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What is easier and more reliable to build in a cave? Anonymous 07/12/2021 (Mon) 23:18:05 [Preview] No. 257
So, I've got my list of different aircraft that I've tought about:
1.1 Petrol Jet
1.2 Electric Jet
1.3 Petrol Piston Propeller
1.4 Electric Engine Propeller

2.1 He 162
2.2 Me 262
2.3 Ta 183
2.4 Bf 109 (G6/K4/other improved variant)
2.5 Other Germany war emergency fighter

I just want a general opinion and a reason for your opinion. Thank you!

Just a quick note: I am a bit more inclined with He 162, with electric jet engine, as I have experience with it from games (using a stirling generator + car batteries for fuel on the real one) and maintenance after flight would be easier.

If you suggest something else please have something with the criteria: can hold minimum 4 pylons for SAAMS or bombs, can fly for over 4 hours and have spare fuel for another 30 minute of emergency flight back home, easy to build by untrained personel in cramped conditions, can get up to mach 0.8 without structural damage/failure.

Thank you, mein kameraden!

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