/femdom/ - femdom


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Rule Thread Anonymous 08/28/2016 (Sun) 15:23:08 [Preview] No. 2
>Copied from 8gag

Hello, and welcome to /femdom/. This place is for (almost) any and all femdom. 2D or 3D or even just the written word, it's allowed.

>Is futa allowed?

Yes, as long as there is a futa or other feminine person in an assertive or dominating role

>Is lesbian femdom allowed?


>Is loli and shota art allowed?

Yes as long as it is femdom.

>Is trap on male allowed?

As long as the trap is significantly feminine and is in an assertive or dominating role, yes.

>Are discussions/stories/text posts allowed?

Yes. You don't have to post a single picture, even for new topics, as long as your content is femdom related

>How "hardcore" does the femdom have to be?

It can be anything from vanilla hetrosexual sex with an assertive/mothering girl to a ten foot woman keeping her slave in chastity and treating them like a literal dog and toilet. In other words, all kinds of femdom are allowed here.

>Can you clarify "No furry or pony"?

You can still post non-human girls, just make sure they're humanoid enough

>What does THAT mean??

If you don't know if something is "human enough" or not, just try posting it, I don't plan on banning people left and right until we can establish clearer lines of what is and isn't allowed. I will still delete content, though.

>Is cuckoldry allowed here?


This is a new board and I might change rules or add new rules at any time. This is, of course, assuming we can get people to even post here.

And one last announcement:

I will leave this thread open for discussion, but only if it is rule related. So if you have any concerns about the rules or you want to have new rules established, feel free to post your thoughts here.

Mark Wiering 08/29/2019 (Thu) 11:18:53 [Preview] No.213 del
I am glad that cuckoldry is not allowed. I consider this to be a disgusting phenomenon that is, somehow, considered to be "femdom" by some people, even though is has nothing to do with female domination.

The idea of having another man fuck your wife and then eating out his sperm from her vagina, after which she is pregnant from another man and you need to take care of a child that isn't yours, is simply faggotry.

Real heterosexual men will NEVER be involved in such degenerate LGBTP shit. A real man can enjoy some female domination without turning himself into a faggot or a piece of shit.

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