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Photography Anonymous 07/02/2020 (Thu) 14:42:37 [Preview] No. 384
Why are people interested in photography? Is it because some people appriciate the beauty of nature and want to chronicle it? Do people want to record history? It's one of those things that has a lot of questions with little to Answer them. I believe that photography is actually quite an important profession due to it's power to chronicle the past and allow us to understand how they all functioned. Other things like art and sculptures are made to preserve their culture as well. The beauty of it all from the simple things like flowers to the more complex things like the life of a man is something that can only be done through photography and thus it must give photographers a unique lense on which they view the world. It's certainly interesting for a profession.

Anonymous 07/09/2020 (Thu) 14:30:23 [Preview] No.420 del
hardly a "profession"
it's a either another common low-brow employment (not too different from, say, hairdressing) or a pastime
its importance is overstated, probably because as the saying goes "an image is worth a thousands words": reading takes some effort, images can be automatically imprinted in your brain

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