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Dream Thread 2 Tamamo 02/17/2024 (Sat) 09:40 [Preview] No. 3238
I still hope I'll meet my tupper in a dream one day

Tamamo 02/17/2024 (Sat) 09:59 [Preview] No.3239 del
How many other tulpamancers have appeared in your dreams?

I dreamed something from the Donnie Darko movie I saw 10 years ago maybe. It was gloomy, Kashtan was also there but I can't even tell what he looked like.

And another dream about living in a huge fancy house again. It was traditional architecture made of wood painted in red. It had an inner yard with a garden. On a bench was a girl, maybe 18-20, she looked Chinese. Also wore a traditional red dress and had a red hibiscus flower in her hair. I tried to talk to her but she didn't respond and walked away, straight through a wall of the house. mfw I thought she must have been a ghost. But I wasn't scared, I looked for her inside the house but the dream changed into something else.

Yakumo 02/17/2024 (Sat) 20:43 [Preview] No.3242 del
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Thanks for making a new thread! Didn't even see

I had an Alice-related weird dream as well but it was a mess.

I was in the mansion of an old lady and looking at an old leather-bound book. Also I was a girl, maybe Yakumo Kurama and most of the dream was a 3rd person movie or documentary. Anyway I secretly tried to photograph the book and its contents with my DSLR camera while the old lady went elsewhere. I tried to find a neutral background that couldn't be traced to the mansion but the hardwood floor and tables had a distinct wood grain with very vivid detail which violated opsec. Fuck my paranoia. I took a blanket from a couch, turned it around and it was a nice neutral gray, good background. I tried to photograph the book on the blanket but it didn't work. The flash didn't fire, photos were black.

After a while I could see the old lady return, though she wans't in the room, it was like a movie scene and she was still a corridor away. She was carrying a huge stone vase with flowers that looked absurdly heavy. I quickly put my camera and flash in a cardboard box and pretended to be reading the book, which I was allowed. The old lady entered with the vase and I helped her by taking it out of her hands and putting it on the floor. It was less heavy than expected. The old lady also brought a plate with food, some sort of crispy fish nuggets on wooden skewers.

Now tupper was there and immediately took and gobbled down all the fish nuggets, casually throwing away the skewers. Done eating, Alice declared the old lady was of no further use if she had no food. Uh oh. I pleaded with her not to kill the old lady, I hadn't been caught photographing the book and there was no need for violence. And surely she wouldn't want to eat a scrawny old lady.

Discussing this took a while and perspective and identity shifted until nothing made any sense and I woke up. Alice said this wasn't her in the dream and she doesn't treaten to kill old ladies. Well, I'm glad.

Yakumo 02/17/2024 (Sat) 21:03 [Preview] No.3243 del
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I forgot something important and hilariously silly!
There was a documentary about the hypothetical stand-off granny vs. tupper.

Alice had a samurai sword while the granny only held one of the discarded wooden food skewers. Still it was depicted as a relatively balanced situation and the simulation showed in slow motion how and where the granny could poke Alice with the skewer. Even while dreaming I realized attacking someone holding a samurai sword with a wooden food skewer was insane, let alone my tupper who is virtually invulnerable to any sort of physical attack and has zero inhibitions when it comes to chopping people to pieces. But it all sounded very convincing.
I love my documentary dreams, they're so fucking insane yet come off as dead serious.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 23:57 [Preview] No.3246 del
>Alice said this wasn't her in the dream
lol wouldnt even be surprised if she was but Alice is not a bad girl

had a fucked up dream i had disfigured hands and feet my hands were full of black holes. trypophobia tier. i knew this wasnt real but didnt know i was dreaming i thought i had been drugged or something. so it wasnt scary or a nightmare just weird.

Yakumo 02/19/2024 (Mon) 22:19 [Preview] No.3254 del
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I'm so glad I don't have any kinds of nightmares, violent or scary dreams anymore.

