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Please wait while I try to figure out how posting here and whatnot works - t. Alberto Barbosa

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do my homework /his/ Anonymous 06/06/2016 (Mon) 12:46:56 Id: 557f05 [Preview] No. 338 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Homework: The Great Balloon Debate

You are all important historical figures. Your hot air balloon is sinking, and you need to get rid of some extra weight if we are to remain in the air. You will be making a case (as an individual from history) why you should remain in the balloon.

Your homework is to research an individual that you would like to argue for. When choosing your individual, you will need to consider:

Why are they important?

What have they done to improve society?

Remember - it will not necessarily be the most obvious candidate that has the most convincing argument!
9 posts omitted.

Anonymous 06/06/2016 (Mon) 14:13:50 Id: 557f05 [Preview] No. 348 del
also please help

Anonymous 06/07/2016 (Tue) 09:36:14 Id: 785fc4 [Preview] No. 349 del
>not arguing that Captain Hitler's revolutionary gas can be used to keep the balloon afloat for the rest of the other figures

And this is why you don't deserve end/his/'s help. Fuck off to 4chan, tyke.

Anonymous 06/07/2016 (Tue) 12:20:21 Id: 557f05 [Preview] No. 350 del
mfw this is the only active thread on the whole board

scum Anonymous 06/07/2016 (Tue) 14:50:00 Id: 557f05 [Preview] No. 351 del
(4.48 KB 190x265 ke.jpg)
do keynes

Anonymous 06/08/2016 (Wed) 08:42:41 Id: 958802 [Preview] No. 352 del
Another thread got a reply a whole two days ago - fuck off to 4chin if you care so much about your PPH

OP doesn't sound like he's up for a challenge of that magnitude.

Historical flags thread Anonymous 01/30/2016 (Sat) 04:16:36 Id: b54870 [Preview] No. 256 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
ITT: cool looking flags of now defunct countries

First up is the flag of The Orange Free State

Anonymous 05/24/2016 (Tue) 05:28:21 Id: d9d715 [Preview] No. 302 del
Some of my favorite flags.
There are some non-solid color flags here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_national_flags

Anonymous 05/24/2016 (Tue) 08:05:11 [Preview] No. 303 del
Islamic flags are so unoriginal

Anonymous 05/24/2016 (Tue) 10:33:53 [Preview] No. 304 del
(59.19 KB 937x463 Flag_of_Jihad.png)
>Afghanistan actually used a black flag.
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

Anonymous 05/25/2016 (Wed) 11:24:13 Id: d00ed3 [Preview] No. 309 del
>>Afghanistan actually used a black flag.

That's the Islamic Republic of Henry Rollinses, thank you.

Anonymous 05/25/2016 (Wed) 13:59:21 Id: 442be4 [Preview] No. 310 del
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>It's just a white surrender flag


western civilization bread Anonymous 01/10/2016 (Sun) 06:25:50 Id: 38ace9 [Preview] No. 109 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
lets start at the beginning, shall we?
i knackered the audio completely so i could halve the episodes, instead of cutting them into thirds. woud yall prefer better audio, or less pieces? it takes about as much work on my end to do it either way
113 posts and 116 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/14/2016 (Sat) 22:24:02 [Preview] No. 293 del
United States authorized educational curriculum. At the very least the world war videos are politically bias and full of lies.

Anonymous 05/14/2016 (Sat) 22:56:06 Id: 2e857a [Preview] No. 294 del

Anonymous 05/14/2016 (Sat) 23:51:55 Id: 2e857a [Preview] No. 295 del

Anonymous 05/15/2016 (Sun) 00:48:26 Id: 2e857a [Preview] No. 296 del

Anonymous 05/15/2016 (Sun) 01:30:45 Id: 2e857a [Preview] No. 297 del
aaand done

The Money Masters Anonymous 02/28/2016 (Sun) 22:57:03 Id: 082bc6 [Preview] No. 282 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Calling attention to this documentary, which sets out to tell the history of private central banking in America. It documents the different ways it can be established, the tools it uses for control, how it took over America, after most of the world. And it presents the alternatives that have been repeatedly suppressed by international banking cartels for hundreds of years.

Big props to Bill Still for making this. He still makes videos on his YT channel on a regular basis (he supports Trump btw).

