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Questions & Answers Seeker 10/11/2021 (Mon) 21:36:46 [Preview] No. 1
Post your questions in this thread.
Stay on topic.

Seeker 10/14/2021 (Thu) 12:06:23 [Preview] No.2 del
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How far can meditation alone get one with spiritual development and learning more by yourself?
All the information about chakras, meridians, dantians etc. is OK to grasp, but there are always either contradictions with the information or mystified explanations.
For example, a lot of resources talk about the 7 chakras and that they are red, orange, yellow, green, etc. the color of the rainbow basically. Then there's the book Kundalini - An untold story where a himalayan mystic attributes completely different colors to them and at the same time mocks people who claim to see the chakras. One book talks about absorbing ambient energy, the other one completely condems it.
In reality, it seems like a very confusing web of information where everyone preaches their subjective view of this, which is kind of insane. I tried to tie it up together, but was left with madness so I just came to the conlusion that there isn't a perfect divine answer that is composed of everything. I think I can clearly see a few instances where certain practices spread from country to country and changed a bit, but this doesn't help. It's sad because there isn't anything you can do that will just work, like a computer that simply starts up when you press a button. Maybe that's what this whole thing just is, slow and confusing, but I don't want to accept that. There needs to be a metaphorical switch somewhere that simply works. Work for what? Everything.

Seeker 10/14/2021 (Thu) 18:31:16 [Preview] No.3 del
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The only thing that can work for everything is your own personality or what you have inside yourself. That is the only part that will always be relevant to you.

>it seems like a very confusing web of information where everyone preaches their subjective view of this, which is kind of insane. I tried to tie it up together, but was left with madness so I just came to the conlusion that there isn't a perfect divine answer that is composed of everything. I think I can clearly see a few instances where certain practices spread from country to country and changed a bit, but this doesn't help. It's sad because there isn't anything you can do that will just work, like a computer that simply starts up when you press a button.
You're looking for a way to automate life. If you do this and put yourself under the influence of such a system, you become an automaton yourself. There is a way to do this, but do you want this? If done wrong you become the slave of contraptions you cannot change, and they may lock you up and restrain you seemingly indefinitely.
Reality is only shared in the sense of genes and memes. Small formulas which can be used by a certain group of beings. Not everyone will look the same. Maybe someone see it as a goal to find such a thing, to create some kind of unity, but why?
I think the answer is only inside yourself and not in finding such common ground, aside from the part which is true to yourself. Don't seek communion with others for itself. Let the shared ground appear before you where you are, with no effort.

Seeker 10/15/2021 (Fri) 00:32:44 [Preview] No.4 del
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>The only thing that can work for everything is your own personality or what you have inside yourself. That is the only part that will always be relevant to you.
I think I understand what you mean with personality, but what do you mean with "what you have inside yourself"? And how can this be applied? "The personality" is important for how you interact with the world. I for example have the tendency to procrastiante what doesn't interest me, but eventually I will do it if the pressure is too much. This is a part of my personality that has it's pros and cons. In my meditative practice I try to unravel as much of this as possible to first and foremost accept every aspect of myself for various reasons. Eventually when this is done and continues forever, I will have a dynamic understanding of myself.

But this doesn't really stop me from getting hit by a car or stabbed by another person (at least I think so).
Of course, there's the possibility that causality is much more complex than I can imagine and that these scenarios never happen when one reaches some sort of partial enlightenment, but I cannot say for sure and I have only this life that I am aware of, I don't like taking these chances.
I wonder what else can I do to improve my access to enlightenment that will help me first to overcome this world? I'm talking about outlandish things that would brand me insane if I openly pursued this and talked about it with my neighbor.
>I think the answer is only inside yourself and not in finding such common ground, aside from the part which is true to yourself. Don't seek communion with others for itself. Let the shared ground appear before you where you are, with no effort.
Automation and unity to some degree seem useful to me, but I wouldn't completely support the idea of automating and uniting everything because I kind of like living as an individual being and
struggling is probably worth it at the end of the day. If the answer really is inside someone, then how does one hear it?

