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(31.54 KB 615x409 ghostgunner.jpg)
Anyone try out a ghost gunner receiver? Anonymous 01/03/2016 (Sun) 00:49:22 [Preview] No. 16
I know many /k/ommandos have already heard of this, but have any actually tried out a ghost gunner receiver?

I think it's great (for those in europe) who want the power to be able to resist tyranny if it comes to such things but I can see these being misused. Your thoughts?

Anonymous 01/04/2016 (Mon) 01:16:57 [Preview] No. 32 del
what is a ghost gunner receiver?

Anonymous 01/04/2016 (Mon) 01:28:07 [Preview] No. 34 del
I'm gonna guess and say its probably an unfinished receiver with instructions how to mill out the rest...

Anonymous 01/04/2016 (Mon) 01:29:34 [Preview] No. 36 del
Actually, it's a 3d printable receiver. You get a ghost gunner mill online which is legal to buy and you completely print it out of aluminum.

Anonymous 03/03/2016 (Thu) 04:07:22 [Preview] No. 85 del
(42.43 KB 551x458 alucardproceed.jpg)
neato. so ways to lawyer jew out of Yurop's shit laws thread?

Anonymous 04/30/2016 (Sat) 03:59:08 [Preview] No. 95 del
holy shit, you faggots never cease to amaze me

Its an underpowered cnc router that runs a single set of programs to make only one item

Anonymous 05/30/2017 (Tue) 21:56:34 [Preview] No. 166 del
It would be fucking amazing for yuros. IDK if they could get one, given its stated purpose. I'd love to get my hands on one and have fun with it.

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