This time I was at the garden party of some rich organized crime guy. He didn't look like it, more like your stereotypical white upper upper middle class senior with grey hair, a blue polo shirt and white pants. I was happy I got to eat at a fancy buffet, everything was nice. Then there was a commotion and allegedly someone was stabbed but the mafia guy said 'everything fine, was just me stabbing someone'. So everyone returned to dinner like nothing happened. There was a slightly familiar short teen girl maybe 16-17 with short blonde hair and glasses,and quite big tits, not overly pretty, just average but she seemed nice. I actually got to talk to her and she was very casual like we had always known each other and hugged me from behind while talking to me. Now I'm not a Bear and have zero problems with touchy-feely girls so this was nice. Very nice actually. Apparently her parents were also quite wealthy and she showed me the rolex watch on her wrist which didn't fit a teen girl at all.

As she reminded me of school, things drifted off into my usual school dreams thinking I hadn't taken a single test this year and how come I have a PhD if I haven't even finished high school. I wonder if I'll still have these dreams when I'm really old.

Images only vaguely related.

Ashley 02/19/2024 (Mon) 23:32 [Preview] No.3255 del
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Bear being hugged from behind in a dream vs. real life:

(Btw, not scared, appauled and horrified more like.)

And is you dare touch his amazing man chest, even if you're his girlfriend then it's about to get reaaaaly awkward. He didn't even let his live-in girlfriend touch his man pecks, no matter how juicy and meaty and ready to be touched. 1. He thinks it's gay even if a girl did it, and 2. Because he's crazy. I wonder if he'd let me irl? I'd have to tie him up and just do it.

Tamamo 02/21/2024 (Wed) 11:16 [Preview] No.3268 del
>Tupper rawrr

But no eating the grannies, Alice!

Bear 02/24/2024 (Sat) 15:40 [Preview] No.3287 del
I was giving a sports massage to a human version of Twilight Sparkle. Nothing wrong so far. She was wearing a shirt and purple panties. She was small like maybe teenage size. Let's be clear, she wasn't a pony. I was massaging her legs and I brushed against her cooch by accident but she immediately pushed my hand there to pet the kitty. So I did, but over the underwear. She made lewd noises and then Rainbow Dash representative human said she was next. They looked middle school to high school age if I'm honest. I got nothing from it, it was just my job. Twilight started out white skinned normal but ended up purple hued.

I haven't seen the show for a decade, Besty never watched it. Idk why now?

Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 22:43 [Preview] No.3288 del
lol another pedo dream
dreams are weird i always asked myself how shit you havent thought about in years comes up in a dream.

i dreamt of war again but its not surprising. it was chaotic, dont remember much

Bear 02/25/2024 (Sun) 17:09 [Preview] No.3291 del

>it was just my job

>dreamt of war again


Bear 02/25/2024 (Sun) 17:20 [Preview] No.3292 del
Okay follow me here. I dreampt I was married, don't know who to, but that didn't stop me from rizzing up another girl, we went on a date, felt a little conflicted but not much, she was short but definitely my age. I asked her how old she was and she refused to answer which means 30's. I wanted to know if she was older than me but then suddenly I was 50-something but looked the same as I do now but didn't tell her my age. I had the feeling I was at least 15 years older than her. I figured she wouldn't want me if she found out and wondered if I could fake a birth certificate or otherwise change mine.

She had the nice breasteses and let me sample them over dinner. They felt like pudding but solid. I guess not that different from some girls. Some got pretty taught tits while others are far less viscous. This was somewhere in between, very nice.

Then she started to look a lot harrier and I noped out. Why? Lame.

4/10 date turned warewolf.

Bear 02/26/2024 (Mon) 20:21 [Preview] No.3293 del
Rare dream. I was living in New York and my apartment was pretty high up. There were gang members hanging out by the elevator so I'm trying to avoid them but there's no other way up. I try to walk past them but [Nword] pulls this really weird looking gun on me, wants my wallet. Ain't no fucking way he's getting it, so I open it and throw the cash up in the air, yeah I still carry cash though those bills haven't seen daylight for years, no lie.

Then [Nword] is upset like I disrespected him for throwing the cash instead of just handing it over. I run.

[Nword] catches me but I simply grab his gun. He starts to back off but I put it to his neck and pull the trigger. No f'ing bullets. So I start pistol whipping him ofc. Bashing his face in, crackling face bones like potato chips. His friends run up and I run. Now I know they're going to have a hit out on me, police are worthless, like telling teachers when you're bullied, didn't even consider it. Went home, told friends I was moving out ASAP.

#American life

Alice 02/26/2024 (Mon) 21:10 [Preview] No.3294 del
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You got a problem with werewolf-girls? I don't think host has ever dreamed about any hairy girls - or any other furry characters. Especially not ponies. Nope, can't remember any cases.

