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"What anime are you watching right now?" Thread Anonymous 06/17/2020 (Wed) 14:07:33 [Preview] No. 9
I just started Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!. The first few episodes have been incredible so far.

Anonymous 06/17/2020 (Wed) 14:33:44 [Preview] No.10 del
(36.02 KB 248x380 boysbe.jpg)
Watching a romance show called boys be.

Anonymous 06/17/2020 (Wed) 14:45:14 [Preview] No.11 del
Never heard of this. Looks like a mix of Nichibros and harem comedies after reading the summary.

Anonymous 06/17/2020 (Wed) 14:49:46 [Preview] No.14 del
I prefer older anime honestly.

Anonymous 06/20/2020 (Sat) 16:53:17 [Preview] No.170 del
Anime is gay. Manga is where it's at.

Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 03:31:47 [Preview] No.181 del
Manga is just anime with no sound or movement or colour.

Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 03:49:12 [Preview] No.183 del
Take that back you bitch!

Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 04:31:25 [Preview] No.185 del
It's true though, it's basically just a script.

Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 04:46:34 [Preview] No.186 del
On a serious note while manga can act as storyboards for an anime adaption my problem lies with adaptions in generals. It not uncommon for an adaption to leave out or change important details, ruin the pacing,or just be an incomplete product. Also if the added elements to an adaption doesn't improve the final product then it's a failure in my eyes. There are some adaptions that do improve the source material but more often that not they fall short, that's why I think original anime is better than adaptions. Though even without adaptions I think manga is a better medium because of the lowly barrier to entry allowing more experimentation.

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