Lieutenant Commander Bear 10/16/2024 (Wed) 15:49 No.6121 del
Like 10 years ago, right after I got swol the first time and I met my exgf and we started dating, she was friends with a cute trailer park girl stoner alcoholic. But zero piercings and tattoos. She was like... 4 years younger than me and married to a 40-yr old fat ex-con.

It didn't bother me that he was like 20 years older than her, she was a load of drama but fun. We'd visit because she was like 2nd to the alpha in that friends group after my exgf of course. A spitfire red head, but she obviously had a crush on me and hit on my while drunk, I guess I never saw her fully sober. She'd take me out in the back yard, they had a house, fatty had a good job, and she'd show me her plants then try to molest me. I don't think she was unfaithful because she bad mouthed everyone including her husband right in front of him. She even hit on me in front of exgf and got her ass handed to her verbally, drama. I am loyal Bear so there was nothing to worry about plus exgf was hotter, way smarter and not a stoner and hated alcohol.

So I haven't seen her in 10 years, and she was in my dream.

Dream begins

I was at her house with my exgf and she kept trying to make me admit that I liked her and I kept saying no. At some point she called herself ugly and I said no she wasn't then had to admit I liked her. So she took me into her garden and my exgf was there sitting on a very sticky web. I told her and she was texting so she wouldn't listen and there was a spider the size of a golfball like just the body, but with tiny millipede legs.

So she tried to molest me again but she was older now and for some reason had grey hair and was older than me. I just said no.

She kinda looked like this but perfect skin, no freckles or moles.