/drama/ - drama

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Anonymous 01/31/2017 (Tue) 22:57:40 [Preview] No. 50 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Idubbbz vs Tana Mongeau:

So this is my take on a non story. I am gunna condense the autism for you; Idubbbz said Nigger while taking a photo with another youtuber Tana Monqeau and now she is milking the situation for attention.

Idubbbz being himself wore some Tana merch and dropped $200 for tickets to meet her at a VIP meet up. While taking a photo with her he dropped the NIGGER BOMB on her ass.

Being an attention whore she is, she made a 25 min long video on how terrible Idubbbz is and how threatened she was by him uttering the word nigger!

Which is funny as Idubbbz is not a racist but says things to get a rise, miss perfect on the other hand is a racist; mutiple times has said the word NIGGER unironically!

Tara's repsonse video:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=edYZl3Rk5SE [Embed]

Idubbbz says nigger:

Hi, look at an interesting site RobertVet 08/27/2020 (Thu) 19:28:01 [Preview] No.84 del
Hi, here on the forum guys advised a cool Dating site, be sure to register - you will not REGRET it https://bit.ly/2EAcA7x

Amelia411 Anonymous 10/20/2017 (Fri) 05:11:27 [Preview] No. 83 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Very funny drama queen who thinks that British-style spelling is British grammar. Not kidding. If you so much as post on her main page or use the word 'thingie' or 'thinger' in your art or journal entries, she will invade YOUR page and abuse the fuck out of the capslock key.

She might also threaten to block or kill you, or send her blue cat from some made-up place after you. Apparently, she is also the only one allowed to cuss - you had better not cuss when talking with her. Because apparently the world revolves around this 27-year-old reeeee-baby.

Go check out this chucklefuck's page.

All the fallen sucks Anonymous 10/04/2017 (Wed) 22:30:27 [Preview] No. 82 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Admin here wouldn't let me talk to the typesetter or have any input in discussing QC for 100+ pages I translated.

And their typesetter, "Jacky" took his side too when I talked about it on 8ch/loli


Do you know of a lolicon forum with typesetters that isn't run by control freaks who want Patreon money?

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Baphomet Board Wiped Anonymous 07/22/2017 (Sat) 15:46:51 [Preview] No. 81 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Well apparently the Baphomet board was wiped because there was an attempted attack to 32chan and an almost war with their /inta/

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Pol Corruption Anonymous 06/08/2017 (Thu) 14:51:28 [Preview] No. 70 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Ocelette and his mods have been accused of deleting threads and posts. They also have been accused of editing and lock threads criticizing them on their dangerous behavior that threatens pol's users and the flow of information on pol.
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Anonymous 06/08/2017 (Thu) 15:05:32 [Preview] No. 75 del
06/05/2017 except of /sp/s mod, /pol/ was the only board on the whole site censoring and mass-deleting posts

Here the logs:

Anonymous 06/08/2017 (Thu) 15:05:51 [Preview] No. 76 del

Anonymous 06/08/2017 (Thu) 15:07:07 [Preview] No. 77 del
Here a screencap of one of the shills advocating the mod to stop archiving threads and congratulating BO of the deletion of the hitler thread.
His goal is limit transparency of the moderation to make this board appear unattractive to users who are able of independent thinking

Anonymous 06/08/2017 (Thu) 20:52:54 [Preview] No. 78 del
pol on endchan is splitting. Censored content is going to posted on endpolmeta

Anonymous 06/10/2017 (Sat) 00:41:27 [Preview] No. 79 del
That's just the start of it. Google 'redpilldropper', the name of one of the vols on endpol.

/r/the_donald poser. complains about hillary.

Account on alt-right Reddit with the Hebrew Gabbai name and frog logo.

Alt-right website, account has Selena Gomez (I think?) with died hair against a Black Sun wheel logo. Prolific nu-4chan and alt-cuck memer.

More weird shit, even weirder than wrongthink, HAS THE ENDCHAN.XYZ LINK ON HIS PROFILE PAGE ASKING FOR DONATIONS. Is RedPillDropper more than just a vol, is he part of the Endchan administation team?

Former twatter account, now suspended.

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KindredGhoul - Furry Cancer, Autistic and Afraid of Trump Sarah 01/26/2017 (Thu) 22:29:39 [Preview] No. 33 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Ah DeviantART. The place of cancerous art, kids trying to make themselves online sensations with their shitty Sonic and furry fan OCs, and the occasional decent artist who might actually have a job, unlike all of the other losers on the website living in their parents basement.
KindredGhoul is the top of their breed. Literally getting triggered everytime someone mentions Trump, buying their fame and literally paying people to watch them, and having a profile full of stamps the represent their run of the mill opinions that no one seems to care about.
Besides being suicidal emo furry trash, they also enjoy causing drama with other users, and trying to defame anyone who insults them, much less challenges any opinion they have.
Their boyfriend, DarylIsChupacabra, is almost as bad as them, whiteknighting constantly everytime KindredGhoul gets a boo-boo.

