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(816.26 KB 4000x2250 1457498012643-0.jpg)
Wallpaper Thread YCH 03/27/2016 (Sun) 03:50:28 Id: 96cb8b [Preview] No. 146
Post some wallpapers, SFW preferred.

YCH 03/27/2016 (Sun) 04:06:47 Id: 96cb8b [Preview] No. 147 del

YCH 03/27/2016 (Sun) 06:10:32 Id: 96cb8b [Preview] No. 148 del
(5.22 MB 3840x2160 1457498013336-1.jpg)

YCH 03/27/2016 (Sun) 23:31:08 Id: 29a93a [Preview] No. 149 del
(1.66 MB 2667x1500 1453212322479.png)
I feel ashamed by my lack of wallpapers.
Though I plan to get into making them when I git gud enough

YCH 03/28/2016 (Mon) 00:09:06 Id: 96cb8b [Preview] No. 150 del
I have very few on my computer at the moment as well, that's why we need a wallpaper thread.

YCH 03/30/2016 (Wed) 23:59:40 Id: 96cb8b [Preview] No. 152 del

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