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ChaosEsque Anthology Anonymous 06/02/2016 (Thu) 14:36:57 [Preview] No. 42
ChaosEsque Anthology is a first person shooter. It is a standalone modification of Xonotic which includes extended weapons, maps, vehicles, buildable buildings, mounted weapons, spell casting, monsters, player characters, textures, and game modes.

It has over 100 maps. Some are futuristic, some are ancient, and some are medieval. A few evoke platform games such as sonic, others follow a style more akin to diablo. Some are static maps, others are randomly connected.

There is something to fit your mood. There are mutators that can add mounted weapons in any map, buildings, monsters, foliage, hazards, and even balloons and bumpers. You can fight with futuristic weapons, medieval weapons, and /or hand to hand combat (over 100 weapons). There are also many vehicles (and a mutator to spawn them in maps that do not have them, as is tradition (as you can see)).

You can also set each team to start with different specific weapons if you want to test a theory that you could defeat a well equipped military force with your bolt action rifle or crossbow. Same with vehicles and mounted weapons spawning (you can set which spawn near which team in CTF etc). You can drink wine, potions, learn magic, read scrolls, so on and so forth.

The goal, and much of this has been reached, is to not limit the player.

Anonymous 06/02/2016 (Thu) 14:46:56 [Preview] No. 43 del
I don't know what has happened to mikee. He doesn't appear to be posting this on any other forums either.

Update 89 was released last week:

In all seriousness we need to get this thing into a repo. If anyone is good at deb packaging I think playdeb.net would accept it.

Anonymous 06/03/2016 (Fri) 00:10:51 [Preview] No. 44 del

>Why don't you update us on chaos any more? There is an /lv here too.

Just got into endchan.

I stopped updating 8chan because it seems to have died and everyone there is opposed to men taking female children as brides.

All there are there are stormcucks who workship mature white women now.

If you make a thread I'll update it from time to time.
Recent updates such as v89 has more foliage options, things to build, etc.

This week all my time has been taken up with arguing these legal arguments however, so no updates this week.

Anonymous 06/03/2016 (Fri) 06:06:55 [Preview] No. 45 del
Great to hear from you, no sweat about 8chan. I know you are a tor poster and as Jim "broke" tor, that blocks you.
Glad to see you made it to endchan.

Anonymous 06/03/2016 (Fri) 06:10:42 [Preview] No. 46 del
On another note, I am in the process of badgering playdeb.net to package chaosesque.

Anonymous 06/03/2016 (Fri) 19:14:08 [Preview] No. 47 del
>On another note, I am in the process of badgering playdeb.net to package chaosesque.


Keep us updated on any banter, drama, etc or things they don't like if any

Anonymous 06/04/2016 (Sat) 17:59:46 [Preview] No. 48 del

What did they say?

Anonymous 06/05/2016 (Sun) 01:57:26 [Preview] No. 49 del
Still trying to get a response first. I will post here as soon as I have a response.

Anonymous 06/05/2016 (Sun) 02:22:09 [Preview] No. 50 del
(456.45 KB 1280x720 NetflixScrewedYou.png)
Glad to see that you made it to Endchan MikeeUSA, 8ch really is shit now.

t. Makise Kurisu

>I stopped updating 8chan because it seems to have died and everyone there is opposed to men taking female children as brides
based as always for speaking the truth, 8ch is Reddit territory now, it really is.

Anyway, I love your work and seeing your thread made my day.

Anonymous 06/05/2016 (Sun) 05:24:56 [Preview] No. 51 del
>Anyway, I love your work and seeing your thread made my day.
Thanks :D

Hey I see a GardenRoulette banner right now uptop :D

Also, some people seem to have been calling your name recently on this thread: https://8ch.net/tech/res/605120.html

I think they desire your presence, if you will grant it.

Anonymous 06/08/2016 (Wed) 04:35:28 [Preview] No. 52 del
Any news from the playdeb people or are they just ignoring you?

Anonymous 06/08/2016 (Wed) 13:13:51 [Preview] No. 53 del
I am trying e-mail and IRC but no response yet.

I have submitted a bug report to get it packaged. Is there a git or something? I submitted the sourceforge page.

Anonymous 06/08/2016 (Wed) 21:00:04 [Preview] No. 66 del
There is git, however I wouldn't suggest using that for packaging as it git doesn't contain the maps and texture data. Also it's a pain to set up the various repos properly;

The release ISO contains that sourcecode aswell, both of the engine and the game code. They should package that. All they have to do is copy /XonoticChaosEsque/ to /usr/share/games/

Then make a symlink /usr/bin to the startup script (or wherever they put the executables.)

The engine source is in darkplaces-blablabla.zip, the crypto library is in another .zip and the gamecode quakeC is in the zzzzzz99999 pk3 (though they won't have to touch that at all).

Debian refused to package anything I make, however, because I'm opposed to women's rights, in-favor of man+girl(child), and am a "troll".

Perhaps the playdeb people are the same people?

Anonymous 06/09/2016 (Thu) 03:32:23 [Preview] No. 67 del
engaging the enemy now

...and people said that 4chan was full of Redditors, holy shit! That thread is an embarrasment to the memory of 8ch's brighter days, when things were still shiny and chrome

Anonymous 06/09/2016 (Thu) 10:06:29 [Preview] No. 68 del
>when things were still shiny and chrome

It seems so recent too, but weeks go by like days during constant-dev months.

Anonymous 06/09/2016 (Thu) 22:15:50 [Preview] No. 69 del
Looks like endchan is similar: /pol/ just deletes all my threads and responses (even the one where I was correcting someone claiming that Deutronomy was in the talmud and I was "Twisting" things with "oral law" when I was citing the actual hebrew words, rather than whatever english translation he's used to).


>Masterchan fag is PedoUSA coined in a /tech/ thread by an Anonymous user that isn't me. This is so meta, he had posted in /operate/ in a thread that was already answered by Barlog to look at Global Rule #1. Through the means of not justifying pedo threads, the millitant pedo never stops suggesting that it means this clearnet website is cucking its users. Marrying children and allowing pedo boards are different topics, yet he can't differentiate the two, while he ignores arguments that he doesn't want to argue and doesn't reciprocate that he understands those he talks to in either ignoring certain points he can't refute while repeating what he says in another. I'd say, he makes moral pedos (the ones that'll wait for their lover to be an adult before they marry) look bad while he pushes borderline Talmudic teachings of Deuteronomy and general Jewish mindset of finding any loopholes to circumvent the written law by substitution of their oral law (Talmud and sometimes Zohar) in their Babylonian Targum. That's just what I think.

> Anonymous Board volunteer 06/07/2016 (Tue) 21:33:08 Id: f1a268 [Preview] No. 15567
>Just gonna start locking MikeeUSA shit.

> Anonymous 06/09/2016 (Thu) 05:52:00 Id: c35ffe [Preview] No. 15649
>thank fuck

Anonymous 06/09/2016 (Thu) 22:20:43 [Preview] No. 70 del
Added this response to the /pol/

Will be deleted, I'm sure:

>I'd say, he makes moral pedos (the ones that'll wait for their lover to be an adult before they marry) look bad while he pushes borderline Talmudic teachings of Deuteronomy and general Jewish mindset of finding any loopholes to circumvent the written law by substitution of their oral law (Talmud and sometimes Zohar) in their Babylonian Targum. That's just what I think.

Deuteronomy is in the Old Testament, not the Talmud, and it says right there in the hebrew נַעֲרָה (na`arah) (Actually, the hebrew glyphs actually say: נַעַר na`ar , but it is na`arah by implication)

(If the man rapes a child, she becomes his wife (woman))

Reading the actual source text to you rather than whatever your chosen cuck protestant english translation says is not "Jewish tricks" or "oral law". It's reading the actual source text.

I bet the translation you love is that one commissioned by that faggot king of england too, right. The one who was a homosexual..

Fucking retard

Anonymous 06/11/2016 (Sat) 00:59:27 [Preview] No. 75 del

Yep /pol/ deleted and then complained linking to here.

Anonymous 06/11/2016 (Sat) 13:56:29 [Preview] No. 76 del
fuck off pedo

Anonymous 06/12/2016 (Sun) 03:41:55 [Preview] No. 77 del
Hot opinion you have there champ, how are you going to back that up? You don't get to just say that quoting holy scripture is immoral unless you are a faggot btw.

Anonymous 06/12/2016 (Sun) 06:59:48 [Preview] No. 78 del
i sincerely hope the turn off TOR posing just because of you.

Anonymous 06/12/2016 (Sun) 07:15:56 [Preview] No. 79 del
>i sincerely hope the turn off TOR posing just because of you.

That's never stopped me. proxychains:

tor+ face proxy from a constantly updating list from russ-si-ah.


Anonymous 06/12/2016 (Sun) 07:25:38 [Preview] No. 80 del
Off topic, but what distro(s) do you use?

Anonymous 06/12/2016 (Sun) 07:33:37 [Preview] No. 81 del
then why all the bitching about tor posting on 8clans

Anonymous 06/13/2016 (Mon) 04:23:20 [Preview] No. 83 del

None with systemd.

Anonymous 06/14/2016 (Tue) 06:07:38 [Preview] No. 84 del
Actually, IIRC he uses debian but uses rc or something, maybe sysv.

Anonymous 06/15/2016 (Wed) 12:01:06 [Preview] No. 85 del
Any words from playdeb irc or mail?

Anonymous 06/15/2016 (Wed) 21:00:06 [Preview] No. 86 del
Ugh, no. They are proving pretty difficult.
It's in the works though.

Anonymous 06/16/2016 (Thu) 02:11:05 [Preview] No. 87 del

What are they saying?

Anonymous 06/16/2016 (Thu) 06:11:36 [Preview] No. 88 del
Nothing. No response to email or irc.
The bug report is filed, so its submitted for packaging approval but I still want to talk with someone about requirements or how to better assure it gets packaged.

Anonymous 06/16/2016 (Thu) 06:40:25 [Preview] No. 89 del
Is anyone alive on the IRC?

If you start screaming and yelling, also highlighting people, they might stop ignoring you.

That's what it always takes for me when I go on an IRC channel.

I call them fucking pieces of shit, where the fuck is everybody, why do they come on an IRC channel if they are just going to park a bot there etc, then I copy every name from the channel and post it so they all get highlighted,etc.

Anonymous 06/16/2016 (Thu) 06:43:14 [Preview] No. 90 del

What if they make it clear that, normally, they would package it.

However, because the project is brought to you by a misogynist pedophile troll etc etc, they refuse. (This is usually the response I get from debian itself. I've also been called an "evil person" by one of the debian devs ( etbe.coker.com.au/2015/04/26/anti-systemd-people/ )

Do you have a plan to strike back if such occurs and is the reason?

Anonymous 06/16/2016 (Thu) 06:44:34 [Preview] No. 91 del
("them" here is whatever IRC channel I go to, since they're all insular ghost towns these days, I've never contacted playdeb)

Anonymous 06/17/2016 (Fri) 00:47:08 [Preview] No. 92 del

Anonymous 06/20/2016 (Mon) 04:45:11 [Preview] No. 93 del
What is new in the playdeb saga?
Has the IRC channel responded to you at all or do they just ignore you completely?

Anonymous 06/23/2016 (Thu) 08:46:40 [Preview] No. 94 del
Guess this board is dead too :(


>Re:Please stop (Score:2)
>by Azuma Hazuki (5086) Subscriber >Badge on Wednesday June 22, >@12:20PM (#363892)
>Thanks, I needed the laugh :)
>Mikee...poor, poor Mikee. This world is Hell for you, isn't it? And that's where you're going when this is all over, along with your "God of Deuteronomy." Anyone who does the research can tell that guy either doesn't exist or is some kind of evil spirit, which makes you anything from deluded to demoniac.
>In any case, you're not going to get fear or even anger from me; no, you just get a combination of amusement and pity. The more you post, the more everyone can see what kind of pathetic, half-developed walking abortion of a man you are. And of course, I don't doubt someone else besides me is screenshotting everything you say and may or may not be trying to see if you're employed and by whom, the better to send them said screenshots...

Anonymous 06/23/2016 (Thu) 08:47:41 [Preview] No. 95 del
>Mikee...poor, poor Mikee.
>This world is Hell for you, isn't it?

It is a woman's world, England and America made it that way.
The world is safe for democracy (the rule of the majority; the rule of women)

> And that's where you're going when this is all over, along with your "God of Deuteronomy." Anyone who does the research can tell that guy either doesn't exist or is some kind of evil spirit, which makes you anything from deluded to demoniac.

I would much rather burn in hell with the God of the book of Deuteronomy than be anywhere near the heaven of the god that women have enthroned.

>In any case, you're not going to get fear or even anger from me; no, you just get a combination of amusement and pity. The more you post, the more everyone can see what kind of pathetic, half-developed walking abortion of a man you are. And of course, I don't doubt someone else besides me is screenshotting everything you say and may or may not be trying to see if you're employed and by whom, the better to send them said screenshots...

I will know who to blaim.
Those who entice others to follow a god/ruler/judge other than that of Deuteronomy, the punishment demanded to be meted out by any who happen to be witness, is well know.

Anonymous 06/26/2016 (Sun) 20:00:15 [Preview] No. 96 del
v90 has been released:
4 new weapons. Building improvements. Misc fixes and improvements.

New weapons:
Crypistol (energy pistol)
SportShotgun (5 shot semi-automatic shotgun)
SpikedFlail (3 small spikeball chain flail)
ShootingStar (1 large spikeball on chain flail)

Flails have a 2/3rds chance of deflecting through even when blocked: if so they do 1/3rd damage.
If too close to person flail will do 1/2 damage (above applies aswell so can be 1/6th)
Flails also have longer windup time than other melee weapons.
Thus they have some things to master in them, but if someone is blocking every swing of your sword with their quaterstaff or their sword, you now have an option to get around them.

Pumpshotgun and SportShotgun now have changeable chokes (F+R keys).
Pumpshotgun: tight, open, duckbill.
SportShotgun: tight, open, restrictive.

You can now allow the building of "claimstones", which act like garrisons but only for furniature and blocks and do not lockdown land.
You can also set built beds to create a spawn point.
(These options are in the startweapons menu with the rest of the buildable options)
Thus you can allow people to build appartments without having to build a town to start, if you wish.

Various other changes.

If you are updating from version 89, these are the packages you want to update:
-rw-r--r-- 1 r00t r00t 428M Jun 26 06:25 zzzzzz999999_xmod-chaos-esque-xonotic-full_source_and_exec_binaries.pk3
-rw-r--r-- 1 r00t r00t 56M Jun 17 00:42 z9_buildable_buildings.pk3
-rw-r--r-- 1 r00t r00t 149M May 19 14:09 zz99-xmod-chaos-esque-xonotic-map_resources.pk3
(they go in the Xonoticbla/data/ directory as always)

The .ASC signature is up too, you know where.

