/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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New Testament Plot Anonymous 08/15/2021 (Sun) 21:48:29 [Preview] No. 714
How about we all pray to god to be ours as a baby so we can take all his powers so we can fuck him with whores and then consume him like vampires so we can use his son as a our king fuck pupper so we can redeem the failure of dead damned Adam who betrayed the lord from the old testament. Who cares about corruption anyway?

Anonymous 08/15/2021 (Sun) 21:59:25 [Preview] No.715 del
Spoiler alert the plan backfired with the black death

We care CoreGod & GoodGod 08/16/2021 (Mon) 08:00:27 [Preview] No.717 del
(47.27 KB 648x435 corruption free.jpg)
>>714 >>715

>Who cares about corruption anyway?
We care about morality and we try to get the closest possible to a complete purity: impeccability (free of corruption). But, we also know that it is very difficult in this planet with a lot of hellish places (corrupted places) and bad beings (corrupted beings).

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