Seeker 10/15/2021 (Fri) 14:25:06 [Preview] No.5 del
>what do you mean with "what you have inside yourself"? And how can this be applied?
Maybe this is based on a notion taken for granted but not elaborated. If you were to build the perfect system, be it philosophy, morality or technology, unless you understand every part of it by heart, it is external to you. This is what
>If done wrong you become the slave of contraptions you cannot change
refers to. Only when you have internalized all your creations are you free. Free to use them, control them or recreate them from scratch anytime. By that time you have overcome materialism. You are carrying the external world inside yourself and have no attachment to it. This is the path to immortality; technology and science has reached the level of the occult and become one of your skills. When the external world is saturated in your mind, you can only move up above it. This is a method and it's highly personal so maybe it doesn't work for you, but think of it as a reference if so.

Seeker 10/23/2021 (Sat) 00:45:54 [Preview] No.6 del
What's the most effective way to call a spirit for astral/dream sex?

Seeker 10/23/2021 (Sat) 15:53:21 [Preview] No.7 del
Offer them to take part in some energy increasing practice. Spiritual beings don't care about sex in itself. It's the tantric stuff/sex magic they come for, including having astral children.

Seeker 10/25/2021 (Mon) 21:04:06 [Preview] No.8 del
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>Only when you have internalized all your creations are you free. Free to use them, control them or recreate them from scratch anytime. By that time you have overcome materialism. You are carrying the external world inside yourself and have no attachment to it. This is the path to immortality
I had a profound experience today, but it seemed to be the opposite of what you mention. Although I am not sure, maybe my limited view doesn't let me see the broad picture. After contemplating what I truly wanted for a while, I sensed a deep urge to "let go of everything" or something like that.
My needs and wants that had formed over time appeared in front of me one after another and dismantled, disconnected from myself, even myself or the idea of myself. Eventually the realisation or fear hit me that if I truly wanted to let go of everything, everything would be over. It would be like a final judgement so to speak. I canceled this process and settled for the mindset to experience life, but also pursue spiritual development and become free. So I did a full circle, but I feel a little bit lighter now. This was more of a psychological process as it seems. Despite "disconnecting" from most of these wishes and dreams, I haven't really lost them, it's more like they aren't annoying anymore. We will see. Maybe this was a form of internalization, overcoming of these mental and emotional constructs. At least I felt free mentally for a little bit of time.

Seeker 11/09/2021 (Tue) 02:49:51 [Preview] No.9 del
What do you know about sphere-shaped UFOs with metallic color?

Seeker 11/09/2021 (Tue) 15:49:02 [Preview] No.10 del
I was told they're native reptilian. It was my guess anyway, since there aren't many others around who can fly UFOs in full view. Something about not being allowed to disturb a planet unless you live on it, others would have to cloak their crafts.

Seeker 12/25/2021 (Sat) 11:08:52 [Preview] No.11 del
Hey, it has been said before that everyone who took the vamp spell is connected to each other energetically or part of the same ergregore or something in that direction. Was it true, and does it still apply, are we all still connected? I don't really like the idea of being directly connected to strange imageboard anons anymore or an ergregore like that and I already tried to remove myself from all ergregores and connections that aren't really necessary but I don't know to what extent it worked. Sometimes I think yes, sometimes I think I might still be connected.

Seeker 12/27/2021 (Mon) 14:04:08 [Preview] No.12 del
It's more complex than that. The egregore in question is that of the magic tradition. It was mentioned that the original bloodline of vampires has bloodtype O negative, and that this bloodtype has extraterrestrial origin.
If you are able to connect to it, it's because you belong to this bloodline, or is compatible with it. It comes back to the more mainstream talk of someone being a "starseed", as in souls not from earth came here to incarnate as humans to learn and develop themselves. It's likely you either belong to this group, or should join it. This is the egregore of ancients, if you have it in your blood memory/DNA or can insert it there, it's because you should have it. Once accepted it's a part of you. You became it, so you can't remove it, you'd have to kill part of yourself. In the case of a negative past or intrusive DNA ("spiritual" DNA, not physical) you can remove it, but that's karma. You have to determine which is which.

