.

>Surprise, surprise!!
Alice tosses her firebomb and it explodes at the Goblin Boss' feet and explodes into flames with a radius of 7.5 ft. The Goblin Boss and three wolves are caught up. [DEX1d20+2=12,11,11,6 vs DC15] All suffer... [3d6=8 damage] each and are on fire and the area effects will last for [1d4=1 additional turn. [Anyone entering the area will also have to roll DEX save or suffer 1d6 damage.]

Ashley has her summons hold for the enemy to enter or try to escape the room.

The goblins begin to yell "FIRE!" and "ATTACK!" and you can hear movement from your foggy positions.

The Goblin Boss unleashes the wolves and they run off into the fog directly West.

Wolf1 reaches Helga and she claws with advantage but in the fog it cancels with the blindness. /[1d20+4+1d4=9 vs AC13] and misses. Mrs. B Attacks the wolf similarly [1d20+4+1d4=16 CON 1d20+1=12 vs DC14] for [1d4+2*1.5=9] damage, downing it. However Mrs. B also is affected by the fire [1d20+2=20] but avoids being caught in the fire.

Wolf2 reaches Helga and Olga and Olga attacks [1d20+4+1d4=12 vs DC13] she also misses. Mr. B joins and attacks Wolf2 [1d20+4+1d4=14 vs DC13 CON 1d20+2=9] for 1d4+2*1.5=4 damage. [1d20+2=13] he catches fire for [1d6=1] damage and will remain on fire until the end of his next turn.

Wolf3 reaches Helga and attacks. [1d20+4=(18,8)] His bite catches only fog.

The Yeemik hears them engage and chances to enter moving directly West as well. He attacks Olga with his multi-attack. [1d20+4=(7,9),(11,14)] he misses all attacks.

Goblin6 moves into the fog and attacks Mrs. B [1d20+4=(11,8)] and misses.
Goblin8 and Hobgoblin2 back up against the Goblin Boss and Goblin6, unable to do much of anything in the jam.

In the confusion they try to push forward, gaining nothing Goblin 8, the Hobgoblin and the Goblin 8 escape with nimble escape and move away.

Goblin11 and Hobgoblin1 to the North move to warn the others.

Alice 09/30/2024 (Mon) 21:30 [Preview] No.5898 del
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Alice attacks Wolf#2 together with a lynx, using her spear 2-handed, then continues with her bonus unarmed strike and pushes the wolf 5ft into the fire with her CRUSHER feat. If the wolf already goes down with the spear strike, Alice will continue her bonus unarmed strike in Wolf#3 and push it into the fire.
If all wolves are down, Alice will retreat to the SW rim of the fog within the fog.

[remember I haver the crusher feat that I almost forgot about]
>Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack that deals bludgeoning damage, you can move it 5 feet to an unoccupied space, provided the target is no more than one size larger than you.
>When you score a critical hit that deals bludgeoning damage to a creature, attack rolls against that creature are made with advantage until the start of your next turn.]

Yulya 09/30/2024 (Mon) 22:28 [Preview] No.5900 del
Yulya waits until the others are finished. Then she casts ordinary SACRED FLAME on surviving wolf or goblin. If there are none Yulya again exits the fog and casts SACRED FLAME on the goblin boss using the goblin staff +3DMG

Cat 10/01/2024 (Tue) 10:12 [Preview] No.5904 del
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Cat enters RAGE and attacks goblin 6 together with Mrs. Bigglesworth. She uses NICK with her claws. Then she retreats into the fog behind the summons like the others

Round 02 Joy the DM 10/02/2024 (Wed) 02:50 [Preview] No.5918 del
Wolf1 is killed by fire.

>Alice attacks Wolf#2 using her spear 2-handed
Wolf2 is still on fire
[ATT 1d20+5+1d4 B=(14,21), DEX 1d20+3=14 vs DC12] Alice hits for [1d8+3=6] damage, downing the wolf. [Wolf2 takes 6 fire damage before his condition ends and is unconscious.]

>bonus unarmed strike in Wolf#3 and push it into the fire
[ATT 1d20+5+1d4 B+1d4 EB=26,12 Hit with a critical miss!] and hits for [1d6+3=9] damage and pushes him into the fire using Crusher.
Arguably your advantage for Crusher should counter the disadvantage for blind, but I'm sticking by what I said, a fog cloud is always disadvantage hits.
[DEX 1d20+2=15,6] The wolf was already on fire, but I made him roll with disadvantage since he reentered the fire. the wolf is burned for [1d6=3] damage and drops with a sizzle.
[DEX 1d20+2=18,5] Alice takes fire damage on the unarmed strike. [1d6=3]

Yulya approaches and attacks Goblin6 with the Elven Royal Dagger of Quickness +2 (TM)(R)
[1d20+3+2=(17,14),(15,14) vs AC15] and misses both strikes. Disadvantage is harsh.

Cat enters rage and attacks goblin 6. Then moves back.
[1d20+6+B1d4+EB1d4=(26,18)(19,27)] Cat claw strikes are impossible to miss with Bless and Embolding bond. [she did need both]
[1d6+4+2=(7,12)] The goblin was killed.

"This fog is in the way!" Ashley uses rally Growth "Go take out that Goblin leader babies and flank him! Pounce Pounce! Then whoever makes sense, thin their ranks!"

The cats do as Ashley says, Mr. and Mrs. B Set up flank and the Lynxes attempt to pounce. Olga attempts to claw the Goblin boss.
[1d20+4+1d4=(13,6) vs AC17] But claws only scraps of armor. Helga does the same.
[1d20+4+1d4=(20,8)] She manages to connect. [CON 1d20=1] She hits for... [1d4+3x1.5=9] [Fire DEX 1d20+2=20] and manages to avoid getting caught in the blaze.
Mr. and Mrs. B attempt to claw the Goblin Boss. [1d20+4+1d4=(27C,10),(16,12)] Mr. Bigglesworth scores a critical hit. [CON 1d20=6] He hits for... [1d4+2x1.5X2=15 damage!] The Goblin Boss is put down by his flurry of strikes.

"Nooooo!!!!" knocked unconscious, his fire burns unabated for... [1d6=1] his fire goes out.

The fire goes out.
Goblins 3, 11, 12, 13, 14 approach from the north with Hobgoblin1.

Goblin 8 and Hobgoblin2 attack Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth.
[1d20+4=8 1d20+3=13] With rally growth boosting them, both attacks miss.

Round 02 Joy the DM 10/02/2024 (Wed) 02:52 [Preview] No.5919 del

Alice 10/02/2024 (Wed) 16:50 [Preview] No.5926 del
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''Alice moves NW to the edge of the fog and shoots the hobgoblin with her bow. Then she retreats South as far as possible.