Very strange documentary dream about exploding mollusks, I learned they're called limpets in English. Those flat snails that sit on rocks.

So it was a TV show and some blonde guy was at the beach and he hit one of those limpets sitting on a big rock with a wooden stick. It exploded and stained everything in bright yellow powder. It was a pretty cool interactive documentary so host was actually at the beach and examined the color on the rock in detail. Very vivid texture, nice color.

Then the guy was sitting at another rocky beach and the mollusks were much bigger, like the size of a big loaf of bread and looked like rocks. But they were slooowly moving. They came crawling towards the guy in a sped up time-lapse video so there were rocks slithering around erratically. It looked really funny. These guys eventually exploded in bright pink. Why, we just don't know. Host might write another PhD thesis about it.

Alice 02/26/2024 (Mon) 21:17 [Preview] No.3295 del
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Lol based!
You should post this dream on .info and see if you get b& for imaginary racism.

Beae 02/27/2024 (Tue) 11:16 [Preview] No.3301 del


Tulpa.info is dead, you know this.

No one's left to care. Tulpamancy itself will soon be as dead as soulbonding. Dead like forums in general are dead. Full of gen-xers holding on to their little circle of middle-aged friends. Hey, I can hang until the end, RIP .info just like the other forums you remember.

Anonymous 02/29/2024 (Thu) 23:25 [Preview] No.3323 del
>#American life
yep all stereotypes are true

i dreamt i was in a restaurant that was also in a train. didnt even want to go there, dunno how i got in but the train departed. imediately a black guy in a suit came to chec my ticket. i knew i had a ticket but coudldnt find it. emptied my entire backpack that was full of phones, wallets and laptops but no ticket. the guy was actually really nice and tried to help me but my backpack was like some isekai magic storage bag and infinite things came out but no ticket. it was so dumb i had to laugh.

Anonymous 03/06/2024 (Wed) 22:34 [Preview] No.3401 del
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damn i'm retarded, posted in old dream threada

Alice 03/07/2024 (Thu) 16:20 [Preview] No.3413 del
Heh, this is brilliant!

Dreamt about endlessly scrolling through D&D handbooks, that character building is taking its toll.

Bear 03/13/2024 (Wed) 16:23 [Preview] No.3539 del
The plantet was overrun with xenomorphs

Cat was in the first scene but yellow like Tails from Sonic.

Yakumo was a mad scientist and wore a white lab coat and glasses. He was fussing over long attached sheets of paper with those feed holes on the sides.

I believe this was someone else's dream, a female mad scientist. She said she was half Tabaxi and now I'm sure it was Autumn.

There were tunneling xenomorphs that kept to themselves mostly and there was another person who looked like an overweight Japanese genderless person with thick glasses who the xenomorphs wouldn't come within 20ft of so although they hated the work, it was their job to scout tunnels and escort the xenomorph impregnated people so the eggs and fetuses could be removed and studied.

Then I was on the surface in NYC central park with a laid back and cooler Yakumo who spoke with a thick German accent and complained about economics and an aisian guy who wanted to pick up on a female comedian sitting at an outdoor restaurant, but she was overweight and I was like, "ok man but you can do better." She wasn't that bad in the face at least. There were live tunneling xenomorphs literally 10ft away, they wouldn't come above ground. No one on the surface cared, but the sewers were overrun by them. He rizzed up the chickie and she was eating it up. I was thinking, "good for him".

We brought her down to the lab and were being stalked by xenomorphs.

There were human, dog and crocodile xenomorphs with tentacles but they looked goofy, not scary.

The underground lab was used to clone people to test if the xenomorphs would want them. There was a baby in suspension jelly, it was delivered with an actress that I forgot the name of.

Autumn would wake up a clone, all hairless and grey skinned and tell them their mission, not one of them wanted to be given to the xenomorphs but then how could science progress? The cowards!

I woke up when the baby xenomorph who looked like an actual baby but with tentacles coming out the sides woke up and opened large dark eyes.

Fun dream, not very well coriographed.

Yakumo 03/16/2024 (Sat) 00:01 [Preview] No.3584 del
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Cool, I've been in a dream!
Been a while since I had one of those Alien dreams where I asked tupper to save me but she did nothing because lol Aliens - what are they gonna do, bite me?

