12/04/2024 (Wed) 14:40
Id: 20e591

Merry Christmash
From something lighter, to something even lighter. And from a top-fermentation ale to bottom-fermentation lager.
Today, we will crack open a bock from Randers Bryghus, called Jule Lys.
The beer pours a light amber color, leaving no head. It smells slightly of caramel.
When drinking it, it thankfully isn't flat, still having plenty fizziness to it, which its head wouldn't hint at.
It doesn't taste of nearly as much as the previous three beers, but that's not anything unusual when comparing tops and bottoms. Tops usually have a better mouthfeel and plenty more flavour, while bottoms are more refreshing and often better during warm days.
And the latter, is what this bock provides. A refreshing taste, with an after-taste of caramel and cinnamon, and a slight bitterness left behind in the back of your throat.
In summary, a beer better saved for a warm summer day.
And during summer, you needn't worry about the VOL either, since this one is only a meager 6%.
Happy drinking, and Merry Christmas