[I assume thats something like 15ft NW and 25ft S, it should be enough with my 40ft movement to stay ot of their attack range]

Yulya 10/02/2024 (Wed) 21:58 [Preview] No.5936 del
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Yulya is strangely relieved she missed the goblin with the dagger
She is too far from the goblins north to attack so she moves to Cat and casts HEROISM on her before retreating south.

Cat 10/03/2024 (Thu) 10:11 [Preview] No.5946 del
After receiving the Heroism bless, Cat uses her Feline Agility. She jumps out of the fog, lights her firebomb and throws it at goblin #14. Then she retreats south into the fog out of attack range of the goblins

Round 03 Joy the DM 10/04/2024 (Fri) 02:07 [Preview] No.5949 del
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>Alice moves NW to the edge of the fog and shoots the hobgoblin with her bow. Then she retreats South as far as possible.
[1d20+5+1d4=20] As the arrow flies, her aim is true and hits the hobgoblin [1d6+3=6] nearly downing him.

Ashley hides behind her shield and behind the rock outcropping and calls Rally Growth. "Clean 'em up babies!"

>[Yulya] moves to Cat and casts HEROISM on her before retreating south.

Cat gains 6 temporary HP
>Cat uses her Feline Agility. She jumps out of the fog, lights her firebomb and throws it at goblin #14.
Goblin 11, 13, 14 and the Hobgoblin are engulfed in the bomb.

[DEX 1d20+2=19,7,16 1d20+1=6] Goblin13 and the hobgoblin take fire damage and are on fire. [3d6=5,8] The fire will remain and the fire condition will remain for [1d4=3 turns] They both drop to the ground into the heart of the fire.''

Mr. Bigglesworth's fire goes out but not before causing [DEX 1d20+2=5] [1d6=1] damage. Unphased Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth flank the Hobgoblin and claw attack. [1d20+4=(24,15)] Mr. Bigglesworth's hit lands with another critical hit! The hobgoblin, already near down, is killed outright. They move to Goblin 8 and set up flank, it's Mrs. Bs turn. [1d20+4=24,11] she also critically hits! [CON 1d20=18] and Goblin 8 takes [1d4+1x1.5x2=15] damage! He drops to the ground unconscious from her mega cat power!''

The lynxes move north and wait in ambush for now.
Goblins 3, 10, 11, 12, 14 set up half cover in formation and fire South into the fog with their bows.

Probability for south = total width 15ft, 3ft for Alice, 3ft for Yulya, 3ft for Cat, 1/5th chance each
Roll 1d15 x 5
1-6 Nothing
7-9 Alice
10-12 Yulya
13-15 Cat
Three arrows fire at Yulya [1d20+4=(23,22),(21,23),(10,19)] Two arrows hit for [1d6+2=7,8] Yulya suffers 15 damage!

The lynxes approach and flank Goblin 14, Helga uses pounce.
[1d20+4=18,22] [CON 1d20=4] Helga's claw hits for... [1d4+3=7] downing him. They then flank Goblin 11 and Olga attacks with her claws. [1d20+4=9,14] She manages to claw his armor but does no damage.

Cat 10/04/2024 (Fri) 14:28 [Preview] No.5952 del
Cat feels devastated she could not protect Yulya from the hail of arrows
Yulya Nyaa!
''Cat returns fire shooting an arrow in the direction of the goblins before retreating into the cave. She goes between cave entrance and the stalagmite. A bit NW of the downed wolf #3

Yulya 10/04/2024 (Fri) 18:21 [Preview] No.5956 del
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'Yulya is caught off-guard and hit by 3 arrows. She almost faints from the pain and loses concentration.

But she collects herself and casts BLESS on Ashley Alice and Cat again before retreating behind Ashley and leans agains the rock wall
[I should be within 30ft range of everyone at least before Cat moves]

Alice 10/04/2024 (Fri) 21:11 [Preview] No.5958 del
Alice also shoots an arrow north after receiving BLESS and then moves into the cave with Cat

Round 04 Joy thr DM 10/05/2024 (Sat) 02:38 [Preview] No.5961 del
Goblin 13 has died from fire damage.
Hobgoblin 1 takes 1 fire damage.

>[Yulya] casts BLESS on Ashley Alice and Cat again before retreating behind Ashley and leans against the rock wall

>Cat returns fire shooting an arrow in the direction of the goblins before retreating into the cave. She goes between cave entrance and the stalagmite. A bit NW of the downed wolf #3

>Alice also shoots an arrow north after receiving BLESS and then moves into the cave with Cat

Probability for North: total width = 16ft Half cover counted for all goblins
Roll 1 Goblin 10
Roll 2 Goblin 3
Roll 3 Goblin 12
Roll 4-15 nothing
Roll 16 50% Helga, 50% Goblin 11
[1d16=12,15] The arrows sail through the fog, clattering and splashing harmlessly.

Ashley calls rally Speed, "Get those Goblins!"

Helga claws Goblin 11 with flank.
[1d20+4+1d4=(14,23)] [CON 1d20=2] She hits for [1d4+3=5] The goblin falls to her claws.
They move to goblin 12, Olga pounces
[1d20+4+1d4=(17)] [CON 1d20=1] She manages to claw Goblin 12 for... [1d4+3=6] She attempts to grapple, [STR 1d20-1=7] she manages to grapple and bites with advantage [1d20+4+1d4=11,19][CON 1d20=13 vs DC14] She manages to bite for... [1d4+3=6] Goblin 11 stops struggling.
Olga and Helga continue around behind the remaining goblins.

Mr. and Mrs. B move Northwest, able to reach the goblins with added speed and flank the two and claw.

[1d20+4+1d4=(15,7),(13,25)] [CON 1d20=16,12 vs DC14] They both hit for... [1d4+1=2 1d4+2=3]

Goblin 3 and 12 attack Mr. and Mrs. B. [1d20+4=18,5] Mr. B is hit for... [1d6+2=8]
Mr. Bigglesworth pops out of this realm.

Cat 10/05/2024 (Sat) 11:09 [Preview] No.5962 del
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Cat dashes between the surviving goblins with Feline Agility. She attacks goblin #10 with her sword using Cleave in an attempt to hit the other goblin too.

Alice 10/05/2024 (Sat) 19:22 [Preview] No.5965 del
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Alice uses Step of the Wind without spending a DP and dashes to Cat as bonus action. She attacks whatever goblin survives Cat's attack with her spear 2-handed.
[My bonus action is spent for Dash so I have no unarmed strike this turn!]

Yulya 10/05/2024 (Sat) 21:02 [Preview] No.5967 del
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Yulya casts HEALING HANDS on herself. Then moves to the northern end of the cave entrance

Round 05 Joy the DM 10/06/2024 (Sun) 00:59 [Preview] No.5969 del
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Hobgoblin 1 has died from fire damage.
Goblin 14 has stabilized.