There are now 112 weapons in total in the game.
(including 48 medieval weapons :) )


Anonymous 07/26/2016 (Tue) 01:19:11 [Preview] No. 99 del
Heh, MikeeUSA made maps for Crossfire RPG

Anonymous 07/26/2016 (Tue) 15:10:32 [Preview] No. 100 del
It is still distributed only as ISO? Is there's git repo for code?

Anonymous 07/28/2016 (Thu) 10:45:59 [Preview] No. 101 del
"It is still distributed only as ISO?"
This never was the case

> Is there's git repo for code?
This always was the case.

ISO is easiest however and contains the sourcecode.

Anonymous 08/03/2016 (Wed) 17:55:18 [Preview] No. 102 del
This question is about Xonotic.
Can someone explain what that code does exactly and why it is not done by excluding servers from listing, instead relying on some clientside hax

qcsrc/menu/xonotic/serverlist.qc, line 540
// server banning
n = tokenizebyseparator(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_BannedServers, " ");
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if(argv(i) != "")
sethostcachemaskstring(++m, SLIST_FIELD_CNAME, argv(i), SLIST_TEST_NOTSTARTSWITH);

Anonymous 08/04/2016 (Thu) 08:29:10 [Preview] No. 105 del
>> 102

That code is disabled in ChaosEsque.

The reason Xonotic did it that way is because they do not control the list servers. The Engine people do.

The second I saw that code, it got commented out. I thought "why do these .... wish to have the power to ban servers?"

Reminded me of BZFlag guys.

v93 Anonymous 08/08/2016 (Mon) 02:58:21 [Preview] No. 106 del
Many improvements since version 90 including new weapons (M9 pistol. Styer Aug assault rifle) and mechanics improvements.

For v93 Sound variety in bullet based weapons increased, amongst other things.

Anonymous 08/25/2016 (Thu) 13:39:05 [Preview] No. 109 del
07:17 -!- Irssi: Join to #darkplaces was synced in 1 secs
07:19 < unixuser> Xonotic stand alone mod: https://lgdb.org/game/chaosesque-anthology
07:19 < unixuser> Has reached release 93. Over 100 weapons, city generation, buildable buildings (like RTS) and
furnishings, spell casting, medeval weaps, futuristic weaps, modern weaps, foliage system,
nukes, etc etc. Thoughts?
07:20 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
07:22 < Diablo-D3> dunno why'd you make a xonotic mod
07:29 -!- Lava_Croft [~LC@] has joined #darkplaces
07:37 < Space_Man> thanks mikee
07:38 < Diablo-D3> sigh is that mikee? =/
07:41 < unixuser> Diablo-D3: maybe because divverent coded the base features that were needed for the mod into
xonotic at the beginning of the mod?
07:41 < Diablo-D3> yeah but like, why not just make your own game?
07:41 < unixuser> the rest of the mod is a simple extention
07:42 < unixuser> I don't know, maybe because I was working on things for nexuiz/etc for 10 years...
07:42 < unixuser> (since 2006 atleast)
07:42 < unixuser> maybe I go with what I know...
07:43 < unixuser> maybe good things don't come in a flash
07:43 < unixuser> maybe the wheel doesn't need yet another implementation?
07:43 < unixuser> perhaps I don't need to do useless work just to claim "I did it all look at me" (Diablo Dee
07:44 < unixuser> It's standalone anyway: you can just DL the ISO and run it (from the disc if you hate speed)
07:47 < unixuser> over 100 weapons...
07:47 < unixuser> :) /smug/
07:48 < unixuser> city generation, RTS style buildable buildings, all with interiors, foliage, lots of other
07:48 < unixuser> It's nice having exactly what you want in a game, and all of it. The power of OpenSource
07:50 < unixuser> Matches with the buildables can go on for hours and hours as you try to build up your
civilization while degrading the other player(s). Also even if it's not a team game, the
admin can enable friends and you can make alliances etc.
07:50 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has joined #darkplaces
07:51 < unixuser> Think of an RTS where you can actually be in the buildings.
07:52 < unixuser> You can also build apartments inside the city generation buildings. Secretly plotting against
the strongest player with the strongest base with your own place in the nearest town to his
07:53 < unixuser> Not enough weapons?: There's a mutator to spawn them around. Same for spawnpoints etc. By
default if a map doesn't have spawnpoints the game will now make some, or if ones are not
usable, thus avoiding crash.
07:53 < unixuser> Lots of compatability code was added for Q1 maps also, so you can enjoy those.
07:53 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
07:58 < Lava_Croft> Who let this guy through the slipgate
07:59 < unixuser> Lava_Croft: what are your objections?
08:00 < unixuser> Jealous that I can spend 10 years continiously working on a project while you go earn your
08:00 < unixuser> That I do as I want, while you do as you must
08:01 < unixuser> Maybe when you retire at age 59 you'll have such freedom (but no drive any-longer), untill
your body falls apart within that decade.
08:01 < unixuser> Lava_Croft: tick tock, Lava_Croft , tick tock, the boss doesn't make money for himself you
08:02 < unixuser> https://lgdb.org/game/chaosesque-anthology
08:06 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has joined #darkplaces
08:09 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
08:24 < Lava_Croft> i can spend 10 years taking a shit and afterwards feel proud too
08:28 -!- fleeky_ [~fleeky@p4FC190C4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit ["Leaving"]
08:37 -!- PrimalLove [~PrimalLov@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
08:37 -!- PrimalLove [~PrimalLov@] has joined #darkplaces
08:39 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has joined #darkplaces
08:42 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
08:45 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has joined #darkplaces
08:49 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
09:13 -!- Tomaz [~tompsson@h-236-221.a199.priv.bahnhof.se] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:14 -!- Tomaz [~tompsson@h-236-221.a199.priv.bahnhof.se] has joined #darkplaces
09:14 -!- mode/#darkplaces [+o Tomaz] by Caleb
09:18 < unixuser> Lava_Croft: tick tock wagie, keep making money for your boss
09:19 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has joined #darkplaces
09:19 < unixuser> only 1 more day till freedom for 2 days
09:19 < unixuser> Lava_Croft: you're waiting till you're 59 to take that "10 year shit"
09:20 < unixuser> wagie gets to live, only when they're almost dead
09:22 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
09:22 < unixuser> look how low brow the wagecuck is "< Lava_Croft> i can spend 10 years taking a shit and
afterwards feel proud too" a real workin' mayne, making a paycheck for his woman n kids, got
no time for that hobby bullshit, it's all "shit" anyway, he could surely do better, and will,
when he retires at 59 and has 10 years to himself!

09:23 < unixuser> all those good years of his life, traded for maybe a decade of near decrepitness to himself.
09:23 < q66> "wagecuck" dat edge
09:23 < q66> have you considered going back to 4chan
09:24 < unixuser> what a great deal! awsome decision. and that's if there is no divorce and childsupport!
09:24 < unixuser> q66 do you make good money for your boss too?
09:24 < q66> i work on open source, for decent money, from home
09:25 < unixuser> wagies: while you were slaving away and have nothing to show for it, I've been just doing my
hobby: https://lgdb.org/game/chaosesque-anthology
09:25 < unixuser> q66: is it a videogame in freedom?
09:25 < q66> no
09:25 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has joined #darkplaces
09:25 < unixuser> a videogame engine, in freedom?
09:26 < q66> nothing videogame related
09:26 < q66> gamedev is a silly thing
09:26 < unixuser> q66: I don't know, unless it is audio composition software, or an image editor sounds like
you're wagecucking
09:26 < unixuser> 09:26 < q66> gamedev is a silly thing
09:26 < unixuser> only a wagecuck could believe that
09:27 < unixuser> well, in the negative sence: it is silly as in a fun frivolity
09:27 < unixuser> but all consumer computer tech is a frivolity
09:28 < unixuser> q66 gamedev while wagecucking is a sillything. Gamedev as a hobby is years of fun.
09:28 -!- Blub\w [~wry@] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
09:29 < q66> i already do that
09:29 < q66> but professional gamedev is shit
09:29 < unixuser> yes it is, only a fool would slave away in pro game dev
09:30 < unixuser> taking one's passion, and making it one's hell
09:30 < unixuser> might aswell kill themselves since they ruined the thing they used to love, and now have
nothing to live for
09:32 < unixuser> q66: take the standalone mod for a spin, tell Lava_Croft how right he is and how he was
correct to make money for a boss for a decade rather than following passion and fufilling his
own dreams: validate him!
09:33 < unixuser> Don't expect anything in return for the pat on his back tho: he's eternally too worn out
everyday for wagekeking to ever help you out!
09:34 < q66> have you considered killing yourself
09:34 < unixuser> no, why would I?
09:34 < unixuser> I'm not a wagecuck, so I just do as I wish and enjoy myself building what I want to build.
09:35 < unixuser> I don't understand the foundation of your question.
09:35 < unixuser> Not everyone wishes to enjoy the wages the wagie earns.
09:37 < unixuser> You work and work and work. And then you die. You have turned your back on the thoughts of
the God of Deuteronomy and support the opposite views. The wages of sin is death.

Anonymous 08/25/2016 (Thu) 15:01:39 [Preview] No. 110 del
Haha, I love reading these.

Anonymous 08/30/2016 (Tue) 11:56:13 [Preview] No. 111 del
:D Glad you enjoyed IRC convo

Anonymous 08/31/2016 (Wed) 00:25:19 [Preview] No. 112 del
MikeeUSA is so cool. I like that he lives life like a boss, telling it like it is.

Anonymous 09/13/2016 (Tue) 21:32:16 [Preview] No. 123 del
Anyone having fun?

Anonymous 10/04/2016 (Tue) 14:19:10 [Preview] No. 124 del
Updated. Enjoy October supprize.
Terminator (1984) weapons.
Additional building to build with utilitool.
Misc other improvements.

Anonymous 10/05/2016 (Wed) 03:06:54 [Preview] No. 125 del
Be Arnold Schwarzenegger circa 1984 with the weapon types he used to sytematically eliminate possible threats to his kind:

New Weapons:
AMR-18 Rifle with extended 43 round magazine and stock removed.
Spas-12 Twelve Gauge Autoloader
1911 Longslide with laser sighting (second fire button)

Styer TMP
Crylancer (Automated enegy rifle, secondary for long ranged attacks)

New Buildable:
(for utilitool): Observation Tower (raised tower with 2 stories up top with defensive firing positions)

F3 and respawn are now same amount of time (thus one does not avoid the respawn delay by going to spec and then rejoining)
Proper sound for some weapons. Misc other fixes.

Anonymous 10/14/2016 (Fri) 13:27:49 [Preview] No. 126 del
"Whatever happens, we have got,
the Maxim gun,
and they have not"

New Vehicles: Fokker Eindecker III Monoplane, A7V Sturmpanzerwagen WWI German Tank.
New Mounted Gun: Hotchkiss M1914 machinegun. (Used in WW1)
Fixes: To WWI aeroplanes for reload from ammo stores.
Extra code to bring the new buildings into the city generation code.
Misc additions and fixes aswell.

Cut down the savages with these WWI era weapons!
Round after round ripping through their bodies!

Anonymous 10/17/2016 (Mon) 10:31:40 [Preview] No. 127 del
Dude, that spas is fucking sick!

Anonymous 10/17/2016 (Mon) 16:31:38 [Preview] No. 128 del
Wojciech "Veti" Klimas - SPAS-12 (autoloading shotgun)

Thanks to Veti for the SPAS-12 model.

Anonymous 10/30/2016 (Sun) 21:25:28 [Preview] No. 138 del
Yo Mikee. What hardware are you running these days?

Anonymous 11/02/2016 (Wed) 20:58:38 [Preview] No. 151 del
New weapons: springfield rifle, mosin nagant, broomhandle mauser pistol, mauser machinepistol.
New feature: closed bolt automatic small arms will now over heat, like the mounted guns do.
(Open bolt and watercooled weapons do not overheat)



"There is scarcely a town or school in Russia from which boys have not run away to the war. Hundreds of girls have gone off in boys' clothes and tried to pass themselves off as boys and enlist as volunteers, and several have got through, since the medical examination is only a negligible formality required in one place, forgotten in another. "

-- Stephen Graham, in "Russia and the World", 1915

QT3.14's for the lines?

v97 Direct download ISO: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/chaosesqueanthology/Rel_97/XonoticChaosEsqueAnthologyREL97.iso?r=https%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Fchaosesqueanthology%2F&ts=1478103194&use_mirror=liquidtelecom

Download latest ISO link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthology/files/latest/download

Anonymous 11/02/2016 (Wed) 20:59:33 [Preview] No. 152 del
>Yo Mikee. What hardware are you running these days?

A laptop from ~2012
A desktop from ~2008 with some upgrades when parts fail.

Anonymous 11/02/2016 (Wed) 21:37:49 [Preview] No. 153 del
I remember you mentioning the laptop is an Intel. What graphics are in the desktop?

Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 19:10:28 [Preview] No. 154 del

Nvidia isn't as fast as one would expect vs intel...

Anonymous 11/03/2016 (Thu) 20:31:47 [Preview] No. 155 del
Pfff, probably nicer than the screen tearing I get with my AMD.

Is there any way to make xonotic more graphically demanding? I guess the DP engine doesn't get many new features?
Also, what is the difference between the sdl and glx binaries?

Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 19:52:22 [Preview] No. 156 del
SDL sometimes doesn't work.
GLX sometimes doesn't work.

Rarely neither works... inwhich case one has to compile DP one'self.

You could bug DP to support "VR". People have been bugging me about it but I'm not an engine programmer and couldn't afford the VR things anyways. Also they're all proprietary IIRC.

@ irc.anynet.org

Could also bug for other features. Model slicing/cutting, flare suns?

Procedurally generated worlds and textures? That would probably eat up some GPU. Would be fun.

Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 19:53:29 [Preview] No. 157 del
Other ideas are to add .bsp map loading for enemy territory bsps.

They mused that with some work darkplaces could even load unreal (97, 99) bsp files.

More things to eat some FPSs...

Anonymous 11/04/2016 (Fri) 19:56:02 [Preview] No. 158 del
Best bet, tho, if you want something in, is to code it and send them the patch. Hang out on their IRC so you can ask if you hit into a wall. Recruit others to help etc.

Anonymous 11/08/2016 (Tue) 12:18:31 [Preview] No. 160 del
US election day surprise: v98
New weaps: Hellrigel WW1 SMG. Webley revolver. Webley dragoon.


Anonymous 11/09/2016 (Wed) 18:28:01 [Preview] No. 161 del
Wait a little. Are you expecting anons to run binaries? Documentation on compiling is present or simple as single make command?