The egregore of the website here is just the imageboard format and its users. The egregore of the old /haven/ became fanatical and had to be discarded as a result. That much is not an issue with this new board here.
As for the Cabal as an entity, it's essentially a harem formation "owned" by the matriarch. If you were added to it, you will remain as long as you can benefit from it. Either you find a way up to fulfillment, or you leave, having removed the karma which pulled you in, in the first place. Both cases exist.

Seeker 12/27/2021 (Mon) 16:06:38 [Preview] No.13 del
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>As for the Cabal as an entity, it's essentially a harem formation "owned" by the matriarch.
I don't quite understand but I have no memory of being added to the Cabal or the Cabal noticably giving a fuck about me. In the beginning I was expecting it, but eventually stopped caring myself about it.
My initial issue was not about connection to the Cabal or Ancients but about possible ergregores and connections purely between the imageboard anons who took the spell. As I do not wish anons stuff(energy, ideas, dreams, whatever) to seep over to me and influence me (stain me lol). I sometimes think that my dreams and my mind might be influenced by external forces which are not part of my pysche and which have nothing to do with my goal and my work. If I understand your post correctly then there is no such problem so it all should be fine. If we all become part of the Cabal and are connected that way, I guess it's okay. So it seems like you helped me with that and I am able to move on from that issue now.
>if you have it in your blood memory/DNA or can insert it there, it's because you should have it. Once accepted it's a part of you.
I understand you forced your way into this and you don't actually belong to this bloodline? As you are a self-manifested fay or something of that sorts. Does that make me a realer vampire than you, or is it all the same in the end? I myself don't know if I belong or not, I just took your spell. Ultimately, I like to believe in freedom and free will and individuality, so that nobody can tell me what I should or where I belong. But of course vampirism and the idea of the cabal and ancients were always alluring, inspiring and interesting to me. Maybe they will show themselves some day.

Seeker 12/27/2021 (Mon) 17:02:03 [Preview] No.14 del
> I sometimes think that my dreams and my mind might be influenced by external forces
Unfortunately this happens. CIA psiops units and some other less official have been messing with me for a long time. Those in specific have no local ability left now, last time they hired some indians to try and infiltrate my dreams. After those were incapacitated, they brought in some group from South Korea, but that effort never got off the ground because I have allies in Korea who stopped them the minute they tried.
These are your personal battles however so maybe you won't have them. I've been interested in CIA and their methods (we've used what's officially available of their research like the PAS "personality assessment system" https://www.pasf.org/ with some success) so I don't see them as enemies, but that doesn't mean I will tolerate parts of their organization attacking me. They have to learn some decency and to respect those superior to themselves (learn the hard way, in this case). Currently the ones in charge have changed to the "martians" described by Kyle Odom. This is a different topic but it's still very related, so in short; there are incarnated non-humans of a very advanced species here, possibly from Mars. Bill Gates is probably the most well known of them. After some initial scuffles they accepted a non aggression deal, so as much as they control US intelligence, that faction won't cause any problems.

Seeker 12/27/2021 (Mon) 17:22:48 [Preview] No.15 del
>I understand you forced your way into this and you don't actually belong to this bloodline? As you are a self-manifested fay or something of that sorts. Does that make me a realer vampire than you, or is it all the same in the end?
I can't tell. We all forget what we knew once incarnated again.
In a distant past I once was a lyran feline. The person I was is still there in a very deep astral plane, a completed ascension already performed in that racial setting. All I know is that I came to earth after this to enter in the 7th civilization period (now) which matches my own principles. Others who came here would enter in the period most suited to their own standards. But my highest astral persona appear to be a fairy. Fairies do not have physical bodies so incarnation had to be done in the most fitting race, which here meant the anglo-celtic.
This was already done in a past life, I'm currently summing up the fringes of my being, by in this life acting as the opposite of who I normally am, to the extent possible.