>Cat dashes between the surviving goblins with Feline Agility. She attacks goblin #10 with her sword using Cleave in an attempt to hit the other goblin too.
Setting up flank with Helga and Olga, she strikes and cleaves with advantage.
[1d20+7+1d4=(27,15),(21,14)] Cat's plan works great. She hits through Goblin10 and hits Goblin3.
[2d6+5=12 2d6+3=13] Cat's large blade slices through both goblins clean leaving just pieces on the ground. They both die instantly.

>Alice uses Step of the Wind without spending a DP and dashes to Cat as bonus action.
Alice considers her next move as there are no targets remaining.
Alice still has actions left.

>Yulya casts HEALING HANDS on herself. Then moves to the northern end of the cave entrance
[2d4=7] Yulya gains 7 HP.

Ashley calls Rally Speed then works her way next to Yulya. "Smell them out my babies!"

The fire goes out, plunging the cave into darkness. There is a dim light coming from the Northwest, the sound of large rocks being slid and grunting is also heard. Angry whispers wisp through the cave. Unmistakable whimpering is heard from the Northeast echoing off the walls of the cave. The whimpering is followed by a harsh voice in Goblish.

Helga, Olga and Mrs. B spread out in a search pattern with stealth.
Helga dashes Northwest as Ashley tells Yulya what she sees.
Olga dashes Northeast and Ashley does her best to relay what she smells, there isn't enough light to see.
Mrs. B dashes back to the cave to the east.

Mrs. B sees wolves to the East and keeps out of sight.
Olga sees a wolf to the Northeast and plays it safe, hiding below some rubble.
Helga comes upon many goblins, she only considers two of them a threat, the two she sees look larger than normal. They don't see her.

The battle is over. Yeemik, Wolf 2, Wolf 3, Goblin 8, Goblin 11, Goblin 12, and Golbin 14 are still alive, only Goblin 14 is stable.

Yulya 10/06/2024 (Sun) 19:16 [Preview] No.5973 del
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Yulya dashes under the bridge and seeks cover there

Alice 10/06/2024 (Sun) 23:53 [Preview] No.5977 del
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Alice moves 40ft under the bridge and readies her bow, looking east

Ashley 10/07/2024 (Mon) 03:18 [Preview] No.5980 del

"Guys, it's flipping dark under the bridge, at least let me go first, I have blindsight ffs."

*I pray to the god of D&D to forgive order of posting and allow me to go first before they run off into the dark. I then actively search for traps and praise the DM and RNG gods.*

Cat 10/08/2024 (Tue) 02:18 [Preview] No.5991 del
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Cat goes under the northern side of the bridge using stealth and checks for traps

Confusion Joy the DM 10/08/2024 (Tue) 02:59 [Preview] No.5994 del

>The battle is over. Yeemik, Wolf 2, Wolf 3, Goblin 8, Goblin 11, Goblin 12, and Golbin 14 are still alive, only Goblin 14 is stable.

Yes the battle is over means you can move about freely.

I understand you all want to go under the bridge, in the pitch dark, unable other than Ashley to see traps.

Cat stumbles upon a lantern with enough oil left for 3 hours.

[1d20+bonus for confusion = 20]

Ashley finds a trap, the nature of the trap precludes you going this way wothout knowing exactly where to stand. You should consider finding another path. You may also attempt to disarm it but it may trigger on failure. Ashley determines it will cause a cave-in here if you step incorrectly.

I will update the map tomorrow but you are all in the area just below the bridge. The cats are all still in places they were last posting acting as early warning centuries.

There is a chance Alice can make it through but the ground is slippery and if she fails, it may trigger the collapse.

Clarification and Maps Joy the DM 10/08/2024 (Tue) 03:25 [Preview] No.5995 del
(1.85 MB 4058x2904 Darkness.jpg)
Areas marked with Triangles are zero light and cannot allow for sight without blindsight or better.

The fog has dissipated.
Yeemik, Wolf3, Goblin11, 12, 14 are all stable and will begin to wake in at least an hour. All others died from their injuries.

Yulya 10/08/2024 (Tue) 20:20 [Preview] No.5999 del
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Before Yulya dashes into certain death she is stopped by Ashley. Ashley finds a trap and everyone gathers around it
Oh dear, thanks Ashley you saved me there! That was careless again! What's wrong with me today? I really need to be more careful.

As Alice and Cat want to go ahead, Yulya carefully examines the trap to check how it works and how it could be disarmed
Cat, bring the lantern here so I can see!

Ashley 10/08/2024 (Tue) 21:18 [Preview] No.6003 del
Ashley slowly and carefully steps back toward the entrance.

"Hey, um, I'll just be over here, looking out for um... good luck!"

Ashley catches cat's paw. Pleading with her to be more sensible without saying a word.

Alice 10/08/2024 (Tue) 23:27 [Preview] No.6005 del
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Alice observes the scene and waits for Yulya's verdict
Oi, be careful!
Just give it a look. If there is something to disarm, I'll do it but don't try it yourself!

Cat 10/09/2024 (Wed) 11:12 [Preview] No.6009 del
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>Cat, bring the lantern here so I can see!
Cat lights the lantern and reluctantly approaches Yulya
Nya don't go too close Nya! We can always go another way Nya!

Cat is ready to pull Yulya away if anything happens

Your move... Joy the DM 10/10/2024 (Thu) 02:44 [Preview] No.6024 del
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=3Hwr_BaekgM [Embed]

The main passage from the cave mouth climbs steeply upward, the stream plunging and splashing down its west side. In the shadows, a side passage leads west across the other side of the stream.
Once lit by a standing hobgoblin, now bathed in near darkness, in the shadows of the ceiling above you, you can just make out the dim shape of a rope bridge crossing over the passage.
The stream continues beyond another set of uneven steps ahead, bending eastward. A waterfall burbles in a larger cavern somewhere ahead of you. The sound of water drops echo as they drop into a large pool ahead.

>Ashley finds a trap and everyone gathers around it
>As Alice and Cat want to go ahead, Yulya carefully examines the trap to check how it works and how it could be disarmed

Ashley breaks rank and fleas south like a coward. Clearly mutiny.

"I am fearlessly protecting myself from imminent tragedy so that someone is left to dig the graves."
I close my eyes and plug my ears.

Alice obstinately thumbs her nose at fate.

>Cat lights the lantern and reluctantly approaches Yulya


Yulya kneels on the loose stones in the dark and they shift and creak under her knees, feeling around aimlessly, she notes some stones are loose. Alice gropes her way near and shifts as she stumbles on loose stones. Cat brings the light stepping closer to possible doom, but ready to pull Yulya away if anything happens. She doesn't notice any difference as she steps. As Cat approaches with the lantern a knocking can be heard up ahead. [1d20=18]

The sound of small pebbles falling echo through the chamber.
Frantic whispers can be heard up ahead.