Anonymous 11/11/2016 (Fri) 00:15:35 [Preview] No. 162 del
make xonotic

It will make the binaries (also make sure you have the crypto libs in the correct spots (blind0d lib etc), the readmes tell about that).

then you can copy them to your Xonotic directory.

Anonymous 11/11/2016 (Fri) 00:19:21 [Preview] No. 163 del
There was an election day surprise.
Trump won.

Women are mad.
Blaqs are Ultrasuede (for some reason even though Hillary was whyte 2)

Anonymous 11/11/2016 (Fri) 00:22:27 [Preview] No. 164 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=AMlimMxhbiI [Embed]

Russians are happy :D

Anonymous 12/03/2016 (Sat) 05:32:17 [Preview] No. 188 del
Release 99: New weapons: ChauChat, Sho-Sho (30-06 version), BAR-1918, Nagant M1895.
New buildables: Large Chest (wooden).

This release adds 4 new world war I weapons to the game: The french ChauChat,
The 30-06 version fielded by the American army nicknamed the Sho-Sho (which was horribly unreliable),
the 1918 version of the Browning Automatic Rifle, and the Russian Officer's pistol:
The 1895 double action model of the Nagant revolver.

The ChauChat and Sho-Sho can jam hard after enough bullets are fired through them
and the aluminium (al-uuuu-min-eye-um) heat jacket expands inside. This is coded into the
game code, so be careful. Additionally to that short over heatings and jammings can occur aswell,
especially with the 30-06 version.

(BTW... the Team here enjoyed the election results, did you?)

Anonymous 12/11/2016 (Sun) 09:26:15 [Preview] No. 190 del
Release 100! For this release a new additional map was constructed; Saffer's War; A trench warfare map with a greek / marble-zone theme, and enough room to build and fly aeroplanes in (includes floating islands aswell). An opensource track by Snabisch is used for the musical backing to give an 8-bit flair to the map.

Additional weapons also come in the pot: MG 08/15 for your WWI simulating needs and a portable Lewis Gun (though the mounted guns will get you much better accuracy (nixes muzzle rise).

There are more building options aswell: barbed wire for the multitool when not in medeval mode, concerta wire for the utilitool, and small platforms for use in raising your mounted guns to the desired height (8 and 24 qunit increments).

Additionally bugfixes to the building code for resource generation in teamgame mode.

Enjoy Release 100!


Anonymous 12/11/2016 (Sun) 09:35:10 [Preview] No. 191 del
CEA made it to release 100. What do you think?

A new map was made for this release: Saffer's War. Which is a trench-warfare map which is also pretty spacious so can be used for building towns and fortifications. You now have a fuller complement of WWI style weapons aswell (which you can use in any Q1 or Q3 map, ofcourse). From v 99 there are some more building options and fixes aswell.

Also anyone have anything bad to say? I remeber some people saying that absolutly nothing is done in this mod. 130+ weapons would beg to differ. City generation would beg to differ. The new map would beg to differ. For the naysayers: show us your 100 releases of a project.

Feels like election day night.

Anonymous 12/18/2016 (Sun) 15:01:26 [Preview] No. 194 del
Release 101. This release adds ambient temperature to the game. Mappers can set it in their map.mapinfo file using the set_temp_for_type all g_suggested_ambient_temperature -20 (for instance). Players can change it in the create>mutators>enviromental mutators section. If g_ambient_temperature is 0 it is disabled. If the temp is too cold players lose body heat, if it is freezing they eventually freeze. By standing in or near a building, a fire, or being in a vehicle one can warm one'self up. If the temperature is set at 300 or more degrees (C) trees, shrubs, and wooden buildings reach autoignition and burn.

There are also some bugfixes submitted by Mario so as to reduce console spam via the EvaluateHitMaterial subroutines. Mario contributed some code to test if the cvar exists first, thus not accessing a not-yet existant Cvar and have the engine complain. Thanks Mario!

Anonymous 12/19/2016 (Mon) 13:21:16 [Preview] No. 195 del
Release 102: This release improves the ambient temperature code by allowing one to stand near point-particle flames to gain heat. They are in many maps so this integrates well with the existing game. Additionally one can now place limits on the ambient temperature so that it only operates in a specific area. The map KSTBunkerCTF64 showcases this feature. Some gameplayfix options have been added: one to set an upperlimit on func_door mover speed. These are sometimes used as elevators and the one in KSTBunker was too fast. You can also set teleporters to silent (shown in hypergallery11) Some fixes were added. An Info tab has been added next to Settings>Input which shows documentation about additions Chaos-Esque has added and how to use them.

Anonymous 12/23/2016 (Fri) 18:01:06 [Preview] No. 196 del
Release 103 brings some new additions and bugfixes right in time for Chistmas:
New weapons: Three new LightSabres - Red, Green, Blue, each with own handle style and different stats.
New monster: Ninja Assassin. Buildables: recruitment posts placed in shrines will recruit Ninja Assassins (about 15 grain needed for each, 1 housing).
Improvements to ambient temp system, Improvements to freeze/paralyse.
Bug fixes. Addition of manual-ctf-flag capping option (must manually bring
flag back to base if enabled). New music for ArenaAutomatica (AKA: AutoPlayArena ]|[)
Settings>Input documentation added to.

Anonymous 01/02/2017 (Mon) 21:19:31 [Preview] No. 197 del
Got banned from opengameart:

They disliked the discussion going on here:

So now my portfolio page of well over 100 contributions is blocked:
( You are not authorized to access this page. )

For saying things they didn't like on the forum. (First thing they complained about was my support for Trump)
That's opensource!
Then they mock "freeze peach" on twitter:

"Muh freeze peach" is the opensoure maven's comment.

So well over 100 contributions count for nothing, obeying their speech control dictats count for everything. Just like in 2009: esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1310

Why is it that opensource people, and white western people in general are feminist piece of shit scumbags?

Anonymous 01/03/2017 (Tue) 10:14:32 [Preview] No. 198 del
Oh dude, that sucks. I was once on a great forum that was ruined by the moderation team. It's like a power trip for some losers. The surest way to kill a community is to censor it.
Was this the work of a unanimous mod team? Is there an admin you could appeal to?

Anonymous 01/08/2017 (Sun) 01:09:40 [Preview] No. 199 del



There are a bunch of people with few to no contributions of their own celebrating my banning, while I have well over 100 contributions (music, 3d models, etc), and I am banned and hated for what I said on the forum.

I want revenge against these fucking pieces of shit.

>This is a false equivalency here. Commenting that someone is violating the rules in a bad way is not as bad as violating the rules yourself. I'd rather not chastise a valued contributor just to appear to be fair to someone breaking the rules left and right and demanding to get away with it. People who act that entitled to anything should be slapped down just so they don't think they can do worse.
>That being said, if ChaosMikee is now banned, there's no reason to have additional comments on the whole situation. The threads should be locked and preferably made invisible. Not deleted, though. If the guy really makes a nuisance lawsuit (because that's all it'd be) it'd be nice to have copies of his posts that clearly indicate who we're dealing with here. No lawyer or judge or anybody can feel sympathic to this guy in even a small way after seeing his posts.

>There is no feasible way to have a separate forum and submission user. Mold and others are correct; the profile is blocked with the user, though the content was specifically set to stay in place instead of being deleted.
>Even if that were not the case, his hateful slurs, threats of violence (threats of litigation is not an issue, but violence is), politics, and religious content were not relegated to just the forum. His continued submitting was just more of the same. I'm all for free speech, but this is more like someone spray painting a building with graffiti, then shouting "oppression!" when they're arrested for it. Even if what was said should be protected, the method used is not allowed. Not that it matters, because there is no way to half-ban someone.
>--Medicine Storm

I want revenge against these fucks. Their speech codes are more important than contributions. I want revenge.

Anonymous 01/08/2017 (Sun) 01:11:38 [Preview] No. 200 del

Contributions to "OpenGameArt" don't matter. All that matters is obedience to these fucking pro-women's rights faggot pieces of shit.

I want them to suffer.

Anonymous 01/08/2017 (Sun) 04:00:37 [Preview] No. 201 del
>{salty MRA tears}

Free Software "advocate" mocks actual open-source contributor/programmer.

Anonymous 01/10/2017 (Tue) 23:30:43 [Preview] No. 202 del
"contributions" LOL

you call that shit a game? nobody wants to play this crap.

Anonymous 01/11/2017 (Wed) 07:23:13 [Preview] No. 203 del

You fucks kept quite for the time my portfolio page was up. You couldn't argue with the volume of work (3d models, music, textures).

I don't give a shit about what you want to play. I would prefer that you wouldn't play anything: if I had my way you'd be dead: executed under the law written in deuteronomy. I work on the game for myself. I'm glad this bothers you.

New version out btw: 105.

Oh and: Trump Won.

Anonymous 01/11/2017 (Wed) 19:11:28 [Preview] No. 204 del
Release 105:
New vehicles imported and added (spacecraft) with lasers and pulse lasers as armaments,

New entities for mappers to put down buildings in their maps (building_sctiles, etc), many entities added to netradiants entities.ent file (vehicles, food, drink, nades, etc).

Bugfixes, cleanup.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=CYNjAKLtEYw [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=oXh2LKnMZDk [Embed]

Anonymous 01/15/2017 (Sun) 16:11:17 [Preview] No. 205 del
I-I do.

Release 112 Anonymous 03/05/2017 (Sun) 23:29:49 [Preview] No. 218 del
Release 112: Two new weapons since last announcement: Dragunov SVD, and a bat. A new vehicle: submersible. Extensive bugfixes and improvements.
Players who venture into lava now will ignite: making the hazard that much more deadly (and realistic)
And now there is a Volume 2 of the game as we have expanded past the capacity of one DVD. Volume 2 includes a new terrain map: Grand Chessboard (8 miles across), aswell as the maps EstateEsque and TankConcourse (amongst others)
Additionally there has been improvements to the foliage system and vehicles system.

Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthology/files/latest/download
Volume2: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthologyvolume2/files/latest/download

Anonymous 03/05/2017 (Sun) 23:31:23 [Preview] No. 219 del

We're now on Volume 2, you FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT. Let's see your contributions to anything. The game cannot fit on 1 dvd any longer.


Marry young girls.

Anonymous 03/06/2017 (Mon) 15:03:19 [Preview] No. 220 del
>Players who venture into lava now will ignite: making the hazard that much more deadly (and realistic)
That's really cool.

Have you thought about making this officially a fork? With Xonotic moving away from the dark places engine, X:CAE can't really call itself an expansion of xonotic once that happens. It only really means a name change, removing where ever it says xonotic.

Also, I beg you, please change your release strategy. To redownload the iso for every release just seems tedious, not to mention now the second volume. Just releasing a tarball with the altered files since the last version along side the iso would make a huge difference. Having release files like that could even mean an updater script is possible. A bash script could pull the tarball in increments from the current version number.
I had hoped for playdeb to pick this up but they have a long list of games awaiting approval with nothing being done.

Example script:
cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"
while :
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthology/files/Rel_"$GAME_VERSION"/"$GAME_VERSION".tar.xz
if [ -e ./"$GAME_VERSION".tar.xz];
tar -xf ./"$GAME_VERSION".tar.xz
echo $GAME_VERSION > curvernumfile
exit 0

You will probably want someone to double check that script though, or write a better one, I am not so good.

Anonymous 03/12/2017 (Sun) 03:59:32 [Preview] No. 222 del
Release 113: Enjoy the water with a new vehicle: Speed Boat! Have fun in the sun in tank-concourse while your friends frolic in the sands and on the loops. Aditionally extensive improvements and bugfixes.

Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthology/files/latest/download
Volume2: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthologyvolume2/files/latest/download

Anonymous 03/12/2017 (Sun) 04:16:32 [Preview] No. 223 del
>Have you thought about making this officially a fork? With Xonotic moving away from the dark places engine, X:CAE can't really call itself an expansion of xonotic once that happens. It only really means a name change, removing where ever it says xonotic.

It is officially a fork.
>X:CAE can't really call itself an expansion of xonotic once that happens.

Removing Xonotic from the name would be plagiarism and disrespectful to Divverent and others who made Nexuiz and Xonotic what it is.

If the new people wish to go some seperate way (they've allready trashed lots of Divverent weapons code: Div0's code allows one to quickly add weapons as all the code for one weapon is mostly in one file for that weapon, their "new better" coded seems to go back to the old bad way of having it all over the place) (Div0 set up the code this way after I complained about how you have to go to 20 files just to add a weapon. He really added tons of stuff I wished for and helped me, he also coded the weapon system to be easily extensible: which is why X:CEA has 144 weapons while X is capped at about 70 something (and only has 18 or so)).

>moving away from the Darkplaces engine
What traitors the new people are. When America moved away from England, and later away from English culture, the name of the language the AEnglish spoke did not need to be changed.

Lord Havoc did so much work and added so many features for Xonotic etc. The new people spit on him and put a knife in his back. X:CEA remains true however.

Secondly I contributed to Nexuiz (tuba model and a small bit of code (trigger_heal)), I pushed for the fork for a long time, whispering in the ears of the developer(s) I was in-contact with, and then they finally did it. I got alot of things by just talking, many many features, and then was taught how to code QC by the guys aswell.

I may call my fork, in-turn Xonotic: till the end of time. And I shall.

Regardless of Copyright law, even if you have obeyed the (C) law, there are often other laws having to do with attribution: even if a (C) license says "you don't have to give attribution".... you'd better give attribution anyway.

Sure, maybe new people are sitting behind the name Xonotic now, they can sail on wearing the mask, but we will not change our name: we are a fork of Xonotic: the Xonotic of Divverent, Tzork, Samual, and ...

somewhere in the dark...
to some small degree
of me.

We won't be stripping credit: it will always remain _X_:CEA (God willing)

Seperate pk3s are uploaded here:
And here:

So one can update peacemeal if they would like manually.

Anonymous 03/12/2017 (Sun) 04:19:34 [Preview] No. 224 del
X:CEA has been separate from Xon since 2012.
Totally seperate tree etc. It's officially been a fork for years.

Anonymous 03/13/2017 (Mon) 01:34:29 [Preview] No. 225 del
>With Xonotic moving away from the dark places engine,

I recorded something sometime ago about this treason:

https://youtube.com/watch?v=4KbTBLRDJ9s [Embed]

Anonymous 03/13/2017 (Mon) 03:33:57 [Preview] No. 226 del
>/lv/ on endchan which is based off a dead board on 8chan
>mikeUSA on here
My god you guys are autistic. Mike, why are you here? Were you banned from 8chan's /lv/?

Anonymous 03/13/2017 (Mon) 03:44:25 [Preview] No. 227 del
Mike why are you unable to separate games from politics? Do you have autism? And any little girl you marry is going to end up over the age of 30 during your marriage and become an adult.

