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Millitary cringe Anonymous 06/17/2021 (Thu) 01:58:44 [Preview] No. 44
Post welfare queens, losers, anything that is a national embarrassment

Anonymous 06/17/2021 (Thu) 02:09:36 [Preview] No.51 del
Bro theres nothing cringe about the Armed Forces bro, you gotta be a badass to get in bro

Anonymous 06/17/2021 (Thu) 02:12:15 [Preview] No.54 del
(20.91 KB 258x360 1582432310859.jpg)
This is what the US has to worry about? LOL! Look at them, they look like desk jockey pen pushers! KEK!!!!!! Here's a read from a whistleblower that posted in 4chan about what a 2nd civil war would look like in the US. Very related to this thread btw.

Anonymous 06/17/2021 (Thu) 02:12:42 [Preview] No.55 del
(92.05 KB 1802x905 1623729591290.png)
Wierd, it didn't post the 2nd pic...

Anonymous 06/17/2021 (Thu) 02:15:24 [Preview] No.56 del
Sorry this pic is not from 4chan >>55, I think it's from anon cafe.

Anonymous 06/17/2021 (Thu) 02:15:48 [Preview] No.57 del

Anonymous 06/17/2021 (Thu) 02:21:52 [Preview] No.58 del
(3.23 MB 1420x1226 basedsurefire.png)
admin here, I set the image limit to '1' for the time being, however that is definitely open to change. I'll turn off trips too if fags come in and start abusing them

What the hell happened to our military? This is from a 2002 surefire catalogue, they don't do shit like this anymore

Anonymous 06/17/2021 (Thu) 02:31:52 [Preview] No.59 del
>What the hell happened to our military? This is from a 2002 surefire catalogue, they don't do shit like this anymore
Definitely some *foreign threat* that weasel'd their way into becoming our beaucrats that did this to our military.

Anonymous 06/17/2021 (Thu) 02:43:37 [Preview] No.61 del
(71.82 KB 1024x523 1623859670543.jpg)
Oy vey, cool it with the antisemitism

Anonymous 06/17/2021 (Thu) 02:49:09 [Preview] No.64 del
Reminds me of when Elon Musk made that one tweet and every jewish person attacked him when said who owns the media, Kek.

Anonymous 06/17/2021 (Thu) 02:50:44 [Preview] No.65 del

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