Unfettered Yulya examines the trap.
[Investigation 1d20-1=15] Clearly it's a trap, the stones interlock and are carefully burdened one on another as they keep what looks like pillars of stone up the walls, bearing the weight of large boulders that have been carefully chipped free from the ceiling. One wrong move could cause them to fall. The ceiling is about 20ft up. Water drips from the ceiling around them and small, fresh thin stalactites have formed where the water falls into the stream forming sharp claw like daggers of stone. The field of stones that could possible be part of the trap extend...


[1d20=14 vs DC15] ... and unfortunately it's impossible to tell which stones are triggering stones and which are false loose stones. The field of unknown stones surrounds you 15 feet south, from wall to wall and at least 25 feet north. It appears like shattered safety glass, each stone flattened with jagged edges against the next.

Ashley tells her summons to ready for anything with rally growth.

Pebbles continue to fall from the ledges above the knocking intensifies.

Cat 10/10/2024 (Thu) 12:17 [Preview] No.6028 del
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>Pebbles continue to fall from the ledges above the knocking intensifies.
Cat's danger sense goes off

Cat grabs Yulya with her paws and dashes towards Ashley with Feline Agility.

Alice 10/10/2024 (Thu) 19:54 [Preview] No.6031 del
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Damn, the green niggers are trying to collapse the ceiling on us!
Alice dashes West with Step of the Wind without spending a Ki point. Using Dash as a bonus action, Alice can Dash twice per turn (yes, look it up hehe), hence tripling her base speed to 120ft.

Yulya 10/11/2024 (Fri) 00:36 [Preview] No.6037 del
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Yulya does not even know what happens she just clings to Cat while being dragged to safety

Trap Sprung Joy the DM 10/12/2024 (Sat) 00:22 [Preview] No.6054 del
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''The knocking turns to cracking and popping, dust fills the air and loud shifts echo through the chamber. Cat instinctively grabs Yulya and dashes Southwest toward Ashley. Alice dashes West out of the way.
As you run for your lives, Ashley calls out,'' "It's falling!"

Huge sections of ceiling crash down in a puff of sparkling crystalline dust that dances for the lamp. The Area north is occluded with dust. Then you hear the rushing of water and in moments the tall pile of rocks and boulders becomes a harmless waterfall. A few seconds later Olga washes down the face, unharmed but drenched. The rocks pile up all the way to the bridge, but because of the rushing water it had become impassable. Such a shame you can't go that way, tsk.

Ashley hugs Olga and slicks her hair back, "Olga showed me that the upper way is flooded."

Loud shouts from Goblins are heard from the West ledge of the bridge and they run off West. Helga soon spies them walking past, toward the West chamber. Goblin X0 and X00 Ashley can't understand what they're saying though Helga's mind since she doesn't comprehend language.

"Personally, I think we should go West, but that's just my opinion." Ashley wisely says, not in any sort of collusion with anyone else, at all, ever, of course. "I'm really glad you guys made it, even though I thought I was supposed to be the impulsive one." She sighs, "Don't listen to me next time and see where it gets you."

That trap has 6d6 damage potential if caught under it, there was only a STR saving throw for half damage vs DC15. Do try not to die next time.

Alice 10/12/2024 (Sat) 23:37 [Preview] No.6063 del
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Man, that was close, I didn't expect this! We must not underestimate those little bastards. And there coming from the West now!

Alice laughs seeing the wet lynx
Hey, welcome back, Olga! Where did you come from? Glad you made it back too! Let's get those idiots who tried to flatten us! I'd charge them but I don't want to run straight into the next trap.

Alice readies her bow and follows behind Yulya who is searching for traps

Yulya 10/13/2024 (Sun) 00:36 [Preview] No.6064 del
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Yulya needs a moment to realize what happened and looks around in confusion
W-what was that?

Yulya sees the masses of rocks that collapsed as the dust settles and turns pale
Thanks Cat you really saved me there. To think that they would collapse the ceiling from above. I really did not expect that. That was foolish! My apologies for getting you in such danger for nothing. I should have cast LIGHT myself. The blood loss from my injuries must impair my thinking...

Yulya shakes her head and collects herself
We must go West! I will look out for traps again. Please also look around especially up while I search the ground!

Yulya picks up a pebble and casts LIGHT on it then throws it into the middle of the passage. It radiates bright light fo 20ft and dim light fo another 20ft

Let's go!

Cat 10/13/2024 (Sun) 11:41 [Preview] No.6069 del
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Cat gently drops off Yulya
Nya you alright Nya? We need to be more careful Nya! If that rocks hit you you'd be dead for sure Nya!

Cat also readies her bow and follows Yulya, closely watching for potential enemies. She takes the lantern back and straps it to her pack. It is still burning but hooded.

Ashley 10/13/2024 (Sun) 13:03 [Preview] No.6071 del
Ashley directs Mrs. B to go around and finish off the rest of the living but unconscious enemies.

Ashley follows the rest with shield up, crawling behind it for at least 3/4 cover while moving as they approach the Western chamber.

She whispers, "Um, I know you need light to see, but they also obviously know we're down here, search for traps quickly then douse the light."

Dangerous Passage Round 01 Joy the DM 10/13/2024 (Sun) 14:41 [Preview] No.6072 del

You explore the Western passage, and it is choked with rubble and blocked by steep slopes. Moving up the slope requires 5 feet of extra movement. Alice can see that all the supposed prisoners are just more goblins but unarmed and smaller, they aren't wearing armor, and they're cowering. Although this passage is the only way, it's more dangerous than it looks, giant cracks descend deep into the earth, one slip or push could send someone down and quickly out of sight likely never to be seen again. Pebbles and small rocks tumble down as you pass and you don't hear them hit any bottom.

Yulya crawls on her belly searching for traps.
[1d20+5=9] If there are any she can't be sure.

Eyes shine back from one of the cracks, a large venomous snake coiled on the fragile ledge between the two escarpments peers toward the light. It slowly uncoils and raises its large head. It's a medium creature, big enough to eat goblins. After a loud hiss, two more slither out from cracks behind you.

Three goblins stand above you peering down toward the light and begin to cackle as they see the snakes slither out. They prepare their bows to rain arrows down on you.

[WIS 1d20+5=23 1d20+1=3,21 1d20=5]

Cat and Alice are surprised but Ashley alerts them easily. "Guys..." snaps fingers "we got company."
I read something about the idea that you had to pass perception or be surprised but I decided against it as you take turns as a group and that's awkward, and obviously two of you were not surprised so you could just alert the others. If you had all failed, this would have been an ambush. If I had made one roll, you wouldn't have been ambushed so you're not. Ashley argued for you.

[Initiative: 1d20+3=21 vs 1d20+2=7] You have initiative.

The ledges on which the snakes are coiled are unstable, they are bracing themselves on slippery walls and loose rubble. You also stand on small pebbles akin to marbles and any melee attack you make threatens to send you prone. You can use your bows at range 10ft+ and they will not cause that issue. The cats are sure footed and are immune, Yulya is already prone. She may cast from that position.

