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(7.66 KB 701x683 83.gif)
YCH 01/13/2016 (Wed) 23:28:43 Id: 440113 [Preview] No. 79
just gonna put some TGWeaver here and see where this site goes

YCH 01/14/2016 (Thu) 20:55:34 Id: 9e629c [Preview] No. 82 del
(173.98 KB 609x801 1.png)
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(65.28 KB 677x551 kek.png)
Looking through his stuff.
He's pretty damn good. I like his styles and designs.

Artists like these remind me I need to practice. Thanks.

YCH 01/17/2017 (Tue) 23:14:04 Id: 9cb60a [Preview] No. 291 del

YCH 06/27/2018 (Wed) 11:29:51 Id: 34801a [Preview] No.318 del

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