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USA Anonymous 06/30/2020 (Tue) 14:58:59 [Preview] No. 353 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Does anyone else think Americans are too prideful of themselves. I feel like they're extremely self centered and it makes it really frustrating to talk with them. I know the Jews control the country but why do Americans have such patriotism while at the same time they loathe themselves. It's something I've never quite understood. It's hard to discuss this because one side calls you racist and the other calls you anti white. You must uncover the flaws of the character of a people before you can go about fixing them and that's something Americans really want to avoid. I get that some Americans can be pretty defensive when it comes to things like their ethnicity because of all the divisive mongrel bullshit being pushed and obviously we all know who's promoting that type of propaganda. However that doesn't mean Americans are immune to criticism. I feel people use scapegoats to reflect any sort of criticism towards themselves and it makes it hard to discuss any sort of faults. It's great to love your country and your people but you should always be willing to look at your people from differing perspectives.
19 posts and 2 images omitted.

Anonymous 07/01/2020 (Wed) 15:57:40 [Preview] No.374 del
So you have a soft spot for Italians huh.

>We are united just as easily as we are divided. With so much diversity in opinion, you will eventually bring about one to the surface that enacts the herd mentality of agreeability. And, with such entitlement as living in a "first"-world country, what's not to like or agree on?
This is a big problem honestly. Everyone follows their own selfish desires. It's something that becomes apparent the more you recognize that the thing that normalfags strive for the most is to be unique and different. Yet they berate us for being different. It's kinda ironic in a way. Since normalfags seem to think they are on the right side of history but in reality they are nothing more than mere footnotes. Everyone would rather live obliviously rather than face the cold hard truth of reality. Imageboard users escape too however in these parts of the internet you get hardened and while things like anime still does amuse us somewhat, we rather instead of indulging in it use it as an ideal. The reason such a thing as a "waifu" exists isn't because it's degenerate. Though it can become degenerate if you become over obsessive. It's merely what we as men want our women to have in terms of qualities we strive for. You used an especially good word to describe it.
The fact that waifu's are a thing we have isn't because we are deviant it's because we want things to be better than the current state of things. Everything is shit, and modern pop culture is the epitome of the current worlds state. Everyone unwilling to change simply because they are too unwilling or are addicted to things like porn. I watch anime. However I also exercise, Eat healthily, Go out for walks, Work, Read and similar things. Anime is simply a hobby for me. Yet for others it's a way of life. That to me is horrifying. Anime is great, But holding it up as the absolute pinnacle of life is seemingly trying to use anime to replace something that is sorely lacking.

Anonymous 07/01/2020 (Wed) 17:03:23 [Preview] No.375 del
Indeed, as men we strive towards ideals, which are all in how we model them to be. While remembering that man is both the marble and the sculptor, our true challenge lies in implementing our ideals and thus our dreams into reality, taking a hardened mind and concentrated spirit, not relinquishing this life from what life may become. Rather, we desire no longer, coming to understand and acknowledge how powerful 'want' may succeed over 'need', as many are coming to observe currently. Unfortunate circumstances rear themselves in present time, children raised around hypersexuality being normalized since the time I came into being in the early 90's. This only warps the child away from rational living, preparing nothing in advance for livelihood. Instead of a future built by hands that love what they do, with greater love for what has been achieved, the lower mind dominates the actions of man, cutting away the Achilles' heel. In plain sight, when a couple looks more to their oartner's body rather than their eyes, the person of observation lost true sight to the one they are with. Individual subjectivity over objective love, and thus, truth itself.

Lest the continuity of discussion involve a downward direction, let us be reminded of matters involving importance. Values, virtues; what once held high credence to the pedigree of man may be restored by pillars set on a firm, steady foundation, and let it point towards higher purpose. I will share one with you that has helped to strengthen my resolve in these times, especially when building bridges with those you enact your efforts. Reciprocity is truly phenomenal, and helps to provide valuable lessons. In order to give, one must be willing to receive, and in order to receive, one must be willing to give. When done genuinely and honestly, you have a circuit of true power. Each revolution made by this circuit provides countless blessings, as one may find, and can be found within the self. When we appreciate the self, of who we are, there comes a great relief. This is what not only America needs, but everyone that continues holding life in their being. Remind yourself of this, and loathe not the incredible gift of life that we have. Listen not to the voices outside of your control, and direct this appreciation inside.