"Yulya, don't you ever use your shield!" Ashley says with frustration as she huddles behind hers and positions her back against a stone wall. She calls Rally Growth. "Go for those snakes babies!" Ashley angles her shield toward the goblins and hunkers down, gaining full cover.

Mrs. B and the Lynxes surround the Snakes to the East and attack with pounce.

[1d20+4=(18,7),(23,15)] [CON 1d20+1=15,21] Mrs. B slips behind them, setting up flank and the lynxes pounce with claw hitting the snakes. [1d4+2*1.5=6,7] They scratch at the snakes and attempt to grapple. [1d20=14,7] Olga fails but Helga succeeds, additionally biting the snake. [1d20+4=(5,11)] She can't seem to bite through the snakes tough scales this time.

Mrs. B attacks Snake 2. [1d20+4=(19,14)] [CON 1d20=11] and hits for [1d4+2*1.5=9] The snake succumbs to the flurry of scratches from Mrs. B! [1d20=1] She's managed a mortal blow, the snake dies.

Yulya 10/13/2024 (Sun) 20:58 [Preview] No.6078 del
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Yulyas mood crumbles as she discovers howw dangerous this passage is. Even without snakes
We were right to look for an alternative path this does not look good

Yulya freezes and stares at the huge creature
Ohnonono arent the goblins enough? What's with this place?
Alice Cat shoot that snake then retreat!

After Alice and Cat have shot their arrows, Yulya uses her Ring of Quick casting and casts Sacred Flame on snake1 if it is still conscious. If not she targets snake3.
Then Yulya looks for a safe spot on the north wall of the passage and signals Alice and Cat to go there. Yulya picks up the glowing pebble and pockets it, canceling out the light. Theen she also moves to the North wall dons her shield and crouches behind it facing south in full cover''

Alice 10/13/2024 (Sun) 23:21 [Preview] No.6082 del
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Alice observes the strange small goblins back in the cave when she is startled by the huge snake
Whoa where did this thing come from!? Doesn't even have ears! Nope, I'm out!

Alice uses Disengage as a bonus action, backs off East 10ft and shoots the snake with her bow. Then she retreats a little further N to the place signaled by Yulya on the N wall of the passage as the light goes out, a little east of Yulya

Cat 10/14/2024 (Mon) 09:27 [Preview] No.6089 del
I don't like this path Nya! Looks like it's about to collapse too Nya!

Cats ears perk as Ashley snaps her fingers

She spots the giant snake as Alice jumps back and shoots it. If the snake survives Alice's arrow, Cat will shoot it too. If npot she shoots the other snake. Then she also moves N in front of everyone else.

Dangerous Passage R02 Joy the DM 10/14/2024 (Mon) 13:40 [Preview] No.6091 del
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Alice disengages, backs off East and shoots at Snake1 with her bow. Then retreats North with Yulya.

[1d20+5=23] Alice's arrow flies and strikes the snake, piercing it's scaly hide. [1d6+3=8] The snake writhes in pain.

>[Cat] spots the giant snake as Alice jumps back and shoots it. If the snake survives Alice's arrow, Cat will shoot it too. If npot she shoots the other snake. Then she also moves N in front of everyone else.

[1d20+4=5] Cat's arrow flies wildly and shatters against a rock. There was a critical miss, one arrow was destroyed.

>Ring of Quick Casting
As per our discussion this is unnecessary as donning a shield is not an action in my rules and now we've decided you're already just using it. Though if you are using it, you're not using the goblin staff to cast, so keep that in mind that you have that choice. Yes the shield also can be used as a holy symbol. So I will allow two casting actions one with and one without the ring here to a valid target. Also, Sacred flame does only affect a (1) creature, however, it also descends on a creature and someone grappling a creature is on top of them. You chose Snake 1 and Snake 3 but Helga is grappling Snake 3 so you target Helga with snake 3. Given the circumstances, that's what I have to conclude.

Yulya casts Sacred flame then retreats to the alcove and hides behind her shield against the North wall.
[1] [1d20+4=7 vs DC15] [1d8=3] Snake1 is bathed in sacred light, it's skin smokes and singes and it collapses, slides down the rubble and falls down a crevasse.

Yulya then targets snake 3 using the ring of quick casting to cast again.
[2] [1d20+4=13, 1d20+2=3] [1d8=8] Helga and Snake 3 share the damage of the burning light 50/50. The snake is almost out!

Yulya extinguishes her light and plunges the corridor into darkness.

Snake 3 tries to bite Helga [1d20+6=(15,25) vs AC15 (with growth)] [1d4+4+3d6=20] Helga didn't stand a chance and pops out of existence.

The goblin elite throws a fire ember down the corridor, illuminating it enough to target. With Ashley and Yulya safely behind full cover, Cat and Alice also protected by terrain, the goblins search for targets and settle on Olga and Mrs. B.

[1d20+4=21,10] One arrow strikes Olga [1d6+2=7] Olga tanks the shot, the arrow sticking into her shoulder like a lance.

"Rally Growth!" Ashley calls, boosting her summons again.

Olga and Mrs. B flank the snake, Mrs. B attacks first [1d20+4=5,15 vs AC14] [1d20+1=7] She hits for... [1d4+2*1.5=9] The snake collapses. Mrs. B then hides behind a rock formation.

Olga moves to a better position but is unable to reach the goblins to attack. 5ft extra movement plus difficult terrain plus 30ft distance, means she only would make it 25ft.

Yulya 10/14/2024 (Mon) 22:04 [Preview] No.6094 del
>Helga and Snake 3 share the damage of the burning light 50/50.
>Yulya messed up again
Oh god, oh no, I didn't want this! Sorry Helga! I just wanted to protect you from the snake not hit you instead!
Yulya hides behind her shield and pretends to not exist

*awkward silence*

Uhh... I suggest continuing with ranged attacks! We need Olga and Mrs. Bigglesworth to outnumber them in close combat and they cant really hit us in there!
Yulya casts sacred flame on goblin12 then hides behind her shield again

[If you grant me to use the goblin staff I will but we need to clarify ho it works with shield and somatic components]

Alice 10/15/2024 (Tue) 00:06 [Preview] No.6096 del
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Nice, the snakes are gone!
Alice jumps from her cover and stomps out the ember illuminating the passage. Then she fires an arrow at goblin #12 before retreating to her previous position

As always, should goblin #12 get taken down by Yulya, I shoot #11

Cat 10/15/2024 (Tue) 10:17 [Preview] No.6104 del
Cat follows suit and shoots goblin 12, 11 or the elite in that order then returns to the wall

Dangerous Passage R03 Joy the DM 10/15/2024 (Tue) 23:38 [Preview] No.6112 del
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The goblins stand aghast, sure the snakes would at least get one or two of you. They start yelling back at the neutral goblins pleading with them to action but they simply cower, some begin to whimper weak responses.