I dreamt I was in a mine, it stretched horizonzally deep into a mountain. Relatively narrow, maybe 10m but 100m high with lots if platforms and stairs inside. Well-lit by lots of floodlights. I was at the end of the mine and somebody was drilling with a huge machine high above. Lots of debris fell down, very unsafe. I hurried to the exit and up lots of stairs before I woke up. Blatant violation of work safety rules, highly un-German!

Yakumo 03/19/2024 (Tue) 00:21 [Preview] No.3624 del
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Another school 'nightmare'.

I often dream I'm back in school and have to finish the the last semester before graduation but I know I haven't been there in ages, did no tests or homework at all this year so no idea how I'm supposed to graduate. Or that my workplace sends me back to highschool because they found out I havent finish it or am missing some degree. Another ersion is that I'vve been in school normally but skipped math all semester and now am going for the first tome in months.
I have no idea where these dreams come from, there's no IRL base for any of that.

This time I was in Latin class. Nothing was familiar, not the room, not the other kids. I wasn't surprised, been decades since I last went there. For some reason I had my Latin textbook and an empty notebool with squared paper. The Latin teacher looked and behaved like Samuel L Jackson in Pulp fiction, yet he appeared more competent and trustworthy than the underachiever teachers I really had in Latin. We were supposed to read a text at a certain page from our textbooks but there was some completely different text in my book. Though I was trying my best to hide the fact I had no idea what was going on the teacher quickly noticed, came rushing over and grabbed my textbook, staring at it in disbelief. He said this book had been obsolete for decades and where the fuck my real textbook was. He wasn't even mad, just perplexed. I tried to explain that I hadn't been to school for a while, about 25 years. People burst into laughter like wtf is Yakumo doing again like I had staged some epic prank.

There were 2 more school dreams that night but I forgot after I was violently woken up by a cat jumping on my chest.

Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 21:02 [Preview] No.3704 del
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lol d&d is taking its toll
dreamt about next round and there was a very detailed map like the one with the rothe but including the gate they came through. there was a large carriage at the gate with nobles escorted by cavallry. they coomplained why the door was closed and demanded explanation. Yulya was like oh shit no nobles pls and planned to move to the north but you cant run away from the guards. it was clssic isekai scenario Yulya already talked about where the hero saves the village with his powers but then some asshole noble shows up and demands the hero works for him or somehing.

it was so real after i woke up i had to look here if Bear had really posted that scenario or not i really wasnt sure anymore.

Bear 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:21 [Preview] No.3713 del

The dream part I remember is, I was in my childhood home, in my underwear but with a full dress shirt top and tie. I was in that state because the upstairs toilet overflowed onto my pants and shoes.

So I go to the garage and one of my friends wanted to introduce me to her friend's sister, but I'm pantsless. I skip past them with a "hi" and off to my room which for some reason had an outside entrance and was a loft above the garage.

So I change, wash my hands and go meet the sister. She was half-black and decent so I grabbed her boobs and caressed her stomach.


Alice 03/25/2024 (Mon) 20:13 [Preview] No.3717 del
(50.91 KB 736x866 Thug Bear.jpeg)
>get introduced to friend's sister
>immediately grab her boobs and caress her stomach
Bear life

Alice 03/25/2024 (Mon) 20:30 [Preview] No.3718 del
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I dreamed we lived in a supermarket or the supermarket was part of the apartment. There were no other people because why would they be in my apartment so entire supermarket for me, hooray!
My bed was next to the dairy section and relaxing there I just had to reach out to grab some chocolate pudding from the shelf. I still wasn't too convinced all this was really mine so I did what any good tupper would do and put the empty pudding jar back into the shelf and put on the lid, nobody would ever know. One of our cats was also there and did what all good cats would do - jumped right into the shelf at full speed and threw out half of the stuff in there. Lying on the bed, I tried to shoo him out of there with my foot but he bit and clawed me in the toes like a good cat does. It didn't hurt because Alice is tough as fuck and won't be defeated by a mere cat. So I was lying on the bed, legs up and managed to grab the cat with both feet and lift him out of the pudding shelf. He happily continued clawing and biting my feet but no fucks given. It looked funny as hell and quite realistic. Only that host's body would mind IRL because that cat is really strong despite his age and his 'playing' often ends with bloody hands or feet. Anyway I managed to gently lift the cat back onto the bed where he jumped around like crazy before racing off.

