Yakumo 04/30/2023 (Sun) 20:50 No.561 del
You need to be able to create great works with both mind and body. I think this is of the few things Marx was right about that damn commie. It's deeply satisfying and important for mental health to experience the fruit of your labor first-hand.

I'm always surprised how fast the body adapts. When I'm doing unusual work which strains my hands in novel places I sometimes get blisters but the skin quickly thickens and it doesn't happen again. I also buy cheap gloves in bulk like 10 pairs and wear through them within days. Same with shoes. I walk long distances and erode shoesoles at an amazing pace. Most of my friends appear geriatric and disabled to me, they'd break after a few hours of the work I do. Not to speak of zoomers. Kids those days. Tupper still likes to make sure I work even harder and don't slack off.

I also don't understand how people can be fat. Just work more and eat less. I actually lose most weight on holidays where I'm walking around all day and find little time to eat.