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Autistic "who would win in a fight thread" Anonymous 01/23/2016 (Sat) 10:15:50 Id: c233ec [Preview] No. 233 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Julius ceasar vs patton. its a sword fight with their weapon of choice.
i must remind you that patton designed his own saber, studied with the best fencers of the day, and was the last US master of the sword.
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Anonymous 01/25/2016 (Mon) 01:56:13 Id: 47ffec [Preview] No. 244 del
>Also if they only did the "block a strike and then stab in their exposed ribs" wouldn't their enemies adapt to their one trick pony?
woudlnt the indians have learned not to trust the white man after getting fucked over the first time?

>Germanic tribes virtually infiltrated
there was no infiltration, it wasnt a secret. for the purposes of discsussion, its no different than the sandiggers pouring over into europe right now, with the exception that there was little the roman army could do to stop it.

Anonymous 01/25/2016 (Mon) 02:04:33 Id: 47ffec [Preview] No. 245 del
to elaborate on the germans getting wise to the romans tactics, its not like rome won every battle they ever went into, nor did they ever conquer all of the germanic peoples.
the difference was that germanic tribes didnt have a strict training regimene per i dont know much about germanic combat training or tactics, but i think the general idea is that they didnt do very much training, or at least in a way that we would recognize as training. the other thing is that rome could eat major defeats and loss of troops, and not even lose their footing, its how they won the punic wars. presumably these two things factored into it.

Anonymous 01/25/2016 (Mon) 02:24:27 [Preview] No. 246 del
I think the Germanic tribes were somewhat like the Celts in battle i.e. they engaged individually and were more concerned with glory or daring acts like how the equites would try to kill a commander or the leader of an army although I'm not entirely sure since it has been a while since I've read up on Germanic tactics and army organization.

Anonymous 01/25/2016 (Mon) 02:53:55 Id: 47ffec [Preview] No. 247 del
sounds similar to what i have heard, i just didnt want to elaborate on it for fear of being completely off base.

Anonymous 01/25/2016 (Mon) 03:06:49 [Preview] No. 248 del

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poems Anonymous 01/14/2016 (Thu) 22:30:47 Id: 2f4e0e [Preview] No. 168 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
why was every story in the ancient world written as a poem? was there some reason it all had to rhyme, or was that just the best way to kill time or something. did people writing non-fiction, like Thucydides and aristotle, write in some rhyming verse?
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Anonymous 01/19/2016 (Tue) 01:23:39 [Preview] No. 204 del
If you actually took the time to look and not whine about your antiquated ideology you'd find that Poetry and classical art is alive and well today. If you're gonna spout your shit all over this board like what happened to 8chan, kindly fuck off to to your containment board.

Anonymous 01/19/2016 (Tue) 21:35:21 Id: 7ac352 [Preview] No. 210 del
can you list any contemporary classical artists or poets? i am genuinely interested in seeing contemporary idealistic/Hellenistic sculptures and classical paintings.

Anonymous 01/20/2016 (Wed) 23:12:03 [Preview] No. 214 del
I found this on the first page of startpage

Poetry isn't really my thing and tends to be more subjective than painting or sculpture

Anonymous 01/20/2016 (Wed) 23:29:09 Id: 3798d0 [Preview] No. 215 del
Great reaction images to be found on that blog.

Anonymous 01/20/2016 (Wed) 23:29:47 Id: faedda [Preview] No. 216 del
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while i appreciate the link, figurative sculptures are not necessarily hellenistic or idealist sculptures.
for example, this is all artsy farsty bullshit.

(3.35 MB 2443x3564 check it out.jpg)
Anonymous 01/16/2016 (Sat) 01:22:32 [Preview] No. 181 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Check it out, I am made of gold.

t. Charlemagne
2 posts omitted.

Anonymous 01/16/2016 (Sat) 03:53:10 Id: e4716a [Preview] No. 186 del
>made of gold
>not making gold

Step it up, you Frankish chucklefuck.

Anonymous 01/17/2016 (Sun) 02:17:37 Id: d099a8 [Preview] No. 190 del
(1.16 MB 1222x1222 charletrump.png)
It is amazing indeed! Gold is a very valuable commodity.

If I'm not mistaken, it's short for "terveiset", meaning "regards" in Finnish. Also lurk moar.

Anonymous 01/17/2016 (Sun) 02:34:04 Id: 7beed2 [Preview] No. 191 del
>tells someone to lurk moar
>still spoonfeeds

No wonder the HRE died.

Anonymous 01/18/2016 (Mon) 14:36:47 Id: 66b38a [Preview] No. 203 del
t. means terveisin
finish for regards

Anonymous 01/20/2016 (Wed) 08:48:59 Id: facbcf [Preview] No. 213 del
>shitposting thread
>still come away learning something

Never change, /his/.

