Catalog of /endpolmeta/


Mode: Thread

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Max files: 5

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Max message length: 4096

R: 69 / I: 78 / P: 1

New deletions thread. The old one is deadlocked from so many posts.

All screenshots of deletions at /pol/ will be uploaded here instead of taking up space in the Meta over there.

R: 1000 / I: 1076 / P: 1

This used to belong to the nigger spammer, username: yHane3fcma0
All whining threads have been purged.
/endpolmeta/ now belongs to /pol/

All screenshots of deletions at /pol/ will be uploaded here instead of taking up space in the Meta over there.
Due to server migration, all screenshots of previous /pol/ deletions are gone.
This will start new.

R: 1 / I: 2 / P: 1

BBC Research Thread

This thread is for collecting non porn sources that attest to black sexual and physical prowess as a general phenomenon. You can add quotes from non fiction texts, academic research studies, or other similar sources. This is a place for serious discussion, so no horny posting or butthurt comments from self hating cucks that are here.

I am going to start with a more recent study that came out about sex workers surveyed on race and sexual ability it is here
>>Racial differences in sexuality are difficult to study due to the privacy of sexual intercourse and the questionable validity of self-reports. We use a novel method to study racial differences: surveying sex workers. We surveyed 129 American female sex workers. We asked them to rate the ethnicities with whom they had had intercourse on thirteen traits and behaviors for five different racial groups: Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, East Asians, Indians, and Jews. The largest reported differences between Blacks and Whites include Blacks having larger penises (d = 1.23, p < .001), that they preferred buttocks over breasts (d = 2.38), and that they preferred doggy-style over missionary (d = 1.42, p < .001). Compared to Blacks, Whites were rated as being particularly interested in kinky sex (d = 0.70, p < .001) and kissing (d = 0.85, p < .001) as well as being faster to ejaculate (d = 0.97, p < .001).

R: 171 / I: 297 / P: 1

To avoid the possibility of anyone complaining about there being more deletions than archived images here, this is going to be the thread for every time I ban and delete AIDSkike. It is a spammer or multiple spammers of the same repeated messages. As he has been posting this shit every single day, due to ban evasion he gets 5 year bans, but that doesn't seem to stop him.

R: 28 / I: 26 / P: 1

Appeals thread

This will be to list past appeals first, then new ones as they come, which are very few because most shills know what they did and don't even try.