Also Sarah 01/26/2017 (Thu) 22:30:52 [Preview] No. 34 del
The user is also currently ripe for milking. Expect lolz worthy responses if you bring up any of their drama and whiny SJW hate for Trump.

Anonymous 01/27/2017 (Fri) 02:07:31 [Preview] No. 35 del
>mentioning Trump gives him PTSD

Lel 1256578647 01/30/2017 (Mon) 23:05:27 [Preview] No. 45 del
Mentioning that his real gender is female and that he doesnt have a dick gives him PTSD

Anonymous 01/31/2017 (Tue) 13:17:49 [Preview] No. 46 del
He must live a wonderful life
Having PTSD everyday is becoming a social norm of that has become a part of our reality. Amazing. 10/10

Guyzzz Meme Chan 04/18/2017 (Tue) 00:26:14 [Preview] No. 69 del
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Lets talk about gamergate Anonymous 04/17/2017 (Mon) 19:38:44 [Preview] No. 66 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
it was videogames, cnn said so.
Mass Effect Andromeda caused the Ohio Shooting

◕‿◕ 04/17/2017 (Mon) 19:46:46 [Preview] No. 67 del
Both sides of GG were pretty retarded (apart from a tiny segment of /ggrevolt/ers who actually dug deeper into things like gamification think tanks).

what is hilarious though is seeing the anti-video game moral panic, once a staple of right-wing Republican media, be inherited by the left.

◕‿◕ 04/17/2017 (Mon) 19:49:07 [Preview] No. 68 del
they cant even talk about about gamification anymore because their leader variloh is such a tool.

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HuHa Antifa! Anonymous 04/17/2017 (Mon) 19:01:13 [Preview] No. 63 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Antifa furry and massive lulzcow. Accuses people of being nazis and then threatens to punch people.
Its twitter account is a goldmine.

Anonymous 04/17/2017 (Mon) 19:20:22 [Preview] No. 65 del
It's as if furry antifas don't recognize the inherent irony of Furry identity being the epitome of "late-stage capitalism" - people literally identifying as corporate-created marketing cartoons from their childhood

Anonymous 09/23/2022 (Fri) 06:04 [Preview] No.85 del
profe dedo

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Alexander Gordon Jahans - Autism Never Dies Edition Anonymous 04/17/2017 (Mon) 19:03:24 [Preview] No. 64 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
AKA Gordon Jones, Gordon Jahans, Farshnuke, Farsh-nuke
Main Channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/farshnuke)
Alex Vents (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdMxpvCCo1LA3kLlpf_xRg)
Punditry (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2hQX87BCRV8xMZ-OWk3rsw)
Scripted Videos (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC36Bsgey3YwAqR6Gd88N_oA)
Audiobooks (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNIHwG80mzrfNAb2XqhhV2w)
Patreon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc7k2OmGmyu7Ny1kDTIgFvg)
Blog and Fiction (http://farsh-nuke.blogspot.co.uk/)
Twitter (https://twitter.com/farshnuke)
Facebook Fanpage (https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderGordonJahans)
Jahanism Fansite (http://www.esotericjahanism.com/)
If you're new to Jahans, WATCH THESE FIRST for an overview.
The Ovenmen on Esoteric Jahanism https://youtube.com/watch?v=_T7pDMYaY8M [Embed]
Discord Interviews with Jahans http://esotericjahanism.com/sermons.html
Discussing Jahans with Black Adam https://youtube.com/watch?v=pDZT9XWysPE [Embed]

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8CHAN MIGRATION GENERAL / DRAMA Anonymous 01/31/2017 (Tue) 13:37:47 [Preview] No. 47 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A general discussion and drama thread feel free to make extra threads about exclusive breaking news when it warrants one.
3 posts and 1 image omitted.

Anonymous 02/03/2017 (Fri) 23:20:06 [Preview] No. 57 del
I want to believe.

Anonymous 02/03/2017 (Fri) 23:24:38 [Preview] No. 58 del
>complains about the sites he visits and posts on
EndChan fans are the best

Anonymous 02/03/2017 (Fri) 23:37:17 [Preview] No. 59 del
Endchan is the best community-based board. I love odilitime he actually listens.

Anonymous 02/04/2017 (Sat) 11:39:53 [Preview] No. 60 del
t. oditel

Anonymous 03/05/2017 (Sun) 23:43:04 [Preview] No. 62 del
along the bridge of the nose