Anonymous 01/04/2016 (Mon) 09:39:34 Id: 385238 [Preview] No. 8 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>mfw I skipped this thread in the overboard earlier because I thought it was from /mu/

Here's to 10,000 years of OC, gents.

Anonymous 01/04/2016 (Mon) 09:42:40 Id: 385238 [Preview] No. 9 del
(107.23 KB 333x500 sighs one-eyedly.jpg)
>mfw I wasn't actually in the BO's original thread before I hit reply

Anonymous 01/14/2016 (Thu) 07:29:59 [Preview] No. 160 del
Why this nigga only have one eye?

Anonymous 01/14/2016 (Thu) 10:17:14 Id: 0d9d6a [Preview] No. 161 del
Because he got a smallpox infection when he was young, decided he wasn't having any of that shit, and tore the fucker out.

Anonymous 01/15/2016 (Fri) 00:20:26 [Preview] No. 171 del

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Anonymous 01/09/2016 (Sat) 05:38:54 Id: 1b8d15 [Preview] No. 97 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>the citizens of UK, France, Spain, Germany and Italy will never hold a vote to reform the roman republic

Why even live?
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Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 03:13:28 Id: 75c73b [Preview] No. 114 del

>Saving the White Race, Europe, and Germany is tyranny

Fuck the "Republics." Soulless liberal money republics are the basest form of government. Liberty is nice but fleeting. Only the first generation enjoys actual liberty -- after that it is illusory and imprisoning.

The absolute worst thing is to be trapped in an ill-liberal republic that isn't free but has a huge portion of the population convinced that it is. Half the population never use their rights and applaud when rights are denied to the half of the population that actually wants to exercise freedoms.

Only a total fool can still believe in the modern liberal republic. Rome was not a liberal republic, it was a nationalist republic with an aristocratic leadership.

Anonymous 01/11/2016 (Mon) 03:46:27 Id: 75c73b [Preview] No. 115 del
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>Tyranny wasn't a slur

Oh look at you, you disingenuous cunt.

You objectively used it as a slur by derisively saying "this nigga [wants] a tyranny."

Why the fuck are your principles so weak that you'd backpedal off of it and not own your original sentiment?

Anonymous 01/12/2016 (Tue) 21:43:23 Id: b1b505 [Preview] No. 132 del
>You objectively used it as a slur by derisively saying "this nigga [wants] a tyranny."
nah, you just misunderstood me tbqfwyf.
the commebt 'this nigga' was driected towards him saying he wanted a rebuploc, and then described a tyranny, and mentioned the last official tyrant rome ever had.
but i know subtlety is lost on weaboos, so your lack of understanding what i meant is not suprising.
apologies for not replying sooner as well, i was worried posting elsewhere might be was what was keeping the webms from posting.

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 04:37:19 Id: 1331b1 [Preview] No. 136 del
Did you have a stroke at the beginning of that post?

Anonymous 01/13/2016 (Wed) 04:39:18 Id: b1b505 [Preview] No. 137 del
im suprised you went for the coonspeak and not the rampant spelling errors throughout my entire post.

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Rome Thread Anonymous 01/06/2016 (Wed) 01:29:25 Id: a2543c [Preview] No. 30 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What better way to celebrate our new home than a Rome thread? Post anything related to glorious Roma here.
29 posts and 27 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/09/2016 (Sat) 05:25:26 Id: a2543c [Preview] No. 95 del
Thanks for uploading these anon. I've been enjoying listening to them for the past few days.

Anonymous 01/09/2016 (Sat) 05:31:56 Id: 91a9f1 [Preview] No. 96 del
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i believe these are in desparate need of tony edits, i mean look at them.

what is the connection?
glad to hear it. i may just upload the whole thing in a different bread at some point, but you can torrent it if you want. https://kat.cr/the-western-tradition-complete-episodes-1-52-dvdrip-x264-n6-t2019071.html
i was seeding but a few of the episodes (~28-30) are mislabed, and when i changed them it wanted to redownload the whole goddamn thing so i quit.

Anonymous 01/09/2016 (Sat) 05:47:42 Id: 91a9f1 [Preview] No. 101 del

Anonymous 01/09/2016 (Sat) 06:49:13 Id: 460ef5 [Preview] No. 107 del
(2.36 MB 400x299 creepy stalin.gif)
>What's the connection

The band was Diocletian and that's where the webm loaded on. It was pretty spoopy, m8.

Anonymous 01/09/2016 (Sat) 07:06:11 Id: 53bd31 [Preview] No. 108 del
ah, i just immediately played the song without looking so the album art was unviewable.