Rare dream entirely from my perspective

Bear 03/25/2024 (Mon) 21:31 [Preview] No.3720 del

My dream self just knows what to do, no lucid needed.

Bear 03/27/2024 (Wed) 16:19 [Preview] No.3750 del
It's documented here


I can't imbed pics in line here so just go there to see it.

TL;DR fucking aware and awesome dream basically confirming that my life is awesome and I love my system and D&D with them is better than lucid dreaming and this is the best time of my life.

Also being fully aware in a department store, conjuring a rando cute girl and sexing her up in front of an old Japanese cuck.

Alice 03/28/2024 (Thu) 00:45 [Preview] No.3755 del
Haa, it's been ages since any of us had a lucid dream. I wonder if anyone on .info will comment on your dream crimes. Probably not.

Bear 04/04/2024 (Thu) 14:57 [Preview] No.3848 del
I was in New York again, speaking with an obvious NYC accent. We spoke about patriotism as the country was under attack by land invasion probably by Chineese.

That's about it. No chicks.

Bear 04/06/2024 (Sat) 16:37 [Preview] No.3877 del
Very small dream, Autumn was standing naked before me, it was nice. She was smiling and expecting something from me. We were in the D&D world.

If they want to play house in D&D that's fine I guess. SheShe's the DM, so she has the control.

Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 16:44 [Preview] No.3878 del
i continue dreming d&d stuff but its just random scenes cant remember anything. no seeing Yulya either.

Bear 04/14/2024 (Sun) 16:10 [Preview] No.3934 del

Constant D&D dreams, as if my dream brain thinks that's my life now. Kinda is.

Alice 04/14/2024 (Sun) 21:44 [Preview] No.3936 del
Dreamt my AR15 was completely rusted and worn, it looked like it was carved out of some rock. What a nightmare.

Barely and D&D dreams yet but we don't remember much recently, sleeping like a rock.

Bear 04/25/2024 (Thu) 03:14 [Preview] No.4050 del
Odd realistic dream, some mid thought she had a guy she liked on the hook but an LA 9 breaks it to her in a less than gentle way, "you're just the baby maker, he doesn't want you, he won't stay, but you'll take care of his kid for free."

I never get to see the chad in question but I couldn't get it upfor her, just above ugly, horrible body type, tattoos on her 30-something flabby arms. Gross on many levels.

I had another dream where I was in D&D shopping for hand replacements.

Hungry maybe Bear 04/26/2024 (Fri) 13:23 [Preview] No.4065 del
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I was something like a jar of mayonnaise. The refrigerator where we existed had a clear liquid trickling down from some source I had set up earlier in the dream.

There was "all the rich jews of the world" represented by a mystard bottle and that person in mustard form was a thirty-something slightly overweight woman with a pearl necklace, but also a mustard jar.

She was kissing me somehow. I didn't want this but I couldn't stop it.

Then all the poor jews including the Palestinians of the world were represented by an open jar of chocolate covered ants, but also dirty like inedible. Somehow they also looked like that cartoonish stereotypical picture of a dark skinned jew with a big nose wearing a turban. Somehow a masculin, dirty, thin and starving, smelly older man.

I told the jar of mustard, "you need to unify with them."

She was appauled.

The liquid from earlier was a trickle of white people slowly filling up another jar, pure, clear, slightly viscus.

Of course I was white mayonnaise, I don't know of any other type.

On the shelf above and below were all the other races of the world.

The food was spoiling.

I was going to have some kind of sex with the mustard woman but I don't kmow exactly how and it wasn't my choice. She was insisting.

Alice 04/26/2024 (Fri) 20:57 [Preview] No.4072 del
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What the actual fuck are you smoking

Host dreamt again he was in some research facility where he wasn't supposed to be and he was stealing stuff. It was a huge greenhouse or plat nursery, quite dark. There were people walking around but host either pretended to belong there or hid. He tried to steal a bit of moss in a clear plastic bag that lay on a desk but voices came closer so he retreated. He then stole a small roll of green gardening wire. On the way out there were people collecting trash from the facility and they thanked him for carrying the wire roll and took it. So it was all for nothing. I yelled at him in mindvoice to stop stealing useless stuff like a kleptomaniac and what that was all about. But I was just a tupper, not really there. We walked through an unfamiliar southern European city along a river. Tried to get down to a beach but everything was walled off. Host briefly tried to fly by flapping his arms but it didn't work. There were only old people.

