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(78.34 KB 960x633 Fox.jpg)
Why Foxes? YCH 03/25/2016 (Fri) 04:54:13 Id: ae2642 [Preview] No. 136
Why are foxes the most overly used animal in everything furry related? Not to say I don't like foxes Foxes master race but why does every one like them so much?

YCH 03/25/2016 (Fri) 05:00:15 Id: 010c48 [Preview] No. 137 del
you can blame the sonicfag fandom for that.

YCH 03/25/2016 (Fri) 05:03:54 Id: ae2642 [Preview] No. 138 del
In what way?

YCH 03/25/2016 (Fri) 05:22:20 Id: ae2642 [Preview] No. 139 del
I was exited for a second when I thought there was another person here :'(

YCH 03/25/2016 (Fri) 06:49:05 Id: 010c48 [Preview] No. 140 del
(98.66 KB 640x479 nope.jpg)
gee i wonder

YCH 03/25/2016 (Fri) 06:55:28 Id: f26491 [Preview] No. 141 del
(377.89 KB 560x560 Hypernova3.jpg)
I'm here, anon

Can you really blame Tails for that?

And what about the trope of foxes being effeminate fuckbois?
You'd think there would be enough femboy Tails art to fill a warehouse if he pushed it. There really isn't enough

I'm actually a bit interested in this now.

YCH 03/25/2016 (Fri) 07:12:06 Id: 2e64f2 [Preview] No. 142 del
That never occurred to me, but I find it hard to believe that's really why.

YCH 03/25/2016 (Fri) 21:11:46 Id: 44d385 [Preview] No. 143 del
I'm here too...

YCH 03/25/2016 (Fri) 21:52:35 Id: da723e [Preview] No. 144 del
Maybe because Robbin hood, fox and the hound, what ever the hell else, and soon to be zootopia.

YCH 03/25/2016 (Fri) 23:11:23 Id: f26491 [Preview] No. 145 del
Good lord, the wave of furries from zootopia is going to be hell.
This generation of kids are filled with little shits and they are going to flood the already shit place.
Furfag panderers really have their job security down packed

YCH 04/05/2016 (Tue) 02:31:28 Id: 9096e5 [Preview] No. 155 del
They're easy stupid animal faces. It makes it simple to just draw/trace gay porn with colored bodies and a snout.

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