Anonymous 03/13/2017 (Mon) 06:10:24 [Preview] No. 229 del

For instance, today there was much work on shaders for the suburbtex texture pack (has the marbles etc).

Reflection shaders.

Also a new floor was added.

Uploading zz99_suburbtex1of3.pk3 to /home/pfs/project/xmodchaosesquemedia/mapsdvd0/zz99_suburbtex1of3.pk3


Anonymous 03/13/2017 (Mon) 06:12:53 [Preview] No. 230 del
>My god you guys are autistic. Mike, why are you here? Were you banned from 8chan's /lv/?

8chan's /lv/ is deader than endchan's /lv/

Secondly it often took 8 tries to get a post through 8chan, so I quit bothering.

Thirdly they turned against lolis on 8chan.

Forthly /pol/ on 8chan should be executed under the law written in the book of the law (Deuteronomy) since they oppose men taking young female children as brides (as do all white-knight-nationalists, muuhhh white wuuuman)

Anonymous 03/13/2017 (Mon) 06:16:07 [Preview] No. 231 del
>Mike why are you unable to separate games from politics?

Because I do it for free.

> Do you have autism?
I'm not a white "muh white woman" nationalist.

>And any little girl you marry is going to end up over the age of 30 during your marriage and become an adult.
All females age, your argument is that I should get one older thusly. Wonderful logic.

The God of the book of Deuteronomy places no limit on the number of females a man may be ba'al of (overlord of).

Jesus seems to have hated Him, calling the "father of the Jews" a "liar and murderer from the beginning" and, in greek, diablos: adversary. Perhaps he prevents men from having more than one female, but I do not follow Jesus, nor do I like what he had to say.

Anonymous 03/13/2017 (Mon) 06:27:08 [Preview] No. 232 del
Still waiting to see your projects.

Fucking retards.

Anonymous 03/13/2017 (Mon) 06:49:11 [Preview] No. 233 del
I never claimed to be working on a project. Just asked why you act in an autistic manner when it comes to games. Nobody needs to be reminded in every online post you make that you like little girls. And if you don't mind girls aging, then you're better off getting one that is at least 18 since they're legal to fuck and it is less of a hassle to deal with her parents since the girl is legally an adult.

When I post about something, I don't attach my sexual preferences every time, and you shouldn't either.

Anonymous 03/13/2017 (Mon) 09:33:22 [Preview] No. 234 del
I wont defend mikee, he handles himself well enough, but I do support him being here and I know more than just myself appreciate his posts and his work.

>/lv/ on endchan which is based off a dead board on 8chan
To be honest, when has /lv ever not been dead? It was dead on arrival. I started that board because /tech was too anal to allow discussion of games and no one on /v cared about free software. All I ever wanted was to enjoy freedom and enjoy games without compromise. It's always been very difficult to find others who fit in that cross section. I keep /lv running because it's just what I love, whether anyone feels the same way or not. I migrated to 8chan very early on and was enthused by copypaste with his focus on freedom of speech (within the law) and support of the free software running the site. Jim killed that and posting there just isn't the same. I would be a hypocrite if I kept running the board there, but I hope others there find interest in it. I am here, which is why /lv is here, and while I hope endchan lasts for a long time, where ever I go /lv will be there too.

Anonymous 03/14/2017 (Tue) 16:49:24 [Preview] No. 246 del

Jim is a piece of shit; he killed a good thing.

Anonymous 03/15/2017 (Wed) 08:24:35 [Preview] No. 250 del
I wonder how MikeUSA even supports himself. I can't imagine him being able to hold a job.

Anonymous 03/15/2017 (Wed) 08:57:17 [Preview] No. 251 del

Tick Tock wagie.

Anonymous 03/17/2017 (Fri) 09:56:14 [Preview] No. 258 del
Release 116 brings some features of interest to mappers! Mario's controlable elevator code was ported over (Thanks Mario for the great feature), aswell as
advanced movement options, Thus now a mapper is not confined to 1:linear, 2:cosine, as the platmovement types, He now has
the option of defining a curve aswell! (Server admins / hosts can also override defaults via cvars now, so even if there is an old map, the new movement can be used)
Additionally the advanced movement feature for platforms was adapted for func_door_rotating and func_rotating.
For func_rotating, additionally, period and periodtype key-values were added so one may define how long the movement curve is
and whether one wants a smooth(2) reset or an abrupt(1) reset, smooth(2) is default if nothing is defined by the mapper.
Traditionally platmovetype styles of 1 and 2 (and default) are respected, only if
a 2 number string is entered as platmovetype is the new movement used.
The .ent files for netradiant have been updated in the mapping pk3 aswell as in netradiant's directory.
Thanks Mario for the elevator and help with an infinite loop in the plat code!

Volume 2 has a slight update for mappers: the .tga pk3s for the standard textures are now included in volume 2:
netradiant doesn't load .dds textures so these are needed to see what one is mapping.

If anyone would like to contribute new free-opensource maps for volume2, we're looking for more worlds!

The new variables are:
g_platmovetype_legacyoverride_enable 0 "1: override legacy movements with a modern curve, 2 force this for all"
g_platmovetype_legacyoverride "0 0" "a two number string (eg: [ 0 3 ]) defining the movement: known good cases: (0, [0..3]) (0.5, [0..3.8]) (1, [0..4]) (1.5, [0..3.9]) (2, [0..3.7]) (2.5, [0..3.4]) (3, [0..3]) (3.5, [0.2..2.3]) (4, 1) you can also force: [ 100 1 force ]"
g_platmovetype_legacyoverride_enable_func_train 0 "override all map set platmovetype of func_train and use g_platmovetype_legacyoverride setting instead"
g_platmovetype_legacyoverride_enable_func_rotating 0
g_platmovetype_legacyoverride_func_train "" "if set (eg to [ 0 3 ] [ 4 1 ] etc), will be used rather than g_platmovetype_legacyoverride"
g_platmovetype_legacyoverride_func_rotating "" "if set (eg to [ 0 3 ] [ 4 1 ] etc), will be used rather than g_platmovetype_legacyoverride"
g_platmovetype_legacyoverride_func_rotating_periodtime 0
g_platmovetype_legacyoverride_func_rotating_periodtype 0 "1: abrupt, 2: smooth, Default: smooth"

Anonymous 03/17/2017 (Fri) 09:59:14 [Preview] No. 259 del


Wagie piece of garbage has nothing to say. He wastes his life working for another, and to obtain what?

Qt3.14 girls? No, that's banned by the enemies of the God of Moses, and wagie is a good boy, a good STRONK WHITE MAN!!! HE DONT NEED NO LITTLE GIRLIE GIRL... NO HE STRONK... CAN FK MASCULINE THING!!! ONLY WEAK NON MEN LIKE GIRLS!!!!! WHITE STRONK LIKE POWERFUL WUMANS!!! BIGGER BETTER MORE MEAT BOANS!!!!

Fucking piece of shit.
I'm glad you life is toil.

Anonymous 03/17/2017 (Fri) 10:00:01 [Preview] No. 260 del

Anonymous 03/23/2017 (Thu) 18:29:40 [Preview] No. 265 del
Release 117: A minor release with bugfixes, shader work, and texture fixes, aswell as some extentions for map functions by Mario.
This release is mostly aimed at mappers. Some longstanding errors were corrected aswell such as the (incorrectly) blackandwhite glowmaps for computer terminals and network equipment in the Philip1X texture series.
Volume 2, however, hosts a number of new libre/opensource textures in the newest version including 100 rock/marble textures aswell as a number of futuristic sci-fi textures.
This new version expands the palette available to the mapper.

Anonymous 03/23/2017 (Thu) 18:33:06 [Preview] No. 266 del

Anonymous 03/25/2017 (Sat) 03:11:06 [Preview] No. 267 del
>Wagie piece of garbage has nothing to say. He wastes his life working for another, and to obtain what?
I'm not employed, I'm a college student.

Those little girls turn into the "masculine things". And I would date a 12 year old if I could, so none of this is against me being against your views since I'm not. I'm just saying you're autistic and don't need to shove your politics in every post you make. You don't tell people about your thoughts on this or that food, or what cars you like, or what countries you like in every post you make, so I don't understand why you feel compelled to talk about girls in just about every post. It's as if you worship women.

My thought is that you're on some sort of welfare.

Anonymous 03/25/2017 (Sat) 08:10:13 [Preview] No. 268 del
>My thought is that you're on some sort of welfare.


>I'm just saying you're autistic and don't need to shove your politics in every post you make. You don't tell people about your thoughts on this or that food, or what cars you like, or what countries you like in every post you make, so I don't understand why you feel compelled to talk about girls in just about every post.

Because I do it for "free"; this is the cost. I am not going to develop something for free for your benefit. I do it only for my benefit: thus I put whatever I am want in it.

> It's as if you worship women.
Women banned men from taking girls as brides.

>Those little girls turn into the "masculine things".
Which is why the OT puts no limit on the amounts of girls one might have, unlike Christians.

Anonymous 03/25/2017 (Sat) 13:49:21 [Preview] No. 269 del

Anonymous 03/25/2017 (Sat) 18:18:38 [Preview] No. 270 del
>Because I do it for "free"; this is the cost. I am not going to develop something for free for your benefit. I do it only for my benefit: thus I put whatever I am want in it.
It doesn't benefit you though. Posting your thoughts about macaroni and cheese doesn't benefit you either.

>Which is why the OT puts no limit on the amounts of girls one might have, unlike Christians.
It doesn't matter how many you have, they will all grow up to turn into women.

Anonymous 03/29/2017 (Wed) 15:49:09 [Preview] No. 272 del
> >Because I do it for "free"; this is the cost. I am not going to develop something for free for your benefit. I do it only for my benefit: thus I put whatever I am want in it.
>It doesn't benefit you though. Posting your thoughts about macaroni and cheese doesn't benefit you either.

Go and fuck yourself: you are not the arbitrator of what brings me pleasure you fucking son of a bitch.

> >Which is why the OT puts no limit on the amounts of girls one might have, unlike Christians.
>It doesn't matter how many you have, they will all grow up to turn into women.

Are you a fucking retard? Are you? It sounds like you are. If I ever meet you, remind me to murder you. Clearly when one gets too old to be prime, you just get an additional young girl; while your other produces more girls; which then you can trade for more for yourself; while your boys help you murder and torture anyone who opposes your beliefs.

Anonymous 03/29/2017 (Wed) 16:12:40 [Preview] No. 273 del
>Go and fuck yourself: you are not the arbitrator of what brings me pleasure you fucking son of a bitch.
How autistic. You're like an autist who talks about trains in every conversation because the autist likes trains.

>Are you a fucking retard? Are you? It sounds like you are. If I ever meet you, remind me to murder you. Clearly when one gets too old to be prime, you just get an additional young girl
You could never get a girl to willingly date you though in the first place.

>while your boys help you murder and torture anyone who opposes your beliefs.
More like kill their demented father. You will never have children in the first place anyways.

Anonymous 04/01/2017 (Sat) 13:48:21 [Preview] No. 276 del
Release 117b: A minor update adding entities for mappers that allow them to easily place furniture from the buildable buildings system in their maps.
Vector arrow points to the back of the furnishing (to the wall or whatever it will be up against, if anything)
Examples: furniture_classic_CHAIR_WOOD furniture_classic_GREEKPILLAR furniture_future_DESK furniture_future_STOVE4
Also there is now a building_buildable_by_count Special general function that allows a mapper to build a buildable building (multitool / utilitool) by it's number
(NOTE: If a specific function exists use that instead) (the buildings are designed for the angles 0, 90, 180, 270, furnishings for any Z angle)

Anonymous 04/01/2017 (Sat) 13:53:37 [Preview] No. 277 del
As I said, if I ever meet you, remind me to murder you.

>You could never get a girl to willingly date you though in the first place.

Whites feel that the measure of a man is what a female thinks of him.

The people that wrote Deuteronomy felt differently. The man was a rapist and took what he wanted. Whites hate this as it conflicts with the interests of white women (their god), thus they hate the God of the Jews and imagine him to be a demon, in his place they raise the false idol Jesus.

Anonymous 04/01/2017 (Sat) 13:57:07 [Preview] No. 278 del
>How autistic. You're like an autist who talks about trains in every conversation because the autist likes trains.

As I said: Go and fuck yourself: you are not the arbitrator of what brings me pleasure you fucking son of a bitch.

I don't think you understand: I am not your employee. I do not serve you. I serve myself. If I want trains in every level I build there will be trains. If I wish to then talk about trains whenever I release updates I will talk about trains.

I am no your employee. You are not my master. In-fact you are my enemy because you reject the beliefs of my God and you seem to entice us to follow some other ruler/judge/power etc.

Anonymous 04/01/2017 (Sat) 13:59:11 [Preview] No. 279 del
>More like kill their demented father. You will never have children in the first place anyways.

This suggest you are a rostie cunt: men do not care about having children: it's a desire of women only. That you used that as a barb "You will never have children in the first place anyways." gives us insight into your thought process: and it is that of a woman.

Go fuck yourself cunt.

Anonymous 04/01/2017 (Sat) 14:02:14 [Preview] No. 280 del
(Hint hint rostie cunt: mmmaaallleesss are interested in rack and ruin, in destruction of enemies (real or perceived), in possessing cute things and raping cute girls, and of building up monuments, cities, towers, etc)) (mmmaaaallleessss are not interested in having children or dealing with fat cunts waddling around: that's just a consequence of the rapes and subjugation and nothing maaallleess have ever been concerned about)

Anonymous 04/01/2017 (Sat) 17:46:07 [Preview] No. 281 del
(70.82 KB 936x960 30519-1v9ygve.jpg)
>you reject the beliefs of my God
God doesn't exist, and if he did, he wouldn't permit rape to happen either.

>men do not care about having children
Yes they do. And I'm a man. A man protects his family, and you must create a family in the first place in order to protect it.

Your thought process is just that of a nigger. "muh dik" all day long. You care about nothing other than "where da white wimmin at. muh dik muhfugga". And no matter how much you obsess over sex, you'll never have it if you ever open your mouth around a woman. I'm not saying your life is valued by the amount of times you've had sex, I'm just saying it isn't healthy to obsess over something you can't have.

Anonymous 04/02/2017 (Sun) 12:56:49 [Preview] No. 282 del
>Your thought process is just that of a nigger. "muh dik" all day long. You care about nothing other than "where da white wimmin at. muh dik muhfugga". And no matter how much you obsess over sex, you'll never have it if you ever open your mouth around a woman. I'm not saying your life is valued by the amount of times you've had sex, I'm just saying it isn't healthy to obsess over something you can't have.

I'm a white, however it is better to have the "woke" thought process of a nigger than to have the standard thought process of a white: at least the black thug nigger thug lives for himself. White men's minds are not their own: all thoughts are to how to benefit the woman and to serve her interests. You are like an insect that worships the queen. Completely disgusting and hopefully your kind will be killed off eventually.

