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Reloading General Anonymous 06/19/2021 (Sat) 18:43:06 [Preview] No. 134
ITT we talk about reloading and reloading accessories

I know it is unlikely that there are many others interested in reloading due to the population size, but I want to try anyways

Anonymous 06/19/2021 (Sat) 18:53:02 [Preview] No.135 del
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ill start off. im still very new to reloading, and ive only got the basics figured out so far.

but i finished dialing in a load for a new cast 45 acp bullet today, barring final adjustments after i aquire a chrono

216 gr soft(bhn 8) wheel weight flat nose bullet over 4.4 gr of wst, up to 4.8 where the primer started to flatten some

im sticking with the 4.4 for my glock 30s, the recoil is a bit much on loadings above that and i suspect im not gaining much fps with the short barrel, will test over chrono later to be sure though

Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 04:25:56 [Preview] No.136 del
Nice setup anon. I've been wanting to get into reloading. I'm sure its a fun way to learn ballistics stuff

Anonymous 06/20/2021 (Sun) 06:27:30 [Preview] No.137 del
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its really not very difficult, and you do learn a lot along the way
its not a way to save money though, unless you are shooting a whole, whole lot or you are the guy for your group and everyone pitches in (thats what i am doing)
if you have any questions about starting up let me know, i just did all of it these past months so its fresh in my mind
just finished up a set of hollowpoints, gonna test them for expansion on hogs next week

Anonymous 06/21/2021 (Mon) 00:45:03 [Preview] No.189 del
>its not a way to save money though
Saving money is nearly half of why I have reloading parts, supplies.

Being unduly fussy about bullet selection is the other. I want 140gr 7.62x39, and 130-140gr grendel rounds, which is vaugely findable but spendy.

So long as you shoot enough to go through your powder, it can easily be half the cost and you're shooting much nicer bullets.
Of course, the more you spend on "Fancy" tools, trying to get just the right OAL for your chamber, trying to reduce time spent changing parts to get to the next stage of reloading (multistage press, or more quick-release collars) the higher your overhead, spread out over all your shooting rahter then projectiles, which can be easily be calculated per-round.

I've got dies for: 277 wolverine, 7.62x39, 6.5 grendel, and 357-SIG. I used to have a .308 set but ... that got left out after the last move, and is nothing but a pile of rust, now.
so .308 & 45 RAPTOR need to be next.

Anonymous 06/21/2021 (Mon) 02:03:34 [Preview] No.192 del
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control is definitely one of the big reasons to reload, whatever you like without needing to pay out the ass, like my webley needing low pressure 45 rounds to not explode and very soft, heavy bullets.
i agree you save money over the long haul, but if you put in 1k on a setup and save 30 cpr, it takes a long time to make that back if you dont shoot an awful lot and you have to consider time lost making them and learning.
not trying to imply its not worth doing, but it definitely isnt a solution for every individual
i 100% think everyone needs a reloader in their local group though, its an incredibly useful skill and makes you a lot of friends

but it sounds like you have more experience than i so ill defer to you on the subject, and ill probably ask for help on something at some point
i currently have 9mm, 45 acp, and 308 dies, next is 300 bo and then a set of bullet swaging and jacket drawing dies for 5.56 because I don't want to cast low velocity 5.56 bullets

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