Yulya prefers the shield over the staff and casts sacred flame on goblin X00.

You may choose shield or staff, if you are hiding behind the shield after casting, that counts as 3/4 cover as we discussed. +3 bonus AC

[1d20+2=7] [1d8=2] The goblin suffers under the light but is mostly ok.

Ashly casts Summon Mechathereal Lynx 10ft West, "Come on back Helga, get them!"

Alice jumps from her cover and attempts to stomp out the ember illuminating the passage...
4 = it's out, 3 = it's out, 2 = it's out but Alice suffers 1d6 fire damage, 1 = Alice suffers 1d6 fire damage.
[1d4=1] [1d6=3] The RNG gods have decided.
Alice suffers 3 fire damage in her attempt but it splits in three and fails to go out.

>As always, should goblin #12 get taken down by Yulya, I shoot #11
[1d20+5=11] Alice's arrow flies wide and misses.

>Cat follows suit and shoots goblin 12, 11 or the elite in that order then returns to the wall.
[1d20+4=14] Her arrow grazes his armor.

Mrs. B approaches and attacks Goblin X00 with claw. [1d20+4=11] She also misses the slippery goblin!

Helga gets behind Goblin X0 while Olga pounces with advantage. [1d20+4=19,22][CON 1d20=5][1d4+3=6][1d20-1=0] Olga claws for 6 damage and knocks him prone, then bites with advantage. [1d20+4=13,12] but can't get through hsi armor.

Olga follows up with a bite with advantage. [1d20+4=9,20][CON 1d20=4][1d4+3=4] She bites for 4 damage but the goblin stubbornly holds on.

Goblin X00 attacks Mrs. B [1d20+4=6] but misses.
Goblin X0 tries to get free. [DEX 1d20+2=9] but fails.
Goblin Elite attacks Olga. [1d20+4=11] and misses!

Cat 10/16/2024 (Wed) 15:18 [Preview] No.6118 del
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Nyaa that's enough Nya!
Cat enters rage and races toward the goblins with feline agility. She passes Helga and attacks the goblin elite from behind with her greatsword using CLEAVE. She attemps to hit goblin X00 too.

Alice 10/16/2024 (Wed) 19:07 [Preview] No.6122 del
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>Alice suffers 3 fire damage in her attempt but it splits in three and fails to go out.
Alice jumps around in circles and fails her shot before returning to the wall
Ow what the hell? Yulyaa! It hurts! The ember is mocking me! Just like the orb!

Still jumping around, Alice used Dash as a bonus action and charges goblin X0, attacking him with her spear 2-handed

[Unless Cat takes down that goblin too with her Cleave, then Alice readies her bow to shoot any other hostile creature showing up. The other goblin elite is still out there!]

Yulya 10/16/2024 (Wed) 22:26 [Preview] No.6127 del
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>Ow what the hell? Yulyaa! It hurts! The ember is mocking me! Just like the orb!
Yulya takes Alices injured foot and blows at it
There there!
You really tried to protect us but use water next time. Let me fix you up!

Yulya casts HEROISM on Alice to strengthen her for the rest of the battle before she goes. Yulya follows her up the slope to the same height as Olga and crouches behind her shield

Dangerous Passage R04a Joy the DM 10/17/2024 (Thu) 01:39 [Preview] No.6130 del
Goblin X00 steps on one of the ember shards kicked up by Alice, dealing 3 damage, and succumbs to his injuries. This is to make up for the confusion from earlier. If I had interpreted Yulya's action last time, the goblin would have gone down.

Cat attacks the Goblin elite and hopes to cleave any remaining living goblin.
[1d20+7=(21,18) CLEAVE (8,11)][2d6+5+1+2=16] Cat strikes the Goblin Elite with advantage eviscerating him in one blow, causing him to go down but misses the second goblin.

>Yulya casts HEROISM on Alice to strengthen her for the rest of the battle before she goes.
Alice gains 5 temporary HP.

>Alice used Dash as a bonus action and charges goblin X0, attacking him with her spear 2-handed
...gaining advantage with flank she strikes &[1d20+5=(11,11) but her blow glances off his armor.

"Ralley Growth!" Ashley barks with confidence. "Finish them!"

Mrs. B Attacks Golbin X0 [1d20+4=(18,21)][CON 1d20=20][1d4+1*1.5=4] She downs Goblin X0 with ease.''

Note on shields: if you have proficiency, you will get the +2AC all time all direction and any bonus for directional cover up to 3/4 or full when crouched not to exceed +3AC bonus. Ashley does not have proficiency so she only gets the cover bonus, not the base +2AC. I will not give any penalties for not having proficiency. Above tier 2 spells (3MP or more) will require both hands, period. So a shield is auto-stowed on the back like a turtle. Bonuses still apply. Cover from a shield prevents targeting by ranged weapons but not by melee weapons including bludgeoning ranged weapons and certain ranged attack spells. A shield can block dragon's breath and burning hands for instance, but not magic missile as they seek behind shields. Blunt arrows can still cause damage by transferring force damage through the shield but will have to defeat the higher AC. If you move in a turn, a medium shield is limited to half cover +2AC, if you attack, it is limited to 3/4 +3AC.

Helga and Olga move cautiously around the corner toward the civilians.
They sneak up even in clear view of the civilians, they say nothing, they're all paralyzed with fear. The lynxes see Wolves 10-18 and the other goblin Elite currently releasing them. He has released 4 and is attempting to release another 5.

Helga and Olga fall back, ready to defend against the onslaught.
"Hey guys?" Ashley whispers, "There's a heck-ton of wolves up there. What should I do?"

This large cave is divided in half by a ten-foot-high escarpment. A steep, natural staircase leads from the lower portion to the upper ledge. The air is hazy with the smoke of a cooking fire, and pungent from the smell of poorly cured hides and unwashed goblins. The upper area is the Wolf husbandry area, all the wolves are large enough to fight.

Ashley has held back Olga and Helga, they can technically reach Wolf 10 and begin to engage but haven't yet, this is still round 4.

Yulya 10/18/2024 (Fri) 19:46 [Preview] No.6154 del
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Yulya panics hearing about the wolf pack
Oh god - thats not good not good at all how many of them are there? Is there no end? I do not want to get eaten! We need to get out of here! I will stop them you guys run!

*FLEE YOU FOOLS intensifies*

Yulya doffs her shield and shakingly moves 20ft toward the cowering goblins until she can see the wolves
G-good day and sorry for the intrusion! I apologize beforehand for what is going to happen!

