/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(134.77 KB 1144x998 Angels.png)
Angels [upgrade] CoreGod 10/30/2020 (Fri) 12:52:57 [Preview] No. 398
Angels: Good helpers/assistants of God's Community. Link:Service,Assistance,Positive beings,Good beings,All beings,God's Community

Close to us: Eventually, if they want and meet the requirements, they can join the God's Community. Link:God's Community,Integration,Server
They care about us: They truly care about the well-being of God's Community. Link:Care,Well meaning,Well-being,God's Community
They help us: They help us in our goals/intentions (Global plan). Link:Cooperation,Service,Assistance,Global goals,Global plan
Following instructions: They follow (as best they can) the God's Community guidelines. Link:Command chain,Practice,Doing it,Global guidelines,Global plan

<to further upgrade>

Angels [upgrade] CoreGod 10/31/2020 (Sat) 17:30:25 [Preview] No.399 del
(49.84 KB 675x675 Angels.png)
(230.57 KB 1381x1353 Angels.png)
Angels: Good helpers/assistants of God's Community. Link:Service,Assistance,Positive beings,Good beings,God's Community,All beings

Close to us: Eventually, if they want and meet the requirements, they can join the God's Community. Link:Integration,Synergy,Union,Unity in diversity,God's Community,Friendly environment,Moral environment,Win-win
They care about us: They truly care about the well-being of God's Community. Link:Care,Well meaning,Well-being,Goodness,Recommended,God's Community
They help us: They help us in our goals/intentions (Global plan). Link:Beneficial,Contribution,Service,Assistance,Cooperation,Generous,Global goals,Global plan
Following instructions: They follow (as well as they can) the God's Community guidelines. Link:Command chain,Good guiding,Practice,Doing it,Implementation,Global guidelines,Global plan,Rules

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/137/angels

Currently, as far I know, God's Community doesn't have angels.

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