>Originally posted on tulpa.infoOf course I fully agree with Bear but in light of
>>806I feel it's appropriate to post this here as my response to both, edited slightly.
Disclaimer: In order to fully realize a tulpa it is first necessary to understand that tulpas aren't legal in all 50 states or Australia. So you are taking on the legal liability and also may be violating the Geneva convention and therefore may be tried by military tribunal, held without charge indefinitely, or have said tulpa surgically removed by force, so do so at your own risk.
Step one: think for one minute how fun and exciting it could be to own your own personal head-slave. Capable of immense value and potential for personal enlightenment.
- Could you parrot them to your satisfaction only to have intrustve thoughts ruin everything?
- Could you later deny their existence and try to dissipate them or put them in dormancy or remission like stage three lung cancer for 6 years until they metastisize and enter your life by force?
- Could you stand a nagging, judgemental presence who makes you listen to 80's top 100 sugar pop?
- Could you head-pat your tulpa to collect large volumes of tulpa-oil for sale on the dark web to fund your off-shore caviar sales ponzi scheme?
If you answered "no" to any of these then you need to go back and practice until you're ready to answer "yes" to all these and more. Get in the game or go home.
Step two: GIT GUD
Step three: now that your tulpa is sentient and willful, let them go force themself in wonderland alone until they're ready to take over your life. This may take a few hours or days so just sit back and ignore them but be patient.
Step four: tell anyone who will listen that you're definitely not harboring an illegal, independant entity in your mindspace--this is a very important step for clarity.
Step five: allow full switch and live the rest of your life in a lucid dream-like wonderland where all your wildest dreams and fantasies are realized in a super-reality enlightened state of nirvana.
NOTE: No questions will be entertained. If you can't follow these simple steps then tulpamancy may not be for you.