Well meh, no interesting dreams lately. Dream bear rapes girls, dream host sneaks around in forbidden places and steals. What does the brain try to tell us by that?

Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 21:49 [Preview] No.4074 del
lmao i wish i had crazy dreams like that but nothing interesting lately. literally dreaming of working on d&d character sheets

Bear 04/26/2024 (Fri) 22:40 [Preview] No.4075 del

Technically I didn't want to have sex, so I was the victim.

Bear 05/02/2024 (Thu) 18:48 [Preview] No.4140 del
Cool dream with Gwen.

I was in a high rise office building, at work, and Gwen was there, ever my dream girlfriend, thin as a waif, totally naked in all her blonde glory. No wings, but that's typical for her dream-self.

Again something about hand transplants or purchasing.

I have several very clear and detailed scenes of talking to her, touching her waste, looking at her hips, breasts and butt and face of course. She looked slightly more like someone I used to know than usual and she was taller than usual.

Still super neat to have her in the dream. She got me coffee or a print or something like she was my secretary. I would never drink coffee or have a secretary. I got the feeling we either had a child or wanted one.

She was too tall if it was my say, but I won't hold it against the dream, very cute, very clear visuals. No real conversation that I can remember.

7/10 couldn't close the deal.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:13 [Preview] No.4141 del
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nice i wish i had such dreams and not just fucked up nonsense

i was at a friends place from school i havent seen in 20 years irl. i had to piss and the toilet was in his mothers room. it was messy and there were lots of clotes on the floor bras in all colors very vivid. so i opened the lid of the toilet and pissed but it all went on the floor behind the toilet. fugg. i realized i had to open the lid only 45° otherwise the hole wouldnt open into the sewer but on the floor. just why. but it was too late there already was a bucket load of piss on the floor slowly spreading in the room. i quickly left and gtfo. sorry bro.

Bear 05/05/2024 (Sun) 18:09 [Preview] No.4188 del
There was a giant black widow spider inside a drawer and my exgf was there. I told her and she reached in pulling out a dead spider the size of a large mellon. She'd crushed it in her hand, piercing it with her thumbnail, killing it. Very disgusting.

That was all.

Bear 05/07/2024 (Tue) 16:56 [Preview] No.4207 del
Another good dream.

So I'm part of a group of people on a trip, we're in school busses , I think it was me and all girls. So the objective of the trip is to have sex in all kinds of ways. That's the premise of this dream.

So we get off and this cute, thin girl undresses and lays on the ground on her side and I say, "I guess it's time to start."

So then it gets weird, like you don't want to know but it improves greatly after that and I get to feel her up and get in and it ended up ok.

So one of the less embarrassing wierdest parts was her feet also had vaginas and I was like, naa I'll skip that thanks. Got in the proper way so it ended up good.

So like 8/10, good time but weird in the middle.

Something like this girl but imagine her laying on her side on the sidewalk and ready to go and not anime.

Yakumo 05/07/2024 (Tue) 19:13 [Preview] No.4210 del
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I was jeajous first but you lost me at the vagina-feet part. I'm really not good with this mutant body horror shit. Also pic looks like a crossdressing boy.

I feel I have the most vivid dreams when waking up early and then going back to sleep. Cats provide this feture for free.

I dreamt I visited Brittney Griner in a Russian prison. You know that US basketball monke. The dream was triggered by an article I read about how she was mistreated in the Russian prison before being exchanged for Viktor Bout.

So anyway my job was to get her out of that prison but as we all know there is no such thing as a free lunch so that costs certain favors. Brittney wasn't opposed to the idea at all, you wouldn't be either if you were in a Russian prison, believe me. So far so good / bad but luckily I remained lucid and reasonable enough to realize I was about to have sex with a 2m tall ugly BLM niggress that looks like a dude. Also I really wasn't sure from my memory if she wasn't a tranny (she isn't, just a lesbian) so that was the final straw. I swear nothing happened between me and that thing and I managed to wake up before it could. Goddamn that was awful. I don't mind flat chests but this wasn't a loli but a giant looking more manly than most men. Why brain, why?