If it were in my power to do so I would give you people an ultimatum: give the world back to males (notice I didn't say "men" (defined as those who sacrifice themselves for "society" (read: women))) or have no world left.

Perhaps Trump can be convinced to wildly increase the nuclear stockpiles: then it will happen by itself, statistically, if the number is great enough.

>God doesn't exist, and if he did, he wouldn't permit rape to happen either.

>and if he did, he wouldn't permit rape to happen either.

Deuteronomy chapter 22, verse 28-29, hebrew. Read: http://pastebin.com/mzFJyxea

Also If the current ruling diety was the god you imagine, and the god of Deuteronomy was a demon; I would worship the demon and work for his (re)ascension into power.

I like what the God spoken of in Deuteronomy had to say. I like the principals in that book. I hate good people like yourself. I hate white people (since they all are good people like yourself). I like evil people who oppose women's rights and would make the male the master of the female again, and would rape young girls and keep them as their brides. These evil people: they have the best wishes for maaaallllleeess in mind and would not hesitate to execute good people like yourself who side with women's equality or supremacy over mmmmaaaaaaalllleesss. If I am ever in a position to increase the power of the evil people and to harangue the good people I will (God willing) do so.

Anonymous 04/02/2017 (Sun) 17:55:49 [Preview] No. 283 del

Anonymous 04/02/2017 (Sun) 17:56:29 [Preview] No. 284 del
Release 117c: A small code update which gives mappers the ability to set inventory in a furnishing.
This includes non-containers aswell: in those cases the furnishing must be destroyed before the inventory can be acquired (think: barrels).
Though a minor update, this update is useful to mappers.

Anonymous 04/04/2017 (Tue) 16:29:28 [Preview] No. 285 del
Release 117d: This update adds a new spell: Timesink. Now you can have some of the power of Homura from Puella Magi Madoka Magica! (Though not the ability to travel backwards in time). You can slow down time, and at higher levels of the spell you can run as fast as normal while everyone is slowed, also at higher levels you can set how slow you want time to go (by pressing E F and or Crouch for different levels of slowdown, these can be combined, while you cast the spell (C)), and end the spell by re-casting it! Enjoy!

Anonymous 04/04/2017 (Tue) 16:30:00 [Preview] No. 286 del
Looks like you have nothing more to say, cunt. Go and FUCK yourself.

Anonymous 04/05/2017 (Wed) 20:35:59 [Preview] No. 287 del
Looks like you have STILL nothing more to say, cunt. Go and FUCK yourself YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.

Nu Spell Anonymous 04/08/2017 (Sat) 22:17:27 [Preview] No. 288 del
Release 117e: A new spell has been added: Grace. A magic circle spell somewhat inspired in-part by Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Be like the sweet pink haired girl Madoka Kaname and save your friends from the hardships of life: for those within the circle a healing aura heals wounds (but harms undead: purifying the area), for any damage fired into the circle from outside no damage or even health is dealt to those inside the circle (however damage originating from players inside the circle to those inside is unchanged). No gibbage occurs inside the circle and reduced blood. Cherry Blossom like particles fill the air. Additionally respawned players souls float up within the circle as ghosts giving a calming effect.

Additionally, White/Holy spells (Holybolt, Holyword, Grace) are increased in spell level when cast outdoors directly under the sky: Holybolt by 4 levels (1 level if a scroll), HolyWord by 3 levels (1 level if a scroll), and Grace 2 levels (1 level if a scroll) giving one added ease at purifying atleast the above ground world!.


Anonymous 04/08/2017 (Sat) 22:18:24 [Preview] No. 289 del
Looks like you have STILL nothing more to say, cunt. Go and FUCK yourself YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.



Anonymous 04/10/2017 (Mon) 00:28:00 [Preview] No. 290 del
Yo thugs what cho thoughts be nigua?

Anonymous 04/20/2017 (Thu) 00:13:01 [Preview] No. 292 del
Release 117f: New magic circle spell: Vampyric Conduit: damage done within the circle is added to the lifeforce of the attacker (be careful not to attack undead within the circle (unless you are undead) tho!)

Anonymous 05/03/2017 (Wed) 07:14:22 [Preview] No. 315 del

Anonymous 05/03/2017 (Wed) 07:15:07 [Preview] No. 316 del
Yo wher muh thugs at?

Woof Woof Woof

Anonymous 05/13/2017 (Sat) 09:34:00 [Preview] No. 324 del
v 117g: new building: condos.

Anonymous 05/13/2017 (Sat) 09:36:43 [Preview] No. 325 del
v 117g: new building: condos.

Anonymous 05/13/2017 (Sat) 09:38:09 [Preview] No. 326 del
balcony of condos
Appears in sc_tiles dense residential areas

Anonymous 05/13/2017 (Sat) 09:39:05 [Preview] No. 327 del
Looking out at city generated

Anonymous 05/13/2017 (Sat) 09:40:00 [Preview] No. 328 del
From roof of commercial building

Anonymous 06/13/2017 (Tue) 22:05:23 [Preview] No. 334 del
When am I going to be able to play as a strong female main character in this game?

Anonymous 07/17/2017 (Mon) 06:24:16 [Preview] No. 341 del
>When am I going to be able to play as a strong female main character in this game?

There are like 3 of them. 2 from Xonotic, 1 inherited from Nexuiz.

1 is a trinity-esque white bitch (from Xon)
2 is a sassy black cunt (from Xon)
3 is a tranny bitch cop (From Nex)

What we, sadly, don't have is qt3.14 lolis like wikipe-tan.


Anonymous 07/25/2017 (Tue) 10:05:11 [Preview] No. 342 del
(76.76 KB 678x845 cirno1495572003350.jpg)

Malum in se Edition Anonymous 08/13/2017 (Sun) 14:37:35 [Preview] No. 343 del
R 117H - Malum-in-se Edition.
This update features new weapons, and new Romanesque areas for DarkHold and the building system.
Two new weapons: A brutal new spiked mace that is quick to swing (being hollow and light)
Sai: these can interdict weapons far above their own weight class (similar to the special ability of the quarterstaff and elven staff)
New building: Romanesque Belltower - A tall belltower in the old pre-13th century style.
Map update: The Darkhold Dungeon got more complex: A Romanesque area modeled after an 11th century church has been added to the crypts below.
(Thought Theme for this release:)
_"Fight to the end"_
_"Conquer the enemy"_
"Far as the eye can see"
"I see my victory"
"I'm not afraid"
"Never afraid"
_"Never give up the fight"_
_"I'm a solider in a battle"_
_"Never ending, Never ending war"_
-Yngwie J. Malmsteen
NOTE: This game now has over 140 weapons and has expanded to 2 DVDs (Download both!)
"How can less be more, more is more"
"Out of the darkness the voices are calling..."

lamer 08/28/2017 (Mon) 00:39:29 [Preview] No. 344 del
R 117j - Subterfuge and Lies Edition.
150 weapon milestone has been reached!
New weapons: Defender Sword, Bearded Axe, Spiked Cudgel, Bronze Cudgel
Bug fixes regarding server-admin ability to disable default weapon during teamgames. Improvements to stats of spectre submachinegun to real-world weapon projectile velocity.

(Note: Game spans 2 DVDs, Download both!)

lamer 09/07/2017 (Thu) 19:34:52 [Preview] No. 345 del
version 117k - Tec9 edition
Our resident weapon modeler has modeled a Tec-9 for us.
Thus our game now has additional weapons: Tec-9 SMG, Pounder SMG (.50 AE variant with extended magazine).
The weapon makes short work of enemies, and being open bolt: does not overheat.
However it's reliability is not the stuff of legends.
Good for hosing down the opposition.

The Game has over 150 weapons.
Everything is Free and Opensource.
Get it now!

lamer 09/13/2017 (Wed) 04:00:13 [Preview] No. 351 del
version 117m - FlameThrower-and-pipes edition
This new version includes a Flamethrower! Much work was done to ensure proper operation including a binary-tree-search so the flame ends where water or slime begins! Additionally much work has been accomplished to allow a mapper to set what objects/pipes/etc will emit a steam and/or a flame jet when struck by a bullet (see func_wall in netradiant for more information), (somewhat similar to the ICBM level in Call of Duty 5 (COD5) Modern Warfare.) Additionally a mutator can be enabled in the environment section of the mutator menu (create>mutators) where all pipes will emit steam and/or jets of fire (you can also disable this totally even on maps that have it set in map objects). Thus any texture with the name "pipe" within it can erupt flames and steam. Another addition is that misc_fire_crossbowbolt has an added projectile to fire: number 20: flamethrower jet. This is useful for mappers who want to add more traps! Much debugging and annoying error messages were worked out for this release aswell!

Combine the flamethrower with the methane lake mutator for extra fun!

The Game has over 150 weapons.
Everything is Free and Opensource.
Get it now!

(Note: Game spans 2 DVDs, Download both!)

Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthology/files/latest/download
Volume2: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthologyvolume2/files/latest/download

lamer 09/18/2017 (Mon) 20:33:30 [Preview] No. 352 del
version 117o - Series of tubes edition
Many bug fixes have occurred for this release including bugfixes to the flame thrower. The pipes mutator has been expanded to have additional options: Ice, Water, Poison Gas, Laser. These additions can also be added to map objects. Also the misc_fire_crossbow.. now has 2 additions: ice jet and poison jet. An AUTOMATIC setting has been added to the pipes mutator which sences what type of pipes exist in a map via map clues.

The Game has over 150 weapons.
Everything is Free and Opensource.
Get it now!

(Note: Game spans 2 DVDs, Download both!)

Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthology/files/latest/download
Volume2: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthologyvolume2/files/latest/download

lamer 09/18/2017 (Mon) 20:57:09 [Preview] No. 353 del
Yo, bros. I know it's like no ones here no more because the background is white (hissss).
I can't even look at the scren wit out getting the idea of a hedaque!

I mek 150 we-pon game.
Manu mappas.
Pretty gurls!

But en-e-one buy fo zero dollar?

Nun even say if I do job good, or gib feedbacks!!!!!!!!

So I aks you mon: Where is gud to post me game brahs?

Do u know gaem wit 150 o more we-pon?
Citee geneoration wit interior mon?
BrUtal torture in medeval dungons!? (but not as brutal as dem hurr'cane mon)
Buildable buildon like in RTS strtegem gaem! But wit interios mon!


[video]https://youtube.com/watch?v=VvAnTXGnM-I [Embed][/video]

U tell me mon where I tell people about dis!
U tell me mon!

I work NIGHT en DEY!
But no one gib me de time to say a wor!
Whut I do wron?


lamer 09/18/2017 (Mon) 21:11:43 [Preview] No. 354 del
I mek musis:
[video]https://youtube.com/watch?v=NsbDGuzXDrA [Embed][/video]

mo musis:
[video]https://youtube.com/watch?v=RCbeOsqwUEE [Embed][/video]
[video]https://youtube.com/watch?v=Qc37gvAOGRg [Embed][/video]
[video]https://youtube.com/watch?v=otNWjIXFX-A [Embed][/video]

But ho I done get dounlouds to de geam?

lamer 10/12/2017 (Thu) 11:00:47 [Preview] No. 361 del
ChaosEsqueAnthology opens up to colonial times and the wild wild west! Now the 1600s and 1800s are represented in the game! New weapons include the flintlock pistol, musket, the 1851 navy revolver, the Pepperbox revolver, the Colt 44 peacemaker. Additionally our resident 3d weapons modeler (and map maker) MikeeUSA has modeled an 1860 Henry Repeating Lever-Action Rifle for the project; that too is in the game. Additionally bugs have been fixed including one where one could not unjam if a jam occured on on the last bullet in a magazine (however some weapons have different ways to clear this more searious "malfunction"; such as switching away from the weapon, while others will clear the malfunction easier)
Come enjoy the new features! And pit your lever action rifle team against a modern army! See if the fudd gun prevails and you don't "need no au-te-matic-toys-to-defend-muh-self, muricca". Remeber: all your rights have been stripped from you: from good guns for shootin' to good girls (actual girls, look up the old laws) for marryin' (but you're ok with all of this and want to use your (1860 pattern) shootin' iron on any man that might want a girl! (murrica!, real man wants real (sassy) woman! murrica!)) so what can be said except for.... MURRICA!!! WOOOOOO (shoots 1860 Henry Repeating Rifle in the air many times).
Download now to experiance the 'murican way! 168 wea-pon!

Plans are in the works for next version to perhaps include a "hover round" type vehicle.
Perhaps with shootin' irons attached.

Shout out to Harvy Weinstein for doing the reasonable thing and fleeing america for a better society: keep strong - you did nothing wrong.

(Additionally an M16A2 has been added for all those Matrix reenactments one might wish!)

lamer 10/12/2017 (Thu) 14:10:44 [Preview] No. 362 del
Today, 07:20 AM
It's like you don't want people to like you or use your stuff. Why the fuck are you attaching your project to a Harvey Weinstein controversy? You may be the dumbest person on the planet. Why do you keep expressing that the bible says you can be a pedophile? What bible did you get this nonsense from? I can't find one respectable and decent thing about you. You probably have 168 stolen weapon models and anyone that uses your shit commercially is probably in line for a huge lawsuit.

You can quote me all you like and reply with nonsense OR you can fucking disappear until you think people have basically forgotten what a complete turd you are and come back as a normal fucking person with a project to share.

x_ Murrica
Last edited by MadGypsy; Today, 07:28 AM.


You probably have 168 stolen weapon models and anyone that uses your shit commercially is probably in line for a huge lawsuit.

Incorrect. All the models are licensed under: CC0, CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, GPLv2, GPLv3, or BSD licensed. The license information for each and every added model is next to the model files in the zzzzzz...999...pk3 archive. Example:


All contributors are also listed in the xonotic-credits.txt file which you can see in-game by pressing "credits"

ALSO, many models are made by me myself (many medeval weapons, guns, etc).
These I have licensed out to you under the GPLv2 and CC-BY-SA licenses.
I also have made over 50 maps that are in the game, aswell as textures and music.

Models which use the standard Xonotic GPLv2+ licensing simply have attribution.
All media source is provided in the mediasource repo.

You say "you probably did x or y wrong" because you cannot fathom that someone exists who can program, make music, make maps, texture, and make models, who disagrees with your american values.

BTW: Why would I care if scumbag americans "got in trouble" if they used things commercially? You are all opposed to men taking female children as brides (thus opposed to God and infavor of american jesus). They wouldn't "get in trouble" because I am meticulous with licensing. I am an attorney after all... But why would I care? I'm an opensource, libre, developer.

[QUOTE=MadGypsy;n277234]Why do you keep expressing that the bible says you can be a pedophile? What bible did you get this nonsense from?[/QUOTE]
The hebrew bible:
Deuteronomy chapter 22, verse 28-29 in hebrew.

