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(47.20 KB 500x215 OpenGL_500-500x215.png)
A big 'fuck you' to OpenGL2 lamer 01/16/2021 (Sat) 10:02:27 [Preview] No. 514
The adage about 'linux brings old hardware back to life' is now false when it comes to games. I remember Mikee complaining about this a few years back but it's reached near full saturation at this point. Free software games have pretty much abandoned OpenGL 2 support, so any old c2d laptops are not playing any modern updates to games. OpenGL 3+ will never run on these chipsets so MESA won't try. I recently faced this fact trying to run OpenRA on an old c2d laptop for LAN purposes and was left agasp by this: https://www.openra.net/news/playtest-20200329/
>We note that OpenGL 3.2 or OpenGL ES 3 are now required. Moving away from OpenGL 2 is important for future compatibility with modern rendering APIs (Vulkan/Metal). This does unfortunately mean dropping support for some older systems (typically 10+ years old) that currently can run OpenRA, but we believe that this is a necessary tradeoff for the future.
I was then surprised trying to run a few other 2d games on this hardware, it really does seem the community are abandoning old hardware.
Edited last time by lordlibrevidya on 01/16/2021 (Sat) 11:57:12.

lamer 01/19/2021 (Tue) 10:44:19 [Preview] No.515 del
Well, i found a fix worked in for OpenRA whilst searching github comments. It's a command line option
OpenRA-*.AppImage Graphics.DisableLegacyGL=False

lamer 02/16/2021 (Tue) 01:36:49 [Preview] No.516 del
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It's worse than you think. They're forcing the OpenGL into games (and also emulators) that don't need it and used to run fine with just software rendering on computers from 20 years ago.
Here's just one example. This version runs great on my slow armv7 board that boots /dev/fb0 at 640x480, without the proprietary Mali GPU driver.
So anyway, now I archive old versions of the games and emulators I like, and ignore all the new ones.

lamer 03/11/2021 (Thu) 05:54:56 [Preview] No.518 del
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ChaosEsque uses a version of the Darkplaces engine forked 10 years ago (right before they broke rendering on old intel integrated GPUs). It ports over some features from time to time.

Additionally we did some more intensive hacking on the engine and extended the 32k entity limit to a new maximum of 4 million networkable entities. We had requested this before but were told that "it's too hard to change all the darkplaces internals to support this". It wasn't too hard for us. It did take 3 weeks of investigation and tracing of the uncommented code.

Our version also retains "LordHavoc"s actual given name: Forest Hale, in the credits. Not his new "sawn-off-dick-and-balls-one-year-after-joining-google" (ashley rose 'LadyHavoc' Hale). As our fork predates any of that.

Additionally: our fork of Xonotic predates Xonotic itself: the rcal pistol and various other changes were from the Nexuiz days. We also are the ones who campaigned for Nexuiz to be forked in the first place (since LordHavoc was CHOPPING off weapons from the game): So yes: we are responsible for all of it to begin with.

lamer 03/11/2021 (Thu) 06:33:11 [Preview] No.519 del
FTE dev was mad

<eukara> really getting desperate using a russian proxy, why even bother posting when nobody wants to hear what you have to say?
><eukara> you end up banned. every. single. time.
><starsomething> I've never been banned
><starsomething> anyway I did what you couldn't or wouldn't
><starsomething> 4 million ents in DP
><eukara> you're fucked in the head, right?
><starsomething> suck on it faggot dick chopping-supporter
><starsomething> nope
><eukara> clearly
><starsomething> I'm a licensed attorney.
><starsomething> what are you?
><eukara> prove it
><eukara> you're making a lot of assumptions about others being inferior to you, when you do not know them and you're clearly an egolomaniac
><eukara> but you could never exercise power over another adult, that's why you target kids
><eukara> you disgusting prick
><eukara> you're just as simple to figure out as any other insane person.
><eukara> and clearly you're not a good attorney, because why else have so much time on your hands modding Nexuiz of all things.
><eukara> like wow, no life confirmed!
><starsomething> eukara: I'm not like you: I don't have to work.
><starsomething> I just do my hobbies
><eukara> because you don't have work.
><eukara> you're a fake.
><eukara> you have accomplished nothing.
><starsomething> 4 million entities says otherwise.
><eukara> not a single person knows or cares that you exist.
><starsomething> and my marble floors say otherwise :)
><eukara> you don't put your real name out, people won't remember your alts.
><starsomething> the purpose to do the thing is the thing itself.
><eukara> so 'doing your hobbies' 'not having to work' is worth bragging about, when it's clear you're not doing any goodwill

