Sunflower 07/05/2022 (Tue) 05:06:36 Id: 4e81cf No.1694 del
>>1684 >>1686 >>1690 >>1691
Thanks for the answers in the other thread guys.
>Until now, it's extremely tight, a way of acting without any thought, an exercise in instant brutality. Maybe this state is what martial artists are seeking? It feels like old samurai movies where the hero moves more like a slaughtering machine than a human.
I think thats the flow state that you're describing, a lot of the brain isn't used during this state but your focus becomes amazing and some things seem to slow down. For example, I suck at fighting games and my friends were decent at it so I would lose the vast majority of the fights but there were a few times where I managed to get into the flow state and whenever I did, I would get a perfect win on them, I remember this one time where I could even predict the opponents movements. Its a state with a lot of focus on the moment and nothing else in the world matters.

>I met a lot of "red density" beings. They are related to fear anxiety paranoia and aggression.
Those make me think of root chakra issues, the root chakra being red.

Have you guys considered working/learning from Sylphs? There are a few nice ones mentioned in Franz Bardon's Practice of Magical Evocation(I wouldn't read the saturn part if I were you guys, some dangerous beings there).
I could also post their names myself if you guys want, but I have no experience with them.

>I don't think I've ever actually felt real "love" towards another person before, even family members. I've been trying to understand it in an intellectual sense but I don't think that's working. I'll probably need to do some sort of operation on my 'heart' to fix whatever the issue here is.
I have noticed the same issue with me lately, I thought I might be a sociopath or something but anon says I have a big heart, my dumb conclusion for now is that to love is to really like and appreciate someone or something for who or what it is, accepting its imperfections and maybe even the nasty stuff with it.