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The Crypto LIfestyle crypto69 05/04/2021 (Tue) 22:18:57 [Preview] No. 98 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Check out The Crypto Lifestyle's last value packed Stream about presales!

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Xmzfyg6FKxc [Embed]

the hacker known as 4chan 07/22/2021 (Thu) 15:22:27 [Preview] No.109 del
fucking kill yourself faggot

the hacker known as 4chan 07/22/2021 (Thu) 15:24:04 [Preview] No.110 del
fucking kill yourself faggot

Crypto is a scam the hacker known as 4chan 01/26/2022 (Wed) 14:39:57 [Preview] No.122 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=igOmWeHMunw [Embed]

Reply to the hacker known as 4chan 05/23/2021 (Sun) 11:34:50 [Preview] No. 104 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>>My body my ch-
>Doesn't apply to infectious diseases. You don't have the right to infect other people.
Yes you do, you piece of shit.
You come to force us to "vaxx" and we will torture you to death. Do you understand you piece of fucking shit?

We will not "sacrifice" for your society that denies us cute young virgin girls as brides.
We are your enemy.
Do you understand you piece of fucking shit?

> An Afghan girl stares at Warrant Officer Troy D. Anstine, executive officer, Headquarters and Service Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, as he explains her coloring assignment at the school near Forward Operating Base Geronimo March 31. She cautiously entered the school compound after the dodgeball game and is the first girl to attend class at the school. Marines said they hope to encourage more girls from the area to attend class in the future. Photo by Sgt. Brian Tuthill
> Just before the game had finished, an 8-year-old girl arrived to the school with three other young boys, who quickly joined the group of students while she kept her distance outside the compound.
> After the game, the school\u2019s Pashto interpreter returned and students went back to their studies. They recited and wrote Pashto numbers and then took on coloring assignments requiring them to pair the numbers to colors and color in the appropriate areas. The girl slowly and cautiously made her way into the compound and joined the class already in session.

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the hacker known as 4chan 12/26/2021 (Sun) 08:17:48 [Preview] No.118 del
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man i sure love technology.

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What RMS's apology should have been, with annotations the hacker known as 4chan 04/16/2021 (Fri) 03:52:52 [Preview] No. 94 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

"Some have described my co-ethnic Dr Jeffery Epstein as a paedophile. In their minds he preyed upon the types of little girls you see in your anime cartoons. Let us not debate if this was true or not. The fact is that if it were true then Dr Epstein's fault was that he did not indeed collect the little girls in permanent tribute to himself, and he did not indeed pay the proper bride price to their fathers (50 shecks of silver); as our G-d, and the only g-d, has set forth as the procedure in Devarim chapter 22 verse 28."

>Instead we get:
> Some have described me as being "tone-deaf," and that is fair. With my difficulty in understanding social cues, that tends to happen. For instance, I defended Professor Minsky on an M.I.T. mailing list after someone leaped to the conclusion that he was just as guilty as Jeffrey Epstein. To my surprise, some thought my message defended Epstein. As I had stated previously, Epstein is a serial rapist, and rapists should be punished. I wish for his victims and those harmed by him to receive justice.

"The true facts are that my fellow Dr. , Sir Epstein, simply had relations with allready-broken-in shiska whores (but I repeat myself), [(If anything it should be their "boy friends" (what the cattle call those who are actually, if we follow the Torah; their husbands: having deflowered them initially) who should be angry)], who were well above the age of niddah; and could not fully and properly be described as na'ar. They were women."

>Instead we got:
>False accusations -- real or imaginary, against me or against others -- especially anger me. I knew Minsky only distantly, but seeing him unjustly accused made me spring to his defense. I would have done it for anyone. Police brutality makes me angry, but when the cops lie about their victims afterwards, that false accusation is the ultimate outrage for me. I condemn racism and sexism, including their systemic forms, so when people say I don't, that hurts too.

"False accusations of paedophillia; that is: the taking of the flower of youth when that flower has already past; serve only to distract from the real injustice. The injustice of the degrdation and disregard of G-d's Law."

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se7en#0EK0Fx Global volunteer 04/17/2021 (Sat) 21:46:18 [Preview] No.95 del
Stallman is apostate, nigger

the hacker known as 4chan 08/04/2021 (Wed) 06:05:12 [Preview] No.113 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=O50mw7ThxLE [Embed]

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What are some good chans?

the hacker known as 4chan 06/11/2021 (Fri) 14:57:43 [Preview] No.108 del
Lucy Lu is a pretty hot one

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Chaosesque anthology deleted from moddb the hacker known as 4chan 05/04/2021 (Tue) 20:08:28 [Preview] No. 96 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

> Game Over

>The game you are trying to view has been deleted and is no longer available. This may have occurred at the developers request because it is no longer active and was not released, or it may have occurred because it violated the sites Terms of Use. If this is a mistake and you are a member of this games team and would like it re-activated, please contact us with the details.

