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(268.15 KB 1600x900 STK-1.0-ravenbridge.jpg)
STK 1.0! lamer 04/27/2019 (Sat) 19:21:32 [Preview] No. 475
So STK finally went 1.0 and has brought some really solid multiplayer!

The networking implementation has been a very big and ambitious task, which took even longer than the port from PLIB (anyone remember that?) to Irrlicht in 2010, which took around 14 months. But it is done: more than 20,000 lines of network related code and 18 months later, we have reached our goal, and online play is a reality. Across the whole game, more than 2500 commits and 300 resolved issues separate the 1.0 release from 0.9.3.

So get fucking playing already!

lamer 05/03/2019 (Fri) 18:32:57 [Preview] No.476 del
Cocoa temple is fucking nuts. That got WAY harder since last version.

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