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(458.52 KB 1080x1620 Osamu_Trigger.jpg)
仲間 06/08/2017 (Thu) 22:18:18 [Preview] No. 90
So apparently World Trigger is on an eternal hiatus due to the Mangaka's poor health. This sucks quite a bit since I enjoy manga with nerdy protags who wear glasses and aren't shitty worthless perverts. Any recommendations?

仲間 06/09/2017 (Fri) 01:06:12 [Preview] No. 91 del
(1.05 MB 1128x1600 Minna! Esper da yo.jpeg)
This one certainly.

仲間 06/09/2017 (Fri) 02:42:06 [Preview] No. 92 del
Hahahah, you think you've tricked me, but I've been reading this one actually, my Jap sucks too much to get too ahead from the translations though. Honestly I'm impressed that the Live Action show for it was so good. Granted a bit dumbed down, but still pretty good. Also I'm ashamed to say it but I found out about this manga via the show.

To be fair though he's just an average guy, of course he'd get lewd thoughts about the ones he crushes on. Granted the pink nipples arc had him go WAAAAAY overboard there.

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