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US religious schizos in politics and beyond Bernd 07/10/2023 (Mon) 01:24 [Preview] No. 50643
Interesting article about some recent religious schizo movements in the US with some US-overdose moments: https://counter-currents.com/2023/07/the-ongoing-revolution-in-american-protestantism/

>There is an ongoing revolution in American Protestantism which is worth examining: the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). The NAR is an outgrowth of the Pentecostal Denomination which developed in Los Angeles during the 1906 Azuza Street Revival. Simply put, Pentecostalism’s difference from other branches of Christianity is the theological idea that the events described in The Acts of the Apostles are prescriptive rather than descriptive. A prescriptive view of Acts means that ordinary Christian believers in the here and now can and should experience personal interactions with the Holy Spirit, as well as speaking in tongues and other miracles as described therein. Christian theology prior to this interpretation saw the events in Acts as descriptions of historical, one-time affairs.

>The NAR’s initial concepts were developed by Charles Peter Wagner, an American missionary to Bolivia. When he returned to the United States in 1971, he popularized the concept of “spiritual warfare,” a type of conflict where humans battle unseen evil forces. The New Apostolic Reformation also has prophets and apostles within its ranks. An apostle was — or is, according to the NAR — a person who has seen Jesus Christ after the resurrection, was — or is — commissioned by the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel, and can perform miracles.

>The NAR has started to influence politics, and there is no reason to believe that this movement will dissipate anytime soon. Its believers supported President Trump, and they remain convinced that the 2020 election was fraudulent. One of their members, Doug Mastriano, unsuccessfully ran for Governor of Pennsylvania in 2022. Despite his defeat, Mastriano remains in the Pennsylvania State Senate.

>Perhaps the most important thinker in the NAR is the late Darrell Fields. Although Fields looks white, he is a member of the Cherokee Nation.

Bernd 07/10/2023 (Mon) 06:16 [Preview] No.50644 del
And what is your opinion about them?
>Despite his defeat, Mastriano remains in the Pennsylvania State Senate.
If he's a senator why wouldn't he remain?
>Its believers supported President Trump
I don't see them supporting Dems, so no surprises. Any sects supporting those?
>“spiritual warfare,” a type of conflict where humans battle unseen evil forces.
Does Dem. counts as unseen evil force?
Could have gone into the religion thread, or politics perhaps

Bernd 07/10/2023 (Mon) 14:46 [Preview] No.50652 del
I think me calling them schizos more or less showcases my opinion, plus that kind of movement/group doesn't really surprise me given that the rise of neopentecostals and the like is very clearly an American phenomenon that was eventually exported (as exemplified in that same article by the mention of them sending a missionary to Bolivia of all places over 100 years ago). I particularly liked some of the articles linked, such as the one going deeper into the prescriptive and descriptive views, and how it went back into American history to both look for similar thoughts/currents and make sense of how that specific movement framed their founding history.

>If he's a senator why wouldn't he remain?
I believe the point is that defeat didn't mean a decrease in influence.

>Any sects supporting those?
Not that I'm aware of, but I don't see the mention of them being Trump supporters as a qualifier of their activities but rather merely a description, if anything it's the other way around (if I interpreted you right): what matters is that part of Trump's support were such schizos rather than them supporting him saying something about them. As I remember some people saying years ago, relying too much on the support of people like that will eventually bite a politician on the butt unless he goes schizo as well, whereas them supporting him doesn't have much impact in their lives, at least in their circles. I believe the same happened in Brazil with Bolsonaro, for example (if you compare old interviews of his with more recent stuff it's very clear he changed his discourse to fit the large evangelical voter base).

>Does Dem. counts as unseen evil force?
Personally I think of them as merely another controlled pawn in that game for the masses, although maybe the stuff about people thinking about fighting demons in real life had a stronger impact on me since I've seen examples of retards like that (and again I emphasize it's very clearly imported, you can tell it's from the same line of thought as that stereotype of fat black American ladies screaming their hearts out at their church).

The politics thread seemed more about current events and since the catalog is pretty slow anyway I thought that it wouldn't be an issue to create a new thread.About the religion one, are you referring yo >>24641 ? Doesn't seem like a wider religion thread.

Bernd 07/10/2023 (Mon) 14:49 [Preview] No.50654 del
Another example of one of those several schizo sects.