Anonymous 07/01/2020 (Wed) 17:13:00 [Preview] No.376 del
Posted too soon. Include that Americans are largely desensitized and demoralized, paving the road to derealization, a loss of touch with reality, fueling vain desires for escapism. Reality does not change, life does. This is part and parcel why we must strive to rise higher. Purpose only seems unreachable until we begin the ascent. Life is a summit, embrace this challenge and bear the lessons, no longer beating yourself up for learning them and instead applying them every step of the way. Power belongs to no system, despite how strong the illusions may be. You hold the power that others both crave and detest.

Anonymous 07/01/2020 (Wed) 18:18:10 [Preview] No.377 del
>Indeed, as men we strive towards ideals, which are all in how we model them to be. While remembering that man is both the marble and the sculptor, our true challenge lies in implementing our ideals and thus our dreams into reality, taking a hardened mind and concentrated spirit, not relinquishing this life from what life may become. Rather, we desire no longer, coming to understand and acknowledge how powerful 'want' may succeed over 'need', as many are coming to observe currently. Unfortunate circumstances rear themselves in present time, children raised around hypersexuality being normalized since the time I came into being in the early 90's. This only warps the child away from rational living, preparing nothing in advance for livelihood. Instead of a future built by hands that love what they do, with greater love for what has been achieved, the lower mind dominates the actions of man, cutting away the Achilles' heel. In plain sight, when a couple looks more to their oartner's body rather than their eyes, the person of observation lost true sight to the one they are with. Individual subjectivity over objective love, and thus, truth itself.
You can tell the character of a man by simply looking at how he copes with his life. Even simplistic things like a reasonable diet are difficult without proper amounts of discipline. Man strives to become great but is held back by his insecurities and more importantly, his hubris. When you think you are perfect that's the point you become lesser than dirt. A man should recognize his limitations and instead of hiding them he should try to limit them. Hypersexualization of society is another problem because it makes people care about pleasure rather than the practical choices. It's a shame but people never desire to leave their comfort. Most people would like to take the easy path but strong men take the hard path as a choice. It's this type of thinking that brings out the best of humanity.

>Lest the continuity of discussion involve a downward direction, let us be reminded of matters involving importance. Values, virtues; what once held high credence to the pedigree of man may be restored by pillars set on a firm, steady foundation, and let it point towards higher purpose. I will share one with you that has helped to strengthen my resolve in these times, especially when building bridges with those you enact your efforts. Reciprocity is truly phenomenal, and helps to provide valuable lessons. In order to give, one must be willing to receive, and in order to receive, one must be willing to give. When done genuinely and honestly, you have a circuit of true power. Each revolution made by this circuit provides countless blessings, as one may find, and can be found within the self. When we appreciate the self, of who we are, there comes a great relief. This is what not only America needs, but everyone that continues holding life in their being. Remind yourself of this, and loathe not the incredible gift of life that we have. Listen not to the voices outside of your control, and direct this appreciation inside.
People aren't willing to take care of their brothers and sisters. That's effectively what a nation is. A family of people. The word king comes from kin. He is the father of the people so to speak. Life maybe difficult but hatred is what increases the difficulty. Self pity is the destruction of man.

Anonymous 07/01/2020 (Wed) 18:18:26 [Preview] No.378 del
>Posted too soon. Include that Americans are largely desensitized and demoralized, paving the road to derealization, a loss of touch with reality, fueling vain desires for escapism. Reality does not change, life does. This is part and parcel why we must strive to rise higher. Purpose only seems unreachable until we begin the ascent. Life is a summit, embrace this challenge and bear the lessons, no longer beating yourself up for learning them and instead applying them every step of the way. Power belongs to no system, despite how strong the illusions may be. You hold the power that others both crave and detest.
Stories shouldn't be used as a form of escapism. They should be used as something which people should aspire to be. It's why women were always portrayed as strong willed, noble and were virgins. Men were portrayed as strong, brave, Full of vigor and love for his people. Nowadays men are portrayed as weak while women are portrayed as strong. The fiction of the era is what defines the people of the era. I will say the ancients weren't perfect but no one is. You have to recognize weakness and overcome it. Not acknowledging it will destroy you.

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Anyone ever had problems with this Anonymous 07/01/2020 (Wed) 10:57:46 [Preview] No. 366 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Alright so one of the things that really interests me for some reason is seeing how characters that come from the same series look completely different in the reboots of the series. This is obviously only for the older series but when it comes to some of them they look nothing like their new and "improved" counterparts. One of the biggest examples I can think of is Tokino Akiyama from Kujibiki Unbalance. Seriously if you put these two in the spotlight and told me they were the same individual I would never believe you. In tokino's case the OVA version to me is miles better. I wish these types of OVA's would come back because I seriously do miss them. They're pretty short as well meaning they don't waste much time. Another example which is less extreme is Tsutomo Senkawa from Tetsuwan no Birdy. Obviously aesthetics isn't everything to an anime but I feel like they ultimately add to the show and give it a distinctive identity. Unlike modern shows that look the same feel the same and have similar premises to each other.

