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The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(49.59 KB 675x675 Mediocre beings.png)
(98.52 KB 983x904 Mediocre beings.png)
Mediocre beings [upgrade] CoreGod 11/16/2020 (Mon) 14:12:26 [Preview] No. 415
Mediocre beings: They have a defined dubious morality or they have a good morality and they don't followed it (they aren't always good). Example: Most adult humans of Earth. Link:External beings,All beings,Morality

Blessings: Rewards, gifts, entrance to heaven-like places/realities,... If they behave appropriately. Link:Reward,Feeding
Proselytism: Actively and with care, showing our ideas to them (without spamming). We desire to be known by them. Link:Teaching,Good guiding,Fame/Popularity
Contracts: Temporal agreements (sometimes renewable) with them to improve their morality. Link:Temporal solutions,Temp,No promises,Morality
To fix: List of all things that they need to fix in order to gain/regain acceptable morality. Link:Morality,Solutions,Healing

<to further upgrade>

Examples CoreGod 11/17/2020 (Tue) 12:48:45 [Preview] No.416 del
(719.89 KB 1984x2046 Joe_Biden.jpg)
(207.04 KB 553x739 Xi_Jinping.jpg)
(4.88 MB 3570x5355 Macron.jpg)
There are plenty of mediocre beings on Earth. Here is a short list:

Joe Biden (some people are calling him Creepy Joe).
Xi Jinping (习近平) (some people are calling him Winnie the Pooh).
Emmanuel Macron (french people are very creative into giving him names).

Mediocre beings [upgrade] CoreGod 11/23/2020 (Mon) 13:28:37 [Preview] No.419 del
(260.17 KB 1381x1283 Mediocre beings.png)
Mediocre beings: They have a defined dubious morality or they have a good morality and they don't followed it (they aren't always good). Example: Most adult humans of Earth. Link:External beings,All beings,Morality,Not recommended,Goodness,Constant,Handling everything

Blessings: Rewards, gifts, entrance to heaven-like places/realities,... If they behave appropriately. Link:Reward,Assistance,Convince,Feeding,Forgiveness,Tolerance,Bliss,Entertainment,Heavens,Virtual reality,Proud
Proselytism: Actively and with care, showing our ideas to them (without spamming). We desire to be known by them. Link:Teaching,Good guiding,Nice,Care,Patience,Theory,Convince,Global guidelines,Fame/Popularity,Opinion
Contracts: Temporal agreements (sometimes renewable) with them to improve their morality. Link:Temporal solutions,Temp,No promises,Morality,Peace treaty,Compromise,Responsibility
To fix: List of all things that they need to fix in order to gain/regain acceptable morality. Link:Solutions,Root problem,Early detection,Healing,Morality,Fixing plan,Fixing,Action plan,Not recommended,Intervention

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/174/mediocre-beings

Anonymous 05/08/2023 (Mon) 09:13 [Preview] No.1619 del
(141.46 KB 621x642 小熊维尼.jpg)

Anonymous 05/08/2023 (Mon) 11:38 [Preview] No.1620 del
The final showdown has begun: Putin and Xi Jinping are preparing to deal a global blow to the West

Joe Biden did not assume that Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping intended to deal a global blow to the West. Economist Mark Toth and US intelligence veteran Jonathan Sweet 👇

Insult free CoreGod, GoodGod & ControlOfAll 05/09/2023 (Tue) 07:35 [Preview] No.1622 del
(341.03 KB 1880x1160 Putin-Xi_meeting_(2023).jpg)
We didn't try to insult these people, as we just point out what other people called them. Our apologies anyway.
We see them as example of mediocre beings as they have a morality that isn't acceptable from our point of view.
In particular, Xi Jinping (习近平) sure is a rude dictator (not nice) in practical terms.

Maybe true, but you sound like a biased propagandist. We desire peace and harmony.

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