01/17/2025 (Fri) 13:52
>>94647Here's one on functions themselves by the OG Jung himself but he's hard to read.
If you don't mind more digestible info there's a dude on youtube, C.S. Joseph, who's actually very competent in explaining the intricacies of functions and types (can't really recommend his other videos though), you just have to filter what he's saying through what he says about the other similar types if he's being too negative or positive. For example that he's now married to ESTP so he idolizes the type and won't speak ill about it (ESTP is THE bully type in it's corrupted and immature form) while at the same time bashing INFJ to hell and back since he's had a long and hurtful history with them. Anyway just serves to prove that the types that are hailed as the best for each other (N and S in the same position in the stack but reversed polarity) are anything but. You see intuition and sensing predicate individual's lifestyle and you cannot share life with someone that's lifestyle doesn't match yours or you're forcing yourself to not be yourself and that's a ticking time bomb. C.S. Joseph and many others claim that you need to have the polar opposites since they're also responsible for sexual attraction, at least the mental component, but it's better when the magnetism is between anima/animus and ego not ego - ego. Unfortunately most stories about true love have jungian idea - anima in the ego of your partner (like Okabe and Kurisu) but the attraction is so strong it's difficult to let your anima out since that leaves you with null attraction unless your partner switches with you. It's good for fiction because it's volatile and passionate but Jung was in the wrong here. Been there done that, got burned hard, also my parents are the perfect pair according to Jung and I see them tormenting one another as years go by because of lifestyle/needs differences.
Sorry, I know you're asking about the creativity itself mainly but the relationship thing is more important knowledge and barely anyone realized that so far. And yet romantic relationship with your F/T counterpart is like joining two hemispheres of the same brain, everything works so smoothly as long as people put in minimal effort. Love language is the same, weaknesses are covered, growth naturally facilitated, fears and emotional needs adressed, follower/leader roles are obvious and don't cause dissatisfaction, every sexual need is realized through interactions between different depths of personalities and when you're on the same level you have emotional closeness so there's no situation of switching into undesirable or redundant set of functions - every configuration works. Getting this through to people would eliminate so many problems and pain, seriously. Also this is why the most frequent of types in men are ISTJ while in women those are ISFJ and the least frequent are INFJ for men and INTJ for women. The tendency is visible for other types too but it's less clear but that might be because of too small of a sample size or mistyping.