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Anonymous 04/04/2017 (Tue) 05:54:22 [Preview] No. 171
What would the world look like if government and society were female led / female dominated and controlled? What sort of laws and regulations would there be?

My Ideas:

Any job that pays 40k or more MUST be held by a women without exceptions.

If a man has a job that a women wants he is fired and replaced without hesitation.

For any job a male is always the last one hired and the first one fired.

A female is always the first one hired and the last one fired.

Only females can start their own business.

Only females can hold government and educational positions.

Student loans are abolished and all education is free for women / girls but not for men / boys.

Sports for all ages are all co-ed but males are required to be nude.

A female authority figure (boss, teacher, mother) is permitted to and encouraged to use what ever methods necessary to discipline and control the male in question.

The sex offenders registry is reformed so that women / girls can never be put on the list no matter what, but at the same time it has been expanded for males who can be put on the list for: man-spreading, stare rape, farting in public, emitting offensive odor, or if their general presence makes any female feel uncomfortable.

Any adult man and even any young boys will be put on this list if they violate any of these offenses.

Anyone placed on the offenders list is to be both castrated and penectomized with the help of the victim.

Any more ideas?

Old thread from 8chan: https://web-beta.archive.org/web/20170203184407/http://8ch.net/femdom/res/3567.html

Anonymous 05/27/2017 (Sat) 07:29:16 [Preview] No. 176 del
I can't believe you left out not letting men vote.
Also it shouldn't be a crime for women to attack/kill/rob/whatever men.

Anonymous 05/28/2017 (Sun) 07:48:29 [Preview] No. 177 del
Yes. Women should have total freedom to do what they want to men. However if a man so much as looks funny at a woman the punishments are severe.

Anonymous 07/14/2018 (Sat) 01:56:10 [Preview] No.190 del
So farting and just stinking in general are sex acts in your eyes?

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