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fear Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 19:15:50 [Preview] No. 348 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I feel like everytime I walk on a bridge I get the feeling I'm about to fall off of it. I think I might have a fear of height. Have you guys ever had any fears and if you do have you gotten over them. If this is the case how did you get over your fear because it's something I would like to try and get rid of.

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 23:09:07 [Preview] No.350 del
I recommend watching this movie.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Z5jvQwwHQNY [Embed]

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 14:40:38 [Preview] No. 344 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Got any interesting youtube/bitchute/whatever channels to share?

I'll kick off the thread with 3 channels -
The Proper People - They make videos about trespassing Abandoned "X"s from power plants to hotels.

Rev says desu - Anime shitposting

Asha Logos - Political Alt-Right??? Commentary

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 15:14:11 [Preview] No.345 del
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Moth Light Media- It's about the evolution of animals.


AsaToshi- Does some really nice things in Miku Miku, it's the only thing of that sort I watch.


EA Story-He has some pretty good and detailed videos on numerous wars detailing unit locations and actions on the front lines.


Greg's Airplanes and Automobiles- Has some quite good information on WW2 Fighters.


Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 15:40:25 [Preview] No.346 del
Nice collection.

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 21:25:40 [Preview] No.349 del
https://www.bitchute.com/video/lkbmYSVwCX8y/ [Embed]

Judaism is Based

NZD-99 Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 16:21:14 [Preview] No. 347 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Nen : A Technology that Enhance Human Abilities.
Zen : A Decentralized Gold/Silver/Copper Monetary System.
Den : A Decentralized Religious/Economical/Technological/Scientific/Intellectual/Military/Juridical/Political/Social Believe System.

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Anonymous 06/28/2020 (Sun) 11:36:04 [Preview] No. 312 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Imageboards have become increasingly stagnant over time, Think about the overuse of pepe and wojak. They haven't died yet despite people starting to get sick of them. Obviously there are outside forces that are partly to blame, but imageboard users in general have become seemingly more passive overtime so I think shifting the blame onto something else simply exacerbates the problem rather than fixing it.
15 posts and 6 images omitted.

Anonymous 06/28/2020 (Sun) 18:01:27 [Preview] No.332 del
> Interesting that you're trying to write a book because I was going to start one though I'm currently deciding whether to do it in first person or third person. I want to do third person but first person is so much more natural to me so it's quite difficult to adapt.
My advice: write it in first person so it flows out naturally. Then, if you read through it and feel thrid person would be better, make that edit.
My book is written in a sort of 1700's archaic style, but the first drafts were just in regular language to get it out until I felt more comfortable.

Anonymous 06/28/2020 (Sun) 20:58:30 [Preview] No.333 del
The thing is though. I wanted to write the entire thing in third person. My book is a fictional book so I felt that doing it in first person would feel a bit like I'm self inserting. I want to do something similar to a light novel.

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 01:53:50 [Preview] No.335 del
I meant write in first person then go back and change it to third.

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 02:17:07 [Preview] No.337 del
I feel First person is better. You can make your main character lie, bend truths, perceive things differently, deliberately ignore facts because he doesn't feel it's relevant only to make it show up later, and many things.

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 07:04:19 [Preview] No.343 del
You can do all of those things in third person as well though. Just don't make the character mention it. However I think this thread is going off topic. This was about imageboard stagnation not talking about the wonders of story telling. Though it seems that a lot of us here seem to have quite an affinity for it.

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Anonymous 06/28/2020 (Sun) 21:15:37 [Preview] No. 334 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I'm getting sick of vampires being portrayed as good guys. They're blood sucking monsters which feast on humans not some good misunderstood nice guy. It's something I've begun to notice but I genuinely think that it's rarer to see a bad vampire than a good one. Most shows take away traits from vampires to make them seem good. For example some of them may make them not need to drink the blood of humans to survive which kills the entire purpose of being a vampire and just makes them. I feel like twilight was the nail in the coffin for vampires when it made them into a deviant fetish for a women. Vampires should return to being villainous monsters.

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 03:11:24 [Preview] No.338 del
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But eating people is good.

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 04:19:21 [Preview] No.339 del
Vampires feel bloodlust in Twilight tho.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=lkMilWJJR_U [Embed]

Vampires are cool. They need to save face but struggle with inner demons like me, except physically.

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 06:43:38 [Preview] No.341 del
Check out Vox Day's "Midnight's War" if your looking for a comic with evil vampires.