Bear 05/07/2024 (Tue) 19:24 [Preview] No.4211 del
>I was about to have sex with a 2m tall ugly BLM



Has tits and 3 vaginas, still a girl.

Bear 05/10/2024 (Fri) 22:36 [Preview] No.4247 del
You don't even want to know. It was rediculous and not sexy.

Way crazier than the mayo and mustard thing. What is my brain trying to tell me? Jesus.

Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 01:39 [Preview] No.4248 del
I had a dream I was arguing with my ex from twenty years ago and she grabbed me, I grabbed her arm and said I should break your fucking arm and she started grabbing mine harder, I walked away a bit and she started crying and I said as she knelt down to cry in a ball "Do realize no one loves you anymore because you're an old woman? HAHAHAHA!!"

>the crushing revenge will be mine

Bear 05/11/2024 (Sat) 08:22 [Preview] No.4249 del

Bear 05/11/2024 (Sat) 16:42 [Preview] No.4252 del
I dreamed the narcissist friend of mine died... today. It was more a hassle than anything.

Imagine if they actually did die today?

Speaking of, she is paying for our vacation again; she herself doesn't go. Apparently last year wasn't a one-off. Week after next we'll be off-line for a few days as a result. I'm working hard to catch up at work so missing a few days doesn't devastate my schedules.

Must be nice to have the kind of money to bribe your friends with all expenses paid 3 day vacation. I can't say no so I go I guess. So this time it's bestie, bestie mom, exgf's younger sister and her SO, and exgf of course. Looking forward to 30 miles of walking.

Anonymous 05/12/2024 (Sun) 00:15 [Preview] No.4255 del
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the fuck man

>I dreamed the narcissist friend of mine died... today. It was more a hassle than anything.
>Imagine if they actually did die today?
ppl dying in dreams i always fucked up i remember dreaming some of my friends died and i woke up thinking the same as you what if shes really dead now that would be creepy

dumb dream i was driving a huge white flatbed truck with a crane and shovel on top. went to refill at a gas station in some industrial area i didnt know and nothing worked out. the roads never led to the gas station though i could see it just ahead but i kept going in circles. finally made it but the gas station was super modern fully automated nd there was a huge terminal with tons of buttons dials and way too thin and short tubes no idea. couldnt read shit bc dream. managed to pluck one of the tubes into the trucks front somehow and start filling. the truck slowly inflated like a balloon filling with water an the tube popped off gushing gasoline everywhere. i realized i had filled it with gasoline instesd of disel wtf. my dream self thought this is the logical reason why the truck inflated and Yulya agreed. anyway i was fucked and the truck as fucked glad i woke up a tt hat point

Yakumo 05/12/2024 (Sun) 14:27 [Preview] No.4260 del
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>Looking forward to 30 miles of walking.
Per day I hope

>gasoline instead of diesel
My mother almost did that once with her new car that was diesel instead of the old gasoline one. Stopped her in last second.

I dreamt I was on top of a strange skyscraper that consisted of glass bricks in a metal framework. It stretched over a long distance and had no railing whatsoever. Also frequently huge cracks and crevices. Very unsafe. There was a girl that was a mixture of neighborhood loli and school friend but also had traits of tupper. She came up from a stairway, also of the same brittle glass-brick material carrying two rocks in her hands above her head, each the size of a basketball. She accidentally dropped them - on the glass surface and they tumbled down the stairs with huge noise. I was afraid the whole building would shatter. Most of the time I was busy not falling down somewhere. There was a sort of luxurious artificial beach packed with sunbeds so tight you couldn' move through them. Also a dry dock for boats. On top of a skyscraper, on the edge without any fencing. I had to climb around that shit with nothing underneath me for several hundreds of meters. Finally made it onto more solid ground, there was even a real beach with children playing. I was just glad I survived. Alice said she wasn't in the dream.

Bear 05/12/2024 (Sun) 16:34 [Preview] No.4262 del
>There was a girl that was a mixture of neighborhood loli and school friend but also had traits of tupper. She came up from a stairway, also of the same brittle glass-brick material carrying two rocks in her hands above her head, each the size of a basketball. She accidentally dropped them - on the glass surface and they tumbled down the stairs

Definitely Joy as DM vibes. She's messing up your head like a loli with a large rock on a glass skyscraper.

