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(J.knight makes question); Since you are a conservative who believes in free speech, will you be against Canada planning to make it illegal to doubt the Holocaust?

(Roger camel responds); Saying the Moon landings were fake is exposing one’s stupidity but claiming the Holocaust didn’t happen is pure hate speech, so I would have no problem with legislation preventing antisemites from promoting this lie.

(Bradley Parsons answers); Canada already has less free speech protections in place than America. They have hate speech laws in effect. As an American conservative who is grateful for the 1st Amendment free speech protections that we have, I would not support this law in Canada - but I doubt they really care about American opinions north of the border.

Obviously the Holocaust happened. It’s a very well documented historical fact. Just as there are idiots who believe the Earth is flat, there are idiots who peddle the lie that the Nazi’s have been unfairly tarred. In either case, the freedom of these individuals to speak and share their stupidity provides the rest of us insight into their minds that we might not get if the law forbade them from sharing their silly ideas. If you don’t want to have Holocaust deniers in your circle, then let them speak out and expose themselves to the world.

(J.knight comments on above answer); I like the way you phrased that answer: depicting anyone who questions the mainstream media/hollywood narrative an “idiot”, therefore people like yourself who agree with the mainstream media/hollywood narrative are intellectually superior and above the “idiots.” Good one, lol.

(H mandelene tries to insult); No, I wouldn’t be opposed. I do think it is stupid to pass any such law. It just proves you are an id10t if you don’t believe it happened.

(Kyle Zieglgansberger lies under post above); It’s not a belief. The Nazi’s kept meticulous records of exactly how they carried out their Final Solution. Even during the Nuremberg Trials, nobody denied the holocaust, simply that they were “following orders.”

(Bradley Parsons responds to J.knight comment); This really was not an answer about trusting the media. There are plenty of issues in which I don’t trust the MSM/Hollywood. The two issues I mentioned are extremely well established and should not be politically controversial. Holocaust deniers and flat Earthers are either evil (just the Holocaust deniers fit this) or stupid (potentially both groups). It’s not a high bar, but yes I do think that knowing the Earth is roughly spherical puts you in a different intellectual category than those who don’t believe that.

(J.knight says back); Oh, so now holocaust deniers are “evil” as well? Oh ok. What about the ones who are neutral historians, simply researching for historical accuracy, and claim that they stumbled upon evidence which clearly disputes the mainstream/hollywood narrative and they have posted this so-called evidence online for all to see and to judge for themselves? Will you just dismiss these people as “evil” and refuse to even see it for yourself, as you’re intelluctally and morally superior, or are you open-minded enough to have a peek and judge for yourself?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 1

Me stupid

Day one, fuck up description. This sure is going to be a fun waste of time