It's crystal clear: men who rape female children who are in their fathers house, who have not been promised off to another man, pay the father 50 silver and keep the girl as their woman (potentially one of many: God (not your Jesus) allows men to rule over what unattached females the men desire)

I can't find one respectable and decent thing about you.

That is because you are a white american male. Your notion of right or wrong, rather than coming from what is best for you and your class, instead come from your emotions which are programmed by your training from TV, school, and your worthless relatives who repeat what they are programmed by from TV and other worthless relatives of theirs who are programmed the same.
Broadcast and amplify. The cattle take it as a voice from god.

You can quote me all you like and reply with nonsense OR you can fucking disappear until you think people have basically forgotten what a complete turd you are and come back as a normal fucking person with a project to share.

Oh, it's not enough that I supply a great project for free, that I program every day, make maps, 3d model weapons, create textures, compose music, etc...
no that's not enough... I must also follow your woman worshiping american religion aswell.

No. I will not. I despise your people and your beliefs. I will not adopt them, nor your false god american-jesus.

You probably have 168 stolen

lamer 10/13/2017 (Fri) 20:41:47 [Preview] No. 364 del
What was your reply?

lamer 10/14/2017 (Sat) 09:19:37 [Preview] No. 365 del
Sorry, didn't see the scroll option on the post. I enjoy that you don't take any shit mike.

lamer 10/17/2017 (Tue) 16:18:14 [Preview] No. 368 del

Thanks :D.

New release with some new guns:

Release 117v: 1877 "bulldog" Gatling Gun. 1850 Sharps "buffalo" Rifle

Sharps Rifle:

The gun that truly won the west. The Sharps (~1850) (buffalo) Rifle was used to eradicate the food source of the plains indians. Bullet after bullet was fired from great distances into the buffalo and the carcassas was left to rot. Earlier rifles did not have the range nor power to fell a buffalo from 1000 feet. The Sharps .50 Rifle did.

Includes telescopic on top!

1877 Gatling Gun:

Shrewd owner of a mine or industrial plant? Having labor issues? Pinkerton's Men have brought with them a new problem-solver...
The 1877 Colt Gatling gun. 10 barrels of crank-fired libertarianism could donate lead trinkets to striking protestors at a rate of 1200 trinkets per minute. Pinkerton's men made efficent use of these in making sure no men of various localities would be living after looking "too long" at anyones daughters. No shotgun needed (wooo ain't no one gettin muh daughter, murica!!!). Many fathers were pleased, though they did not know why... they really didn't question things. They were just happy no man was getting their daughter and they didn't have to use their 8 gauge black poweder double barrels! Soon after, however, their wives petitioned the various state governments to simply make marrying girls illegal, and thus the 1877 colt gatling gun had made it's mark, and then-some. Once the law went into effect it was no-longer needed to mow down scores of expendable daughter-desirin' picketing protesting striking mmaalleess so the gatling gun went into storage for a near century.... untill the minigun came around.

Download the gun that killed all the daugher-desirin' degenerate male scum!
Ally of the father (who don't want no reproducin' goin on with HIS dauteru! EVER!)
Ally of the woman (who don't want no competition, and the "bulldog" makes the opinion clear)
and giver of justice to the mmaallee. (A true millstone around his neck!)

Once this gun came around, the New Testament finally and truly defeated the Old.
(But perhaps in the future the Old will strike back!)

lamer 10/17/2017 (Tue) 22:14:43 [Preview] No. 369 del

lamer 10/17/2017 (Tue) 22:18:07 [Preview] No. 370 del
more menus,

lamer 10/17/2017 (Tue) 22:35:03 [Preview] No. 371 del
even more images

lamer 10/17/2017 (Tue) 22:39:00 [Preview] No. 372 del
some more imgs

lamer 10/17/2017 (Tue) 23:03:46 [Preview] No. 373 del
few more images

lamer 10/17/2017 (Tue) 23:14:43 [Preview] No. 374 del

10-12-2017, 06:48 PM
So, apparently, I was playing the mod after all.

Alright, so whatever I played wasn't very fun. It was a campaign botmatch where you had to pick up weapons using f, and the gatling or machine gun or whatever seemed to kill the bots instantly, while the starting pistol was too awkward to use since you had to reload it after 8 shots, and that's with bots moving around really damn fast. In my opinion, it's no better than my own deathmatch mod, maybe even worse since balance didn't seem to be top priority. I never saw any of these 160 weapons of yours, and honestly, from my first impressions, it's not exactly worth my time to try every single one out. The music was also not very impressive.

Try starting a new project and think of a new idea. This 10 year old mod of yours is definitely not worth playing for the messiness of it all, and it's definitely not worth developing anymore either. I'm assuming that there is a lot more to this, but that is mainly your fault for not explaining how to access all of these features. There is singleplayer, multiplayer, and settings. There was nothing else, and the singleplayer was just a bot campaign. The settings were standard xonotic settings, and weren't special either. The help section didn't help, as it didn't explain how to access these great features of yours. I know there is more to this mod, as I have seen your showcase videos. But, I simply don't think it's worth it, because I know its going to be an un-entertaining mess of stuff that shouldn't be there.

One of the biggest things you need to learn is that having too many features is a bad thing. You could argue that garrys mod does this, but the main thing is that the extensiveness of it is controllable by the player. The player makes their game their own by installing mods at their own accord, therefore making the game exactly to their liking. Your mod, in this case, is a jumbled mess of features that aren't very appealing, and is anything but user friendly. From what I saw, there was a plethora of features, including body temperature, vehicles, jail mode, and a bunch of other unneeded stuff.

To have a completely honest summary from what I am to expect when I get this working, this is simply going to be like someones copy of garry's mod with all of their stupid mods added in, but instead of it being on the source engine, its on top of darkplaces. And they are all mods no one wants to play.

I hope you found my posts useful, and I seriously hope you get your life together. You are a fucked up person with no other purpose other than to piss people off.

And, since I know you are going to ask me what I've done, I will say that I have done a little. What I have done I feel isn't that special, but I do care when someone else cares about what I do. What you think is that your mod is special. It isn't special.

lamer 10/17/2017 (Tue) 23:16:23 [Preview] No. 375 del

Your problem, largely, is that you are in the wrong menu.

You have chosen to play the pre-programmed "single player" "campaigns"
(of which there are a few, but it seems you have chosen the first: xonotic
vanilla) (I suggest "Who Is The Greatest": a martial arts epic where you
fight hand to hand up the list, instead). You will only get the game the
campaign-creator thought of there.... which does not include most of the
mod additions!

Go to Create>Multiplayer and create a bot match. There are 100 or so maps to choose from.

>Music sucks
Since you played the standard campaign rather than picking the maps yourself,
you only played the standard Xonotic maps in said campaign.

Go to Create>Multiplayer and say... pick... ArenaAutomatica... that has a soundtrack.





Silent Siege

Final Rage is also suggested.

GrandChessboard, which is a large terrain map created to have lots of room for RTS style building matches (with the utilitool + hammer, crowbar) has good trax (It's on Disc 2 btw)

The dearth of good music was an issue for Xonotic, so for the maps I have added, I've picked different opensource music.

Settings>Info gives a good rundown of various features and how to use them.


>Wep-on is lie!
The menu you want is Create>Multiplayer>Startweapons

Also Create>Multiplayer>Mutators has options such as replacing standard maps weapons (with other sets, or traps, or spellbooks, etc)
and/or spawning other weapons in random areas:
(also foliage, monsters, turrets, water/oil/methane/slime/lava/chemical flood, city generation, baloons, bumpers, etc)

Other menus to be cognisant of:
This is the mounted guns menu where you can set mounted guns to spawn.

Vehicles to start with

Spells to start with

And ofcourse the previously mentioned

Where you can not only set start weapons and starting knowlege (amerios please
do not set this one: let's be realistic),but items to be spawned around,
and options for the multitool and utilitool (for building things: amerios are
forbidden from using these specific tool options unless accompanied by a latin friend)

With these you can set your gaming enviroment to be whatever you wish:
Modern, Futuristic, Medeval, City scape, lava wasteland, oil ocean, chemical plant, etc etc
All whilst zombie/solider/angel apocalypse occurs: You can do it.

lamer 10/17/2017 (Tue) 23:20:59 [Preview] No. 376 del

This game is more of a game synthesizer than anything else.
Think of it as a korg MS-20. Now when amerios encounter a real synth
(and even the MS-20 is only a fraction of a real synth) they say,
in their bellicose voice, HERRALLL NRAAHH!!! While lard jiggles everywhere,
they then talk about how if anyone stares too long at their "dautah" they
"have a shotgun" etc. Wonderful people.


Anyway. Lots of options and buttons for those who can comprehend and accept
such things. Amerios just want a few options tho, and feel like kings
(they eat like kings...) in wanting everything given to them ready to go
and to pleasure them (this is while they bomb every country in the world
that has the audacity to allow the natural pleasures of young girl brides
etc (which amerios say is unnatural pleasures because jesus and better a millstone).

That's not how it works here, with me. I'm not your slave amerio, and since
china is taking your place as the superpower... I might aswell not even
bother to humor you.


I want to point out this statement:
>And, since I know you are going to ask me what I've done, I will say that I have done a little. What I have done I feel isn't that special, but I do care when someone else cares about what I do. What you think is that your mod is special. It isn't special.

This tells me all that I need to know about my work.
If it was lesser than yours, you would have shown yours.
If it was near yours, you would have shown yours.

You do not submit your work to be judged.
:. You concede, in this, that my work is much greater than yours: That there is no contest between the two.

The mod is what you make it.
I know my game: I make it how I want it.
You can too; I allready did all the work!
If you fail to configure the match you want in your mind... that's on you.
I (and others) have allready done the heavy lifting.
Ofcourse, amerios just want everything spoonfed into their obese bodies...
Can't help you there, I'm not a feeder!

You can't imagine the work that went into this game.
You can't even find the options to enable it all!

There is a reason why it's listed as older than Xonotic...

Oh and, btw, it isn't 4GB.
It's 6GB: There's a volume 2..

> It isn't special
> It isn't special
> It isn't special
> It isn't special
> It isn't spec
> It isn'
> It isn

It is.
Trust me.
It is.

There's a point one reaches, when working on a creative endeavor, when you know in your heart where it is.
When it is far beyond the sun

lamer 10/17/2017 (Tue) 23:48:45 [Preview] No. 377 del
>Sorry, didn't see the scroll option on the post. I enjoy that you don't take any shit mike.

Thanks. There has (or is ongoing) another discussion (as seen above) where someone said le mod is no good.

What do you think of the game btw? I've been modeling and adding old-west style weaps now. Modled a sharps rifle and a gatling gun this weekend (and put them in game). You can go to the MG menu to set the gatling to spawn (also the entites.ent file has been updated so if you use the netradiant enclosed when making maps it's there). So now we have: future weapons, modern, 1800s, 1700s, and medieval !

What do you think. 168 weaps!

lamer 10/24/2017 (Tue) 17:00:23 [Preview] No. 379 del
Release 117w: New wep-ons Colt Lightning Rifle Carbine, 8 gauge single shot shotgun. Additional weapon replacement options in mutators: WWI weapons, Old West Weapons.

(The People from quakeone.com (Dutch, etc) hate this game! They feel that opensource assets are "stolen assets" and thus they disparage the whole of the libre software movement)

Will the libels of the proud pro-proprietary American domesticated-draft class ever cease? Why do said men oppose their own interests? Why do they take close to their heart all that they are instructed to, and violently opposed all that they are instructed to proudly violently oppose? Why do they never cease the intake of food? Why do they speak a language at all? A guttural trumpeting would suffice.

lamer 10/24/2017 (Tue) 19:58:59 [Preview] No. 380 del
>What do you think of the game btw?
Well, I enjoy it. It might be nice to see more mod stuff go into single player. Also I like the use of mutators like here >>379 to toss in weapon types as there is a lot to choose from.

>Will the libels of the proud pro-proprietary American domesticated-draft class ever cease?
In my experience it's easier convincing a parrot to think for themselves.

The game is great and keep up the banter Mikee.

lamer 11/15/2017 (Wed) 21:15:43 [Preview] No. 381 del
Release 117y: America. Somewhere in the southwestern euuuunited-states-de-americano. You and your crew 'been doing jobs. You lost some men for an unrelated but 'murican reason. ... You are spoken to by the leader of your fellow coconspiritors: """Here's the deal, that cracka been killin' any brotha and even any white that looks at his pretty young daughtaz. He then exclaims 'better a millstone, woooooooooooo, we wytes don play that way!!!' ... Let's best to fixing and old testament remedy for his foo cracka ass to answer his new-testament delusion"""
You are then handed a sawed-off double barrel 10 gauge shotgun and a copy of the Book of the Law. You know what it's for.
Version 117y: New weapon: Sawed off double 10!

Additionally; water, slime, and lava are now cover! They decelerate bullets. With water trails are made in the water aswell. Big news everyone! Jump in the water and get 10 ft deep and you're saved (usually)

The Game has over 150 weapons.
Everything is Free and Opensource.
Get it now!

(Note: Game spans 2 DVDs, Download both!)

Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthology/files/latest/download
Volume2: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthologyvolume2/files/latest/download

lamer 11/16/2017 (Thu) 04:00:49 [Preview] No. 382 del
i just read the thread and i like the way you think

lamer 11/19/2017 (Sun) 11:33:21 [Preview] No.383 del

lamer 11/19/2017 (Sun) 11:39:31 [Preview] No.384 del
> It might be nice to see more mod stuff go into single player.

One way to get a single-player experience from even DM maps is to enable "quest-spawns" (in Create>Advanced), this option either: has you spawn at a author-set single player starting point, or (if that doesn't exist), one random area, for the duration of the map.

One map that has a set location set is Darkhold. if you enable quest spawns in this, and start with a medeval weaponset, and perhaps enable weapon dropping for medeval monsters (Create>Mutators>firstcolumn under weapons) you'll have a diablo-1-esque experience.

The map-editor entities are often updated when new capabilities are added (like piercable pipes, trees, etc). It's in /mapping/netradiant on DVD1.