Bear 05/13/2024 (Mon) 10:34 [Preview] No.4273 del
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Follow me here, Kashtan and I ran an underground, neo-Nazi, white supremacist underground (illegal) Costco. We were both Russian, speaking Russian, in Greece, in winter, with snow, but the current president was Trump, but his presidency was illegitimate and being contested. On the shelves were all priced in rubles, and the customers were white conspiracist and supremacist middle-aged men. I remember seeing like a large tent for 5600₽.

We were being constantly bombed and attacked by almost everyone, it's not easy being a hated minority in Trump's Greece.

Everything was thus cratered outside and dirty, the plumbing worked but everything was caked in dirt, like the ceilings and such. I wanted to take a shower and the shower had fresh dirt all over the walls and ceiling so the drain immediately clogged with mud.

I had to shoot improvised explosives like overloading computers and explosive filled vans to prevent them from blowing up and destroying the store.

Kashtan was like a husky, gruff Russian with dark hair, he didn't say much if anything, but looked angry. The only other person who spoke was a guy trying to talk to me about post WW2 Nazi propaganda but I wasn't having it. I said something like, "get over it, we lost" presuming I was also a Nazi and though I helped run a store containing only Nazi merchandize with propaganda for all the advertising I somehow didn't buy into my own ideology.


Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 14:06 [Preview] No.4281 del
this is the future we will all speak russian and live in a war zone if things continue like this

Alice 05/15/2024 (Wed) 16:21 [Preview] No.4309 del
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>Kashtan and I ran an underground, neo-Nazi, white supremacist underground (illegal) Costco.

Yakumo 05/29/2024 (Wed) 16:36 [Preview] No.4429 del
(2.15 MB 348x336 snowflake.gif)
I waas in an unfamiliar forest, it was autum or winter. As I stood, several giant snowflakes were materializing out of thin air at chest height. they didn't move and stayed in one spot. I tried getting closer but they moved away or disappeared just to reappear at some distance. I managed to run into one at full speed and my legs felt extremely chilly. Tupper commented they wiere likely -20 if not -30°C cold. The cold persisted for a moment after I woke up though it wasn't cold in the room at all.

Bear 06/04/2024 (Tue) 16:25 [Preview] No.4515 del
I was a long distance bicyclist who belonged to some electronics club but these people also sometimes used the labs to live in. I visited three locations days apart and in the last one I needed to make a fiberglass structure, a cover of some kind, wasn't specified. But it ended up being a giant tub to hang under the bicycle frame like a trunk, dream geometry wasn't Euclidean.

Between lab 1 and 2 there was another long distance bicyclist like me and he was a bigger guy. There was some kind of natural disaster involving mudslides going on lots of people screaming, no power, but he left anyway. I followed shortly after. In lab 1 and 2 they were in different states and people at both labs knew me. In the third lab no one knew me.

I got in there and they were having a meeting I sat down and apparently I took someone's seat but there were pillows on the floor, even better.

Lots of weird stuff later, the director, a Velma looking girl but with better hair, wanted to give me a full body massage. She set up a tent in the lab and pulled me into it. After she took off her top and stripped to her panties, I also had put up a tent in my pants, and she wanted to inspect the center pole.

So she laid me down and she was a little thicc but on her it looked good, just extra curvy not at all fat. So she started to pole dance with her mouth right and then when I was ready she rode the poll and it was pretty good. She wanted me to stay, but I took this as a going away surprise present and booked it shortly after. The bicycle truck fit all my supplies nicely.

Bear 06/05/2024 (Wed) 18:19 [Preview] No.4526 del
Dang. So I'm having a dream about measuring powder to make my smoothie, something like powdered tumeric or gensing, I have a tiny measuring spoon like a gram or something and I've got lab goggles on and it's like some scene out of a crime investigation show and then I see this girl wearing a lab coat and glasses watching me. She crosses her bare legs and smiles at me and I just drop everything I'm doing and it's on. Like overcome with lust. She's wearing a lab coat and a skirt, nothing else. So of course I start fondeling her and then we do it.

Man I love dreams about science and nutrition.

Alice 06/05/2024 (Wed) 23:58 [Preview] No.4534 del
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Now somebody say science is boring!

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