>Continue browsing the game list, to find the profile you are after.

>Account Banned

>Your account has been banned. If you believe this is a mistake and want to be unbanned, please contact us. Try searching:

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GPL and programmers ("fellow" programmers are pieces of fucking shit) the hacker known as 4chan 05/24/2021 (Mon) 06:37:30 [Preview] No. 105 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>>81750001 https://boards.4channel.org/g/thread/81749928/
>I only use mit, mpl, and apache licenced libraries. Gpl can fuck off I'm selling my work.

Is it your contention that you referencing a GPL'd library function makes your program a non-seperable derivative work of the GPL'd library?

Is that your contention?
Are you a fucking retard?
Oh, you're a programmer!

I bet you believe that editing someone else's code and then making a "diff" of your changes makes that a seperable non-derivative work too!

Stupid fucking piece of shit.
Here's a hint:
You can "link" GPL'd code as you wish from anywhere under US jurisprudence.
You cannot distribute diffs of changes you made to the GPL'd library/kernel/etc itself with ANY additional terms.

But you fucking programmers believe

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Your trusted VPS recommendations the hacker known as 4chan 09/27/2020 (Sun) 19:38:21 [Preview] No. 57 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Except for dumb stuff like digitalocean, aws, vultr, linode
2 posts omitted.

the hacker known as 4chan 01/18/2021 (Mon) 05:36:46 [Preview] No.74 del
>owns vpn company that can't be tracked

the hacker known as 4chan 04/08/2021 (Thu) 13:38:36 [Preview] No.92 del

the hacker known as 4chan 04/15/2021 (Thu) 09:37:47 [Preview] No.93 del
linode is pretty based

the hacker known as 4chan 05/05/2021 (Wed) 08:55:28 [Preview] No.99 del

the hacker known as 4chan 05/08/2021 (Sat) 00:19:46 [Preview] No.103 del
gay image
use frantec, its bretty based and cheap

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Response to RMS the hacker known as 4chan 04/06/2021 (Tue) 14:36:45 [Preview] No. 89 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
They're attacking you for two reasons:
1) To save money: To prevent another multi-million dollar settlement (FSF vs Cisco). With you gone it wont happen. They also don't want to have to "pay off" the FSF by contributing donations either (which would increase your ability to hire lawyers and sue violators (even when the outcome of the action is difficult to predict (thus no contingency))).

2) Cultural reasons: the rest of the "they" believe that you like young girls: In your heart. And they oppose any man liking girls. That is: they believe you have thoughts and they oppose any man having such thoughts. Men are mules that must work for, fight, and give their life for women, their country, etc. Not live for themselves. Not have happiness. Only toil and responsibility.

You noted once that your life has been incredibly sad.
Being denied the purest love would fit the bill.

They hate you for what they think you believe in your mind. What they believe that they have deduced from your previous wrightings. They hate you for your thoughts they ascribe to you. For having those thoughts. For being capable of having those thoughts.

We've been defending you in the various programmer and anime forums, including your previous statements. For years, and now aswell. The namecalling is going every which way and both sides hate eachother:

On one side there are the old hackers, the men, and the anime-lovers, the NEETs. The beloved language is C.

On the other side are the wage-workers, and the Rust programming language (C++ ... plus plus... basically: and it takes just as much memory to compile as C++ code).

The fight is as hot as molten lead: and there is real true hatread.

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the hacker known as 4chan 04/06/2021 (Tue) 14:37:18 [Preview] No.90 del
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The other side bans us and deletes our words in every area they can. They attempt to fire us (sorry: we don't have programmer jobs: we are hackers and NEETs: we code for pleasure: not danegeld) We wonder what happens when words cannot be spoken?

Bascially it's libertarians vs "correctly-thinking" americans. C vs Rust.
Neets vs Wage-workers.
Hackers vs Corps (but I repeat myself).

We wanted a world where we had freedom. To have the freedoms that men of the ancient times had. And we, who defend you, agree with the statements you recanted under pressure.

(For the record: one of the projects I contribute to (fully free-software) is ChaosEsque:Anthology (3d FPS with over 200 weapons, and procedural generation of cities with building interiors), and we've added a statement of support to our project page on moddb in support of you and your rights, we also battle in the forums, we have also been signed to the support letter)

the hacker known as 4chan 04/06/2021 (Tue) 14:40:02 [Preview] No.91 del
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(in response to:)
>[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider ]]]
>[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
>[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
>I appreciate your moral support.
>Would you like to support me in a practical way?
>You could post for me in public forums where people
>are arguing about this. Especially the ones where my supporters
>are NOT the majority. Stay calm, and avoid name-calling!
>Here are references useful to publicize:
>* To state support.

