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Why he sucks Anonymous 04/10/2020 (Fri) 20:29:22 [Preview] No. 865
"Storm" what a gay nickname, came onto the bubble gum fetish scene some time ago and he proceeded to be a control freak, white knight, and just a general faggot.

He launched forums with silly rules and a clique of faggots to be his moderators. He also turned into a paypig that bought hours of bubble content that by most standards was mediocre at best. He was such a simp faggot that he got the dumb as rocks models to say shit like "hi storm." That's because he can't talk to women in real life. He took out his inadequacies on the more outspoken and manly of the community. Now we look back in laughter.

Anonymous 04/10/2020 (Fri) 21:02:04 [Preview] No.866 del
Interesting story, i've never really know him aside from seeing him on Instagram.I've learned what i know so far first from a post on reddit, where this person was telling about this bubblegum war, if we want to call it like that, which eventually led me here where I've read the whole story.
He must be a big faggot.
Good stuff!

Storm Anonymous 04/10/2020 (Fri) 21:46:39 [Preview] No.867 del
Yes for anyone wondering Storm is a huge fag. He plays white knight to any cam model that blows bubbles until he begs for free vids from them then gets blocked. Any guy that speaks their mind of voices a differing opinion he loses his shit and has blocked from the forum. Storm is so pathetic he paid a woman to throw a whipped cream pie at his face. He is absolutely worthless and not to be trusted. Most people here hate him

Anonymous 04/11/2020 (Sat) 16:18:29 [Preview] No.870 del
don't think anyone cares about storm

Anonymous 04/11/2020 (Sat) 16:40:00 [Preview] No.871 del
try thinking bout something else

Anonymous 04/13/2020 (Mon) 00:32:57 [Preview] No.877 del
how does one hire someone??

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