To elaborate, maybe this was explained to you, maybe not:
Earth has had 7 periods. The first was Raa, and this is where the earth vampires originate. Their culture and magic was passed on as the ancient Egyptian culture. Hathor and Sekhmet are main progenitors, but we mostly know this culture as the tradition brought forth by Isis, then passed to Osiris and to his priest Moses. Jews are in a direct line from the origin, and it's unironically correct to call them vampires. But right now they've deviated and the Catholic church is somewhat closer to the real tradition. Jesuits are not the same thing at all, they've created a new thing entirely and should be seen in the context of the old and new testament as the process when leaving the tree of kabbalah and entering the shadow formation of qliphoth. Adding the OT and NT in one book still works because it describes the full process however.
The perids after this are less important but it's worth mentioning that the Cabal matron is from period 5, Babylon. After this came Atlantis, so most of what we have today is filtered through atlantean thinking, anything further back is difficult to interpret correctly.

Asian culture is external, its written language, traditional chines/kanji is the language of maintenance deities out in "space", it's not earth culture. We have it now because we are to connect with the galaxies out there as we move forward as a planet.

Seeker 12/27/2021 (Mon) 21:24:46 [Preview] No.16 del
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So that's why there are a bunch of jews in the banner of this board. Altough I admit I like this one better (and that's not because I can decypher some vampiric symbolism in it.)
>Earth has had 7 periods. The first was Raa, and this is where the earth vampires originate.
Even tough the vampires were there from the beginning, they are not actually native? This reminds me of the story of Cain in both Christian and Luziferian lore. As Cain is said to be the very first vampire, but he was not of this world and not like the humans. Supposedly being the son of Lucifer the Lightbringer or bringer of enlightenment (also from outside), he was there from the beginning of known earth history. He has rebelled against the mundanes and against "god" as he never felt like he was part of the place and he didn't want to obey, going even as far as killing his own brother Abel (which is probably just a metaphor for killing his own mundane/human side and becoming a nonhuman immortal).
But the current matriarch is only from the Babylon period...guess the cabal might have had influence in creation of the song "Babylon Vampyres" then lol. All this lore is interesting but I doubt it will bring me closer to anything, for example the actual cabal. Unless you are skillfully hiding cryptic messages in your post which the fool that is me must uncover.
I will go now and meditate as my issue is solved and I don't want to intrude anymore of your time. There has been a strange astral place appearing in my mind that I want to explore, but the further I go in the harder it becomes to progress. A real challenge.

Seeker 12/28/2021 (Tue) 01:30:32 [Preview] No.17 del
Putting this together into a functional understanding has taken years of research into different views and statements. It's in no way complete, so I don't want to be too firm in what I say. It's vague so that you may understand it yourself, maybe recall something of your past lives, and perhaps add to the image.
All I can do is reach a conclusion of some sort, then ask different entities
>is this correct?
>was this how it was in this historical period?
Oftentimes they are unable to reply when asked too complex or wide questions because the understanding that gave rise to the question itself is flawed or irrelevant. Imagine someone asking stupid things all the time, because they lack all kinds of basic information about the topic?
You'd have to start by saying
>first off you're wrong about this, this, this and this
>and the reason you're asking is not relevant either
so the only way to go about it then becomes to teach something practical. That's how you end up with very narrow and seemingly pointless manuals for how to call on such and such demon or something else that doesn't explain shit.
Just my viewpoint right now.

Seeker 12/28/2021 (Tue) 09:15:51 [Preview] No.18 del
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>Imagine someone asking stupid things all the time, because they lack all kinds of basic information about the topic?
I fear nobody here would know better than you as you have been dealing with the same stuff for many years and many many threads now as far as I can tell.