Yulya turns pale seeing all the wolves and the elite goblin quickly freeing them. She takes the focus gem from her belt into her shaking hands and closes her eyes. This is still a better end then getting torn apart by wolves. Yulya drains all MP from the gem and casts SACRED FLAME on the wolves. As soon as the energy is released Yulya attempts to teleport back to the position she came from with MISTY STEP. Then she moves further east as far as she can away from the wolves

Ashley 10/18/2024 (Fri) 21:19 [Preview] No.6161 del
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Ashley runs East then South toward rhe safety of trees. If the wolves get within striking distance she Panthers up. "You got this Mrs. B and lynxes.
Feets don't fail me now!"

Alice 10/18/2024 (Fri) 22:43 [Preview] No.6162 del
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Blessed with Heroism, Alice uses Heroic Escape and follows Ashley down the corridor

Cat 10/19/2024 (Sat) 01:03 [Preview] No.6163 del
Cat grudgily turns around but keeps watch over Yulya. She will stay close behind Yulya even though she is faster, ready to pick her up and dash again if necessary

Dangerous Passage R04b Joy the DM 10/19/2024 (Sat) 15:00 [Preview] No.6166 del
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Ashley dashes, leaving her summons behind to block the tunnel with their bodies with Rally Growth, hopefully stalling the wolves who survive. 60ft DASH

Alice continues her dash after her with her remaining movement. 80ft-25ft=55ft DASH

Cat awaits Yulya, ready to dash with her. 60ft-30ft=30ft or 60ft DASH

Yulya apologizes for her contribution to genocide and wanton murder of innocents ahead of time.
>Yulya doffs her shield and shakingly moves 20ft toward the cowering goblins until she can see the wolves
>G-good day and sorry for the intrusion! I apologize beforehand for what is going to happens!
She moves 20ft west, with line of sight to the spot between the stalactites, readying her spell with one last charge of her ring of quick casting, preparing to throw her focus if need be.

The cats death blow the three goblins and prepare to attack wolves as a reaction, bringing up the rear and blocking or attacking the wolves as needed.

Dangerous Passage R05 Joy the DM 10/19/2024 (Sat) 15:23 [Preview] No.6168 del
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Snake 3 has stabilized

The wolves notice Yulya and impatiently begin their assault, the ones still tied tug on their chains. However, everything happens so fast they can't move much before it happens.
The Goblin Elite quickly releases the other 5 wolves.

Yulya times her actions to simultaneously trigger her spell and Misty Step. Suddenly she receives a vision: a beautiful angel she recognizes as SheShe appears and places her hand on Yulya's shoulder. She hears... "Worry not, for I am with you."

SheShe is not allowed to affect the roll.

The gem begins to glow and Yulya realizes it's about to go critical so she tosses it to the point she intends and triggers her Misty Step just before it strikes, a silvery mist surrounds her and it shimmers as she teleports 30ft East. The impact of the gem sets off the spell.

Yulya's focus is now located in the cavern. It shouldn't be hard to find.

UNKNOWN RANDOM EFFECTS [1d20=7,14,1][1d4=3]

Sacred Hellfire: VS, 1 action, 150ft range. A flame-like tempest of swirling energy envelopes an area with a 20ft radius. Each creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or be engulfed and take 4d8 radiant damage. Half if the saving throw succeeds. The tempest will ignore cover and obstacles in this area.

The gem flashes brighter then the sun and anyone looking at it or in the vicinity has a 50% chance of becoming blinded for 3 turns. A fiery light emanates from the crystal in the area and blossoms with a low roar, beaming burning light to every creature in the area. Shadows on the walls and floors burn in silhouettes of the affected creatures.
The following creatures are blinded for turns 5, 6, and 7:
-Wolf 11
-Wolf 13
-Wolf 15
-Goblin civilian 2,4,5,7,8,10

[DEX vs DC15 1d20+2=19,16,9,15,11,21,4,20,18,19]
-Goblin Elite takes 9 damage downing him
-Wolf 10 takes 8 damage
-Wolf 11 is killed by the blinding light
-Wolf 12 takes 11 damage and though badly singed, he holds on
-Wolf 13 is now a pile of ash
-Wolf 14 was a whelp and even a dex save couldn't help him
-Wolf 15 was knocked unconscious by the blinding light
-Wolf 16 takes 8 damage and shrugs it off
-Wolf 17 takes 9 damage and is barely holding on
-Wolf 18 takes 9 damage is badly singed but ok

Cat, now blinded, did manage to see where she teleported to just before the light and runs to her then the two of them carefully make their way East with DASH Since the area isn't technically a trap, I won't allow the possibility of you falling down a crevasse, and allowed the dash.

A shimmering, beautiful, golden light lingers in the area and slowly dissipates.

Five remaining wolves are momentarily stunned but soon set their sights on Helga, Olga and Mrs. B.
Wolf 10 moves to Helga as Wolf 12 moves to attack Olga but the lynxes attack as a reaction first with disadvantage due to blindness.
[1d20+4=(14,20)][CON 1d20+1=16] Helga still manages to scratch Wolf 10 with ralley growth. [1d4+2*1.5=7] Wolf 10 is downed but stabilizes.

[1d20+4=(7,12)][1d20+4=11] Olga misses but so does the wolf.
Wolf 17 makes it to Helga and attacks with pack tactics. [1d20+4=(5,25)][2d4+2*2=10] It's a critical hit and Helga vanishes on impact.

Wolf 16 and 18 Dash to Mrs. B and surround her.
Mrs. B attacks Wolf 18. [1d20+4=24][CON 1d20+1=20][1d4+1*1.5*2=12] Wolf 18 is downed by Mrs. B.

Ashley stops, "Wait! We got most of them, we might be able to pick them off now."

Yulya 10/19/2024 (Sat) 21:17 [Preview] No.6175 del
Yulya stumbles south and dons her shield again
Ashley what happened? Did it work? I cannot see anything
Yulya moves to where she is heating Ashley

Alice 10/20/2024 (Sun) 22:30 [Preview] No.6180 del
(97.46 KB 1024x1024 2319612.jpg)
What the hell did you do in there??
I see 3 wolves fighting our cats but I'm not sure, how many are there, Ashley?

You alright, Cat?
Alice realizes that Cat can't see shit and takes her by the paw to lead her to the trees. She dashes as far as Cat can and tries to prevent her from tripping over obstacles
Keep running, if those wofls catch you while you're blind, even you'll be in trouble!

Ashley, you keep running too and make sure Yulya reaches the trees, she can't see either! You're both way slower than us so move, move, move if you don't wanna end the day in a wofl stomach!

Ashley 10/21/2024 (Mon) 00:34 [Preview] No.6182 del
(176.19 KB 832x1216 Ashley 30.jpg)
"Three wolves are left, Mrs. B and Olga. I'm going to send Helga back in there."

"Thanks Yulya, I'm all warmed up now." I lead her out as fast as we can go. "Yeah it worked, it got more than half of them and the others are really weak now. We're going to have to go back for the gem. It was crazy bright."

