Catalog of /dump/


Mode: Thread

Max file size: 10.00 MB

Max files: 1

Remember to follow the rules

Max message length: 4096

R: 40 / I: 40 / P: 1

Work Slavery Dump

Dump anything about work slavery and other economic matters on a personal level.
This is a spinoff the globohomo dump >>16 the latter focuses more on the bigger picture

R: 22 / I: 9 / P: 1


About /dump/

R: 71 / I: 70 / P: 1

Mass Surveillance Dump

about the spying and the control of the masses
and about technocracy and technological addiction

R: 348 / I: 346 / P: 1

Decadence Dump

about the rotting down of civilizations

R: 344 / I: 340 / P: 1

Depopulation Agenda Dump

Dump anything about the planned discouragement of natality, about the mass migration to fill the artificially created low natality, and counters to both

R: 404 / I: 403 / P: 1

Merchant Dump

For all your nosy needs
Dump all merchants and kike related

R: 85 / I: 85 / P: 1

Memri Dump

dump all your memri memes here

R: 8 / I: 8 / P: 1

Bot Survey Dump

for all the thread templates designed to expose and rat out the bots poisoning the discussion on boards

R: 255 / I: 253 / P: 1

Pepe Dump

dump all your pepes here

R: 245 / I: 242 / P: 1

Glownigger Dump

Dump here anything you have on the spying and manipulative faggots with a paycheck

R: 54 / I: 54 / P: 2

Prediction Dump

Dump all your saved predictions
It's ok to dump also the old predictions, both confirmed and disproved

R: 179 / I: 178 / P: 2

Holy Dump

For dumping anything sacred and enriching for the soul, and religious memes

R: 93 / I: 92 / P: 2

Npc Dump

For npc memes and related philosophical questions about the independence of thought

R: 43 / I: 43 / P: 2

Military Occupation of Europe Dump

Dump anything related to the military occupation and subversion of the nations of europe

R: 141 / I: 141 / P: 2

Claus WEF Memes Dump

for memes and serious stuff about the most popular globohomo cabal

R: 102 / I: 102 / P: 2

Roman Empire Dump

dump anything about the greatest empire ever in the Mediterranean sea and neighboring lands

R: 88 / I: 88 / P: 2

Anglojewry Dump

about the centuries old (((friendship))) between anglos and jews

R: 276 / I: 275 / P: 2

Socials Scum Dump

for all the memes about the oversocialized and overopinionated people with an inflated ego and nothing to back it up

R: 29 / I: 27 / P: 2

Board Games Dump

dump of get-based games and others used in boards

R: 92 / I: 91 / P: 2

Globohomo Dump

Dump anything from economic oligo-monopolism to cronyism to mass genocide to global enslavement to planned dehumanization

R: 40 / I: 40 / P: 3

Historical Art Dump

Dump anything beautiful and magnificent which represents the highest level of craftmanship of an healthy nation.
Examples: paintings and music, architecture and aesthetics, created by the best professional artists of a nation.

R: 40 / I: 40 / P: 3

Bans Dump

for dumping banned messages, and all other cases of censorship and abuse of power by moderators anywhere and on anysite
the basic site-rules of endchan still apply

R: 28 / I: 25 / P: 3

Medias and Manipulation Dump

Dump anything about social engineering, mass manipulation, cultural manipulation and political manipulation

R: 33 / I: 33 / P: 3

War Dump

Dump anything about the reality of war, about war propaganda, about the interests behind war.

R: 28 / I: 25 / P: 3

Anything Dump

For dumping stuff without a dedicated thread yet

R: 23 / I: 23 / P: 3

Ted Kaczynski Dump

for memes and quotes of Ted

R: 11 / I: 10 / P: 3

Tradition and Culture Dump

dump anything which represents the most true character of a nation of people
examples: art, clothing, food, songs, customs, values, popular wisdom, anything lived on and passed on between generations of people of the same origin

R: 52 / I: 52 / P: 3

Bait Dump

dump all your baits

R: 11 / I: 11 / P: 3

WTF Dump

drop all your wtf

R: 21 / I: 21 / P: 3

Memory Hole Dump

Dump forgotten past events

R: 42 / I: 42 / P: 4

Nigger Dump

Dump anything related to niggers

R: 12 / I: 8 / P: 4


About cooking.

R: 216 / I: 214 / P: 4

2024 UK riots dump

R: 29 / I: 29 / P: 4

Happening dump

just lots of happenings

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 4

Requests and Discussion

general discussion thread.
and for requests and research.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 4



R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 4

Things i like


R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 4


birthday: 02/01/2007 [DD/MM/YYYY]

country: England
town: Worthing (West Sussex)
school: Northbrook College
course: Photography, Creative Media & Film

phone number: +44 7598 131559
aliases: sweepy, sweepyhasaids, mentallyillonline
tele: @karabinek
discord: .karabinek
discord user ID: 1165278374067974235

R: 40 / I: 40 / P: 4

Positive Dump

dump anything uplifting and reactions used to agree with others

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 4


R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 5

Why aren‘t you scrotes this cute?

Why aren’t you scrotes this cute?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 5

pe-do c-p files 2024.
forced to lick a dog's ass.
real lolita rapes.
updated preview:
site with links.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 5

sick of the nutranscaca coal of the west? join the 'Garty !

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 5

Boat Ben Dump

Eliti$t [Embed]

Silver Spoon Steel Dragon [Embed]

UT [Embed]

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 5

Maki Dump

Post Makis.

R: 9 / I: 8 / P: 5

Post dick pics to get grils here

Stop reading details and get posting faggot.

R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 5

here there wasa faggot

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 5

About to take a dump.
Wish I could do a big firm dump, not a little hard dump or a wet sloppy dump.
Not too slimy or pasty.
I want the perfect dump.

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 5

Meme Dump

General meme dumping ground

The thread will be set to cyclic mode, meaning all the posts will be auto-deleted after reaching bump limit, and the thread will never expire but renew