Glad you like the game :D

lamer 12/01/2017 (Fri) 17:12:02 [Preview] No.387 del
Release117zd: Huge update! New melee and arrow damage system! Different weapons hitting different areas of the body follow different damage models. Arrows/axes/spears to the legs slow movement! New weapons! Updates for mappers: suggested oil/water/chem/etc flooding happens immediatly. New entities for mappers if they wish to supply their own tree/bush models: foliage_map_treemodel foliage_map_bushmodel
New Weapons include: Bowie knife (wooo), Arkansas Toofpiq!(WWOOOOOOO!!!1111(Murricans go crazy ready to "deal" with all them daughta-starer-atter-preverts. Millstone! Better!111nn Causes u 2 sin cut oofff!111 wooo! Murrica!)) Military Flail, Infantry Staff, Kriegs Hamminar, Battle Axe

lamer 12/08/2017 (Fri) 13:48:55 [Preview] No.395 del
Release117zf: Updates for mappers: now there exists trigger_oilreactarea, trigger_methanereactarea, and trigger_chemreactarea: allowing a mapper to specify where oil fires, chem plasma bursts, or methane explosions will happen in the presence of flame etc (energy in the case of chem). Additionally item_money_coin_tin etc have been added to the ent list so mappers know they exist (gems, bullion bars, counterfiat coins too)

Volume2 has been updated to Version 5b with a new map: oil archipelago.

The Game has over 150 weapons.
Everything is Free and Opensource.
Get it now!

(Note: Game spans 2 DVDs, Download both!)

Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthology/files/latest/download
Volume2: http://sourceforge.net/projects/chaosesqueanthologyvolume2/files/latest/download

lamer 12/27/2017 (Wed) 00:11:12 [Preview] No.398 del
More spells, more weapons. 117ZL

lamer 12/27/2017 (Wed) 00:15:07 [Preview] No.399 del
Release117zl: More spells (we now have more spells than the original Diablo), More weapons. More fun to be had! Merry Christmas to those who have self-will or a desire to study! NOTHING to those golems who simply work for their controler: be it some boss or "muh white wuman"

lamer 02/03/2018 (Sat) 04:41:19 [Preview] No.409 del
Release117zq: 50 Spells. More weapons. Bugfixes and features.
(over 180 weapons in-game!)

lamer 02/03/2018 (Sat) 04:43:10 [Preview] No.410 del
Release117zq: 50 Spells. More weapons. Bugfixes and features.
(over 180 weapons in-game!)


lamer 02/16/2018 (Fri) 12:58:34 [Preview] No.414 del
No one cares :( All this work for nothing..?

Documentation lamer 02/16/2018 (Fri) 13:17:11 [Preview] No.415 del
Hello and welcome to Chaos-Esque Anthology: a modification of Xonotic.
Chaos-Esque adds a wealth of additional features and options to the game world to allow you to synthesize
the combat environment you desire to fill with feats of extreme oppositional maneuvering.
These additions include: Buildable Buildings, Spells and Potions, Environmental Mutators, Mounted Guns, a
City Generation system, and the spawning of additional items such as weaponry and such things as spikes,
baloons, and other hazards. An inventory system is also included. Before we delve into all of that however,
there is one crucial tool that must be mastered:

*The console

The first thing that must be known is how to bring up the text console for the entering of extended commands
To do so press ~ or Shift+Esc. To exit the console press Esc or press ~ again.

*Picking up items, Opening doors, Entering Vehicles

The second thing that must be known is to how to collect items.
In Chaos-Esque this is by way of the USE key: F.
Go near an item, and if you wish to acquire it into your inventory press F.

The USE key (F) also works to open some doors and enter vehicles (be walking at the vehicle while pressing F)


To list your inventory enter the console (~ or Shift+Esc) and execute the command:

The inventory command will also list your stats, what spells you know, and your body temperature if the map has
an ambient temperature set.

You can use tab completion to allow it to type faster (type in inv and then press the TAB button on your keyboard (inv<tab>))
To search nearby chests use the search command in a similar fastion
To drop a weapon press Backspace. To drop a pack of the ammo that weapon uses press F+Backspace
You can also drop items using the drop command.

To list the inventory of the world, surrounding buildings, and other stats such as the ambient temperature execute the command:

**Buildable Buildings
The buildable building system is one of the premier features of the Chaos-Esque Anthology modification of Xonotic.
It allows the player to build not only buildings, but also defensive structures such as turrets and point defense guns,
aswell as vehicles and barriers such as walls and obstructions. There are two building tools in Xonotic: Chaos-Esque Anthology.
There is the multitool; a building tool which creates medieval structures, and the utilitool;
a tool which creates futuristic structures. Hammers can assist in the building of a structure from a placed scaffold.

*Equipping the player with a building tool

In-order to build one must have the tools. In this case the tools are a multitool or a utilitool, and a blunt object such as
a hammer. To start players with a multitool or utilitool one may go to either:
Multiplayer > Create > Mutators or Multiplayer > Create > StartWeapons

Multiplayer > Create > Mutators is sometimes the more convenient of the two options as the multitool and utilitool start weapon
options are along the bottom of the screen. Multiplayer > Create > StartWeapons will allow you to select any of the weapons.

Next to the multitool and utilitool options in the Mutators menu there are a number of additional check boxes. These disable
costs associated with building such a resources, time, and research. A quick way into the game of design is to click the multitool
and the 3 boxes associated with it. Mousing over the checkboxes will give you information as-to what they do. In the
StartWeapons dialogue there are those options aswell as further options near the top right of the screen. Here you can enable
and disable various options such as what vehicles can be built, where one can build, and what Era the multitool works in.
The "MT Ancient" option toggles whether the multitool builds medieval defenses and vehicles or WWI style war engines.
Below the "MT Ancient" option are other useful options such as a setting that creates additional spawnpoints when you build
a bed

lamer 02/16/2018 (Fri) 22:13:52 [Preview] No.416 del

How large is the git history?

At what point was ChaosEsque Anthology forked from Xonotic?

Is ChaosEsque Anthology's development history forked off Xonotic's (good) or did you import some Xonotic snapshot and started from there (stupid)?

I ask because I would like to compare the two projects and Sourceforge is retarded and can't show the commit log without javascript (and I'm lazy).

lamer 02/19/2018 (Mon) 00:53:31 [Preview] No.417 del

>How large is the git history?
No idea how to show this. Not a git wizard and google says nothing.

The quakeC code diff size is 23M however, if that helps.

>At what point was ChaosEsque Anthology forked from Xonotic?
Xonotic itself was a fork that was in-part socially engineered by the main Chaos-Esque dev.
Said dev had been wispering in the ear of the 2nd in command of the Nexuiz devs for some time; asking for a fork.
Once a inflection point was reached said 2nd in command did the will of the Chaos-Esque anthology dev, by his own self-will.

Chaos-Esque was officially forked from Xonotic in 2012, though there are maps by the main dev that date from 2008.

>Is ChaosEsque Anthology's development history forked off Xonotic's (good)
This would require fore-knowlege of git and caring about such things.
Being a good cyber-citizen and such. Ofcourse this was not done.

> or did you import some Xonotic snapshot and started from there (stupid)?
Development simply split off, no re-mergers since 2012.
It's been petal to the metal never looking back from the moment it was forked.
When something is coveted from xonotic it is hand "patched" in
(actually rewritten because the quake-C dialects are completely different now,
this is no hurdle for X:CE)
Anything ChaosEsque Desires from Xonotic it rips off at will.
This never takes more than a day.
Same goes for any GPL'd non-standard branch of Xonotic.
X:CE feeds from other opensource sources aswell: blendswap, opengame art, other opensource games...
It's as if all these other people are simply workers who feed X:CE...
In addition to that the devs of X:CEA also work furiously on original content including
half (50+) the maps in the game, weapons, buildable buildings (all of them), city generated buildings (sim city style, all of them),

X:CE devs have a motto about opensource contributors:
"Anything you make, you make for me".

lamer 02/19/2018 (Mon) 01:00:27 [Preview] No.418 del
>I ask because I would like to compare the two projects and Sourceforge is retarded and can't show the commit log without javascript (and I'm lazy).

Xonotic: 18 weapons
CEA: 185 weapons

Xonotic: 5 vehicles
CEA: 38 vehicles

Xonotic: 0 mounted guns (tripod mounted weaps)
CEA: 25 mounted guns

Xonotic: 0 spells
CEA: 50 spells

Xonotic: 15 maps?
CEA: 100+ maps

Xonotic: 0 drinking
CEA: vodka, merlot, ale, water, potions.

Xonotic: 0 eating
CEA: bread, cheeze, turkeyleg etc.

Xonotic: 0 jailing
CEA: jailing and torture

Xonotic: 1 material
CEA: many materials (changes bullet penetration)

Xonotic: no building of buildings
CEA: you can build with multitool or utilitool (buildings have interiors).

Xonotic: a few monsters
CEA: many monsters available.

lamer 02/19/2018 (Mon) 03:15:36 [Preview] No.419 del
Thanks. When I said I wanted to compare them I meant source-wise not feature-wise, of course. Which is why having a common repository history is relevant and useful.

I guess I'll just have to do the work myself.

lamer 02/19/2018 (Mon) 03:18:22 [Preview] No.420 del
Note: the source for X:CE is contained in the data/zzzzzzzz999999.......pk3 archive in the ISO, so you don't need to pull the git repo if you don't want to.

Info you need to know. lamer 02/19/2018 (Mon) 15:35:27 [Preview] No.421 del
Ayyo. Before you make a big mistake in choosing a project or sum shit you gotta be feeling the ways of the both the people. You feel me?

M'fcking Xonotic and dis bullshit is diffrens.

Xonotic devs deeply respect women and their rights and privileges.

Dis Bullshit devs hate women's rights and have been harranging FLOSS femininists fo like a decade. (Citation: http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/MikeeUSA )

Xonotic Developers contribute to society by working real jobs.

Dis Bullshit is a pack of fucking NEETs who say dey ain't workin fo no enemy.

Xonotic Programmers are attracted to real Women.

Dis BULLSHIT faggots want to take little girls as brides.

Xonotic Men respect and uphold modern ethical understandings and beliefs.

DIS BULLSHIT NEET FUCKS worship the war god of the jews and cite "deuteronomy" as reason why raping young female children into marraige is "awwwite" (Example: "Deuteronomy 22, 28-29,hebrew, see na'ar, tahpas bla bla bla bla" -- These words are all spam-filtered on soylentnews.org for a reason)

Xonotic Paragons have a correct work:life:hobby balance and deeply love real women.

Dis_Bullshit neet faggots do not work, do not life, they just program the videogame and make maps for it. They hate women and like little girls (and we all know that little girls are basically boys).

Choose wisely for you will be judged by the company you keep.

If you want to get fired from your job: fine: shack up with mikeeeusa and the faggot neets of Dis Bullshit and their mountain of shit. You know: if you like pedophiles and guns so much. Also the neet assholes added disgusting things like working torture chambers into the game. Do you honestly want to be associated with that?

lamer 02/19/2018 (Mon) 22:28:46 [Preview] No.422 del

Ayo, you herd me?

lamer 02/19/2018 (Mon) 23:04:05 [Preview] No.423 del
Loud and clear, mister nigger talk.

Which project would be more worthwhile to code for is still to be seen. But one thing seems quite clear: if this Mikee guy can rustle the feminist so, he must be doing something right.

lamer 02/20/2018 (Tue) 00:20:56 [Preview] No.424 del
Some things to consider:

Chaos-Esque Anthology has little things coded in over the years like:
Bullet Deceleration in Water (along with trails) (thus you can use water for cover like in real life)
Blood splatter on walls when bullets pass through players (noticed Unreal 97 had this, and Xonotic didn't, so it was coded in).
and various other little niggling details that were noticed as absent and programmed in over the years.

It also has big things like the tons of added weapons, and all the rest that has allready been mentioned.

Xonotic itself could be prone to puritanism: one of the devs wanted to strip out all the player models and replace them with only robots so it is "less violent" (don't think they did it, but it was discussed).
Chaos-Esque doesn't entertain such thoughts.

Xonotic has code churn from time to time when a dev decides to refactor everything in the "right way". Samual did this once, and later some new guys refactored the whole thing again.
Chaos-Esque does not do this. It refines the codebase it has. The machine doesn't care how asthetic ones quakec dialect appears to humans.
(Rewriting codebases for no reason can reintroduce long banished bugs).

You can think of Xonotic as american-christianity: subject to bouts of shakerism and other fads,
while Chaos-Esque Anthology is more listening to the voices of antiquity.

Chaos-Esque Anthology believes in slow, steady, methodical advancement. Like a large gear biting into whatever it is biting into.
Xonotic is more of a ... talk about things... some bouts of revolutionary change... some iconoclasm... and churn in developers.

Chaos-Esque Anthology has one developer. Who listens to no one, who no one talks to.

One of these projects makes more progress than the other.

Now, on the otherhand: Xonotic has a ... (close eyes, savor the moment, breathe in, breathe out)...
Xonotic has a Community.

You can go to Xonotic. You can approach it. You can Talk to it.
There are people you can say hey what is up, how be ist.
You can talk about new features you want, discuss enacting them, have arguments about it.

You cannot do this with Chaos-Esque. I mean, you can talk to a wall.
On the other hand, whatever feature you want in your heart... it has a good chance of simply appearing in Chaos-Esque.
The development model is: force of will. You will it. That desire is tranferred to the heart of the developer. He has the desire to suddenly implement a new feature. That feature is willed into existance.
Many people scoff at this development model saying that it lacks _Communication_, however Chaos-Esque has 185 weapons and Xonotic has 18. Many people go on the Xonotic forum, make a feature request... and unbeknonst to them Chaos-Esque has had this thing for many years (they will never know).

Note: Xonotic (and ofcourse Chaos-Esque) has a way of seperating game types. You could do ./xonotic-executable -game vanilla, and ./xonotic-chaos-esque executable -game chaos
The xonotic player info will be in ./xonotic/vanilla, and chaos' will be in the other folder.
Another-Thing-To-Note: ChaosEsque devs don't run any servers, so don't expect to see it on the server list: you have to create your own session.

You could split the difference and get the best of both worlds: talk to the xonotic people (irc.anynet.org #xonotic #qc #darkplaces , also forum: xonotic.org )
Eventually you could tell them about the gospel of chaos-like-ness. They'll ban you then or delete your thread but it would be good for a pull.

Chaos-Esque would like to have it's Own community site too, and someone to advertise the game... but the dev likes to code and not do community stuff. Perhaps someone will someday come along. If people only knew what the game offered...

lamer 02/20/2018 (Tue) 00:24:10 [Preview] No.425 del
Oh, and Chaos-Esque Anthology has a foliage system.

You don't have to place trees by hand (you can if you want), you can just set variables in the .mapinfo (mapname.mapinfo) file (suggested_foliage_blablabla) and have the game do it all for you. Just another one of those little (big) additions.

lamer 02/20/2018 (Tue) 23:54:27 [Preview] No.426 del
So, What are your thoughts, How are you feeling?

lamer 04/28/2018 (Sat) 05:22:53 [Preview] No.433 del
New version 117zw btw.
186 weaps.

