/inn/ - The Inn

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Alignment Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 18:27:08 [Preview] No. 220
Now that the place is basically settled where do you think /inn/ aligns on the d&d chart?

Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 23:30:52 [Preview] No.227 del
Lawful evil.

Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 04:04:09 [Preview] No.230 del
Why? The board seems relatively benevolent to me.

Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 04:19:58 [Preview] No.232 del
Chaotic Good. Imageboards itself are inherently chaos.

Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 09:10:09 [Preview] No.233 del
Seems people can't really come to a consensus, I personally think that's a positive. If it were me I'd say we're probably a combination of lawful and chaotic because this place is trying to keep a standard of quality while at the same time >>232 has a point.

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