><eukara> no one cares about 4 million entities in Darkplaces. Nobody sane would ever need that many visible entities.
><eukara> that's unplayable over the network.
><eukara> but you don't care about that. in your little head you think you've figured it all out.
><eukara> and I'm wrong.
><eukara> funnily enough, you used my code from FTE to make this work. So no, you're a talentless, worthless hack.
><eukara> go away.
><eukara> Be a Narcissist in your own 4 walls.
><starsomething> ill be with you in a moment

<starsomething> ill be with you in a moment
><starsomething> Glad your mad I used your algo :)
><starsomething> pound that sand boy!
><eukara> it just proves you have no talent.
><starsomething> you can even revoke the license to use it and sue me :)

lamer 03/11/2021 (Thu) 13:35:12 [Preview] No.522 del
>08:03 < attributes> Juhu: any thoughts on the fork? Parts of it are older than Xonotic.
>08:04 < attributes> (Ex: the first weapon I added: the pistol, and some of my maps, etc)
>08:04 < attributes> div0 used to help me with things
>08:05 < attributes> Juhu: I convinced divVerent to implement crypto in the engine, and also to implement warpzones (like in unreal and UT99), and fakelight shading, and showsurfaces 3
>08:05 < attributes> Juhu: I paid him too. My whole paycheque many times back then.
>08:06 < attributes> Juhu: so these fucking people they pretend I contributed nothing: when I actually both inspired development and paid for it
>08:06 < attributes> /before/ I even got good at it myself
>08:07 < attributes> Juhu: so these fucking people they laugh at me, they spit at me: while they use features I paid to have written

lamer 11/22/2024 (Fri) 13:47 [Preview] No.651 del
OP where did you go?

lamer 01/14/2025 (Tue) 10:50 [Preview] No.657 del
how are you

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:40 [Preview] No.662 del
A tor dev attacked the opensource game

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:42 [Preview] No.672 del
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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:44 [Preview] No.679 del
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> OpenTTD
A remake of Transport Tycoon Deluxe. Lets you build enormous labyrinthine rail networks. Can be addictive.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:44 [Preview] No.680 del
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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:45 [Preview] No.684 del
> The additional writings thing only works as an appendix to the GPL.
> Their new rule applies to their collaboration infrastructure and those have their own separate contract that govern them.

A court doesn't take as a given that the only terms affecting a Work is License.txt. They don't operate like a program. These extra rules are in writing and presented to anyone looking at the code (they're presented up front).

They explicitly state the opinion of the copyright holders to exclude paedophiles and anti-feminists.
A court could certainly see that as part of the licensing regime.

They are additional writings governing the disposition of the Work.
Yes they are a license(permission). Yes they are in addition to the GPL. Yes the copyright holders can do that.
(even if it would violate the copyright of the work from which some of the project was derived: it's up to the original copyright holder to enforce his original terms against the down-the-line licensee) (the california case challenging this hasn't made it through the courts yet (suggesting 3rd party benificiary standing (under a contract theory of copyright (where an actual good was purchased for sale))))

It is made clear that paedophiles and anti-feminists are NOT permitted to engage with the Linux Kernel, with Xonotic, with Darkplaces, with anything in the opensource world. That rule is actively enforced.

And that is underscored with Kitsune being summerly banned.
Yes this is a licensing change.
And yes it can go beyond "merely" being banned for "the community".
Xonotic and Darkplaces could go to court, should Kitsune continue development, and explain to the court that they do not want Kitsune to have access to their Works.
The Court can then read ALL the wrightings associated with the Work, and come to the conclusion that the no-pedophiles clause is binding. Just because it is not in License.txt is not dispositive.

Additionally: kitsune has no consideration vs Xonotic and Darkplaces: so whatever license he had: isn't worth anything. It can be revoked. And the court could note that it, constructively, has been.

Think of Constructive Eviction, and Constructive Dismissal.

Additionally, both in Xonotic's case, and in Darkplaces, some of the copyright holders evinced that they did not desire paedophiles (such as Kitsune in their mind) to have anything to do with what they were doing at all: and to not be allowed to be associated with their Works at all. That's a license revocation: once they voted on it and acted upon it.

Which they did.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:45 [Preview] No.686 del
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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:45 [Preview] No.690 del
It's worse than you think. They're forcing the OpenGL into games (and also emulators) that don't need it and used to run fine with just software rendering on computers from 20 years ago.
Here's just one example. This version runs great on my slow armv7 board that boots /dev/fb0 at 640x480, without the proprietary Mali GPU driver.
So anyway, now I archive old versions of the games and emulators I like, and ignore all the new ones.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:46 [Preview] No.691 del
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