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Xonotic removes "team members" (developer) for insulting people.

><divVerent> Well... strong words are not disallowed, but using strong words to insult others (players or developers alike) falls under invective.
><divVerent> Like, you can call a core gameplay mechanic of first person shooters "shitscan" all you like, that's allowed.
><divVerent> But the moment you attack the people, a line has been crossed.

This is what you get for contributing code etc to opensource: Judged and "sanctioned". You're seen as no-better than a non-contributor/player.

> https://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=8522
> https://xonotic.devfull.de/xonvote:27500/poll/405


divVerent supports sawing off the dicks of kids
"if a doctor approves"
><divVerent> if a doctor diagnoses a condition that can be helped by SRS, and "whoever is legally responsible" (depending on age and jurisdiction, parent and/or child) consents
><divVerent> there's no problem

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the hacker known as 4chan 03/12/2021 (Fri) 05:47:58 [Preview] No.82 del
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>However, nonexclusive licenses are revocable (meaning the copyright owner can revoke the license at any time) in the absence of consideration.

> [...] The most plausible assumption is that a developer who releases
> code under the GPL may terminate GPL rights, probably at will.
> --David McGowan, Professor of Law, University of Minnesota Law School:

>p278 "Notice that in a copyright dispute over a bare license, the
>plaintiff will almost certainly be the copyright owner. If a licensee
>were foolish enough to sue to enforce the terms and conditions of the
>license, the licensor can simply revoke the bare license, thus ending
>the dispute. Remeber that a bare license in the absence of an interest
>is revocable."
>--Lawrence Rosen

the hacker known as 4chan 04/04/2021 (Sun) 05:20:22 [Preview] No.88 del
Are you actually surprised assholes get kicked off a team? Come on.

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Is this the right way to talk with Xonotic? Asking for a friend...

> bones@ (QuakeNet)
>01:53 -!- Irssi: Starting query in QuakeNet with bones_was_here
>01:53 <wpr> .
>01:53 <wpr> ><bones_was_here> if mikee's claims were a) true b) put into
> practise, he would lose access to the code his chaos anthology is
> based on
>01:53 <wpr> My claims are true. It is your choice to disbelieve the 3
> lawyers/law-offices I cited.
>01:53 <wpr> No I would not "lose access" to the code my fork is based on: the
> source code is allready out there. I would "lose" the legal right
> to use the code: but I would ignore such and continue doing so:
> this is a hobby: not a "jehrb". FreeSoftware was never based
> hard-and-fast on US law. The GPL is a "hack" of US law: it works
> "well enough" mostly based on the fact that 1) other juristictions
> exist (remeber

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the hacker known as 4chan 03/18/2021 (Thu) 06:50:03 [Preview] No.86 del
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>01:58 <wpr> 1) Anti-child bride
>01:58 <wpr> 2) pro-feminism
>01:58 <wpr> 3) pro-dick-sawing
>01:58 <wpr> that would make me happy
>01:58 <wpr> to FUCK you pieces of shit enemies over
>01:58 <wpr>
>01:58 <bones_was_here> good luck in your fight against the entire world
>01:58 <wpr> and either way: I have the code: I do not "lose access" to it
>01:59 <bones_was_here> it would be removed from anywhere you post it
>01:59 <wpr> It's right here on my machines, and on the 100s of dvds/cds/blurays
> I have
>01:59 <wpr> bones_was_here no it would not
>01:59 <wpr> I could simply host it in germany
>01:59 <wpr> which has adversarial rules regarding this issue
>02:00 <wpr> or any other non-common-law country
>02:00 <bones_was_here> if you have free software and the people who write it,
> so much, why don't you just fuck off?

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the hacker known as 4chan 03/18/2021 (Thu) 06:51:27 [Preview] No.87 del
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>02:07 <wpr> everything is boring by then.
>02:08 <wpr> wellfare? what are you talking about?
>02:08 <wpr> home?
>02:08 <wpr> I'm on vacation right now.
>02:08 <wpr> 1/4th the time I'm on vacation, you didn't know that?
>02:08 <bones_was_here> most people when on vacation, go somewhere nice
>02:08 <bones_was_here> you go to your computer and... spam shit on irc?
>02:08 <wpr> I'm at a condo.
>02:08 <bones_was_here> wow what a vaction
>02:09 <bones_was_here> wish i could be as wealthy as you
>02:09 <wpr> since you lust for consumer goods: obviously
>02:09 <bones_was_here> see how people with real wealth, are out on their yacht,
> starting a new company, flying into space, buying a
> pacific island
>02:09 <wpr> lol
>02:09 <wpr> people with real wealth marry little girls
>02:09 <bones_was_here> but you? you use your wealth to buy... some time to be

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