Putting together manuals, exploring history and lore and trying to find clues to the cabal and other things... it all makes sense when you are actually trying to force your way in from outside and you don't really "belong" or whatever. But when someone, as you have said, should be here or belongs here, if this is your bloodline then it doesn't make sense why it should be so tedious and hard. In that case I think it would make more sense for the Cabal to just teleport to your house and take you to their castle where they add you and explain everything important. At least you made it back home by taking the spell and making it, this is already something great to have achieved by yourself. But maybe my way of thinking is just juvenile and spoiled. This would of course eliminate all the elements of the hunt and achieving progress and wisdom yourself, like getting in telepathic contact with them first. (As I understand it the Cabal are first and foremost a physical entity on earth so I would assume they would rely more on physical means of meeting and communication, altought they would probably be able to teleport and switch into at least the ethereal layer outside of the physical.) But then again Harry Potter would probably not achieve much if he was left with his idiot degenerate family and Hagrid didn't come to take him to Hogwarts.
In the end I think it would be most wise to assume you don't actually belong there and if anything you are just forcing your way in. In this way, you will not become lazy and not expect anything to happen or be done for you. Instead you always have to progress on your own with all you have got at this very moment, do the best you can do by yourself. This way you keep evolving and having real progress with your own real power and not stagnate. Now that I feel into this, I can clearly feel the difference between believing you belong here and you should be here and believing you don't belong anywhere and you have to achieve everything on your own. I can clearly see how the former can create an attachment and has the chance to make you lazy and create expectations, while the latter just fires you up to try the best you can do right now.

Seeker 12/28/2021 (Tue) 14:06:40 [Preview] No.19 del
This comes back to something I call "the 7% success rate" and Snail called "the universe of pouring out blood".
When you practice, you can learn to do things accurately and you think you know how to do it. In track and field sports this illusion of the perfect performance is maintained. It works great for training soldiers, everyone thinks they are the hero who will win the battle by throwing the spear perfectly, outrun bullets and get to safety and so on. In reality all this does is create a mentality of not giving up. Once you think you can succeed 100% of the time, you will not accept it if you failed, but think
>I am better than this, let's go again
and when the guy in front of you ran into the street and was shot, you think
>I am better than him
and you will run after him anyway. This is crowd control trickery, and unless you had contact with the army in a way beyond regular grunts, you may not be aware of it.

What I'm getting at here is that "getting in" is not done with 100% success rate, but with 7%. They created so many failvamps over the years, who could not become immortal and would just cause a mess in society and then die at 320 y/o or such. They would not know if someone was a success until 1000 year had passed, because the longest a failvamp had lived was around 800 years. Add that they may lose count of time so at around a 1000 they would start thinking this person will stay, and is worth teaching. We've been over this.
We've been let in based on the assessment of the higher ups only. Individuals, which makes us their pet project. Those further down in the heirarchy won't just accept us, they will wait 1000 years, then say the equivalent of
>ok you can start washing dishes
This is why you feel you were not accepted. No one of us really was, except for the matriarch saying so and the rest following because an order is an order.

I hope this clarifies the situation.

Seeker 12/28/2021 (Tue) 14:40:49 [Preview] No.20 del
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Yes, I remember this. It has been explained before. I do hope very much that in 1000 years I will long be gone from the physical and live in other dimensions/the astral. In fact I want out of the physical right now as I can only see a dead end for both the physical world and my own physical life. I am aware of the new earth stuff, but maybe I should make a post on the other board in regards to this.
Something unrelated in the end: I tought for a long time that my aura was red but I guess it was just a stupid optical illusion that anyone with more than 2 braincells could easily realize. But it took me forever to realize that my aura isn't red, instead it starts off as a white light but when I look deeper into it it turns out to be either blue or green. Sometimes it's greenish, sometimes it appears more blueish. This made me think that vampires or witches auras were also said to be green, but green is also the aura of the color red. If you just hold a red object against a white or black background you could easily see the green aura of the red object appearing. Somebody a little bit more advanced can just look at the red bra pic above here and see if they can see the green energy from the red bra. Could it be that when we see a green aura from a witch or vampire, that we are actually seeing the aura of something red inside them that we cannot see? Maybe there is a red energy inside of them or maybe their astral body is red, but we can only see the green aura that comes off from the red stuff, whatever it is? The "Philosophers Stone" is said to be red, just as the "immortal body" or the "Diamond Body". Just an idea I've had today.

Seeker 05/19/2024 (Sun) 20:39 [Preview] No.21 del
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