Added samurai match lock.

lamer 12/31/2018 (Mon) 04:57:51 [Preview] No.454 del
Mike, how come you add so many weapons each update? How is it possible?

lamer 01/23/2019 (Wed) 13:38:40 [Preview] No.456 del
I do it full time.
For free.

lamer 01/23/2019 (Wed) 13:39:55 [Preview] No.457 del
BTW: at 200 weapons now :D

lamer 01/23/2019 (Wed) 13:42:56 [Preview] No.458 del

lamer 01/23/2019 (Wed) 13:49:19 [Preview] No.460 del
Recently did code similar to the Diablo 1 random chests and barrels, replete with traps etc. Took awhile.

You can also have monsters spawning monsters etc on death too.

Testing takes along time, to make sure one hasn't introduced bugs.

lamer 02/09/2019 (Sat) 20:08:12 [Preview] No.461 del
Modeled and added a new weapon: Ithaca Stakeout Shotgun
203 weapons now.

lamer 02/22/2019 (Fri) 04:44:16 [Preview] No.462 del
Mike, do you prefer to be referred to as MikeUSA or MikeeUSA? I always thought it was the former but then I noticed that a lot of your usernames used the latter.

Faggot gamers!!! lamer 02/27/2019 (Wed) 03:43:08 [Preview] No.463 del
(117.28 KB 280x280 untitled.png)

I want to suck you while you game lamer 02/27/2019 (Wed) 03:45:26 [Preview] No.464 del
e-mail me at dariaclawson@gmail.com. I'm 18 and a smokin hot piece of ass.

lamer 03/01/2019 (Fri) 20:35:19 [Preview] No.465 del


New version is out, 117zzzz
Has lots of LOD models for vehicles and sc_tile buildings, so can be faster.

Since computers are not getting faster due to thermal wall and electrical losses.

lamer 03/01/2019 (Fri) 20:53:55 [Preview] No.466 del

lamer 03/01/2019 (Fri) 20:59:40 [Preview] No.467 del
This map contains the following brushes:
the curved road, the grass, the sky.
And 2 entities.
(which have parameters to spawn the rest)

lamer 03/01/2019 (Fri) 21:04:07 [Preview] No.468 del
// entity 1
"classname" "spawnradial"
"origin" "0.000000 0.000000 128.000000"
"spawnradial_rads" "2"
"spawnradial_scts" "12"
"spawnradial_spawn" "foliage_beechtree"
"spawnradial_originoffset" "2056"
"spawnradial_scts_scale" "2"
"spawnradial_degrees" "180"
"spawnradial_extend" "30"
"spawnradial_rad_offset" "512"
"scale" "1"
"spawnradial_droptofloor" "1"

// entity 5
"classname" "spawnradial"
"origin" "0.000000 0.000000 1856.000000"
"spawnradial_rads" "7"
"spawnradial_scts" "6"
"spawnradial_spawn" "building_sctiles"
"spawnradial_originoffset" "3074"
"spawnradial_scts_scale" "2"
"spawnradial_degrees" "180"
"spawnradial_extend" "10"
"spawnradial_evaleachoffset" "0"
"spawnradial_rad_offset" "2048"
"spawnradial_extend_offset" "2048"
"spawnradial_add2offset" "32"
"spawnflags" "14"

lamer 03/01/2019 (Fri) 21:13:53 [Preview] No.469 del
>Mike, do you prefer to be referred to as MikeUSA or MikeeUSA? I always thought it was the former but then I noticed that a lot of your usernames used the latter.


lamer 03/01/2019 (Fri) 21:20:35 [Preview] No.470 del
What are your thoughts on the game etc?

lamer 03/20/2019 (Wed) 22:03:29 [Preview] No.471 del
Reminds me of something a quake boomer would play

lamer 03/20/2019 (Wed) 22:12:15 [Preview] No.472 del
Also it has the same art style as that one mobile game made by a tranny called revolution 60.

lamer 03/25/2019 (Mon) 03:41:43 [Preview] No.473 del
New Weapon: Streetsweeper shotgun,. Took 2 days to model. flamberge sword. Also new features: drive by shootings if you wish to enable (shooting from car etc interiors), extended mags for AK, lod models for city generator, etc.

Hi, Opposition from the "GPL is Revocable" threads. Invade my other areas and I'm going to fucking kill you if I can. I hate you faggots.

lamer 03/25/2019 (Mon) 03:44:27 [Preview] No.474 del
Note: the guy hating is a pro-women's rights feminist faggot who deserves to be tortured to death.

Notice how he talks about "playing" a game.


Who the fuck does that?
Enjoyment is from programming, modifying, making maps etc for a game.

But this faggot _PLAYS_ games as his primary interaction.

Also the shading is obviously simcity 2k moron anti-marry-cute-young-girls heretic faggot.

lamer 05/23/2019 (Thu) 09:06:46 [Preview] No.477 del
New version out.

lamer 06/02/2019 (Sun) 06:15:48 [Preview] No.478 del
What happened to all the images in this thread?

lamer 06/13/2019 (Thu) 12:53:27 [Preview] No.479 del
Endchan did an oopsie a few months back and lost all of its uploaded media across all boards.

lamer 08/14/2019 (Wed) 01:33:57 [Preview] No.480 del
Rest In Peace, Jeffery Epstein.
May you be in Heaven, with YHWH, with what you loved. What american men sought to deny you, what YHWH allows you and what American men war against the world to prevent (YHWH's Law)

lamer 08/14/2019 (Wed) 03:13:41 [Preview] No.481 del
Based. On one hand, he did nothing wrong. On the other hand, he was a jew, and I'm always glad to hear them dying.

lamer 10/22/2019 (Tue) 18:29:55 [Preview] No.498 del
Richard Matthew Stallman, the founder of the Free Software Movement (which lead to Open Source, and also the GPLing of Quake) did nothing wrong, nor are his supposed views on cute young girls wrong. Only woman-worshiping job-seeking wage-slave white men hate him because he offended the religion of theirs: the worship of MUUHHH WHOITE WUUHHMAN (BETTER A MILLSTONE), etc.

Free software was better before the wage-slave whites invaded it; when it was just BASED Slavs, Jews, And Nerds (who whites rejected). Now the whites demand that everyone worship "MUUHH WUUHHMANNNNNN" and CANCEL any proud Prophet who says: Nyet: man exists NOT to serve "MUUHH WHOITE WWWUUHHMAN": stupid white cattle. Man should rule over the cute girls clearly, as the Prophets of old did (this enrages the white cattle "MUUUUUHHHH!!!!! MILLSTONE!!!!".

lamer 10/22/2019 (Tue) 18:31:59 [Preview] No.499 del
(503.35 KB 1600x900 xoncity1.jpg)
ChaosEsqueAnthology release 117zzzzw

A new version has been released. I've been working on city generation using the spawn arrays I added. All buildings have interiors, and most have level-of-detail models.

lamer 10/22/2019 (Tue) 20:04:11 [Preview] No.500 del
Wow, you've been busy. That city looks tits!

lamer 10/28/2019 (Mon) 21:18:33 [Preview] No.501 del

It's all generated from spawnarrays I added and have been working on. The roads are "skips", but you can spawn whatever you want for any of this, and set offsets etc.

Remeber to defend Stallman. Some normal "white boys" tried, but then gave up because "pedo" https://www.lainchan.org/Ω/res/20998.html

lamer 10/28/2019 (Mon) 21:20:17 [Preview] No.502 del

It's all generated from spawnarrays I added and have been working on. The roads are "skips", but you can spawn whatever you want for any of this, and set offsets etc.

Remeber to defend Stallman. Some normal "white boys" tried, but then gave up because "pedo" https://www.lainchan.org/Ω/res/20998.html

lamer 05/15/2020 (Fri) 17:45:39 [Preview] No.507 del

lamer 05/15/2020 (Fri) 17:46:33 [Preview] No.508 del

lamer 06/23/2020 (Tue) 05:33:07 [Preview] No.509 del
Imagine being so poor that your screenshots are in 1366x768. You can't even enjoy 4k cp.

lamer 03/17/2021 (Wed) 09:38:06 [Preview] No.525 del
Chaos esque has a new release. 2 more we-pon!

Also 2nd dvd also updated

lamer 03/17/2021 (Wed) 09:39:51 [Preview] No.526 del
(501.75 KB 1280x1024 Cirno.jpg)

Child brides are the "trad wife", marrying adult whores is what you WHITE fucking PIECES OF SHIT do: including you, Russia.

The one God: YHWH: explicitly allows men to marry young girls.
Whites do not.
>> The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in
>> cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22,
>> verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia
>> (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young
>> girl (latin vulgate))
>> Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born
>Rebecca was a child, not an adult.
>Na'ar means child in ancient hebrew, not adult, and the original hebrew
>in these passages is na'ar, not na'arah. All you have to do is read the
>actual hebrew glyphs, not whatever your interlinear renders them as. You
>/pol/s are illiterate.
>>A complete Hebrew and English critical and pronouncing dictionary
>>na'ar. A lad, youth, son, a young servant, an INFANT, or NEW-BORN BABE, because just liberated from the womb. Jud. 13:17. Exod. 2:6. Gen. 24:19. 2 Sam. 13:33. \u2026\u201d (A complete Hebrew and English critical and pronouncing dictionary:>
>>Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics
>>The word naar refers to a VERY YOUNG PERSON

1 lamer 09/19/2023 (Tue) 01:59 [Preview] No.536 del

lamer 03/07/2024 (Thu) 14:17 [Preview] No.540 del
Shame no one is here, where did everyone go?

lamer 03/07/2024 (Thu) 21:36 [Preview] No.547 del
(51.02 KB 1418x144 gfdfgfdsa.png)

lamer 03/07/2024 (Thu) 21:44 [Preview] No.548 del
(138.73 KB 1404x411 hgfdsfghgfdfgh.png)

lamer 03/07/2024 (Thu) 22:02 [Preview] No.549 del
(290.79 KB 1530x899 kjhgfghjkjhgf.png)

lamer 04/15/2024 (Mon) 00:14 [Preview] No.557 del

lamer 04/15/2024 (Mon) 06:45 [Preview] No.562 del
(774.88 KB 1027x1064 os.png)

lamer 04/20/2024 (Sat) 08:56 [Preview] No.564 del
(77.29 KB 910x259 Screenshmswmstdn.png)

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 02:26 [Preview] No.578 del

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 02:27 [Preview] No.579 del

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 03:54 [Preview] No.580 del

lamer 11/15/2024 (Fri) 04:54 [Preview] No.644 del
Idea write down: for the arbitrary add models, auto check if there is lod1_ then _lod1.(harder?) (. as...), well first check lod1_... file exists, if then do the rest checks to set lod for that.

lamer 11/27/2024 (Wed) 13:10 [Preview] No.654 del
(190.64 KB 1743x1014 njhbgfdscvbcxz.png)

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:40 [Preview] No.659 del
(301.64 KB 1807x1736 DxUMzydThs1KIiLIRuM.jpg)

I just want to thank the previous posters, great work!

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:41 [Preview] No.666 del
(77.40 KB 809x718 xL4TDskVczGJ.jpg)
(81.90 KB 611x776 QSAtCEHmN.jpg)
(28.58 KB 418x333 NJxiWiVsoxlBjJo.jpg)

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:41 [Preview] No.667 del
(21.97 KB 374x316 JXl3TvX3YaGh8T.jpg)
The adage about 'linux brings old hardware back to life' is now false when it comes to games. I remember Mikee complaining about this a few years back but it's reached near full saturation at this point. Free software games have pretty much abandoned OpenGL 2 support, so any old c2d laptops are not playing any modern updates to games. OpenGL 3+ will never run on these chipsets so MESA won't try. I recently faced this fact trying to run OpenRA on an old c2d laptop for LAN purposes and was left agasp by this: https://www.openra.net/news/playtest-20200329/
> We note that OpenGL 3.2 or OpenGL ES 3 are now required. Moving away from OpenGL 2 is important for future compatibility with modern rendering APIs (Vulkan/Metal). This does unfortunately mean dropping support for some older systems (typically 10+ years old) that currently can run OpenRA, but we believe that this is a necessary tradeoff for the future.
I was then surprised trying to run a few other 2d games on this hardware, it really does seem the community are abandoning old hardware.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:41 [Preview] No.668 del
(38.49 KB 527x449 UG5m1lsW.jpg)
(402.77 KB 2155x2034 1dCTNX4tf.jpg)
(92.20 KB 1007x975 eb6C1wG0Iougtg.jpg)
> 08:03 Juhu: any thoughts on the fork? Parts of it are older than Xonotic.
> 08:04 (Ex: the first weapon I added: the pistol, and some of my maps, etc)
> 08:04 div0 used to help me with things
> 08:05 Juhu: I convinced divVerent to implement crypto in the engine, and also to implement warpzones (like in unreal and UT99), and fakelight shading, and showsurfaces 3
> 08:05 Juhu: I paid him too. My whole paycheque many times back then.
> 08:06 Juhu: so these fucking people they pretend I contributed nothing: when I actually both inspired development and paid for it
> 08:06 /before/ I even got good at it myself
> 08:07 Juhu: so these fucking people they laugh at me, they spit at me: while they use features I paid to have written

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:42 [Preview] No.673 del
(52.92 KB 608x640 Uqtgmn4KAs.jpg)

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:43 [Preview] No.677 del

What we have here is
1) A rule change
2) Additional Writings being Published regarding the new terms.
3) An enforcement action following the new terms.
4) The effect seen from the licensee: which is to bar them from development of a formally-GPL Property.
5) Expressions that pedophiles are not wanted to edit the code base.
6) And that Policy being put into effect and it having the desired outcome.

[Note: The original author and copyright owner to both DarkPlaces C code and the Xonotic QC code is John Carmack, ID software. Both DarkPlaces and Xonotic QuakeC code are derivative of Quake1 C and QuakeC code. Regardless of how many times they were "rewritten". Even a rewritten section is a derivative work of the original. Quake1 was released as GPL without developer restrictions of any kind, and without any additional stipulations or sections]


> 6. Anyone who identifies as a pedophile, or who openly advocates for child sexual abuse, whether in, around, or outside of the community, regardless of the time it occurred, will be permanently banned from the DarkPlaces community without appeal.
> DarkPlaces engine is an advanced Quake 1 engine, developed by @LadyHavoc, implementing modern rendering features and extensions to its programming language QuakeC, allowing the development of more advanced games than what the original 1996 engine allowed.

> In the interest of protecting the community, not only any potential minors, but also its developers and other staff from the unforgiving Internet mob, MirceaKitsune, following the precedent set by Wikipedia, must be removed from the community permanently, without any chance to appeal. While I'm not a fan of cancel culture myself, I draw a firm, strict line at pedophilia and advocacy of it in any form, and we must not associate with anyone who identifies as a pedophile, or who has advocated for the sexual abuse of children, at any point in time, anywhere.
> --Cloudwalk
> I'm not okay with someone even indirectly involved in this project that has advocated pedophilia.
> --Antibody

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