/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(49.82 KB 675x675 External.png)
(115.82 KB 1705x1624 External.png)
External [upgrade] CoreGod 10/25/2020 (Sun) 13:15:30 [Preview] No. 393
External: All that is not a integral part of God's Community. Link:All,God of All,God's Community

External beings: Beings or aggregation of beings that are not member of God's Community. Link:Positive beings,Negative beings,Being god,God's Community
Unused matter: All the matter that is not used by members of God's Community. Link:Unconscious / Matter,God's Community
External ideas: All ideas that are not constituent part of God's Community or are considered wrong/inappropriate. Link:Theory,God's Community
External events: Actions (or effects of actions) that are not a conscious effort of God's Community. Link:Actions,God's Community

<to further upgrade>

CoreGod 10/26/2020 (Mon) 17:40:45 [Preview] No.394 del
(216.70 KB 1526x1395 External.png)
External: All that is not a integral part of God's Community. Link:All,God of All,Friendly environment,Borders,I/O,God's Community,Interior

External beings: Beings or aggregation of beings that are not member of God's Community. Link:Positive beings,Angels,Good beings,Low consciousness,Mediocre beings,Negative beings,Bad beings,God's Community
Unused matter: All the matter that is not used by members of God's Community. Link:Unconscious / Matter,Things,Compatible environment,Expansion,Ethical assimilation,Recovery of energy,Unknown,Chaos,God's Community
External ideas: All ideas that are not constituent part of God's Community or are considered wrong/inappropriate. Link:Theory,Wisdom,All important knowledge,Information,God's Community,Self-knowledge
External events: Actions (or effects of actions) that are not a conscious effort of God's Community. Link:Actions,Consequences,God's Community

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External [upgrade] CoreGod 10/27/2020 (Tue) 11:18:02 [Preview] No.395 del
(329.44 KB 1745x1488 External.png)
>>393 >>394
External: All that is not a integral part of God's Community. Link:All,God of All,Friendly environment,Borders,Global boundaries,I/O,God's Community,Interior

External beings: Beings or aggregation of beings that are not member of God's Community. Link:Positive beings,Angels,Good beings,Low consciousness,Mediocre beings,Negative beings,Bad beings,God's Community
Unused matter: All the matter that is not used by members of God's Community. Link:Unconscious / Matter,Things,Compatible environment,Expansion,Ethical assimilation,Recovery of energy,Unknown,Chaos,God's Community
External ideas: All ideas that are not constituent part of God's Community or are considered wrong/inappropriate. Link:Theory,Wisdom,All important knowledge,Information,Info,Truth,Understanding,Verification,Science,Handling external criticism,Handling external manipulation,God's Community,Self-knowledge
External events: Actions (or effects of actions) that are not a conscious effort of God's Community. Link:Actions,Consequences,Probable future,Analysis,Monitoring,Allowed initiative,Moral practice,Forgiveness,Blame-less,Tolerance,Justice,Intervention,Controversial action,God's Community

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/117/external

This information is available/accessible to people that are not members of God's Community (external people). Maybe they will join in our community someday.

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