/lv/ - Libre Vidya

video games in freedom

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(368.90 KB 3000x1688 be free or die.jpg)
lamer 08/28/2019 (Wed) 09:08:40 [Preview] No. 484
It's survived the migration but the thumbs have gone. At least the banners made it.

/lv, going strong since 2014

lamer 08/30/2019 (Fri) 17:49:29 [Preview] No.492 del
(74.58 KB 640x272 niceonedude.jpg)
Not sure what that dude is about, but you have meme'd him with gusto. Here's to ya.

lamer 08/31/2019 (Sat) 10:17:21 [Preview] No.493 del
(491.52 KB 492x661 rms-fu.png)
(78.34 KB 624x525 stallman_disgusted.jpg)
(1.49 MB 690x1600 GNU legacy.png)
(774.73 KB 500x500 freedom_stallman.gif)
Have some more.

lamer 09/27/2019 (Fri) 11:30:07 [Preview] No.495 del
(259.73 KB 462x400 arch.png)

lamer 10/08/2019 (Tue) 19:45:37 [Preview] No.496 del
(10.89 KB 474x239 BadGrrrlz.jpeg)
>Not having any idea who that dude is
Needs carrots stat!

lamer 10/08/2019 (Tue) 20:23:28 [Preview] No.497 del
(75.72 KB 640x272 palpatation.jpg)
Oh so carrot girl at endchan is a MIT fanboi?

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