Bear 06/01/2023 (Thu) 03:17 No.880 del

I am some kind of genius that also has many flaws.

You have a PhD? That explains a lot because all the PhD's were cracked.

I have two masters and PhD ABD which doesn't count obviously other than I made it through the classes and the qual. Only one person in our group stayed for the PhD. It was awful and I lost touch with him.

In my neighborhood, on a 30 minute walk I'd see 1-2 old white women. It's pretty hilly and the bums don't like climbing hills.

Luckily the only immigrants I see speak Spanish and so I know what they're saying and it's always mundane stuff not "god hates America" in Aribic or anything. I think pretty much anywhere in America if you're Arab or Hasidic Jew like the stinky kind with big beards you see people grab their kids and step away or leave the area. Seriously we have no problem with Mexicans with tattoos on their faces, but the second we here "Alah akbar" the place clears out. Funily enough same thing happens with someone speaking hebrew. People automatically assume they have a bomb or something. I don't, they're usually nice people to me at least. Yet if you're Chinese or Iranian no one cares.

No, the only real issue here is the strung out and criminally insane homeless. They're like rats and cockroaches, better not seen. They're constantly lighting fires in the canyons and you can't go to many parks without seeing them. They otherwise congregate where they can easily get their fix. The whole fentanyl tainted drug/death epidemic is helping a lot. Any city pretty much has this issue though. Way out in the suburbs you see only Mexicans who live in the canyons and they just ask for work and steal unattended bicycles. Even they won't go where the strung out bums hang out.

I think I'd be pretty annoyed if I saw 66% rainbow flag wavers.