Cat 10/21/2024 (Mon) 08:47 [Preview] No.6183 del
Cat can't see shit and follows Alice blindly while dashing South
What a bright light!

Dangerous Passage R06-07 Joy the DM 10/21/2024 (Mon) 20:52 [Preview] No.6186 del
(209.66 KB 848x1536 Ashley46.jpg)
(82.15 KB 500x646 Helga MVP.jpg)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=JwEKYSLuwUo [Embed]


Everyone runs south to the safety of trees.

Ashley summons Helga back and guides Yulya back to the safety of the trees. The bright sunny day outside assaults your senses and is disorienting, it's felt like ages since you entered that cave. The smell of fresh air is no condolence to the heavy sense of dread you feel. Maybe it was the ambience of that cave or the smell or what you're about to do but a cloud of doom hangs over an otherwise sunny, breezy though cold day.

Helga Dashes Northeast once again to flank wolf16.
Olga attacks Wolf12 with claw. [1d20+4=(14,16)][CON 1d20+1=4][1d4+3=5] Even blind, she easily downs the severely burned wolf.
Mrs. B attacks Wolf16 with advantage due to flanking. [1d20+4=(21,9)][CON 1d20+1=11][1d4+3=5] She rakes into Wolf16 with her claws.

Ashley gives a play by play of what's happening in the cave.

Wolf17 moves around next to Wolf16 and bites Olga with advantage due to pack tactics. [1d20+4=(11,21)] He hits and Olga pops back out of the material plane.
Wolf16 attacks Mrs. B with advantage. [1d20+4=(5,19)] Mrs. B is bit in half by the wolf sending gears, blood and springs flying and sending her back to the negative plane again.

[Round 07 Begin]
Wolf15 has stabilized.

"It's just Helga left" Ashley calls rally attack, giving Helga two attacks this round. "You can do it Helga!"

Helga attacks Wolf17 with claw. [1d20+4=5] But critically misses but she is immune to critical miss on the first turn of Rally Attack and rolls her miss into another swipe. [1d20+4=20][CON 1d20+1=14][1d4+2=3] Wolf17 falls to the ground, unconscious from the severe pain.
Utilizing the rally, Helga faces off against Wolf16. [1d20+4=22][CON 1d20+1=19][1d4+2=4]
''Wolf16 goes down in a fit of growls and silence follows."

The Battle is over congratulations! All Experience points will be awarded at the end. You are now free to move.

Helga kills off all the downed enemies including the snake.
Goblin Elite1, Wolf10, Wolf12, Wolf15, Wolf16, Wolf17, Wolf18 and Snake3 all perish due to Helga's death blows.

Yulya, Cat and the Goblin Civilians recover from their blindness as their eyes slowly adjust.
Alice's Heroism expires.

"I say we set up and rest in the mouth of the cave, let them think about their sins before their doom." Ashley says, relieved but still shocked by all the enemies. "As far as the civilians, I'll let you all decide what to do with them, I'm a pacifist after all, but Helga isn't and like most natives of the negative plane she's hungry for the blood of the innocent. So Yulya, let me know and I'll let her know."

Ashley brings back Olga using her focus. "That's it, I got 1MP left and I become a panther unless we rest."

EXP Rewards Joy the DM 10/21/2024 (Mon) 21:30 [Preview] No.6188 del
D Yeemik the goblin boss 200XP
D Wolf 1 50XP
D Wolf 2 50XP
D Wolf 3 50XP
D hobgoblin 1 100XP
D Hobgoblin 2 100XP
D Goblin 3 50XP
D Goblin 10 50XP
D Goblin 11 50XP
D Goblin 12 50XP
D Goblin 13 50XP
D Goblin 14 50XP
EXP TOTAL with bonuses 2040 spread evenly.

Escaping the trap
AP 1000 spread evenly

D Goblin Elite E2 50XP
D Goblin X0 50XP
D Goblin X00 50XP
EXP TOTAL with bonuses 525 spread evenly

D Golbin Elite E1 50XP
D Wolf 10 50XP
D Wolf 11 50XP
D Wolf 12 50XP
D Wolf 13 50XP
D Wolf 14 50XP
D Wolf 15 50XP
D Wolf 16 50XP
D Wolf 17 50XP
D Wolf 18 50XP
EXP TOTAL with bonuses 1050 spread evenly

&GRAND TOTAL 3615EXP spread evenly. Please add 904EXP to your character sheet each.

AP awarded Joy the DM 10/21/2024 (Mon) 21:32 [Preview] No.6189 del

1000, please add 250AP to each of your character sheets

Cat 10/22/2024 (Tue) 07:49 [Preview] No.6193 del
>Yulya, Cat and the Goblin Civilians recover from their blindness as their eyes slowly adjust.
Nyaa that was crazy Nya I didn't know you could do that Yulya Nya so all the wolves were killed Nya? Looks like no more enemies are coming for now Nya but we must remain vigilant Nya!

Alice help me set up the tent Nya we gotta rest a bit Nya before we enter again Nya! I wonder how many enemies are still in there Nya!

Cat sets up the tent so the party can rest

Ashley 10/22/2024 (Tue) 09:43 [Preview] No.6194 del
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As soon as the tent is set, Ashley dives in, "don't wake me for at least 4 hours, I don't care."

Yulya 10/22/2024 (Tue) 19:18 [Preview] No.6196 del
(51.62 KB 500x500 9867369.jpg)
Yulya clumsily climbs down the tree in disbelief and looks around nervously
All the wolves are - gone? Is it safe for now? Can you all see normally again? I apologize for that this spell was untested. I am glad it worked out well but I hope I do not have to use it again.
Then let us rest I am completely drained.
We will think about those goblin civilians later. But we must question them when we re-enter. And get my crystal back! If Ashley's summons sleep we must rotate guards. Cat and Alice only need a short rest!

Yulya politely takes off her shoes hands them to Alice and gets into the tent to rest

Alice 10/22/2024 (Tue) 22:26 [Preview] No.6201 del
(98.16 KB 1024x1024 12926.jpg)
Alice can't believe it either
You suuure you got all the wolves? That was insane! I expected to fight at least 4-5. Those mecha-cats sure are something,Ashley!

Alice helps Cat set up the tent and meticulously guards the entrance - against dirty adventurers
Hey, shoes off or you'll get the special cleaning program!
Cat, can you stand guard first? I still need to regenerate from that ember. Can you believe it, all the goblins and wolves couldn't scratch me but that ember almost finished me off. I bet embers are somehow related to orbs!

Alice goes to rest in a corner of the tent mumbling about dragons and orbs while she slowly dissolves to a blob

INTERMISSION #2 Joy the DM 10/23/2024 (Wed) 22:22 [Preview] No.6216 del
(108.49 KB 500x500 97pvlz.jpg)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=U9OQAySv184 [Embed]

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