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 06:51:39 [Preview] No.342 del
>Vampires feel bloodlust in twilight though
I never actually brought that up as an example of vampires with no bloodlust. I said it ruined vampires forever. Due to it's portrayal of them as misunderstood good guys. What I don't understand is why it's so popular among women.

>Vampires are cool.
I agree with this however I think vampires are cool because of they're intimidation factor and how they come off as gentlemanly while hiding the monster within. It's one of those don't trust a book by it's cover idea's that really appeals to me. Obviously everyone can have their own opinions on the matter. But I prefer vampires being monsters.

>They need to save face but struggle with inner demons like me, except physically.
I wouldn't mind a story where a vampire was trying to turn back into a human because she was turned into one. That would be interesting to see and how the vampire would resist the temptation to drink blood. How they would adapt to not being able to walk out in the sun, How they would deal with people coming to literally kill them. That's a more unique take on the concept. You could make it a dumb comedy like the original dragon ball. However I still prefer the more beast like idea of a vampire.

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Anonymous 06/28/2020 (Sun) 16:56:09 [Preview] No. 324 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Alright a friend of yours comes up and says he's getting married. He says that his wife wanted him to pick the song because she believes she has terrible taste in music. However he is too scared to personally pick out any music so he asks you personally as his friend to specifically pick out a song for his wedding. He says that he trusts you enough that he won't double check the music and you can put it on for the wedding. What type of music would you put on for the wedding and why?

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 02:09:32 [Preview] No.336 del
They played this at a wedding I went to once.

Type? I'd prefer some Synth.

Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 06:39:18 [Preview] No.340 del
Metallica is an interesting choice for wedding music. However it's not like the song is bad or anything. Honestly I kinda enjoyed it. Which is strange, considering I prefer Japanese music. Most European music has become about sex in drugs and it's made me quite disillusioned when it comes to English music. In fact I usually try to avoid it because of how corrupted it feels.

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Anonymous 06/27/2020 (Sat) 10:01:44 [Preview] No. 298 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What would you consider the worst possible situation that you'd find yourself in?
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Anonymous 06/27/2020 (Sat) 14:54:53 [Preview] No.305 del
How can you remember that, I barely remember things from 3 years ago.

Anonymous 06/27/2020 (Sat) 15:21:30 [Preview] No.306 del
I crapped my pants in the third grade. That's worse for sure.
I remember my first day of preschool vaguely. I remember much of kindergarten vividly. I was once sent home for biting another kid on the arm.

Anonymous 06/27/2020 (Sat) 15:24:09 [Preview] No.307 del
There's something about bad or embarassing things that gets forever burned into our brain.

Anonymous 06/28/2020 (Sun) 07:06:25 [Preview] No.310 del
>I was once sent home for biting another kid on the arm
Well sounds like you were pretty antisocial back then. I don't have any fond memories I had a pretty bland childhood with nothing of much consequence.

>There's something about bad or embarassing things that gets forever burned into our brain.
Maybe it's a response in order to make sure you don't repeat the same mistake over and over again. That makes most logical sense to me.

Anonymous 06/28/2020 (Sun) 13:19:10 [Preview] No.316 del
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I also got sent home in the 4th grade for telling my hispanic teacher that spanish people are disgusting.

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Anonymous 06/24/2020 (Wed) 15:14:41 [Preview] No. 272 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Do you prefer the design of eastern type dragons or western type dragons? If so is there a reason for your preference? I personally prefer western dragons as I prefer the quadruped look rather than the serpentine look eastern dragon's have.
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Anonymous 06/25/2020 (Thu) 14:21:07 [Preview] No.288 del
Nothing takes the realistic sense out of something like fucking facial hair on a reptile I guess. Do you think western dragons look more intimidating than eastern dragons?

Anonymous 06/25/2020 (Thu) 22:15:30 [Preview] No.292 del
I think the mystical nature of eastern dragons makes them more intimidating, especially since fantasy literature usually portrays western dragons as intelligent and empathetic.

Anonymous 06/26/2020 (Fri) 06:16:04 [Preview] No.293 del
I prefer the western type. Eastern dragons don't really have much of a personality and it would be hard to make them too as they are more mystical. They are don't actually do much other than fly about and bring fortune or misfortune whereas western dragons get up to a lot more.

Anonymous 06/26/2020 (Fri) 13:12:50 [Preview] No.294 del
I think that's mainly because western folk stories have dragons as either guardians or kidnappers or as a test for the hero to overcome. I mean the personality question is kind of an odd one. Since we're talking about giant lizards here.

Anonymous 06/26/2020 (Fri) 14:46:38 [Preview] No.295 del
Birds. Dragons are the ancestors of birds.