Bernd 07/10/2023 (Mon) 14:56 [Preview] No.50655 del
Good! America needs to re-establish some of our lost morals. The country is largely atheist today and that has not done us any good at all, in fact we are one of the most corrupted, insolvent, de-industrialized, subverted and divided nations in the world today. I do not mean to be unpatriotic saying such a thing, it's very sad and wish it were not true. I think a lot of the shit we see in America today: increasing crime rates, rampant homelessness, corruption, greed and selfishness, political division, confusion about basic human genders, etc. is partly due to our loss of moral and faith.

Bernd 07/10/2023 (Mon) 15:08 [Preview] No.50658 del
And do you think religions where leaders claim to be a new Jesus who can fight spirits residing within people are the way to go?
It's also worth pointing out that the way Americans (and then later modern "liberals" as a consequence) deal with politics is very religious in nature and their puritan founding can be easily noticed.

Bernd 07/10/2023 (Mon) 16:01 [Preview] No.50659 del
The reformation was a mistake, none of this would have happened if protestantism was never created.
Oh and also America was a mistake and none of this would have happened if America was never created as well.

Bernd 07/10/2023 (Mon) 16:03 [Preview] No.50660 del
One day I have to get around to reading the bible.
Something that I have to find out is what kind of person Jesus was regarding his ascension to the status he has.
Was he passive or even against it? Or did he flame these fuels and even encourage it or instigate it himself in which case he's just another one of these madmen.

Bernd 07/10/2023 (Mon) 16:37 [Preview] No.50661 del
There have been several different interpretation of the Bible throughout history, from more theological things like the nature of the trinity to material stuff like the expenses of the clergy (what we know as reformation was far from the first time that was criticized, it was merely when certain positions finally had military backing, much like what became the status quo for the Catholic Church throughout the centuries was basically what had enough financial/military backing behind it). With that said, I think one of the best ways of acquiring perspective is looking at history and how the several different currents affected politics, the economy, regular people, etc. rather than delving into theological arguments (which quite often devolved into "you just have to believe!" if you followed certain lines of thought to their ultimate consequences). There's no consensus on whether Jesus existed as a historical figure either so you'd just be wasting time with a bunch of hypotheses which are often religiously motivated (as opposed to a religion agnostic truth seeking approach, which isn't exactly common but certainly more useful).

Bernd 07/10/2023 (Mon) 16:41 [Preview] No.50662 del
>calling them schizos more or less showcases my opinion
Perhaps but on chans "schizo" doesn't mean much these days.
>very clearly an American phenomenon
The US churns out all kinds of weird variations of Protestants. Sometimes they find their way into Europe.
>relying too much on the support of people like that will eventually bite a politician on the butt unless he goes schizo as well,
I concur. But it isn't just politics, can be entertainment, art or even science. Let's say a youtuber has to cater to those who found his channel and comment and support, pay, and demand. And sometimes they keep the youtuber to gain followers from people with other interests and such. Or like how fans of a band will call em sellouts if they dare to play something different, or a bit more mainstream.
>stereotype of fat black American ladies screaming their hearts out at their church)
Hallelujah my broder.

There is one thread with the Bible.
But never mind. I appreciate the concern about the threads.

Bernd 07/11/2023 (Tue) 19:50 [Preview] No.50669 del
I only saw a segment of it before and to be honest I can't watch the whole thing. Cringing too hard.

Morals could be gained from the community, because moral exists to make the community livable. But societies are too atomized, individualized; nationalism is crippled, bastardized, and made pretty much untouchable.

>Americans deal with politics is very religious in nature
Perhaps not just Americans.

I think deciphering that from the Bible isn't easy.
What comes to mind is that he did not consider his role of the classic Messiah for sure. For the Jews the Messiah was a political character, a new king who unifies the Jews, raise them, avenge all their grievances, and makes all the goyim serve the Jews. But he came humble on the back of a donkey, not a horse, and he said give to the emperor what's his, and give to God what's his.
Perhaps his interactions with the devil could worth a look. He defeated the temptation which isn't the same as conquering the devil, or casting down or stepping on his head as said in the video: >>50654

Bernd 08/12/2023 (Sat) 17:07 [Preview] No.50844 del
>speaking in tongues
They're completely missing the point. The Pentecost miracle described in the Acts of the Apostles was translation into real, human languages so the audience could understand. What they should see as prescriptive in it is the need for clear and convincing sermons. Gibberish nobody will understand, which is what pentecostals do, is the opposite of that. Even Paul wrote something to this effect.

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